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Rivals questioning whether they'd back Trump as nominee


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".....President Barack Obama, speaking at a Democratic fundraiser in Dallas, said those who aspire to lead the country "should be trying to bring us together and not turning us against one another." ...."

That's rich........Do as I say....Not as I do

Obama really should keep his mouth shut.

Under his "reign" and most powerful person of the western world he has failed to create a better world.

It is a complete mass right now. Actually the biggest mass ever in history.

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Maybe they should run someone being investigated by the FBI for violating national security.

Still trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill... you've got nothing but impotent rage and hatred... for that, Trump is your man....let's see, he's targeted all non-whites, entire religions, countries... an endless supply of people to hate and an endless excuse for war and conflict.... oh, and of course, it's good for business and will make America great again..."God save the white man from the godless hordes..." .... ok, I get it... I went to segregated high school in the deep South and pushed over my share of burning kkk crosses....just as compelling as the teutonic myth was for the pre wwII germans, so the "great white hope" is for the tea party...

Edited by arend
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Maybe they should run someone being investigated by the FBI for violating national security.

Still trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill... you've got nothing but impotent rage and hatred... for that, Trump is your man....let's see, he's targeted all non-whites, whole religions, countries... an endless supply of people to hate and an endless excuse for war and conflict.... oh, and of course, it's good for business and will make America great again..."God save the white man from the godless hordes..." .... ok, I get it... I grew up in the deep South and pushed over my share of burning kkk crosses in high school....as compelling as the teutonic myth was for the pre wwII germans, so the "great white hope" is for the tea party...

Virtue signalling, eh, Bwana.

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I don't know what shenanigans the GOP might have as their last hail mary pass but, if they are unsuccessful, just wait until Trump actually gets the nomination. What we've seen so far this weekend will seem like a walk in the park.

Word is that Rubio and his company are already engaging in some ballot fixing attempts in Florida.

Well, the Party does have experience with that.

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I don't know what shenanigans the GOP might have as their last hail mary pass but, if they are unsuccessful, just wait until Trump actually gets the nomination. What we've seen so far this weekend will seem like a walk in the park.

Word is that Rubio and his company are already engaging in some ballot fixing attempts in Florida.

Well, the Party does have experience with that.

I'll only make a minor adjustment to your above statement. "the parties do have experience with that." Both of them. That is why it is so important to see the establishments destroyed in both the Republican AND Democratic parties.

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Maybe they should run someone being investigated by the FBI for violating national security.

Still trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill... you've got nothing but impotent rage and hatred... for that, Trump is your man....let's see, he's targeted all non-whites, whole religions, countries... an endless supply of people to hate and an endless excuse for war and conflict.... oh, and of course, it's good for business and will make America great again..."God save the white man from the godless hordes..." .... ok, I get it... I grew up in the deep South and pushed over my share of burning kkk crosses in high school....as compelling as the teutonic myth was for the pre wwII germans, so the "great white hope" is for the tea party...

Virtue signalling, eh, Bwana.

Discrediting, eh, boss man...

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It’s actually sort of funny….

The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

Yet…they can’t even manage their own party. Trump has kicked in their door, flash-banged his way into the room and has them all paralyzed with abject terror.

It’s kind of like a corporation that claims to run the most secure and most dependable bank on earth getting taken over in broad daylight..........by one guy.

That is certainly one way of looking at it and a large number of people do.

Another is, which party really gives the people a choice and which is controlled by secret power brokers?

The Republican party that had over a dozen very diverse candidates ranging form career politicians to people who have never run for office before? Only "the People" would back Trump, people who have every right to be fed up with politicians.

Or the Democrat party that offered up only one candidate because "it is her turn"? Don't forget, Bernie is not a Democrat, he is just crashing their party and making it more interesting.

I don't know how long it's been since you studied Math, but 1 plus 1 equals 2. Sanders is running on the Democratic slate, in case you hadn't noticed.

Of the Republican Party's 4 candidates, one says he's not a politician. Well neither is a snake oil salesman a politician. Is Trump wiser and more honest than a politician because he claims he's not a politician? I can think of many professions worse than a politician (one example: a real estate speculator who buys an apartment complex and kicks everyone out in order to triple rents). Plus, any reasonable person knows politicians can come in all varieties. Trump isn't an opera singer or an acrobat either, does that make him better than an opera singer or an acrobat?

I'm trying to gauge why Trump is so popular, and I think It boils down to three basic factors:

A. He's rich. Some Americans adulate wealth so much, that nothing else matters. That's what propelled Thaksin to power in Thailand.

B. He's crude. Some Americans think it's cool to use cuss words and act tough and rude. It harkens to why those same Americans adulate Al Capone and mafia dons. Americans also like 'sucker punches' and that's why they're shown so often in American-made movies - and it's always the good guy who punches without any warning - and that first punch usually floors the bad guy, and audiences cheer.

