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Illegal logging of rosewood trees in Thailand remains in crisis


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Illegal logging of rosewood trees in Thailand remains in crisis

BANGKOK, 9 March 2016 (NNT) - Internal Security Operations Command spokesperson Banphot Phunphian disclosed that the illegal logging of rosewood trees in Thailand’s forests remain in crisis as rosewood is considered a popular, collectible timber in foreign countries.

Rosewood is categorized in high-end class and costs as much as 20,000 USD per cubic meter.

In February 2016, 136 cases of illegal logging were reported with 70 persons accused as suspected lumberjacks. The evidence totaled 5,985 pieces of rosewood.

Besides, 39 cases of forest encroachment were reported with six accused. The encroached areas covered 2,675 rai of land in the provinces.

-- NNT 2016-03-09 footer_n.gif

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There was a rosewood tree in the local school grounds. It disappeared 1 night, apparently worth more than a million Baht. The school is about 100 metres from a roadside police station. Amazing that they managed to cut down the tree and haul it off without the police hearing anything.

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See the media has found a new word. "Lumberjack" .facepalm.gif

Of course, they could always use the more common word "logger" As in "illegal logging" of Rosewood timber.

It will remain in crisis as long as harsh measures are not taken against these people who are usually employed by "influential" people.

They are stealing the natural resources of Thailand. Soon there will be no decent timber left. post-9891-0-95586400-1457488087_thumb.jp


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There was a rosewood tree in the local school grounds. It disappeared 1 night, apparently worth more than a million Baht. The school is about 100 metres from a roadside police station. Amazing that they managed to cut down the tree and haul it off without the police hearing anything.

Heck I can show you kilometer after kilometer of rosewood fence post in my neighbor. The locals know what got invest in.whistling.gif

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There was a rosewood tree in the local school grounds. It disappeared 1 night, apparently worth more than a million Baht. The school is about 100 metres from a roadside police station. Amazing that they managed to cut down the tree and haul it off without the police hearing anything.

Thanks for that incredible story. Incredible not so much about how it was done, but the fact that anyone would come up with the idea of stealing the thing.

I guess it's not really so incredible, people all over the world have taken to stealing all sorts of things, for example copper wiring and piping - from public utilities, power grids etc.

Ho hum.

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There was a rosewood tree in the local school grounds. It disappeared 1 night, apparently worth more than a million Baht. The school is about 100 metres from a roadside police station. Amazing that they managed to cut down the tree and haul it off without the police hearing anything.

Not very amazing when you remember that a policeman was caught not so long ago transporting illegally cut rosewood in the back of his official pick-up. Police and forestry officials can be found active on both sides of the rosewood trade - some trying to stop it and some vigorously helping it along.

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They will all be gone pretty soon, just like everything else in Thailand. Elephants, Sea life, etc. The people don't care until it's all gone. Then you can expect to see the usual news reels and articles of Thais crying and begging for help from the rest of the world. Thai's in general never think about the future of their lives or country. Only living in the moment isn't always the best way to go through life......

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See the media has found a new word. "Lumberjack" .facepalm.gif

Of course, they could always use the more common word "logger" As in "illegal logging" of Rosewood timber.

It will remain in crisis as long as harsh measures are not taken against these people who are usually employed by "influential" people.

They are stealing the natural resources of Thailand. Soon there will be no decent timber left. attachicon.giflumberjack.jpg


Almost all of the wood is sent to China. Money trumps all.......

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