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What Gets Your Goat?


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I just realized today, after all these years that some of the same things that irritate the ###### out of me about Thailand are among the same reasons I like living here in the LOS. :o

I had a refridgerator repair guy out today, the first hour was spent with him instructing my wife and I how to operate a refridgerator, the next 15 minutes was spent repairing the fridge. :D Oh well, I'm a happy camper now.

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After just coming back from Bangkok, I would say going to Pantip and being asked if I wanted sex movies and then showing me the hardcore porno covers in front of everyone. Every five steps, You! want sex movie? and deep throat Debbie is then shown in hot action :o .Thais do think we are sexually obsessed on a 24 hour basis, funny bastards :D .

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It's not really what my fellow countryfolks say but it's more of their lack of social etiquette....I apologize for such generalization that this may be but it has been from many observations and experiences that I am finally going to vent out my frustration!!!! What I'm trying to get at is the lack of common sense when entering either elevators, BTS, buildings....people here just have no sense of right or wrong or who came first or last.....is it just me? I've been to other countries and it's not like this, maybe I just visited the right countries I guess???? But this has bothered me each day of my existence....anyone also share this with me?

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But this has bothered me each day of my existence....anyone also share this with me?

Me. It's bloody annoying and frustrating. So, every bloody time I was getting out of the skytrain, I would just stand still.. right in the middle.. look tough (man, I wish I was bigger).. give those people the you-aint-gettin-in-if-I-cant-get-out look.

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Me. It's bloody annoying and frustrating. So, every bloody time I was getting out of the skytrain, I would just stand still.. right in the middle.. look tough (man, I wish I was bigger).. give those people the you-aint-gettin-in-if-I-cant-get-out look.

Yah----I know! I wonder don't each of us have some innate sensory that tells us to not walk into people!!!!

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What I'm trying to get at is the lack of common sense when entering either elevators, BTS, buildings....people here just have no sense of right or wrong or who came first or last.....is it just me? I've been to other countries and it's not like this, maybe I just visited the right countries I guess????

You sure have.

You obviously have never, ever visited Singapore,... :o

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After just coming back from Bangkok, I would say going to Pantip and being asked if I wanted sex movies and then showing me the hardcore porno covers in front of everyone. Every five steps, You! want sex movie? and deep throat Debbie is then shown in hot action :o .Thais do think we are sexually obsessed on a 24 hour basis, funny bastards :D .


I AM sexually obsessed 24 hours a day, I thought that was part of being a bloke is?


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After just coming back from Bangkok, I would say going to Pantip and being asked if I wanted sex movies and then showing me the hardcore porno covers in front of everyone. Every five steps, You! want sex movie? and deep throat Debbie is then shown in hot action :o .Thais do think we are sexually obsessed on a 24 hour basis, funny bastards :D .


I AM sexually obsessed 24 hours a day, I thought that was part of being a bloke is?


It IS and don't let any PC ######s tell you otherwise! :D

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I've been to other countries and it's not like this, maybe I just visited the right countries I guess????

Try Russia, talk about a free for all, Thailand is not so bad

ditto Azerbaijan.

Must admit the same problem exists in many countries though, S'pore, LoS ect, but I have not seen it as bad as this part of the world. I think it has something to do with the old communist system and the lack of food and essentials, if you were not 1st in line you missed out, now that everything is available it is just down right rude :o

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What I'm trying to get at is the lack of common sense when entering either elevators, BTS, buildings....people here just have no sense of right or wrong or who came first or last.....is it just me? I've been to other countries and it's not like this, maybe I just visited the right countries I guess???? But this has bothered me each day of my existence....anyone also share this with me?

Chinese people are just the same, I often think I must be invisible.

I guess living in China will have prepared me well for living in Thailand.

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After just coming back from Bangkok, I would say going to Pantip and being asked if I wanted sex movies and then showing me the hardcore porno covers in front of everyone. Every five steps, You! want sex movie? and deep throat Debbie is then shown in hot action :o .Thais do think we are sexually obsessed on a 24 hour basis, funny bastards :D .


I AM sexually obsessed 24 hours a day, I thought that was part of being a bloke is?


It IS and don't let any PC ######s tell you otherwise! :D

and your a teacher? :D , thats pretty sick Michael - I mean Georgie :D

I suppose it comes down to your age, what you value and how much you have had!

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What I'm trying to get at is the lack of common sense when entering either elevators, BTS, buildings....people here just have no sense of right or wrong or who came first or last.....is it just me?  I've been to other countries and it's not like this, maybe I just visited the right countries I guess????  But this has bothered me each day of my existence....anyone also share this with me?

