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Are Thai stray dogs the happiest in the world?

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Actually dog pee and poop here dries up very quickly and I have no inclination whatsoever to be kind to people who mistreat animals.

You seem to be saying it is OK for dogs to poo and piss on Thailand's public land. If that is so why all the fuss over the person who took a s**t in a Chiang Mai canal. Feces is Feces.

I have never seen a dog poop in a canal, if I ever do I shall speak strongly to it and advise it is against TV poster sensibilities and to kindly cease and desist.

Also, "you would mistreat a human" and are clearly ok about mistreating dogs, That says rather a lot about you.

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MIKT says i have the audacity,nerve,impudence,cheek,gall regarding stray and soi dogs.[TEMERITY]

let me tell you,having been a greyhound trainer for twenty yrs.i do know what goes on in their world.i have also seen enough misery in the last 33yrs.in thailand

with pets as well as children,which has sickened me insideout.

so please before you use the term TEMERITY know what it means.

know only too well what temerity means (and what a thesaurus is) and would like to know how you have the temerity to post this rubbish having clearly stated "I never venture out of our mooban" and then expect people to know (by magic, osmosis, thought transference, or what?) that you are suddenly an expert on stray dogs all over Thailand, train greyhounds and put-up with misery in children.

And I will have you know that I think very little of greyhound racing and greyhound trainers in general, the dogs certainly are not well treated and most end up being killed when they are injured (frequently) and get to old to race and MAKE MONEY for the owners and trainers. Only a few get to go to good homes and they don't make particularly good pets. So it's no wonder you are sickened.

I have travelled many, many thousands of k around Thailand and seen what goes on for myself, plus having lived/worked in nearly every country in the Far East and many others as well and can tell you far more than even you (who must be an expert on cruelty to make your racing dogs move) would ever want to know about cruelty to animals; and yes children too.

So don't try to lecture me about the English language. Read my posts and say something sensible about looking after stray dogs (and stray children if you like) in Thailand. How about something on the shocking everyday cruelty to cows and pigs that goes on here (especially in the moobans), or caged birds released to "make merit", or fighting chickens, etc. The list is long enough to sicken me, but having seen other countries I still think stray dogs in Thailand have the best deal for this part of the world. It's not a good deal, but its all comparative

i am very suprised you decided to give us your antagonistic views on this forum.

we are all a happy bunch of regular posters that help each other with any problems they have with their pets,and never has there been any bickering if thats the word.

being from the land of sheep shaggers and funny shaped balls,the words TEMERITY AND THESAURUS are behond my upbringing although i did go to a school which was approved by the goverment.

i had to visit the doctors this morning and mentioned your views to him[regular member] he did tell me its called ANTAGONIST PERSON SYNONYM.

so keep posting and get well soon.


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MIKT says i have the audacity,nerve,impudence,cheek,gall regarding stray and soi dogs.[TEMERITY]

let me tell you,having been a greyhound trainer for twenty yrs.i do know what goes on in their world.i have also seen enough misery in the last 33yrs.in thailand

with pets as well as children,which has sickened me insideout.

so please before you use the term TEMERITY know what it means.

know only too well what temerity means (and what a thesaurus is) and would like to know how you have the temerity to post this rubbish having clearly stated "I never venture out of our mooban" and then expect people to know (by magic, osmosis, thought transference, or what?) that you are suddenly an expert on stray dogs all over Thailand, train greyhounds and put-up with misery in children.

And I will have you know that I think very little of greyhound racing and greyhound trainers in general, the dogs certainly are not well treated and most end up being killed when they are injured (frequently) and get to old to race and MAKE MONEY for the owners and trainers. Only a few get to go to good homes and they don't make particularly good pets. So it's no wonder you are sickened.

I have travelled many, many thousands of k around Thailand and seen what goes on for myself, plus having lived/worked in nearly every country in the Far East and many others as well and can tell you far more than even you (who must be an expert on cruelty to make your racing dogs move) would ever want to know about cruelty to animals; and yes children too.

