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Tsipi Livni urges moderate Muslims to unite against extremism


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Tsipi Livni urges moderate Muslims to unite against extremism

By Catherine Hardy


Israeli former foreign minister Tsipi Livni has urged moderate Muslims to unite to tackle the threat posed by extremism.

Tsipi Livni spoke to Euronews at the 4th Global Baku Forum:

“It is not a religious war between an islamic world and the others, it is between these extreme Islamist groups that explain or that are translating religion – the Islamic religion – into something which is not, and therefore I believe that the moderates, those that believe that this Islam is something different, need to fight together against them.

Syria – the latest

Russian-backed Syrian army forces are said to be closing in on the historic city of Palmyra.

The Russian air force has pounded the ISIL-held city with dozens of air strikes since Wednesday. Fighting is now said to be within seven kilometres of the centre.

The aim is to open a road to the eastern province of Deir al-Zor.

Human rights activists, meanwhile, say rebel fighters have recaptured a northern Syrian town from ISIL.

The UK-based Syrian Observatory of Human Rights says opposition fighters have regained control of Karakoubry in northern Aleppo province.

Video footage uploaded to the internet appears to show rebel groups in control of the town.

ISIL, meanwhile, have uploaded video footage of what it says is the aftermath of US air strikes on Syria and Iraq on Thursday.

Several buildings can be seen reduced to rubble in the video, which ISIL claims was shot in their strongholds of Raqqa in Syria and Mosul in Iraq.

There are also scenes inside what is said to be a hospital in Mosul and of the burning of books from a Christian school in the city.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-12

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Tsipi Livni spoke to Euronews at the 4th Global Baku Forum:

“It is not a religious war between an islamic world and the others, it is between these extreme Islamist groups that explain or that are translating religion – the Islamic religion – into something which is not, and therefore I believe that the moderates, those that believe that this Islam is something different, need to fight together against them.

Open your eyes and ears, Livni.

The vast majority of Muslims, from political leaders, religious leaders, community leaders all the way to ordinary Muslims through things such as the Not in my Name campaign, have been condemning Islamic extremism and terrorism for years.

Muslim soldiers have been fighting them; still are.

These extremists and terrorists no more represent Islam and Muslims than the so called New IRA and similar criminals represent the Irish.

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Good sentiment, but unrealistic. The worst thing a Muslim can be called is 'an apostate!' or non-believer.

If any moderate Muslim tried to speak out or campaign against Islam extremism, he would be called an apostate! and probably have a fatwa declared (a religious order for any Muslim to kill that person).

Granted, there are some mumblings by moderates against extremists, but it won't go further than that.

One effective thing a Muslim can do in protest, is to quit the religion. Can't do it in a Muslim country, but some are doing it in free countries, like the UK.

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Moderate, extremist, what's the one before moderate, ocassional? Islam is a religion. All that practice Islam are tarred with the same brush in the media. The Muslim is easy to spot wearing clothes and head gear of the middle east. The Muslim is looked at when they walk the street's, images of war and terror flash through the minds of some as they watch the Muslim. The Muslim comes over and asks "Is this the bus to Bangkok?", bus bomb images appear in my mind. "Yes" I look at her eyes expecting to see hatred but just see an ordinary person. She sits near the front of the bus, two monks get on and sit near her. Why am I so judgmental about muslims , then I realize its the media, the media has caste them all in the same light. I hate myself, I am ashamed of my thoughts and prejudices against Muslims but then I wasn't brought up like that, it's the media who have sewn hatred in my mind. The media are mostly manipulated by government's and politicians. Media manipulation must stop, free the media, free the mind, stop the hatred.

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I think that everyone agrees that everyone, including moderate Muslims, Christians and Israelis would unite against extremism. It is absolutely terrible when extremists attack their enemies and kill children when they fire missiles into houses. Oops, that was the Israeli armed forces . Hmmm . . . . .

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No such thing as a "moderate" Muslim. Maybe the means applied to spread the message and impose their views may differ, but the goal remains the same. The Muslims are not interested in peaceful coexistance and respect for other cultures and beliefs. They want to impose their belief, with drastic or less drastic means, but with the same outcome. The Islamification is taking place under our eyes.

