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Palestinian teacher wins $1 million Global Teacher Prize


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Palestinian teacher wins $1 million Global Teacher Prize

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — A Palestinian primary school teacher who grew up in a refugee camp and educates her students about non-violence won a $1 million prize for teaching excellence on Sunday, beating out 8,000 other applicants from around the world.

Hanan al-Hroub, a primary school teacher in the West Bank city of al-Bireh just outside Ramallah, was awarded the second annual Global Teacher Prize during a ceremony in the city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum was on-hand to present the prize to al-Hroub, however her name was announced by Pope Francis in a video message after he talked about the importance of education and teachers, especially for children who grow up amid war.

"I feel amazing and I still can't believe that the Pope said my name," al-Hroub told The Associated Press. "For an Arab, Palestinian teacher to talk to the world today and to reach the highest peak in teaching could be an example for teachers around the world."

She told The Associated Press that she will use the million-dollar prize money to create scholarships for students who excel in order to encourage them to choose careers in teaching.

Her win comes at a time of spiking tensions between Israelis and Palestinians. Five months of unpredictable stabbing, shooting and vehicular attacks by ordinary Palestinian civilians have killed 28 Israelis and two Americans. Israeli forces have killed at least 179 Palestinians, the majority said by Israel to have been attackers.

Israeli officials blame Palestinian leaders and social media for inciting the violence, while Palestinian leaders say it is the product of frustration and despair after nearly 50 years of occupation.

As al-Hroub accepted her award, Palestinians in the audience waved their country's flag and some chanted, fists pumping in the air, "With our souls, our blood, we sacrifice for you Palestine."

In her acceptance speech, she reiterated her mantra of "No to violence" and stressed the importance of dialogue.

"The Palestinian teacher can talk to the world now. Hand in hand we can affect change and provide a safe education to provide peace," she told the AP.

Al-Hroub was among 10 finalists flown to Dubai to attend the ceremony. The nine other finalists hail from Australia, Finland, India, Japan, Kenya, Pakistan, Britain and two from the United States. Al-Hroub had them stand on stage with her to roaring applause after her speech.

The Global Teacher Prize was established two years ago to recognize one exceptional teacher who has made an outstanding contribution to the profession, employs innovative classroom practices and encourages others to join the teaching profession.

The award is presented by the Varkey Foundation. Its founder, Sunny Varkey, established the for-profit GEMS Education company, which has more than 130 schools around the world.

Al-Hroub's official biography says she grew up in a Palestinian refugee camp in Bethlehem, where violence was a regular occurrence. Her biography says she went into teaching after her children witnessed a shooting on their way home from school. That experience pushed her to think more about traumatized children and how classrooms can help. She developed a book called "We Play and Learn" focusing on the importance of playing, trust, respect, honesty and literacy.

The inaugural prize last year went to Nancie Atwell, an English teacher from rural Maine.

Associated Press writer Fay Abuelgasim contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-14

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Now, here come the Palestinian haters.

Well, the "haters" any way. She educates her students about non-violence. She is an excellent teacher. She believes in peace. Her mantra is "No to violence" and she stresses the importance of dialogue. It won't be the pro-Israel side looking down on her. Israel has been calling for peace for the last 70 years.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Now, here come the Palestinian haters.

Well, the "haters" any way. She educates her students about non-violence. She is an excellent teacher. She believes in peace. Her mantra is "No to violence" and she stresses the importance of dialogue. It won't be the pro-Israel side looking down on her. Israel has been calling for peace for the last 70 years.

I was just about to give you one of my first "likes" ever until your last sentence where you attempt to score some political mileage out of one of the few good news stories from the region.
Won't pursue that off topic avenue today.
Congratulations to the woman. Let's hope she nurtures some future political leaders instilled with her values.
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If ever peace does descend on the region and they want to maintain it, one excellent way would be to separate religion from state education.

If only religion could be restricted to the home, innocent children could sit next to each other from kindergarten through to high school, and simply judge their classmates on the content of their character, uninfected with the poison of their parents' religion and prejudices.

If parents still want to send their kids to religious schools, let them pay every last cent of it themselves. I am sure there would still be plenty of religious benefactors around to provide scholarships, but the bulk of the students could grow up in an atmosphere of simply accepting people for who they are and not all the rest of the garbage.

Edited by dexterm
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If ever peace does descend on the region and they want to maintain it, one excellent way would be to separate religion from state education.
If only religion could be restricted to the home, innocent children could sit next to each other from kindergarten through to high school, and simply judge their classmates on the content of their character, uninfected with the poison of their parents' religion and prejudices.
If parents still want to send their kids to religious schools, let them pay every last cent of it themselves. I am sure there would still be plenty of religious benefactors around to provide scholarships, but the bulk of the students could grow up in an atmosphere of simply accepting people for who they are and not all the rest of the garbage.

