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GOP candidate Trump calls off rally due to security concerns


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From the outside looking in: Trump represents everything bad about America

The other half ( or more) of Americans hate his guts

Civil War Two here we come

All very melodramatic. Trump will be GOP nominee come July.

Everything in between is forgettable.

I agree that Trump will probably win - and over half the population of the United States dislikes him - or hates his guts..

I think deep down Trump hates them just as much

Trump is rich - but he has no class

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Trump is exposing much of what's wrong with the American political process. The more he's attacked the more supporters he'll get. Those attacking him have the most to lose if the corrupt system is dismantled.

American politic's biggest issue right now isn't Trump. It's pissed off voters. Trump is just the front man for people who are disgusted with decades of ineptitude and favoritism and big money politics in DC. Trump is merely saying what millions of people were already thinking but didn't have the guts to say it because it wasn't PC.

The guy on Main Street USA isn't going to be intimidated any longer by the left and it's ability to muzzle people with PC "shame."

This is a very real and growing movement #TrumpTrain.


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"Trump gets 35% of the Republican primary voters. The rest of the Republican party can't stand him."

QUESTION: So why do the other candidates not join together and crush this insect alleged megalomaniac ?


In light of that - what's their motto - "DIVIDED WE FALL?" sad.png

With 65% of the Republican vote - DIVIDED THEY ( Cruz, Rubio et al) FAIL - for damned certain

That's not how I see it. I believe that if for instance Cruz dropped out, most of his supporters would change to Trump. These guys can't tell their supporters who to vote for if not themselves.

Don't pay much attention to those that say Trump has just x percent of the party. There are still 4 people in. There is no evidence that when it's just Trump they won't back him. Most wouldn't vote for Hillary or Bernie.

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I'm guessing the anarchists on this forum that are supporting the takeover of a scheduled "peaceful assembly" by Trump supporters and taking away the rights to free speech by Trump look on this as a victory.

To many Americans it will seem like exactly what it was.

A strong armed effort to abort free elections by the usual mob of Chicago thugs led by such avowed terrorists as William Ayres, moveon.org, black lives matter, labor unions, professors of the involved university and the Occupy movement to name just a few antagonists.

I made the claim on this forum in 2007, after finding out what I could about Obama, that he was nothing but a sleazy politician from the sewers of Chicago politics. My opinions about both are unchanged after seven years experience.

All this is merely the forerunner of what the US can expect if Hillary is elected. The anarchists will reign supreme in her councils of government, as they do in her campaign.

Bernie will never get the nomination out of the Democrats so all you dreamers out there can save your breath.

After all, she is the only Democrat actually running...both FOR the Presidency and FROM the FBI.

Looks like whoever wins the Presidency in November - it should smooooooth sailing for them..

Smooooooth sailing indeed - like when Ted Turner won the America Cup..cheesy.gif

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The guy on Main Street USA isn't going to be intimidated any longer by the left and it's ability to muzzle people with PC "shame."

This is one of the best things about Trump. He usually calls it like it is and exposes brain-dead left-wing nonsense for what it is. He is not a strict conservative - which I like - but he despises political correctness and the left OWN PC.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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"Trump gets 35% of the Republican primary voters. The rest of the Republican party can't stand him."

QUESTION: So why do the other candidates not join together and crush this insect alleged megalomaniac ?


In light of that - what's their motto - "DIVIDED WE FALL?" sad.png

With 65% of the Republican vote - DIVIDED THEY ( Cruz, Rubio et al) FAIL - for damned certain

Consolidate to whom...Cruz?. Unfortunately, the only mainstream party candidate the GOP has is a distant 3rd place and he will probably be gone by Tuesday night. If he had all of Kasich's delegates, he would still be a distant 3rd. The Party doesn't want Cruz any more than Trump

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"Trump gets 35% of the Republican primary voters. The rest of the Republican party can't stand him."

QUESTION: So why do the other candidates not join together and crush this insect alleged megalomaniac ?


