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Bus crash kills three and injures 40 in Singburi


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Chiang rai to Trat ?! jeez thats about 10 hrs i recon , why oh why not fly ?

Because Uncle Somchai own's a part of the bus company?

In seriousness; RIP the deceased, and speedy recovery to all those injured. Doesn't seem the last crackdown on double decker buses and their drivers worked...

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When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

Police to strictly enforce the laws.

Thankfully you have no influence within the Thai government.

I have to put up with all that crap whenever I go home.

What happened to personal choice.

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When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

Police to strictly enforce the laws.

Seat belts would not help the 87% of all road deaths on motorcycles as to my knowledge motor cycles do not have seat belts.

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When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

Police to strictly enforce the laws.

Do you live in Thailand or Nannytown?

Hahaha.... but if you say nothing, then you accept mediocrity & nothing will change!

Perhaps, that's what you're accustomed to.

How about making some positive suggestion, instead of just knocking!

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When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

Police to strictly enforce the laws.

They need to sort out the farangs first as that is most important and is why its always actioned...

Sorry, don't understand your comment... what do farangs have to do w/ creating Thai road safety measures, apart from being small number of road users?

His comment doesn't have to make sense, this is TV, are you new here?

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When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

Police to strictly enforce the laws.


I was unfortunate enough to have to take a few minivan rides a couple of weeks back, when I put my seat belt on the rest of the passengers looked at me like I had two heads, they got a good giggle out of it, crazy farang!

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When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

Police to strictly enforce the laws.

Agree about the gov needing to get serious about taking action but it won't happen. Not important enough. Has nothing to do with seat belts. It has everything to do with under paid and over worked drivers who simply don't care, are incompetent or who are in such a hurry that logic goes out the window (i.e. trying to pass a a trailer on a curve or right before an intersection). What they need to do is focus on driver training and safety. Hire better drivers even if they have to increase ticket prices. I don't take a bus anywhere much as I'd rather fly but as a lot of people have mentioned, I'll never travel via bus at night for ANY reason. Just not worth it. RIP to the deceased. These and thousands of lives could have been easily prevented. Welcome to LOS.

Agree, with most of what you said, only point would disagree is in respect of seat belts.

Research in US, UK & AUS, proved seat belts prevent a person being thrown around or out of vehicle in a collision,hence reduces risk of fatalities & life threatening injuries.

It's the reason why, in majority of Western countries, seat belts are now compulsory in all, or at least majority of vehicle. Certainly driver education, enforcement, etc, also add to reducing unacceptable road tolls.

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When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

Police to strictly enforce the laws.

Seat belts would not help the 87% of all road deaths on motorcycles as to my knowledge motor cycles do not have seat belts.

Wasn't referring to motor cycles, simply the issue as reported re: the bus .

Motor cycles are a major problem & needs to have safety laws in respect of their use.

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When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

Police to strictly enforce the laws.

Do you live in Thailand or Nannytown?

I think he's probably a government bureaucrat or related by ideology to the Great Nanny, Michael "Big Gulp"Bloomberg.

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When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

Police to strictly enforce the laws.


I was unfortunate enough to have to take a few minivan rides a couple of weeks back, when I put my seat belt on the rest of the passengers looked at me like I had two heads, they got a good giggle out of it, crazy farang!

yes, had similar situ & it's why education advertising program is needed to push the message of seat belt use.

Also, need programs in schools, (primary & secondary) to educate youngster on need for road safety.

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When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

Police to strictly enforce the laws.

Do you live in Thailand or Nannytown?

I think he's probably a government bureaucrat or related by ideology to the Great Nanny, Michael "Big Gulp"Bloomberg.

If you had a loved one die in your arms as a result of road incident, you might understand the issue more clearly & want change.

Instead of just wise cracking!!

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This is why I never take night busses in Thailand as you dont know if the driver had any rest during the day

they dont give a s**t about the lives they are responsible for when they take this job.

Edited by Canuk23
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Yet another great example of why the stated decision to remove them should be executed with prejudice and on timelines sooner than previously stated. I've heard about the operators' "lobby" (bribes) to get the decision reversed. Don't let it happen this time, Please.

I see them daily, blasting music from exterior loudspeakers..., drivers driving recklessly. The tilt test isn't enough...., take them off the roads 100%, PERIOD.

Sorry for the operator companies but had they kept higher standards for both drivers and vehicle care instead of pocketing all the cash...,

You all blew it. Ain't Karma a B&^% !??

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I just can't believe some of the heartless posts on this thread.

3 people have died and 40 injured - that is no joking matter.

Sure it's a tragedy that could probably have been prevented but to make jokes about it????

Think about the number of family members who will be affected by this.

Pain and suffering if the victims, loss of earnings etc.