So don't try to lecture me about the English language. Read my posts and say something sensible about looking after stray dogs (and stray children if you like) in Thailand. How about something on the shocking everyday cruelty to cows and pigs that goes on here (especially in the moobans), or caged birds released to "make merit", or fighting chickens, etc. The list is long enough to sicken me, but having seen other countries I still think stray dogs in Thailand have the best deal for this part of the world. It's not a good deal, but its all comparative

i am very suprised you decided to give us your antagonistic views on this forum.

we are all a happy bunch of regular posters that help each other with any problems they have with their pets,and never has there been any bickering if thats the word.

being from the land of sheep shaggers and funny shaped balls,the words TEMERITY AND THESAURUS are behond my upbringing although i did go to a school which was approved by the goverment.

i had to visit the doctors this morning and mentioned your views to him[regular member] he did tell me its called ANTAGONIST PERSON SYNONYM.

so keep posting and get well soon.


talk to your doctor about the kettle and pot syndrome, seems to be your level.

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If they are wearing a collar, they are not strays.

Lost of stray dogs in Thailand are quite thin.

Correct. Collared dogs on public streets are owned pets on the loose. The owners don't really care for the dog most of the time and almost certainly won't take any responsibility if the dog causes any injury to people or damage to property. They also don't clean up the poop and piss made by the dog. These irresponsible owners are far worse than any dog in my opinion and should be put down while the dog should be taken into care.

myself i never venture out of our mooban,but i see a few that are left to fend for their selves.the same owners have had 4 dogs in the past and all have died as they are left to run free on a busy road.there are 2now locked out to run or chase anything they can,the security feeds them,but nobody will de-louse them so its only a matter of time before these 2 go the same way as the others.ARE THEY HAPPY not one bit the tears are streaming down their faces.

so there is no difference between a dog on the street and a kid,both have no one to love them.

oh and my boy he is very very HAPPY. and ME tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

"never venture out of our mooban" and you have the temerity to post about Stray/Soi dogs in Thailand?

NB note to self - must not be contentious or antagonistic, so, yes of course there are many, many, many, bad owners ( bad owners = temporary, a little bit, put a collar on types who don't do much for the dog except let it "guard" their property) in Thailand, but there are many more, often very poor people who do their best to feed and look after stray dogs.

Often the old ladies waiting to put food in the monks bowl's in the morning also feed dogs (and cats) Our neighbour in Pattaya sometimes has 30 cats, which can be a damn nuisance, but we look after kittens (and help to pay for neutering them) and stop idiots from shooting them - I just spray them with a hose to keep them away from my fish and stop them beating up our lapdogs - damn tough some of those cats).

Frequently the worst dogs in a Soi are big dogs owned by farang's who don't know how (or more often don't care) to control them. A hosepipe can work wonders with this type of dog too.

The very worst type being damn yappy poodles, the owners just don't care if they yap all day. Now poodles really are great dogs, but they need training not to yap. (I can never understand how the Thai's can ignore the noise).

Many, people here also pay to have stray dogs injected and taken to the vet when sick, but cannot take them home as they live in condo's or similar. So yes, although there are far too many sick and unloved dogs in Thailand, I think the people here give them a better deal than in most other Asian countries.

And yes, dogs really can laugh and smile and are extraordinarily clever. You want to see happy dogs in Thailand I will send you a video of my 10 dogs in Buri Ram. Better yet I will send you a vid of them ganging up and killing a cobra. Real teamwork.

A few weeks ago my sister-in-law wanted to go into her ground floor house and the dogs all bunched-up and physically prevented her going in the (always open) door. Then they went in and out came a big fat 4' cobra who stayed for lunch. Clever, brave, happy dogs.

I have seen this before when walking (stupidly) without a torch at night the dogs have walked under my legs and pulled my shorts to slow me down and keep me from walking near a snake.

BE KIND TO DOGS - and cats; and chickens and etc.

The people who contribute to the well being of stray dogs by feeding them, getting them medical attention etc but never housing them are also contributing to the many attacks by these dogs on humans, the many road accidents caused by these dogs, the many illnesses and sickness from the dog poop and piss left on public land. BE KIND TO HUMANS first and foremost.

