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It's personal: Obama says GOP hostility to him led to Trump


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At the core he is just like every other insecure, egomaniac with an inferiority complex racially motivated baiter that has the interesting outlook dichotomy that everyone else is to blame, but it is all about him. Then there are those out there with their own personal issues incapable of seeing what the issue and problem really is with Obama that buy into his ridiculous rhetoric. He is not an honorable human being. While smart, he actually has some seriously deep personality and emotional issues. I once was one of his biggest advocates, but boy was I wrong.

Edited by F430murci
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The wasp teaparty with the help of Faux and Roger Ailes organised in 2009 as the first and the direct rightwhinge response to Barack Obama. The rest of the rightwhinge racial agenda followed, from Trump and Obama the birther to Obama the Muslim traitor and all the rest of it up to the present. All straight from the moon.

It is now clear Republicans have spent the past 7+ years committing Obama-assisted suicide. What makes it rich over on this side is that we already know the date of death, November 8th 2016.

Barack Obama got elected Potus then was reelected so he's been cool about the whole thing. Republicans and all the other rightwhingenuts are frantic, and they're more frantic than ever because they're squarely behind the 8-ball and they know it.


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Obama gives himself too much credit....Trump was created by idiot politicians who chant the same nonsense, do the same things expecting different results.

Mr T has just about sealed the nomination...and he'll do it before billary gets hers.

Then hes gonna tear her to shreds....i would not want to be this mans enemy...hes unconventional.

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Obama has been the greatest driving force behind Smith & Wessons spectacular sales over the past 7 years.

Yes, all the foolish red necks who believed the rumors that they themselves started that Obama was going to take a way their beloved guns.

There was even a point where it was difficult to buy ammunition because the worrysome rednecks bough all that was available and the manufacturers could not keep up with demand.

Obama had nothing to do with the unavailability of ammunition and he has never done a thing to take away anyone's beloved gun.

In fact, he signed a bill that allows people to carry guns in national parks.

That falls under the category of increasing the rights of gun owners.

Yes, the uninformed and gullible started rumors that led to increased gun and ammunition sales,

and the NRA and the gun and ammunition manufacturers love them for their foolishness.

Those "worrisome rednecks" weren't the only ones buying up all the available ammunition.

The Feds also put out a few purchase orders. This 2013 article helps explain.


1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? It's Time For A National Conversation
MAR 11, 2013 @ 08:00 AM
The Denver Post, on February 15th, ran an Associated Press article entitled Homeland Security aims to buy 1.6b rounds of ammo, so far to little notice. It confirmed that the Department of Homeland Security has issued an open purchase order for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. As reported elsewhere, some of this purchase order is for hollow-point rounds, forbidden by international law for use in war, along with a frightening amount specialized for snipers. Also reported elsewhere, at the height of the Iraq War the Army was expending less than 6 million rounds a month.
Therefore 1.6 billion rounds would be enough to sustain a hot war for 20+ years. In America.
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The far out right continues to do itself in with its moonbeams coming down to us regularly if not daily.

They don't ever get it because they can't get it.

So we over on this side observe the old adage to never look a gift horse in the mouth.

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Obama gives himself too much credit....Trump was created by idiot politicians who chant the same nonsense, do the same things expecting different results.

Mr T has just about sealed the nomination...and he'll do it before billary gets hers.

Then hes gonna tear her to shreds....i would not want to be this mans enemy...hes unconventional.

I wouldn't want to be Trump's enemy either. He fights dirty. However, a consultant wrote a professional assessment of one of Trump's casinos. Trump didn't like the assessment, so proceeded to destroy the writer's career. Trump succeeded in the destruction, yet later, the writer sued Trump and won. Trump WAS THE LOSER. The winner was not allowed to divulge the dollar amount of the settlement, but it was probably tens of millions. Trump will the loser again in November. Big time.

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GOP 'hostility' didn't lead us to Trump. Obama's abject failure as a POTUS is what's become of America

To wit:

"It is now certain that President Obama will be the only U.S. president in history that did not deliver a single calendar year of 3.0%+ economic growth, and the fourth-worst in history in terms of average RGDP growth while in office.

It is also certain now that Obama will have presided over the feeblest economic recovery of the post-WWII era, following the worst recession of the post-WWII era"


Edited by Boon Mee
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GOP 'hostility' didn't lead us to Trump. Obama's abject failure as a POTUS is what's become of America

To wit:

"It is now certain that President Obama will be the only U.S. president in history that did not deliver a single calendar year of 3.0%+ economic growth, and the fourth-worst in history in terms of average RGDP growth while in office.

It is also certain now that Obama will have presided over the feeblest economic recovery of the post-WWII era, following the worst recession of the post-WWII era"


Here's the headline and by-line from your link. Looks like they need to get organised over there to include the first line of the story.

Obama Presides Over the Feeblest Post-WWII Recovery

By Barack Obama

Economist Herbert Stein famously observed, "If something cannot continue, it will stop."


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