C. By framing himself as the 'outsider, non-politician' Trump (the consummate salesman) can fool many people to think he will do things better than Washington insiders. Trump is purposefully vague in his stump speeches on policy specs, but some of his rare specifics indicate what a disaster he would be as prez: the Mexican wall (which will be called the 'Trump Wall'), 45% tariff on Imports (drives costs for Americans higher), abolishing the Dept of Education (ensures elitist schools vs ghetto schools, with many schools teaching Bible non-science), and on and on.

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Maybe they should run someone being investigated by the FBI for violating national security.

Still trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill... you've got nothing but impotent rage and hatred... for that, Trump is your man....let's see, he's targeted all non-whites, whole religions, countries... an endless supply of people to hate and an endless excuse for war and conflict.... oh, and of course, it's good for business and will make America great again..."God save the white man from the godless hordes..." .... ok, I get it... I grew up in the deep South and pushed over my share of burning kkk crosses in high school....as compelling as the teutonic myth was for the pre wwII germans, so the "great white hope" is for the tea party...

Virtue signalling, eh, Bwana.

Discrediting, eh, boss man...

A not altogether original instance of virtue signalling its own virtue signalling

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".....President Barack Obama, speaking at a Democratic fundraiser in Dallas, said those who aspire to lead the country "should be trying to bring us together and not turning us against one another." ...."

That's rich........Do as I say....Not as I do

Obama really should keep his mouth shut.

Under his "reign" and most powerful person of the western world he has failed to create a better world.

It is a complete mass right now. Actually the biggest mass ever in history.

Maybe he's got the most powerful job in the world, but he can't fix everything. Sometimes it's a matter of trying to keep problems from getting worse. For example, the Iran deal which perhaps isn't perfect, but it is curtailing Iran's N bomb program. Some improvement (by Democrats) is preferable to zero improvement, and shouting hate speeches (by Republicans), masters of "delay, delay, delay." (a recent Trump quote)

I venture that conflict zones around the world would be worse if we had had a Rep prez rather than Obama. Of course, things like that can't be proven, but just look at the past 7 presidential terms. 3 of those terms were under the auspices of Republican presidents, and 3 wars broke out; Iraq 1 & 2, plus Afghanistan. Four of those terms had Dem presidents, and no wars were started, unless you count the military action in former Yugoslavia. Democratic presidents tend to spend much of their time trying to clean up the messes of the Republican president who preceded him. Bush Jr handed Obama an economy in the toilet.

As for "the biggest mass mess ever in history" according to Wabothai. You'all really need to bone up on history. Here are some bigger messes, just in the past 100 years.

Stalin, Pol Pot, WWI, WWII, Korean War (fueled by Rep prez Eisenhower), Vietnam War, Chairman Mao (contributed to more peoples' deaths than Stalin or Hitler), ....to name a few.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Maybe he's got the most powerful job in the world, but he can't fix everything. Sometimes it's a matter of trying to keep problems from getting worse. For example, the Iran deal which perhaps isn't perfect, but it is curtailing Iran's N bomb program. Some improvement (by Democrats) is preferable to zero improvement, and shouting hate speeches (by Republicans), masters of "delay, delay, delay." (a recent Trump quote)

I venture that conflict zones around the world would be worse if we had had a Rep prez rather than Obama. Of course, things like that can't be proven, but just look at the past 7 presidential terms. 3 of those terms were under the auspices of Republican presidents, and 3 wars broke out; Iraq 1 & 2, plus Afghanistan. Four of those terms had Dem presidents, and no wars were started, unless you count the military action in former Yugoslavia. Democratic presidents tend to spend much of their time trying to clean up the messes of the Republican president who preceded him. Bush Jr handed Obama an economy in the toilet.

As for "the biggest mass mess ever in history" according to Wabothai. You'all really need to bone up on history. Here are some bigger messes, just in the past 100 years.

Stalin, Pol Pot, WWI, WWII, Korean War (fueled by Rep prez Eisenhower), Vietnam War, Chairman Mao (contributed to more peoples' deaths than Stalin or Hitler), ....to name a few.

You're getting a little free and loose with your trip down memory lane.


WWI - US President Woodrow Wilson, Democrat

WWII - US President Franklin Roosevelt, Democrat

Korean War - US President Harry Truman, Democrat (Cease fire signed 7 months after Eisenhower took office)

Vietnam War - US Presidents John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, both Democrats (Nixon finally secured Paris Peace Accord)

Chairman Mao - Assumed office in 1949, US President Harry Truman, Democrat

Stalin - Assumed office in 1922, US President Warren G. Harding, Republican (Harding probably had little input with the Russians in 1922)

Pol Pot - Assumed office in 1975, US President Gerald Ford, Republican


Using your apparent logic, two messes can be attributed to Republicans. Those two are Stalin and Pol Pot.

The rest would seem to lie at the feet of the Democrat Party.

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Will Bernie endorse Hillary as she represents much of what he has railed against since announcing his candidacy?

Or....will he announce that he can't, in good conscience, offer his support?

Bernie already declares to Jesse Ventura that that he will support Clinton if he lose the nomination....but...who knows? Bernie my go Independent..