What absolute nonsense. To say that you are clueless is being generous.

The clueless people are those that do everything in their power to keep these nuisance dogs on the streets and have no regard for all the damage they cause.

Yeh you're right...real vandals. Like I said....clueless. If you don't like dogs you're never gonna get it

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MIKT says i have the audacity,nerve,impudence,cheek,gall regarding stray and soi dogs.[TEMERITY]

let me tell you,having been a greyhound trainer for twenty yrs.i do know what goes on in their world.i have also seen enough misery in the last 33yrs.in thailand

with pets as well as children,which has sickened me insideout.

so please before you use the term TEMERITY know what it means.

know only too well what temerity means (and what a thesaurus is) and would like to know how you have the temerity to post this rubbish having clearly stated "I never venture out of our mooban" and then expect people to know (by magic, osmosis, thought transference, or what?) that you are suddenly an expert on stray dogs all over Thailand, train greyhounds and put-up with misery in children.

And I will have you know that I think very little of greyhound racing and greyhound trainers in general, the dogs certainly are not well treated and most end up being killed when they are injured (frequently) and get to old to race and MAKE MONEY for the owners and trainers. Only a few get to go to good homes and they don't make particularly good pets. So it's no wonder you are sickened.

I have travelled many, many thousands of k around Thailand and seen what goes on for myself, plus having lived/worked in nearly every country in the Far East and many others as well and can tell you far more than even you (who must be an expert on cruelty to make your racing dogs move) would ever want to know about cruelty to animals; and yes children too.

So don't try to lecture me about the English language. Read my posts and say something sensible about looking after stray dogs (and stray children if you like) in Thailand. How about something on the shocking everyday cruelty to cows and pigs that goes on here (especially in the moobans), or caged birds released to "make merit", or fighting chickens, etc. The list is long enough to sicken me, but having seen other countries I still think stray dogs in Thailand have the best deal for this part of the world. It's not a good deal, but its all comparative

i am very suprised you decided to give us your antagonistic views on this forum.

we are all a happy bunch of regular posters that help each other with any problems they have with their pets,and never has there been any bickering if thats the word.

being from the land of sheep shaggers and funny shaped balls,the words TEMERITY AND THESAURUS are behond my upbringing although i did go to a school which was approved by the goverment.

i had to visit the doctors this morning and mentioned your views to him[regular member] he did tell me its called ANTAGONIST PERSON SYNONYM.

so keep posting and get well soon.


SYNONYM? I think you might have meant SYNDROME. but I'd hate to antagonise you

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MIKT says i have the audacity,nerve,impudence,cheek,gall regarding stray and soi dogs.[TEMERITY]

let me tell you,having been a greyhound trainer for twenty yrs.i do know what goes on in their world.i have also seen enough misery in the last 33yrs.in thailand

with pets as well as children,which has sickened me insideout.

so please before you use the term TEMERITY know what it means.

know only too well what temerity means (and what a thesaurus is) and would like to know how you have the temerity to post this rubbish having clearly stated "I never venture out of our mooban" and then expect people to know (by magic, osmosis, thought transference, or what?) that you are suddenly an expert on stray dogs all over Thailand, train greyhounds and put-up with misery in children.

And I will have you know that I think very little of greyhound racing and greyhound trainers in general, the dogs certainly are not well treated and most end up being killed when they are injured (frequently) and get to old to race and MAKE MONEY for the owners and trainers. Only a few get to go to good homes and they don't make particularly good pets. So it's no wonder you are sickened.

I have travelled many, many thousands of k around Thailand and seen what goes on for myself, plus having lived/worked in nearly every country in the Far East and many others as well and can tell you far more than even you (who must be an expert on cruelty to make your racing dogs move) would ever want to know about cruelty to animals; and yes children too.

