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American Man Beaten To Death In Pattaya


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pepe & john b good have broached on a subject that deserves a new topic. How about 'is thailand in danger from the spread of islam - discuss from any perspective'.

Anyway yes, there does seem to be a hidden agenda starting to surface.

With regard to the man dying in gaol, all condolences to his family. We will probably never know the true answers.

I have found embassies do help if approached for advice. However, if demands are made help will be painfully slow. Just imagine how you would feel when somebody thumps your table making demands. Make them feel good and they will bend over backwards (well, maybe not literally) to help.

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remember where you are. this is thailand. you chose to live here. you are a guest here.

I have a few friends who work at the swiss embassy. they are helping where they can. they will help with emergency money, legal assistance. also they will help to contact one of your loved ones.

however the money is not given away, you are obliged to pay it back to the government at some time.

however they are not paying any overstay fines.

as for the unfortunate american. I think he was picked up or checked for some reason. his visa expired april 9th (according to the nation article). I do not think they would arrest him for a 3 or 4 day overstay. now this would be worrysome.

anyway, gents, try not to overstay.

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as for the unfortunate american. I think he was picked up or checked for some reason. his visa expired april 9th (according to the nation article). I do not think they would arrest him for a 3 or 4 day overstay. now this would be worrysome.

anyway, gents, try not to overstay.

You are very likely to be arrested as soon as you are on any ammount of overstay, i knew a guy that was one day overstay and ended up in Jail, paying an overstay fine at the airport is ok, just make sure that you are not asked for your passport before you get there.

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Hmmmm, I wonder if this other dude I saw up on the boardwalk being arrested recently while I was in the cab having his passport taken away and cuffs put on him likewise is related?????

Just seeing this does give you the willies, cause he was with his family from my eyes perspective.

Oh, yea I got pinched today for having one wheel on the white triangle while changing lanes. Chocolate boy asked for a 1K Baht then I squawked like a chicken, and changed it to a 300 baht tea party and gave me back my precious picture, and told me to hit the pedal which I did. Fancy of him to be sneaky with me cause he did a few things in the interim which I dare not mention here. Of course Tiger was with me, and she literally pissed on his shirt sleeve as he played with her!!!!!!!!! I simply chuckled quietly while he smelled nice and fresh, as we all shall say.

Anyway thats all folks.

Your honorable member as always.

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this story has just been on pattaya city news about 30 seconds ago.

the story is he got into a fight with another prisoner and died.

i feel sorry for the guy but he looked a of a pisshead and they claimed that he went bezerk in the prison and started attacking other inmates.

(before you start on me, i know that looking like a pisshead does'nt warrent being killed) the guys visable injuries were minimal.

maybe he's a typicle example of the complete idiots that you get here in pattaya,



AND... the other prisoner, for beating a man to death, got what????

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If you really get in trouble you could try the Canadians - they ARE good.

Now <deleted> is this???

Do you think this is like shopping at K-Mart or something? :o

If you get in trouble because you were too stupid or drunk to behave properly in a foreign country then suffer the consequences. Deal with your OWN embassy.

The Canadian embassy or any other embassy may be good but other people with simple problems as a lost passport or some other minor thing would then have to be shoved aside for some idiot???

I ended up staying an extra month here last year after my passport disappeared but did not even dare take a chance to mess around with overstay.

It is sad that this young guy ended up at the morgue but how did he really find his way there?

I do not think that young people really know how strict the law is in this country and how severe the penalties are if you missbehave or overstay, I think it is encumbant on every country to warn their citizens that if you come to thailand and dont behave then you could land yourself in big big trouble, it a'int Ibiza, Spain or Greece, I am always ensure that i play everything by Thai rules and keep my nose spotlessly clean, as i know that if I get into trouble i will be on my own and having read "The Damage Done" as many of us have it has made me twice as wary.

Maybee a free copy should be handed to every young tourist when they get on the plane to LOS, then perhaps these senseless wastes of young lives could be avoided

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Ibiza, Spain or Greece,

Have they moved Ibiza?As I always thought it was part of Spain.

As for Greece, they are getting fed up with drunken yobs (and sorry to say mostly from the U.K.) As a rep from ,yes you guessed it,Club 18 -30 got free room and board in a Greek nick for doing a strip on a bar.

Why should these morons be given a book when they get on a plane so they will know how to behave when they get here?

Might have been a good idea to have given it to them whilst they were still at school in their own country providing of course they can read.

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Instead of moaning about your rights, try to get it into your heads that you have responsibilities.

If you get pissed off your head in a foreign country and do something stupid, you should be prepared to face the consequences. Otherwise don't get pissed and do something stupid. For F's sake, otherwise just don't leave home. It is SO simple.

Almost all Western embassies have been forced to limit their previously generous services because of the increased workload imposed by mass tourism, as described by the British embassy.

Embassy employees are not trained to be kindergarten teachers for 40-year-olds with 3-year old mental capabilities.

How tired would you be of every single working day having to deal with hungover beer-yobs having lost their passports, getting robbed after buying sex, getting beaten for thinking it is fun to slander Thailand or the Thais or picking a fight with someone over nothing and discovering just how effective Thai boxing can be... or whatever utterly stupid things people get up around the sewers disguised as beaches south of the Mighty Smog??