'If ever', 'if only', 'I am sure'.........but in the meantime lined up with..........

Edited by SheungWan
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Islam guides daily life so expecting a separation of Mosque and State is a pipe dream that will not be allowed to happen.

I prefer to be more optimistic.
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars" (Oscar Wilde)
..and on the subject of enlightment..
"A thousand candles can be lighted from the flame of one candle" (Mahatma Gandhi)
Just a thought to aim for wherever the cancer of religion plays a disproportionate role in the political affairs of a region. And, being an atheist myself, I refer to all religions.
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She told The Associated Press that she will use the million-dollar prize money to create scholarships for students who excel in order to encourage them to choose careers in teaching.
Wouldn't it be excellent if some of the world's leading philanthropists matched her $ for $ with her scholarship fund.
Can anyone whisper in the ear of Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet?
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She told The Associated Press that she will use the million-dollar prize money to create scholarships for students who excel in order to encourage them to choose careers in teaching.
Wouldn't it be excellent if some of the world's leading philanthropists matched her $ for $ with her scholarship fund.
Can anyone whisper in the ear of Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet?

Could it be that it is one of the conditions for receiving the prize money is that something has to be done with it?

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She told The Associated Press that she will use the million-dollar prize money to create scholarships for students who excel in order to encourage them to choose careers in teaching.
Wouldn't it be excellent if some of the world's leading philanthropists matched her $ for $ with her scholarship fund.
Can anyone whisper in the ear of Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet?

Could it be that it is one of the conditions for receiving the prize money is that something has to be done with it?

No, she could do what she likes with the money. So hers is a genuine act of philanthropy.

See the Varkey Award Terms and Conditions.

Also from the Guardian...
"The winner receives $1m (£706,000) and will be asked to serve as a global ambassador for the Varkey Foundation, attending events and speaking about their work.
But they are also required to remain working as a classroom teacher for at least five years as a condition of winning the award."
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Congratulations! Now, here come the Palestinian haters......3.......2.......1.

So I should not point out that the Dubai based company has a vested interest in naming someone for a dubious "prize" from a region where it wishes to expand its business operations? Please read up on this company, its source of financing and its accreditation(s).

There are many excellent educators in arab countries, many of whom identify as palestinians. My comment does not disparage them. Rather it calls into question, the motives of this prize.

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Congratulations! Now, here come the Palestinian haters......3.......2.......1.

So I should not point out that the Dubai based company has a vested interest in naming someone for a dubious "prize" from a region where it wishes to expand its business operations? Please read up on this company, its source of financing and its accreditation(s).

There are many excellent educators in arab countries, many of whom identify as palestinians. My comment does not disparage them. Rather it calls into question, the motives of this prize.

I did research the company and could find nothing sinister. It's founders and CEO are Indian Christians. It has been endorsed by some high profile names UNESCO, the Pope, Bill Clinton.
It has already expanded its business interests in the region...the UAE is where it started ...establishing quality schools for expats since Emiratis had their own free schools, although now the schools are so good Emiratis pay to send their children there too. They have more than 130 schools around the world.
Last years winner was a US teacher. The Varkey Foundations HQ is in London.
What's the problem? If you are good at a particular industry, why not give something back to the communty?
I am wondering what your motivation is trying to smear the Foundation with your innuendoes such as "vested interests" and "dubious prize".
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If ever peace does descend on the region and they want to maintain it, one excellent way would be to separate religion from state education.
If only religion could be restricted to the home, innocent children could sit next to each other from kindergarten through to high school, and simply judge their classmates on the content of their character, uninfected with the poison of their parents' religion and prejudices.
If parents still want to send their kids to religious schools, let them pay every last cent of it themselves. I am sure there would still be plenty of religious benefactors around to provide scholarships, but the bulk of the students could grow up in an atmosphere of simply accepting people for who they are and not all the rest of the garbage.

That will NEVER happen whilst we have Muslims amongst us... she is lucky to be alive, hope the Taliban do not single her out..! or even Thai Muslims in the southern provinces, who have quite a reputation against teachers...

Edited by Bakseeda
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If ever peace does descend on the region and they want to maintain it, one excellent way would be to separate religion from state education.
If only religion could be restricted to the home, innocent children could sit next to each other from kindergarten through to high school, and simply judge their classmates on the content of their character, uninfected with the poison of their parents' religion and prejudices.
If parents still want to send their kids to religious schools, let them pay every last cent of it themselves. I am sure there would still be plenty of religious benefactors around to provide scholarships, but the bulk of the students could grow up in an atmosphere of simply accepting people for who they are and not all the rest of the garbage.