How is this different from Christians ? with their missionaris ? ANY religion is bad.

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UlyssesG post # 9

All of your posts are so full of hate, She is trying to make the world a better place.

That being the case why didn't she along with her fellow politicians stop the encroaching of and the theft of Palestinian land?
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Ulysses G. post # 9

All of your posts are so full of hate, She is trying to make the world a better place.

So why wasn't she so vocal when Israel was encroaching on and stealing Palestinian land which of course Israel is still doing.

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UlyssesG post # 9

All of your posts are so full of hate, She is trying to make the world a better place.

That being the case why didn't she along with her fellow politicians stop the encroaching of and the theft of Palestinian land?

There is no such thing as "Palestinian land" until they stop the terrorism, make peace with Israel and negotiate borders as they have committed to do it the Oslo Accords. At that point, the Palestinians will have something to talk about.

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Good sentiment, but unrealistic. The worst thing a Muslim can be called is 'an apostate!' or non-believer.

If any moderate Muslim tried to speak out or campaign against Islam extremism, he would be called an apostate! and probably have a fatwa declared (a religious order for any Muslim to kill that person).

Granted, there are some mumblings by moderates against extremists, but it won't go further than that.

One effective thing a Muslim can do in protest, is to quit the religion. Can't do it in a Muslim country, but some are doing it in free countries, like the UK.

There are far more Muslims publicly condemning ISIS and other Islamic terrorists than supporting them.

Think Muslims Haven’t Condemned ISIS? Think Again

A fatwa is not a death sentence.

What is a fatwa

Most importantly, a fatwā is not by definition a pronouncement of death or a declaration of war. A fatwā is an Islamic legal pronouncement, issued by an expert in religious law (mufti), pertaining to a specific issue, usually at the request of an individual or judge to resolve an issue where Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), is unclear. Typically, such uncertainty arises as Muslim society works to address new issues – issues that develop as technology and society advance. “Can a Muslim be involved in cloning?” for instance.

We might compare a fatwā to the legal ruling of a high court or the Supreme Court, depending on the authority of the mufti behind it. However, a fatwā is not binding as is the verdict of the secular courts; while correct and applicable to all members of the Muslim faith, the fatwā is optional for the individual to respect or not.

It is true that fatwas have been issued calling for the death of an individual by some, such as the one issued against Salman Rushdie. From the above article

These are the requirements for a scholar or religious leader to issue a fatwā that is recognized under Islamic law. Having established this, we may now consider whether fatwās issued by militants, including the many we have read in the past five years, have any authority. Again, the worldwide media has repeatedly presented cases in which known Muslim militants use a fatwā to either declare war or announce another violent action.

However, unless he who makes the declaration is extremely well-educated and trained in Islamic jurisprudence according to the requirements mentioned above, he has no authority to issue a fatwā. The Prophet Muhammad (s) said, “Whoever gives fatwā without knowledge, the angels of the heaven and the earth curse him." Second, if he is so qualified, the fatwā remains non-binding, applying only to those choose to accept and wish to enforce it.

So a fatwa issued by a terrorist group is probably not issued with any authority and even if it is, is only binding upon those who wish it to be so; in other words other terrorists.

The ordinary, law abiding Muslims who are not terrorists and make up the overwhelming majority will simply ignore it and often protest about it because it is usually against Islamic law.

Of course, the hatemongering sites which many who post on this forum use as their sources will not tell you any of this. To do so would not suit their aims.

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Good sentiment, but unrealistic. The worst thing a Muslim can be called is 'an apostate!' or non-believer.

If any moderate Muslim tried to speak out or campaign against Islam extremism, he would be called an apostate! and probably have a fatwa declared (a religious order for any Muslim to kill that person).

Granted, there are some mumblings by moderates against extremists, but it won't go further than that.

One effective thing a Muslim can do in protest, is to quit the religion. Can't do it in a Muslim country, but some are doing it in free countries, like the UK.

where they are repeatedly harassed and threatened by other Muslims. The police are not always able to help much either.
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Good sentiment, but unrealistic. The worst thing a Muslim can be called is 'an apostate!' or non-believer.