Sorry. No sympathy from the Sweetball unless maltreated to the extreme. Get real. This is after all not a playground for Westerners, it's their country.

Soap-box, please.

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Embassy employees are not trained to be kindergarten teachers for 40-year-olds with 3-year old mental capabilities.

I don't know about that in my opinion the public school tossers at the British embassy are not trained at all, full stop,and whatever they get paid it's too much.

Unless they are trained to be experts at upsetting people I think some of us are forgetting that these people are still civil servants even though they are here.

I can't speak for others but I help pay their salaries through my taxes so I expect a bit of civility from this bunch of useless individuals.

A tip for them to reduce queues, open the gates at a reasonable time and work a bit harder.

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I don't know about the British embassy as I've never been there, but I know that all the people at the counters of the visa section of the Swedish embassy get paid according to local standards.

That translates as between 20 000 and 60 000 baht per month, with around 30 000 being the norm. Not a whole lot for working in Bangkok, is it, considering the onslaught of people they have coming in every day?

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I am wondering how many Farang press turn up for something like this.

Some people that can converse. Get discussed by business clubs ?

Getting into a fight could be a convenient excuse.

Think this was an immigration jail, was it not ?

This guy was only an overstay, geez.

So sometimes wrong place and wrong time can see a situation degrade to the extraordinary, but most comments on this thread are apathetic, unquestioning.

Anybody sure what happened ?

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maybe no one will ever know.

the story is that he went crazy in the jail, panic attack maybe? and the other inmates shut him up so to speak.

there was talk why did'nt the police hear anything, but who knows.

all that can be said is that its a terrible waste and finally,


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  • 4 years later...


Pattaya Jail:

This is the first prisoner murdered since Felix Hartman in November 2002.

If the next of kin of the late Mr Dunn need help, call me, Chris Hill, HelpLine - 061-451-583.

American Embassy: U.S. Citizen Services.

Of all the foreign embassies based in Thailand, including the Arab, Iranian, Russian embassies (and HelpLine deals with them all) Americans in trouble are warned that USCS refuses to give them any assistance in Pattaya and compared to other Diplomatic Missions - nearly none in Bangkok.

I have found them consistently uncaring, breathtakingly slothful, arrogant.

Americans in trouble are advised to notify the Embassy - but for anything to be done, contact your local congressman or State Senator. Let them know that you have been advised the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok is actively unhelpful.

If you really get in trouble you could try the Canadians - they ARE good.

Yours aye,

Chris Hill

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The most fun one can have with these old news postings is calculating the ratio of banned posters from those posting on the first page. ;D

You are right.....lots of banned people :o ....maybe we are all heading that way, tis only a matter of time :D

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The most fun one can have with these old news postings is calculating the ratio of banned posters from those posting on the first page. ;D

:o when I got to the 3rd one in a row.... I was wondering exactly the same thing.









nam kao


I do remember this thread as it occurred very shortly after I joined. ... I guess the list also showed me there's not many still current posters left from then.

but geez.... that kevinN took the cake. :D He's not missed in the slightest.

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It aint no joke..........

The facts are "there is no justice in the realm" When you can walk into a pub and blow a policemans brains out and be witnessed by around thirty something persons as in the case of out beloved Duangchalerm and then walk away with a Baht 1,000.00 fine for some obscure offence what chance can an expat particularly a caucasian one reasonable expect to have.

Speaking of the above case the forum has been mysteriously quiet on that one. !!??

I have read that he is now an influential politician. What did you expect?

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I have seen farangs get away with things here in Thailand that they would have gone to jail for in their own country.

As for overstaying your visa, there's not of a defense for that. I don't blame any foreign embassy for having the hands off approach.

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The most fun one can have with these old news postings is calculating the ratio of banned posters from those posting on the first page. ;D

:o when I got to the 3rd one in a row.... I was wondering exactly the same thing.









nam kao


I do remember this thread as it occurred very shortly after I joined. ... I guess the list also showed me there's not many still current posters left from then.

but geez.... that kevinN took the cake. :D He's not missed in the slightest.

Pity Kurgen got banned, his posts were always entertaining. :D

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If you are a British citizen the Embassy will charge you for its services, and they do not come cheap.

I heard a few years back that it can cost as much as 80 pounds an hour.

The below extract is all I could find on this topic

“According to the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), tens of thousands of Britons in stag and hen parties visit Prague yearly. And in its recently released report, British Behavior Abroad, the Czech Republic was listed as one of the countries where the most consular assistance is required.

Demand for consular services is so high that the British Embassy now charges Britons a hefty £ 80 per hour for after-hours responses for preventable incidents, such as passports lost in brothels, or arrests for displays of public nudity.”

The Embassy has a useful page you could visit for more information


I do not know how to make this url live.

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A friend who was arrested in BKK some years ago said that calling his Embassy was the worst thing he could have done.

Once the Embassy becomes involved the police adopted an official position which left no room to maneuver, better he said to quietly negotiate a way out of whatever situation you find you’re self in.

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