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B-12 questions.


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A friend in his mid-60's who is a former physician gives himself regular shots of vitamin B-12 and is recommending I consider using it as well.

A search on this forum revealed that quite a few members use B-12, but little discussion of the pro's and con's.

I'm 72, in generally good health but I tend to get a lot of respiratory infections. My friend feels B-12 would bolster my immune system and perhaps lessen the frequency of the colds.

So, as a general question, what do those of you who use it feel you get out of it? Does it seem to enhance your energy levels, libido or mental acuity? Do you feel it reinforces your immune system and that you get fewer illnesses such as colds and allergic reactions? Do you seem to have less general aches and pains than before you began to use it.

Is there a downside? Are there any side effects or negative issues you notice? What are the risks of B-12?

Also: Oral Vs. Injectable? Pro's & con's of each? Are injectables more effective over a longer term?

Anybody who formerly used B-12 and stopped for whatever reason? It would be interesting to know why you stopped and what the result was of stopping.

Thanks in advance.

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If you're not a vegan or vegetarian, you probably will already get enough B-12 from animal fats in your diet. If you're concerned about needing supplemental B-12, you might consider getting a blood test which would indicate any deficiency. Surplus B-12 would only be excreted in your urine.

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Really an old school thing. Most Docs these days dont give them to there patients. B vitamins are water soluble anyways. My advice take a decent multi vit and two grams of vit c every other day.

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I used to get one every Friday, they're great. More energy, you feel healthier. It's a good pick me up. Try it a few times, there's no downside to them except maybe the costt.

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The 'pros and cons' of supplementary B12 will depend on the user and why / if they actually need it. Everyone is different.

B12 remains a complicated and not well understood vitamin. Its availability in the foods we eat today is probably far less than what we ate 50 or 60 years ago.

I am 69, a vegetarian ( means different things these days and in different countries ) from 1970 ( from choice ) and now for many years a vegan ( I eat no animal products other than honey ).

I was a big meat eater in my youth as I was a competitive swimmer and surfer.

Please note that I have worked in farming since I was 15 so perhaps you may view me as a hypocrite, farming is what I know and at least I can teach compassion in my role as a consultant.

You could boost your immune system by having a good and varied diet and, if concerned about B12 this is best obtained by eating fish, shell fish, meat, milk, pulses ( lentils / beans ).

I would suggest you first have a blood test to check your levels of B12, perhaps this will put your mind at rest, however, the test is often considered unreliable.

If you are advised to increase your intake look at your diet, I eat a sensible diet for my age and activity which is low fat, high fibre, low sugar. I am not a food freak, if you exclude my veganism,

I eat when hungry.

I eat what my body tells me I need i.e. something spicy like somtam, something sweet perhaps kanom jai ( vegen sweet from market ), something oily like rice and fried vegetable / tofu.

Honey does not contain B12 and most plants have none, very low or a form that cannot be utilized by the body.

A shot in the arm of B12 can work, just as B6 for diarrhea. If you are considering a dietary supplement then perhaps B Complex might be better.

For colds, depending on when you are aware of a cold starting. In my work I flew multiple times per year to many different countries, before a flight I would take one High C tablet ( 500mg ). If on a long bus journey, especially in Thailand I do the same. Local buses, in the rainy season or flu season I have done the same. There is a warning 'smell' in the nose ( also sniffles ) that tells you you have a cold coming - take one High C tablet.

My body responds rapidly to different environments, foods, medicines ( chemical or natural ). I have multiple allergies including all antibiotics. So, I must listen to my body.

I take no regular vitamin supplements. I have tried B12 at my doctors recommendation; ( all clinics etc in the past and still today say "Oh you are a vegetarian / vegan so you must be short on B12 )", yes that may be but what about other possible reasons for my symptoms ?

I have tried B12 before ( there are now non-animal source tablets available ), the side effects for me within a very short time were diarrhea, headache, exhaustion, muscle weakness. I stopped B12 and symptoms stopped. Many years ago I tried for a few weeks, there were no noticeable benefits and if anything I felt worse.

My hypersensitivity may be my vegetarian / vegan diet for so many years, no one can explain. I can offer one possible alternative to help you with regular colds. In 2012 I suffered my first TIA's although I did not know at the time what they were. It was also complicated by acute and allergic bronchitis In hospital and unable to take any form of antibiotic. I was constantly in rigor and could not breathe, also I was fighting against a breathing tube being forced in my mouth. The doctors finally gave up trying to treat. A friend who was with me asked if she could try urine therapy, the doctors agreed, drops of urine were placed in my nose, eyes, mouth and ears. Within minutes my breathing stabilized, within a few hours my lung infection was clearing up. Since that time I have used urine for lung infection, inner ear infection, as a replacement for anti infection medicines for minor surgery, neuralgia - it always worked. My next step is to use when my next TIA occurs ( I have had more than 30 to date ).

I am not saying that urine therapy is the best just that it works for me.

I am sure you will receive many replies and much advice / suggestions to your questions. It is an interesting subject as we see more and more incidences of MAL - nutrition, especially in children.

Good luck and take care.

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My father had pernicious anaemia so he had monthly shots. His doc said to me that it is genetic and I should get checked. A lot of people have it and dont know. It is very dangerous. I got checked and was told that I am OK (BKK Bumrumgrad). I dont have any symptoms like numb fingers etc... so not worrying. If you have PA, pills dont work you need shots. If you dont have PA and you eat lots of meat then I wouldnt worry. If you have any of the symptoms of B12 deficiency you need to get it checked out. I read somewhere that cancer loved B12 so I wouldnt overdo it. My father died of Cancer at 73.

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It appears that you can enjoy all the benefits of supplementary B12 by ingesting small amounts of cobalt, such as (in the form of) cobalt nitrate.

Australian racehorse trainers have recently been prosecuted for this practice (not on animal welfare grounds).

Pernicious anaemia is... pernicious. As a former vet/doctor-dog, I heartily endorse investigating your B12 level and supplementing if appropriate. AA

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Not sure if this will help the OP.

I have taken Berocca for many years 40 plus years.

I dont take one every day but when Im feeling tired or run down I take one

and it seems to give me a pick up.

They have all the vitamin B + Vitamin C + Biotin, + Folic acid + Calcium + Magnesium + Zinc.

I buy them at my local pharmacy for 165B for 15 tabs.


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My brother in Australia has been a professional horse trainer for 40 years and won many big races.When I am feeling I bit jaded he gets the bag out and gives me one in the buttock.Believe me they work.He gave me a few when I went to Australia.I took them home and raced Cookie Boy from the Lek Villa around the block.I beat him by 100 metes.He was 38 I was 62

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