In light of that - what's their motto - "DIVIDED WE FALL?" sad.png

With 65% of the Republican vote - DIVIDED THEY ( Cruz, Rubio et al) FAIL - for damned certain

That's not how I see it. I believe that if for instance Cruz dropped out, most of his supporters would change to Trump. These guys can't tell their supporters who to vote for if not themselves.

Don't pay much attention to those that say Trump has just x percent of the party. There are still 4 people in. There is no evidence that when it's just Trump they won't back him. Most wouldn't vote for Hillary or Bernie.

You may be correct, but you can Never(be)Sure - As your supposition is based on pure INFERENCE, no?

In contrast - Math doesn't lie - Trump is getting much less than half the Republican vote and is still winning by a great margin, no? - It's pure, bald-faced speculation to suggest that most Cruz-Rubio supporters

will go by osmosis to Trump - Surely a certain % will hold their nose and vote for Hillary - how many is anyone's guess - and that may be the KICKER come Novemberthumbsup.gif

But I'm not American and I presume you are - so you probably know better than a dumb Canadian; what the helll do I know?

For I saw Trump dissing Ben Carson plenty of times on CNN - but still Carsen cometh to the Trump table - magnanimous - with concomitant little cap in hand

Politics is sleazy stuff

Signed, the carrot and the stick

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It's pure, bald-faced speculation to suggest that most Cruz-Rubio supporters

will go by osmosis to Trump - Surely a certain % will hold their nose and vote for Hillary -

Sorry but I AM American and you are wrong about that. No who would vote for Cruz or Rubio would change to Hillary. They will either vote for Trump or not vote at all.

I was originally a Rubio supporter, but he can't win and the left-wing riots last night convinced me. I am voting for Trump. I have seen the light.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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It's pure, bald-faced speculation to suggest that most Cruz-Rubio supporters

will go by osmosis to Trump - Surely a certain % will hold their nose and vote for Hillary -

Sorry but I AM American and you are wrong about that. No who would vote for Cruz or Rubio would change to Hillary. They will either vote for Trump or not vote at all.

But for the record, Canadians are NOT dumb.

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For I saw Trump dissing Ben Carson plenty of times on CNN - but still Carsen cometh to the Trump table - magnanimous - with concomitant little cap in hand

Politics is sleazy stuff

Just my opinion, but I think Ben Carson is sincere about backing Trump. Ben Carson is a really sincere guy. Chris Christie would fit your scenario better. He is an opportunist.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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For I saw Trump dissing Ben Carson plenty of times on CNN - but still Carsen cometh to the Trump table - magnanimous - with concomitant little cap in hand

Politics is sleazy stuff

Just my opinion, but I think Ben Carson is sincere about backing Trump. Ben Carson is a really sincere guy. Chris Christie would fit your scenario better. He is an opportunist.

Ben Carson may have brushed aside Trump's insults, like water off a duck's back. That's impressive.

Carsen said last night that Donald has "two sides" - the bluster we all see every day - and a more "intelligent" version that he allegedly trots out from time to time - in private.

I believe we all have psychopathic tendencies; it's a continuum, like a dimmer switch, from a fraction to full blown.

I'm a little psychopathic to be sure, and I can definitely see a veritable plethora of psychopathic tendencies in Mr. Trump..

How "full-blown" he is remains to be seen..

One thing is certain - we'll all find out soon enoughgigglem.gif

Fasten your seatbelts folks - it's gonna be one hellll of a ride

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For I saw Trump dissing Ben Carson plenty of times on CNN - but still Carsen cometh to the Trump table - magnanimous - with concomitant little cap in hand

Politics is sleazy stuff

Just my opinion, but I think Ben Carson is sincere about backing Trump. Ben Carson is a really sincere guy. Chris Christie would fit your scenario better. He is an opportunist.