So don't try to lecture me about the English language. Read my posts and say something sensible about looking after stray dogs (and stray children if you like) in Thailand. How about something on the shocking everyday cruelty to cows and pigs that goes on here (especially in the moobans), or caged birds released to "make merit", or fighting chickens, etc. The list is long enough to sicken me, but having seen other countries I still think stray dogs in Thailand have the best deal for this part of the world. It's not a good deal, but its all comparative

i am very suprised you decided to give us your antagonistic views on this forum.

we are all a happy bunch of regular posters that help each other with any problems they have with their pets,and never has there been any bickering if thats the word.

being from the land of sheep shaggers and funny shaped balls,the words TEMERITY AND THESAURUS are behond my upbringing although i did go to a school which was approved by the goverment.

i had to visit the doctors this morning and mentioned your views to him[regular member] he did tell me its called ANTAGONIST PERSON SYNONYM.

so keep posting and get well soon.


I forgot to say, whilst I don't have anything against the Welsh in General (except perhaps for their habit of bursting into song about their blody cold, wet, and miserable valleys, not to mention what they do with sheep and misshapen balls in the mistaken belief they know even half a smidgen about rugby) but a borstal educated (or similar Government approved school) Welsh greyhound trainer who knows how to spell audacity, nerve, impudence, cheek and gall, but does not know what a thesaurus is and lets his neighbor kill off or mistreat multiple dogs without helping them in any way and then has the temerity to complain about antagonism, is so far out of his valley that he truly must be beyond the Pale.

NB I loved the bit about all TV posters working together for peace and harmony in the world so much I hugged myself and started singing Cumbaya.

Made my day thanks.

Edited by MiKT
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If they are wearing a collar, they are not strays.

Lost of stray dogs in Thailand are quite thin.

Rubbish of course they are, idiot locals put collars on them to stop the dog collectors chucking them in the back of the van, have you never seen soi dogs being rounded up? Just does not happen nearly enough. IMO soi dogs are no better than vermin and a mass culling of the pests is needed just to get the problem under control.

Edited by thai3
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If they are wearing a collar, they are not strays.

Lost of stray dogs in Thailand are quite thin.

Rubbish of course they are, idiot locals put collars on them to stop the dog collectors chucking them in the back of the van, have you never seen soi dogs being rounded up? Just does not happen nearly enough. IMO soi dogs are no better than vermin and a mass culling of the pests is needed just to get the problem under control.

Nasty piece of work.

IMO your ilk are less than vermin.

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If they are wearing a collar, they are not strays.

Lost of stray dogs in Thailand are quite thin.

Rubbish of course they are, idiot locals put collars on them to stop the dog collectors chucking them in the back of the van, have you never seen soi dogs being rounded up? Just does not happen nearly enough. IMO soi dogs are no better than vermin and a mass culling of the pests is needed just to get the problem under control.

Nasty piece of work.

IMO your ilk are less than vermin.

You should stick to facts and opinions instead of attacking posters, which of course is not allowed on here. If your kids or mrs had been attacked by one of these scabby pests you might not be so tolerant of these vermin.

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If they are wearing a collar, they are not strays.

Lost of stray dogs in Thailand are quite thin.

Rubbish of course they are, idiot locals put collars on them to stop the dog collectors chucking them in the back of the van, have you never seen soi dogs being rounded up? Just does not happen nearly enough. IMO soi dogs are no better than vermin and a mass culling of the pests is needed just to get the problem under control.

Nasty piece of work.

IMO your ilk are less than vermin.

You should stick to facts and opinions instead of attacking posters, which of course is not allowed on here. If your kids or mrs had been attacked by one of these scabby pests you might not be so tolerant of these vermin.

So its ok to express and opinion that lumps all stray dogs as vermin and call for their extinction, is it, but not ok to express an opinion on the type of (in my opinion) vermin who would advocate that?

My, wife, kids and myself (and dogs) have all been attacked by stray dogs and occasionally bitten, but try reading my posts and understand what I have actually said about stray dogs in Thailand. Including having them rounded up, but not destroyed, culled as you so feelingly put it; and for all so called owners being made responsible for their animals (of all types, not just dogs).