I think you misunderstand. Most posters include their feelings when they refer to 'becoming number 1' and 'when is something going to be done about it.' On the other hand if these people choose to drive without due care in the black of night then quite honestly they don't deserve sympathy. And if passengers felt something odd was going on they could have walked down the isle to investigate although hazardous in itself.

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When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

Police to strictly enforce the laws.

I agree with you 100% but you are joking the government helping the thai people when it comes to road safety no way it will not happen.

And do thing thai people will stop getting in the back of Utes no way can't be stop now .

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When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

Police to strictly enforce the laws.


I was unfortunate enough to have to take a few minivan rides a couple of weeks back, when I put my seat belt on the rest of the passengers looked at me like I had two heads, they got a good giggle out of it, crazy farang!

Yes, had similar experience & used it to demonstrate difference of being with or w/o seat belt.

The other passengers got the message & buckled up. When stopped, showed driver what can happen by pushing his head towards screen. He got the idea!!

Small instance, but hopefully made a difference for a few people... who knows??

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I just can't believe some of the heartless posts on this thread.

3 people have died and 40 injured - that is no joking matter.

Sure it's a tragedy that could probably have been prevented but to make jokes about it????

Think about the number of family members who will be affected by this.

Pain and suffering if the victims, loss of earnings etc.

I think you misunderstand. Most posters include their feelings when they refer to 'becoming number 1' and 'when is something going to be done about it.' On the other hand if these people choose to drive without due care in the black of night then quite honestly they don't deserve sympathy. And if passengers felt something odd was going on they could have walked down the isle to investigate although hazardous in itself.

I don't understand you at all.

You say:- 'becoming number 1' and 'when is something going to be done about it.'

Then please read all the other posts like these:-

let me guess the Anti-collision software failed (his brain)

The bus lost control, ploughed into the ditch in between the incoming and outgoing lanes and rammed at a bug tree in the ditch.

Thats it! it was the bus's fault. looks like the bus got what was coming to it. Too bad the driver and a couple of passengers died too.

I suggest the Junta order that more responsible buses should be purchased in future.

Who are you referring to:- "if these people choose to drive without due care in the black of night then quite honestly they don't deserve sympathy."

Do you really think that:- "if passengers felt something odd was going on they could have walked down the isle to investigate"

is a good strategy?

Never converse with the driver of a public vehicle. I see that sign in many different countries.

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When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

Police to strictly enforce the laws.

Do you live in Thailand or Nannytown?

Guess you haven't had any family or friends dead or injured in road accidents in Thailand?

"Nannytown" my ass! Idiot comment. Something wrong with trying to reduce road trauma? You had better hope you're not on the receiving end one day!

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When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

Police to strictly enforce the laws.

They need to sort out the farangs first as that is most important and is why its always actioned...

Sorry, don't understand your comment... what do farangs have to do w/ creating Thai road safety measures, apart from being small number of road users?

His comment doesn't have to make sense, this is TV, are you new here?

Really.....guess no point trying to have reasonable discussion. Is TV only meant for mindless baffoons?
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When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about taking action to reduce the horrendous road toll??

As a first step, the installation & wearing of seat belts should compulsory in all vehicles, failure to wear a seat belt should incur heavy fine.

Unrestrained travel in utes,van buses, SUV etc should be banned.

Police to strictly enforce the laws.

They need to sort out the farangs first as that is most important and is why its always actioned...

Sorry, don't understand your comment... what do farangs have to do w/ creating Thai road safety measures, apart from being small number of road users?

His comment doesn't have to make sense, this is TV, are you new here?

Really.....guess no point trying to have reasonable discussion. Is TV only meant for mindless baffoons?
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So sad...But i can smell a crackdown on busdrivers coming.

Enforced for a whole day, if that.

That's always the problem, there is zero enforcement here unless it's about scooter helmets. Quick cash is the name of the game in the land of road carnage.

Exactly---- it is not a matter of having a law it is ENFORCEMENT of it.Just one example of it---------- I pulled up behind 2 cars at a red light.While waiting for the green a copper in uniform pulled up alongside.Then came 2 m/bikes with 6 youngsters (3 on each) then 2 more with 2 on each.one thats 10 young people and nobody had a helmet!!!!! The copper had no interest whatsoever. I do not understand the mentality of either the people breaking the law or the Cops.All the 10 kids could see the cop but not worried about overtaking him so he could plainly see them ,If it's a question of money then he had in front of him 10 multiplied by 300bt(?)=3000bt----- for 5mins work!!!!! How much can they earn in a pack of say 6-8 of them setting up a barrier for a couple of hours????? The kids know when they are safe and that is the BIG problem.All police are on duty for the whole of their shift not just when they are manning a <deleted> roadblock!!!!!bah.gif

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His comment doesn't have to make sense, this is TV, are you new here?

Really.....guess no point trying to have reasonable discussion. Is TV only meant for mindless baffoons?


Yep, pretty much. I'm guessing most are retired and have nothing else to do with their time.

Edited by CoreanoOzzie
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