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I think the wheels have fallen off the Trump campaign. It is all a total shambles. Can't remember when political endorsement rallies were cancelled due to riots. Man what a mess. I don't see how the other candidates can put their names to this circus.

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More and more non-white, non-Nazi, non-KKK, non-racist Americans are backing Trump...

"Charles Evers, the 93-year-old brother of slain civil rights icon Medgar Evers, explains his support for Donald Trump for president."

I have nothing against Trump... he's funny. But this guy's 93 years old.

It's a national tragedy that people over the age of 65 get to vote. Why should they have a say in the nation's future when they're just going to die soon anyhow?

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Donald Trump is starting to unify America.

Republicans and Democrats are starting to unify in their efforts to prevent Trump from becoming President.

It's good to see the two parties work together for a change.

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I strongly dislike Hillary.

But, if I have no other choice, I would vote for Hillary to prevent Trump or other GOP circus performers from getting into office.

Not voting is voting republican.

I will vote.

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You know who'd I vote for: They guy that eveey politician in my country hated biggrin.png

Excellent point.....

Trump is disliked because he is so unlike the others. He speaks his mind, and addresses issues that have been ignored by Obama..and the others.

No, that's not it at all. Most of us don't like Trump because he's a pathological liar. And a bully. And a racist. And largely ignorant of world affairs. And of top of all that, he's got tiny hands.

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Will Bernie endorse Hillary as she represents much of what he has railed against since announcing his candidacy?

Or....will he announce that he can't, in good conscience, offer his support?

Bernie already declares to Jesse Ventura that that he will support Clinton if he lose the nomination....but...who knows? Bernie my go Independent..

In that case, then he would just be another establishment party talking dog. I would rather he stick to his principles and run Independent.

Same with the 3 runner ups on the GOP. If they actually feel 1/2 of what they say, then I can't see how they could endorse him

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It’s actually kind of funny….

The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

Yet…they can’t even manage their own party.

Maybe they should run someone being investigated by the FBI for violating national security.

You mean someone who has not been convicted of any wrongdoing?

Anyone else would have been dismissed as a candidate by now simply by virtue of being investigated by the FBI. Beyond whatever damage might have anyway been done, this won't do any further damage to Clinton because Obama will keep it on a slow walk until well after the election.

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It’s actually kind of funny….

The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

Yet…they can’t even manage their own party.

Maybe they should run someone being investigated by the FBI for violating national security.

As opposed to the cocaine sniffing draft dodger Bush they elected for 8 years?

I thought you were going to name Bill.

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More and more non-white, non-Nazi, non-KKK, non-racist Americans are backing Trump...

"Charles Evers, the 93-year-old brother of slain civil rights icon Medgar Evers, explains his support for Donald Trump for president."

I have nothing against Trump... he's funny. But this guy's 93 years old.

It's a national tragedy that people over the age of 65 get to vote. Why should they have a say in the nation's future when they're just going to die soon anyhow?

What a dumbass, where do you think what you have, came from.

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I agree. I think the Brits should formally ban Trump from the UK for life thumbsup.gif

I agree, and the EU should join in. Then the U.S. can pull all of it's military bases out, and they can all start learning Russian and Arabic for the future.

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Ignorant, inflammatory, xenophobic hyperbole.

Exactly what the base of Trump eats up. laugh.png

The out of work, not looking for work, white trash that never finished High School and are living in Trailer Parks.

Get used to it.

Trump will never be President.

Not a chance.


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It’s actually kind of funny….

The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

Yet…they can’t even manage their own party.

Maybe they should run someone being investigated by the FBI for violating national security.

As opposed to the cocaine sniffing draft dodger Bush they elected for 8 years?

I thought you were going to name Bill.

I'd actually feel better about the Clinton ticket it if it were Bill

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They will back Trump or be exposed as liars. The only reason they are attacking him about left-wing protesters causing violence is to pander for votes. Politics really is a dirty business.

I am unsure Rubio will back Trump. ...just not sure. The GOP has much more to gain with HRC in power- little will change. One thing is certain, the GOP is now forever outed as complicit in America's destruction.

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They will back Trump or be exposed as liars. The only reason they are attacking him about left-wing protesters causing violence is to pander for votes. Politics really is a dirty business.

I am unsure Rubio will back Trump. ...just not sure. The GOP has much more to gain with HRC in power- little will change. One thing is certain, the GOP is now forever outed as complicit in America's destruction.

You've got a point--the GOP is actually better off if HRC becomes President. That way, they can keep doing what they do best: obstruct and complain. Deep down, the Republicans don't want to win the White House because it would mean they'd actually have to govern. And that's the one thing they don't do so well.

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If several of you believe Trump will never be president...then why not just let him be? thumbsup.gif

The polls are making you look foolish, by the way.....his nomination will be nailed on tuesday.

Hang fire...until then.

If he pulls it off this Tuesday...you guys are sure going to be wearing clown faces. rolleyes.gif

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