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Marmite Sandwiches Take On


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You can certainly buy it in Bangkok around Sukhumvit supermarkets.  :D

Thanks Dr Pat Pong - that's a load off my mind.

Wonder how it tastes on durian?

LoongJohn in NZ



longjohn south pacific soap dodger :D

whats wrong with pooha and pork bones?

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cheese, onion & marmite sandwiches made in a sandwich toaster,

(or cheese, onion & lea & perrins worcester sauce)

But then you can use the rubbish aussie cheese slices. They melt into the breasd and keep the whole thing together. Best to fry the onions slightly before adding them to the mix.

And a pint of Adnam's Best alongside - or Marston Pedigree. :o

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