Which is why I have also advocated everybody in your family and all pets being inoculated against rabies. If you live in Thailand and know there is a chance of being bitten by an infected animal, it is immoral not to protect your pets and family. Or do you consider that opinion as attacking other irresponsible posters.

Sounds to me like you might need some kind of desensitizing treatment to get rid of what appears to be an irrational fears of stray dogs; but that's only my opinion, feel free cower and quiver every time you see a stray dog. If you want to practice a little "jai, yen, yen, try having 30 cats for neighbours. Feel free to come round - but of course you might also end up near one of the Sois numerous dogs, let alone worrying that my Chihuahuas might savage your ankles, so I won't bother putting the kettle on.

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If they are wearing a collar, they are not strays.

Lost of stray dogs in Thailand are quite thin.

Rubbish of course they are, idiot locals put collars on them to stop the dog collectors chucking them in the back of the van, have you never seen soi dogs being rounded up? Just does not happen nearly enough. IMO soi dogs are no better than vermin and a mass culling of the pests is needed just to get the problem under control.

Nasty piece of work.

IMO your ilk are less than vermin.

You should stick to facts and opinions instead of attacking posters, which of course is not allowed on here. If your kids or mrs had been attacked by one of these scabby pests you might not be so tolerant of these vermin.

he cant help it thai3 his medication hasnt arrived whistling.gif the vet is on his way.

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more personal attacks, can lead to suspension but that's up to you.

The facts are that soi dogs are a health danger, piss and shit everywhere and can spread rabies as recently in Korat. They are certainly a traffic hazzard and are an unsightly, noisy pest wherever they are. Some people keep rats as pests, they are still vermin and that's what soi dogs are vermin that need to be eradicated. Of course the soppy animal eating dog lovers will never agree, there's no help for them, they are brainwashed. Being inoculated for rabies is a waste of time, you still have to have medical treatment if bitten and makes people feel safe. No soi dogs are inoculated of course. Mass culling is the only answer and the sooner the better. Thailand will always be an undeveloped country with hundreds of thousands of stray dogs roaming about.

Edited by thai3
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more personal attacks, can lead to suspension but that's up to you.

The facts are that soi dogs are a health danger, piss and shit everywhere and can spread rabies as recently in Korat. They are certainly a traffic hazzard and are an unsightly, noisy pest wherever they are. Some people keep rats as pests, they are still vermin and that's what soi dogs are vermin that need to be eradicated. Of course the soppy animal eating dog lovers will never agree, there's no help for them, they are brainwashed. Being inoculated for rabies is a waste of time, you still have to have medical treatment if bitten and makes people feel safe. No soi dogs are inoculated of course. Mass culling is the only answer and the sooner the better. Thailand will always be an undeveloped country with hundreds of thousands of stray dogs roaming about.

So its ok for you to post a totally unsubstantiated and untrue allegations that being inoculated for rabies is a waste of time, do you include your dogs in that?

Are you a doctor, or a vet? can you explain why countries like the Philippines are doing everything they can to get everybody inoculated against rabies in the hope (no the structured plan) of ensuring that nobody dies of this terrible disease. You don't need to be bitten to get rabies, a lick or even just some saliva that gets into an open wound (eg scratched mosquito bite) and chips it is with no hope. Inoculation tilts the odds of surviving in your favour.

Don't you think the rabies in Korat (and plenty of other places in Thailand)is justification enough for all dog owners to have their dogs inoculated and for anybody likely to come into contact with animals that might be infected (not just dogs).

In the Philippines they make a big deal about people dying of rabies, in Thailand they sweep it under the carpet all to often.

You may call this a personal attack, but I say that posting such nonsense about not needing inoculations for rabies that could lead to somebody dying makes you totally irresponsible.

PS yes, many, many soi dogs are inoculated. I know that for a fact and can prove it, can you substantiate your wild claim that "no soi dogs are inoculated"?

Edited by MiKT
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I don't make up the rules, I have not attacked anyone but I have been and have had nasty remarks made. If you cannot post responses without denigrating the poster then please do not post at all. Try and stick to the topic and to the rules.