If any moderate Muslim tried to speak out or campaign against Islam extremism, he would be called an apostate! and probably have a fatwa declared (a religious order for any Muslim to kill that person).

Granted, there are some mumblings by moderates against extremists, but it won't go further than that.

One effective thing a Muslim can do in protest, is to quit the religion. Can't do it in a Muslim country, but some are doing it in free countries, like the UK.

There are far more Muslims publicly condemning ISIS and other Islamic terrorists than supporting them.

Think Muslims Haven’t Condemned ISIS? Think Again

A fatwa is not a death sentence.

What is a fatwa
Most importantly, a fatwā is not by definition a pronouncement of death or a declaration of war. A fatwā is an Islamic legal pronouncement, issued by an expert in religious law (mufti), pertaining to a specific issue, usually at the request of an individual or judge to resolve an issue where Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), is unclear. Typically, such uncertainty arises as Muslim society works to address new issues – issues that develop as technology and society advance. “Can a Muslim be involved in cloning?” for instance.
We might compare a fatwā to the legal ruling of a high court or the Supreme Court, depending on the authority of the mufti behind it. However, a fatwā is not binding as is the verdict of the secular courts; while correct and applicable to all members of the Muslim faith, the fatwā is optional for the individual to respect or not.

It is true that fatwas have been issued calling for the death of an individual by some, such as the one issued against Salman Rushdie. From the above article

These are the requirements for a scholar or religious leader to issue a fatwā that is recognized under Islamic law. Having established this, we may now consider whether fatwās issued by militants, including the many we have read in the past five years, have any authority. Again, the worldwide media has repeatedly presented cases in which known Muslim militants use a fatwā to either declare war or announce another violent action.

However, unless he who makes the declaration is extremely well-educated and trained in Islamic jurisprudence according to the requirements mentioned above, he has no authority to issue a fatwā. The Prophet Muhammad (s) said, “Whoever gives fatwā without knowledge, the angels of the heaven and the earth curse him." Second, if he is so qualified, the fatwā remains non-binding, applying only to those choose to accept and wish to enforce it.
So a fatwa issued by a terrorist group is probably not issued with any authority and even if it is, is only binding upon those who wish it to be so; in other words other terrorists.

The ordinary, law abiding Muslims who are not terrorists and make up the overwhelming majority will simply ignore it and often protest about it because it is usually against Islamic law.

Of course, the hatemongering sites which many who post on this forum use as their sources will not tell you any of this. To do so would not suit their aims.

I'm sure your words must be of great comfort to Salman Rushdie. Perhaps you ought to school Khamenei in the finer points of Islamic jurisprudence.

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Israeli former foreign minister Tsipi Livni has urged moderate Muslims to unite to tackle the threat posed by extremism.


It is not a religious war between an islamic world and the others, it is between these extreme Islamist groups that explain or that are translating religion the Islamic religion into something which is not

Objectively complete BS but the question is why he (Tsipi Livni) would say such a thing. Is he really that damn stupid or is it just a bare faced lie? You decide.

We see here again the abject ignorance with regard to what is basic logic. I personally dislike Islam so therefore (?) I must dislike Muslim people. I dislike cancer so therefor (?) I must dislike people who suffer from it. Abrogation of intellect is what it is....

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Israeli former foreign minister Tsipi Livni has urged moderate Muslims to unite to tackle the threat posed by extremism.


It is not a religious war between an islamic world and the others, it is between these extreme Islamist groups that explain or that are translating religion the Islamic religion into something which is not

Objectively complete BS but the question is why he (Tsipi Livni) would say such a thing. Is he really that damn stupid or is it just a bare faced lie? You decide.

We see here again the abject ignorance with regard to what is basic logic. I personally dislike Islam so therefore (?) I must dislike Muslim people. I dislike cancer so therefor (?) I must dislike people who suffer from it. Abrogation of intellect is what it is....

Tsipi Livni is a woman.

The article doesn't mention that, nor is there a photograph of her included.

Your confusion is understandable, and typical of many who post on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

Now you know.

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