Did you say Chris Christie opportunist - or did you say boot-licker, lacky, brown-noser, sycophant, extraordinaire?whistling.gif

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After listening to them all a great deal - Ironically (IMHO), the most well-spoken-intelligent Republican nominee candidates are in this order:





Everything has gone topsy-turvy and pear-shaped - especially in the case of "The Donald"

Who said anything was "fair?"cheesy.gif

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"According to a 1990 Vanity Fair interview, Ivana Trump once told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband, Donald Trump, kept a book of Hitler's speeches near his bed."

"When Brenner asked Trump about how he came to possess Hitler's speeches, "Trump hesitated" and then said, "Who told you that?"

"Trump then recalled, "Actually, it was my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of 'Mein Kampf,' and he's a Jew."

"Brenner added that Davis did acknowledge that he gave Trump a book about Hitler."

"But it was 'My New Order,' Hitler's speeches, not 'Mein Kampf, Davis reportedly said. "I thought he would find it interesting. I am his friend, but I'm not Jewish." laugh.png



The bloviating liar continues...

I hope we all study history....Hitler was a devil, for sure, but I would encourage everyone to become familiar with this subject, to avoid making the same mistakes. The one thing Hitler was good at, was getting support.....I admit.

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Trump in Dayton Ohio right now. Huge crowd in airport hanger. Chicago helped to consolidate Trump supporter resolve. It showed how ugly his opposition really is.


If the "powers that be" and their media are going to resort to fascist rent-a-mobs and anarchy to sabotage the American electoral process, then there are probably bigger issues than Trump

Ya, like only TWO viable political parties - it's clearly a recipe for disaster

I guess three's a crowdsad.png

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Don't believe all the "Trump is a fascist" smokescreen coming from the Left. They are the true fascists. What happened in Chicago is a classic brown shirt tactic.

In the 30's Germany's fascists were white with blond hair & blue-eyes. The modern American fascists is very diverse and they try to shut down non-PC opinions.

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It's pure, bald-faced speculation to suggest that most Cruz-Rubio supporters

will go by osmosis to Trump - Surely a certain % will hold their nose and vote for Hillary -

Sorry but I AM American and you are wrong about that. No who would vote for Cruz or Rubio would change to Hillary. They will either vote for Trump or not vote at all.

But for the record, Canadians are NOT dumb.

glad you cleared that up ... we love our lil friends up north.

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Partially quoting Chuckd and his reasons for now supporting Trump, which most of our conservative members are now doing:

Trump is drawing massive crowds, the Republican participation in the primaries is considerably higher that previous years so he is growing the brand. I don't like some of his rhetoric and don't consider it Presidential but then I believe he is capable of sitting at an adult table due to his many business ventures, meetings and, if the truth were known, probably invitations to state dinners.

Yeah, the bottom line is that he is capable, in fact proven highly successful at, sitting at the adult table...at least as a business and media magnate and TV personality. Even with a nice nest egg from daddy, you don't succeed in big business unless you have a high degree of acumen, diplomacy, timing, courage, native intelligence, and yes, luck. This I know for a fact.

I suppose your premise is that his outrageous behavior is purposive and part of his master plan to win, which he is brilliant at. That is a workable theory. What we have to understand is that Trump winning does not equate to Trump caring about us. I don't think he cares much about anyone other than himself and family.

Now, you might say that caring about others doesn't matter. What we need is a good manager. A good captain to steer this great barge, the USA, out of trouble. Good managers plan, direct, and organize. Good leaders create a vision, strategy, and shared culture.

Trump's leadership qualities are suspect. The vision he creates is one of exclusion, not inclusion...of closed borders and isolationism, not global engagement. He hasn't articulated any strategies, he just flies by the seat of his pants...but, I'm sure he will hire the best. The shared culture is one of anger and bullying.

Not admirable traits in a leader - for a country, or for the free world.

Edited by keemapoot
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"We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don't want to let that person in here."

So because you don't want Trump in you assault people at his rally, attack police, block ambulances, rip up Trump signs and disallow him expressing his freedom of speech.