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I don't make up the rules, I have not attacked anyone but I have been and have had nasty remarks made. If you cannot post responses without denigrating the poster then please do not post at all. Try and stick to the topic and to the rules.

So its ok for people to post nonsense and try to avoid responsibility for unsubstantiated allegations by trying by crying and dealing the "personal attacks" card.

People here have a responsibility to post the truth and cannot complain if their lies, exaggerations, misinformation, etc. are exposed.

If anything I have posted on this long thread was against the rules the mods would have removed it long ago.

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more personal attacks, can lead to suspension but that's up to you.

The facts are that soi dogs are a health danger, piss and shit everywhere and can spread rabies as recently in Korat. They are certainly a traffic hazzard and are an unsightly, noisy pest wherever they are. Some people keep rats as pests, they are still vermin and that's what soi dogs are vermin that need to be eradicated. Of course the soppy animal eating dog lovers will never agree, there's no help for them, they are brainwashed. Being inoculated for rabies is a waste of time, you still have to have medical treatment if bitten and makes people feel safe. No soi dogs are inoculated of course. Mass culling is the only answer and the sooner the better. Thailand will always be an undeveloped country with hundreds of thousands of stray dogs roaming about.

Seems as though you like Thailand as much as you like dogs. By the tone of your posts I can't help wondering if you've already been bitten by something rabid. I'm sorry to be the one to terrify you more but not only dogs carry rabies.

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If they are wearing a collar, they are not strays.

Lost of stray dogs in Thailand are quite thin.

Correct. Collared dogs on public streets are owned pets on the loose. The owners don't really care for the dog most of the time and almost certainly won't take any responsibility if the dog causes any injury to people or damage to property. They also don't clean up the poop and piss made by the dog. These irresponsible owners are far worse than any dog in my opinion and should be put down while the dog should be taken into care.

myself i never venture out of our mooban,but i see a few that are left to fend for their selves.the same owners have had 4 dogs in the past and all have died as they are left to run free on a busy road.there are 2now locked out to run or chase anything they can,the security feeds them,but nobody will de-louse them so its only a matter of time before these 2 go the same way as the others.ARE THEY HAPPY not one bit the tears are streaming down their faces.

so there is no difference between a dog on the street and a kid,both have no one to love them.

oh and my boy he is very very HAPPY. and ME tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

"never venture out of our mooban" and you have the temerity to post about Stray/Soi dogs in Thailand?

NB note to self - must not be contentious or antagonistic, so, yes of course there are many, many, many, bad owners ( bad owners = temporary, a little bit, put a collar on types who don't do much for the dog except let it "guard" their property) in Thailand, but there are many more, often very poor people who do their best to feed and look after stray dogs.

Often the old ladies waiting to put food in the monks bowl's in the morning also feed dogs (and cats) Our neighbour in Pattaya sometimes has 30 cats, which can be a damn nuisance, but we look after kittens (and help to pay for neutering them) and stop idiots from shooting them - I just spray them with a hose to keep them away from my fish and stop them beating up our lapdogs - damn tough some of those cats).

Frequently the worst dogs in a Soi are big dogs owned by farang's who don't know how (or more often don't care) to control them. A hosepipe can work wonders with this type of dog too.

The very worst type being damn yappy poodles, the owners just don't care if they yap all day. Now poodles really are great dogs, but they need training not to yap. (I can never understand how the Thai's can ignore the noise).

Many, people here also pay to have stray dogs injected and taken to the vet when sick, but cannot take them home as they live in condo's or similar. So yes, although there are far too many sick and unloved dogs in Thailand, I think the people here give them a better deal than in most other Asian countries.

And yes, dogs really can laugh and smile and are extraordinarily clever. You want to see happy dogs in Thailand I will send you a video of my 10 dogs in Buri Ram. Better yet I will send you a vid of them ganging up and killing a cobra. Real teamwork.

A few weeks ago my sister-in-law wanted to go into her ground floor house and the dogs all bunched-up and physically prevented her going in the (always open) door. Then they went in and out came a big fat 4' cobra who stayed for lunch. Clever, brave, happy dogs.