That will NEVER happen whilst we have Muslims amongst us... she is lucky to be alive, hope the Taliban do not single her out..! or even Thai Muslims in the southern provinces, who have quite a reputation against teachers...

No mention of any religion in my post that you quote.
Here's a woman who is doing nothing but good in a world filled with hatred and violence, and all the article can muster in you is hateful off topic Islamophobic garbage and deflection.
I certainly know the type of person I would prefer to share my planet with.
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she is lucky to be alive, hope the Taliban do not single her out..! or even Thai Muslims in the southern provinces, who have quite a reputation against teachers...


This woman lives and works in the occupied West Bank. She is far more likely to be killed by Israel than she is the Taliban or separatists in the southern provinces of Thailand.

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It seems there's more to the story.

The award winner married a terrorist.

I know the Palestinians call him a freedom fighter but he sounds like a terrorist to me:

She married a Palestinian freedom fighter, Omar Al-Hroub, who took part in one of the most daring guerrilla operations in the occupied territories, the Dabboya operation, in Hebron in May 1980. When the guerrillas were being pursued in the mountains they attacked a group of settlers going from the illegal Kiryat Arba settlement to the Dabboya building near the Ibrahimi Mosque. Thirteen settlers were killed, including their military leader in Hebron, and dozens were injured. Months after the operation, the guerrillas were captured; Omar was imprisoned and spent many years in Israeli prisons before being released. It was then that he met and married his life partner who became the best teacher in the world.


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Congratulations! Now, here come the Palestinian haters......3.......2.......1.

So I should not point out that the Dubai based company has a vested interest in naming someone for a dubious "prize" from a region where it wishes to expand its business operations? Please read up on this company, its source of financing and its accreditation(s).

There are many excellent educators in arab countries, many of whom identify as palestinians. My comment does not disparage them. Rather it calls into question, the motives of this prize.

what are you trying to say?

bc it is handed by a Dubai company, prize is worthless and teacher is terrorist?

we call this prejudiced thinking and that is what will end Israel.

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It seems there's more to the story.

The award winner married a terrorist.

I know the Palestinians call him a freedom fighter but he sounds like a terrorist to me:

She married a Palestinian freedom fighter, Omar Al-Hroub, who took part in one of the most daring guerrilla operations in the occupied territories, the Dabboya operation, in Hebron in May 1980. When the guerrillas were being pursued in the mountains they attacked a group of settlers going from the illegal Kiryat Arba settlement to the Dabboya building near the Ibrahimi Mosque. Thirteen settlers were killed, including their military leader in Hebron, and dozens were injured. Months after the operation, the guerrillas were captured; Omar was imprisoned and spent many years in Israeli prisons before being released. It was then that he met and married his life partner who became the best teacher in the world.


Can't you Zionists apologists ever look to the future rather than the past just to disparage one of the rare good news stories from the region.
Israel's cupboard is overflowing with skeletons ...terrorists gang leaders and warmongers who later were awarded Nobel Peace prizes...
Menachem Begin, ex PM leader of Irgun Jewish terrorist gang, who ordered the bombing of the King David Hotel
Yitzhak Rabin who was in charge of the Lydda and Ramle massacres
and of course as Minister of defense is always remembered for his edict instructing soldiers to break Palestinian arms and legs.
Shimon Peres planned Israel's unprovoked attack on Egypt in the Suez Crisis of 1956, and as Prime Minister in 1996 oversaw the Qana-1 massacre in Southern Lebanon
I could go on.
But all 3 of these ex Israeli terrorists later turned to peace.
You should be praising the Palestinian teacher in the OP, not trying to demonize her.
Edited by dexterm
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It seems there's more to the story.

The award winner married a terrorist.

I know the Palestinians call him a freedom fighter but he sounds like a terrorist to me:

She married a Palestinian freedom fighter, Omar Al-Hroub, who took part in one of the most daring guerrilla operations in the occupied territories, the Dabboya operation, in Hebron in May 1980. When the guerrillas were being pursued in the mountains they attacked a group of settlers going from the illegal Kiryat Arba settlement to the Dabboya building near the Ibrahimi Mosque. Thirteen settlers were killed, including their military leader in Hebron, and dozens were injured. Months after the operation, the guerrillas were captured; Omar was imprisoned and spent many years in Israeli prisons before being released. It was then that he met and married his life partner who became the best teacher in the world.


The same way Israel call their illegal settlements home, but it sounds like stealing to me.

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Now, here come the Palestinian haters.

Well, the "haters" any way. She educates her students about non-violence. She is an excellent teacher. She believes in peace. Her mantra is "No to violence" and she stresses the importance of dialogue. It won't be the pro-Israel side looking down on her. Israel has been calling for peace for the last 70 years.

Their last stealing in the west bank is another call for peace?

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