The Chicago university students are more like the Charlie Hebdo terrorists than supporters of democracy. Those terrorists used violence to shut down a newspaper expressing freedom of speech. These violent activists in Chicago did the same.

Sounds like Chicago is a pretty scary place to live if that is how you treat people with opposing views.

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"Trumps march to the White House is an absolute disaster.

...yet inexorable.

Chuck, are you admitting it's a disaster? whistling.gif

An excerpt from this morning's Nation newspaper....

When protesters interrupted a rally in Iowa last month, he encouraged supporters to "knock the crap out of them," while in Las Vegas when a protester disrupted his speech the billionaire said he would like to "punch him in the face."

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"We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don't want to let that person in here."

So because you don't want Trump in you assault people at his rally, attack police, block ambulances, rip up Trump signs and disallow him expressing his freedom of speech.

The Chicago university students are more like the Charlie Hebdo terrorists than supporters of democracy. Those terrorists used violence to shut down a newspaper expressing freedom of speech. These violent activists in Chicago did the same.

Sounds like Chicago is a pretty scary place to live if that is how you treat people with opposing views.

You're out of line. The Charlie Hebko gunmen went and murdered innocents. That's too big a stretch - to compare them with demonstrators.

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Awwwwwwwwww... now isn't that cute?!

All the right wing, neo- fascist, upright Americans on this forum, whining and moaning about the Nazi- bully, not being able to exercize his freedom of speech!

The same guy, who wants to ban all Muslims from the country, who advocates for violence against protesters at his rallys, who want to exrcize their freedom of speech, who wants to sue the press for unfavorable articles...

It would be so funny, if it weren't so sad!

Take a day off, guys and went your anger with an assault- rifle, you proudly own to kill squirrels, at a gun range!

America is becoming more and more of joke, every day!

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The guy on Main Street USA isn't going to be intimidated any longer by the left and it's ability to muzzle people with PC "shame."

This is one of the best things about Trump. He usually calls it like it is and exposes brain-dead left-wing nonsense for what it is. He is not a strict conservative - which I like - but he despises political correctness and the left OWN PC.

He surely despises political correctness, but does so in favor of bigotry.

The guy will most probably win the GOP nomination, and then will most probably lose to Clinton (I am not a fan of Clinton; I prefer Sanders, but I doubt Sanders can overtake Clinton); however, the exponential increase in hatred and polarisation that he will have caused, will continue to be a destabilising factor for years to come. Sad.

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It's pure, bald-faced speculation to suggest that most Cruz-Rubio supporters

will go by osmosis to Trump - Surely a certain % will hold their nose and vote for Hillary -

Sorry but I AM American and you are wrong about that. No who would vote for Cruz or Rubio would change to Hillary. They will either vote for Trump or not vote at all.

I was originally a Rubio supporter, but he can't win and the left-wing riots last night convinced me. I am voting for Trump. I have seen the light.

Finally seen the light and exchanging your vote from one unelectable candidate for another unelectable candidate. Be a homer, I always say. Well good on ya, mate.

The left wing riots...what a joke. Good one! clap2.gif

If every Cruz/Rubio voter somehow votes Trump, it will make no difference. The Republicans will get crushed in the election no matter who the candidate is. There is simply not enough of the Republican base to elect this fool. Forget about Independents and Democrats. I don't care where you read it in the right wing delusional media, it ain't happening.


Edited by seedy
troll / flaming
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It's pure, bald-faced speculation to suggest that most Cruz-Rubio supporters

will go by osmosis to Trump - Surely a certain % will hold their nose and vote for Hillary -

Sorry but I AM American and you are wrong about that. No who would vote for Cruz or Rubio would change to Hillary. They will either vote for Trump or not vote at all.

I was originally a Rubio supporter, but he can't win and the left-wing riots last night convinced me. I am voting for Trump. I have seen the light.

If you regard Trump as "the light" then you must be in a really dark place. Edited by MZurf
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