I have seen this before when walking (stupidly) without a torch at night the dogs have walked under my legs and pulled my shorts to slow me down and keep me from walking near a snake.

BE KIND TO DOGS - and cats; and chickens and etc.

The people who contribute to the well being of stray dogs by feeding them, getting them medical attention etc but never housing them are also contributing to the many attacks by these dogs on humans, the many road accidents caused by these dogs, the many illnesses and sickness from the dog poop and piss left on public land. BE KIND TO HUMANS first and foremost.

What absolute nonsense. To say that you are clueless is being generous.

The clueless people are those that do everything in their power to keep these nuisance dogs on the streets and have no regard for all the damage they cause.

Yeh you're right...real vandals. Like I said....clueless. If you don't like dogs you're never gonna get it

I like dogs and have owned at least one for the past 30 years here. What I don't like are the irresponsible people who feed and maintain dogs loose on the public street. Those clueless people do nothing when a dog causes an accident or injures somebody.

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Actually dog pee and poop here dries up very quickly and I have no inclination whatsoever to be kind to people who mistreat animals.

You seem to be saying it is OK for dogs to poo and piss on Thailand's public land. If that is so why all the fuss over the person who took a s**t in a Chiang Mai canal. Feces is Feces.

I have never seen a dog poop in a canal, if I ever do I shall speak strongly to it and advise it is against TV sensibilities and to kindly cease and desist.

As you seem to enjoy dog poop so much I'll send you some and you can have it for breakfast.

You missed the point. If dog poop is OK then why don't we, humans, all poop in the street. Because it's disgusting is why. Feces is Feces no mater what bum they come from and a public health risk.

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If they are wearing a collar, they are not strays.

Lost of stray dogs in Thailand are quite thin.

Correct. Collared dogs on public streets are owned pets on the loose. The owners don't really care for the dog most of the time and almost certainly won't take any responsibility if the dog causes any injury to people or damage to property. They also don't clean up the poop and piss made by the dog. These irresponsible owners are far worse than any dog in my opinion and should be put down while the dog should be taken into care.

myself i never venture out of our mooban,but i see a few that are left to fend for their selves.the same owners have had 4 dogs in the past and all have died as they are left to run free on a busy road.there are 2now locked out to run or chase anything they can,the security feeds them,but nobody will de-louse them so its only a matter of time before these 2 go the same way as the others.ARE THEY HAPPY not one bit the tears are streaming down their faces.

so there is no difference between a dog on the street and a kid,both have no one to love them.

oh and my boy he is very very HAPPY. and ME tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

"never venture out of our mooban" and you have the temerity to post about Stray/Soi dogs in Thailand?

NB note to self - must not be contentious or antagonistic, so, yes of course there are many, many, many, bad owners ( bad owners = temporary, a little bit, put a collar on types who don't do much for the dog except let it "guard" their property) in Thailand, but there are many more, often very poor people who do their best to feed and look after stray dogs.

Often the old ladies waiting to put food in the monks bowl's in the morning also feed dogs (and cats) Our neighbour in Pattaya sometimes has 30 cats, which can be a damn nuisance, but we look after kittens (and help to pay for neutering them) and stop idiots from shooting them - I just spray them with a hose to keep them away from my fish and stop them beating up our lapdogs - damn tough some of those cats).

Frequently the worst dogs in a Soi are big dogs owned by farang's who don't know how (or more often don't care) to control them. A hosepipe can work wonders with this type of dog too.

The very worst type being damn yappy poodles, the owners just don't care if they yap all day. Now poodles really are great dogs, but they need training not to yap. (I can never understand how the Thai's can ignore the noise).

Many, people here also pay to have stray dogs injected and taken to the vet when sick, but cannot take them home as they live in condo's or similar. So yes, although there are far too many sick and unloved dogs in Thailand, I think the people here give them a better deal than in most other Asian countries.

And yes, dogs really can laugh and smile and are extraordinarily clever. You want to see happy dogs in Thailand I will send you a video of my 10 dogs in Buri Ram. Better yet I will send you a vid of them ganging up and killing a cobra. Real teamwork.

