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Is loving your country and wanting it to remain the same a bad thing?


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I know, unlike you, that there is actually a word for "foreigner" in the thai language and it certainly isn't "farang". But yeah... just continue with your hate against white people, i bet you sleep better that way smile.png

Who cares what the specific word for foreigner is?

Most Thais choose to use their vernacular for it which is "farang"

Some people are too dumb to accept that

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I know, unlike you, that there is actually a word for "foreigner" in the thai language and it certainly isn't "farang". But yeah... just continue with your hate against white people, i bet you sleep better that way smile.png

Who cares what the specific word for foreigner is?

Most Thais choose to use their vernacular for it which is "farang"

Some people are too dumb to accept that

Yeah, i mean... who cares what words really mean... because it's everyones right to invent and choose new meanings for words. Right!?

But i guess some people are too stupid to accept that words have meanings for a reason and words are used to make your point or text as clear as possible.

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I know, unlike you, that there is actually a word for "foreigner" in the thai language and it certainly isn't "farang". But yeah... just continue with your hate against white people, i bet you sleep better that way smile.png

Who cares what the specific word for foreigner is?

Most Thais choose to use their vernacular for it which is "farang"

Some people are too dumb to accept that

Yeah, i mean... who cares what words really mean... because it's everyones right to invent and choose new meanings for words. Right!?

But i guess some people are too stupid to accept that words have meanings for a reason and words are used to make your point or text as clear as possible.

Sooooooo an abacus-powered intellect chooses to ascribe a negative interpretation to a word that some Thais use to say "foreigner" so everyone else should do the same?

OK, glad we cleared that up

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Loving your country is a good thing............ part of loving life.

Wanting your country to remain the same is a bad thing, it goes against life. Life means change, trying to fight it is laughable. I'd prefer to be a part of a dynamic, every changing society. And contribute in my own small way.

Excellent post, thank you. However, considering that all forms of life, on this planet, are equally subjected to the manifest destiny of this planet, we tend to regard other people, from the global "community" consciousness platform, rather than the counter-productive, social vacuum of xenophobic nationalism.

Donald Trumpp is popular only because he appeals to a huge "spiritually-bankrupt", and politically ignorant (constituency) segment of U.S. citizens. All that, in a nation that remains pitifully divided (by design) between the skin_colors of black_&_white. A real tragedy.

I love Thailand. It's honest!coffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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Loving your country is a good thing............ part of loving life.

Wanting your country to remain the same is a bad thing, it goes against life. Life means change, trying to fight it is laughable. I'd prefer to be a part of a dynamic, every changing society. And contribute in my own small way.

Excellent post, thank you. However, considering that all forms of life, on this planet, are equally subjected to the manifest destiny of this planet, we tend to regard other people, from the global "community" consciousness platform, rather than the counter-productive, social vacuum of xenophobic nationalism.

Donald Trumpp is popular only because he appeals to a huge "spiritually-bankrupt", and politically ignorant (constituency) segment of U.S. citizens. All that, in a nation that remains pitifully divided (by design) between the skin_colors of black_&_white. A real tragedy.

I love Thailand. It's honest!coffee1.gif

In addition, how can anyone (even with a modecum of intelligent logic) possibly love a house-hold (a nation) "divided" against itself, at-the-roots?

Embrace and Defend the pitiful state of the U.S.A. (pre-pubescent) family of hapless children? Absolutely, yes! Children need to be protected. However, loving that family, despite all it's current short-comings? Definitely, no! It's a simple matter of intelligent citizenship-parenting (a nation of, by and for the people).

The humane-spirit & intelligence, written into the U.S. Constitution of September,1790, was precisely specific. And that is the U.S.A., worthy of a loving citizenship, in my considered opinion. Google the document! Then read the document. Thank you, wai.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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