Chinese people are just the same, I often think I must be invisible.

I guess living in China will have prepared me well for living in Thailand.

Absolutely Gisele, Thais are rank amateurs compared to the Chinese in the pushing and shoving category. Funny enough, this doesn't bother me, perhaps because I lived in Taiwan first. I just learned to accept it as part of the culture, to them, it isn't rude. So, hey, I can push and shove with the best of them. And, I'm telling you, nobody cuts in front of me in a queue! :o

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What I'm trying to get at is the lack of common sense when entering either elevators, BTS, buildings....people here just have no sense of right or wrong or who came first or last.....is it just me?  I've been to other countries and it's not like this, maybe I just visited the right countries I guess????  But this has bothered me each day of my existence....anyone also share this with me?

Chinese people are just the same, I often think I must be invisible.

I guess living in China will have prepared me well for living in Thailand.

Absolutely Gisele, Thais are rank amateurs compared to the Chinese in the pushing and shoving category. Funny enough, this doesn't bother me, perhaps because I lived in Taiwan first. I just learned to accept it as part of the culture, to them, it isn't rude. So, hey, I can push and shove with the best of them. And, I'm telling you, nobody cuts in front of me in a queue! :D

Central & South Americans are just like the Chinese too. You just deal with it. :o

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What I'm trying to get at is the lack of common sense when entering either elevators, BTS, buildings....people here just have no sense of right or wrong or who came first or last.....is it just me?  I've been to other countries and it's not like this, maybe I just visited the right countries I guess????  But this has bothered me each day of my existence....anyone also share this with me?

Chinese people are just the same, I often think I must be invisible.

I guess living in China will have prepared me well for living in Thailand.

Absolutely Gisele, Thais are rank amateurs compared to the Chinese in the pushing and shoving category. Funny enough, this doesn't bother me, perhaps because I lived in Taiwan first. I just learned to accept it as part of the culture, to them, it isn't rude. So, hey, I can push and shove with the best of them. And, I'm telling you, nobody cuts in front of me in a queue! :D

I know what you mean, I have also learnt to get with the programme after all, as the Chinese always say, mei yo ban fa, so essentially: that's the way it is and it's not going to change (at least not today) so you might as well just accept it, deal with it and move on. :o

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Basher says: I AM sexually obsessed 24 hours a day, I thought that was part of being a bloke is?

Georgie-Porgie says: It IS and don't let any PC ######s tell you otherwise!

The gentleman says: and your a teacher? :o , thats pretty sick Michael - I mean Georgie

I suppose it comes down to your age, what you value and how much you have had!

I haven't been a teacher for years, but strangely, I was almost never sexually attracted to students. Not slutty enough, I guess. :D

I am almost 50, but I have been obsessed with with girls from birth onwards and actual sex from the age of about 4-5 years old -when I did A LOT of sliding down the fire pole at the playground!

I did well enough in the getting laid for free department at home, although I was never close to satisfied, but I spent a small fortune on hookers after turning 30, so not too many men can claim to have gotten laid more than I have. Only rock-stars and sports-stars! :D

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I am almost 50, but I have been obsessed with with girls from birth onwards and actual sex from the age of about 4-5 years old -when I did A LOT of sliding down the fire pole at the playground!

I did well enough in the getting laid for free department at home, although I was never close to satisfied, but I spent a small fortune on hookers after turning 30, so not too many men can claim to have gotten laid more than I have. Only rock-stars and sports-stars! :D

Another proof that the mind is the first thing to go,.... :o

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Basher says: I AM sexually obsessed 24 hours a day, I thought that was part of being a bloke is?

Georgie-Porgie says: It IS and don't let any PC ######s tell you otherwise!

The gentleman says: and your a teacher? :o , thats pretty sick Michael - I mean Georgie

I suppose it comes down to your age, what you value and how much you have had!

I haven't been a teacher for years, but strangely, I was almost never sexually attracted to students. Not slutty enough, I guess. :D

I am almost 50, but I have been obsessed with with girls from birth onwards and actual sex from the age of about 4-5 years old -when I did A LOT of sliding down the fire pole at the playground!

I did well enough in the getting laid for free department at home, although I was never close to satisfied, but I spent a small fortune on hookers after turning 30, so not too many men can claim to have gotten laid more than I have. Only rock-stars and sports-stars! :D

Lots of sex is good for the prostate gland and my gland gets exercised with due abandon too! :D

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