A few weeks ago my sister-in-law wanted to go into her ground floor house and the dogs all bunched-up and physically prevented her going in the (always open) door. Then they went in and out came a big fat 4' cobra who stayed for lunch. Clever, brave, happy dogs.

I have seen this before when walking (stupidly) without a torch at night the dogs have walked under my legs and pulled my shorts to slow me down and keep me from walking near a snake.

BE KIND TO DOGS - and cats; and chickens and etc.

The people who contribute to the well being of stray dogs by feeding them, getting them medical attention etc but never housing them are also contributing to the many attacks by these dogs on humans, the many road accidents caused by these dogs, the many illnesses and sickness from the dog poop and piss left on public land. BE KIND TO HUMANS first and foremost.

What absolute nonsense. To say that you are clueless is being generous.

The clueless people are those that do everything in their power to keep these nuisance dogs on the streets and have no regard for all the damage they cause.

Yeh you're right...real vandals. Like I said....clueless. If you don't like dogs you're never gonna get it

I like dogs and have owned at least one for the past 30 years here. What I don't like are the irresponsible people who feed and maintain dogs loose on the public street. Those clueless people do nothing when a dog causes an accident or injures somebody.

Humans cause far more accidents than dogs. We should stop feeding them too

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Actually dog pee and poop here dries up very quickly and I have no inclination whatsoever to be kind to people who mistreat animals.

You seem to be saying it is OK for dogs to poo and piss on Thailand's public land. If that is so why all the fuss over the person who took a s**t in a Chiang Mai canal. Feces is Feces.

I have never seen a dog poop in a canal, if I ever do I shall speak strongly to it and advise it is against TV poster sensibilities and to kindly cease and desist.

Also, "you would mistreat a human" and are clearly ok about mistreating dogs, That says rather a lot about you.

I am not OK about mistreating dogs, where have I said that? I just put humans before them. You putting dogs before humans says rather a lot about you.

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If they are wearing a collar, they are not strays.

Lost of stray dogs in Thailand are quite thin.

Correct. Collared dogs on public streets are owned pets on the loose. The owners don't really care for the dog most of the time and almost certainly won't take any responsibility if the dog causes any injury to people or damage to property. They also don't clean up the poop and piss made by the dog. These irresponsible owners are far worse than any dog in my opinion and should be put down while the dog should be taken into care.

myself i never venture out of our mooban,but i see a few that are left to fend for their selves.the same owners have had 4 dogs in the past and all have died as they are left to run free on a busy road.there are 2now locked out to run or chase anything they can,the security feeds them,but nobody will de-louse them so its only a matter of time before these 2 go the same way as the others.ARE THEY HAPPY not one bit the tears are streaming down their faces.

so there is no difference between a dog on the street and a kid,both have no one to love them.

oh and my boy he is very very HAPPY. and ME tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

"never venture out of our mooban" and you have the temerity to post about Stray/Soi dogs in Thailand?

NB note to self - must not be contentious or antagonistic, so, yes of course there are many, many, many, bad owners ( bad owners = temporary, a little bit, put a collar on types who don't do much for the dog except let it "guard" their property) in Thailand, but there are many more, often very poor people who do their best to feed and look after stray dogs.

Often the old ladies waiting to put food in the monks bowl's in the morning also feed dogs (and cats) Our neighbour in Pattaya sometimes has 30 cats, which can be a damn nuisance, but we look after kittens (and help to pay for neutering them) and stop idiots from shooting them - I just spray them with a hose to keep them away from my fish and stop them beating up our lapdogs - damn tough some of those cats).

Frequently the worst dogs in a Soi are big dogs owned by farang's who don't know how (or more often don't care) to control them. A hosepipe can work wonders with this type of dog too.

The very worst type being damn yappy poodles, the owners just don't care if they yap all day. Now poodles really are great dogs, but they need training not to yap. (I can never understand how the Thai's can ignore the noise).

Many, people here also pay to have stray dogs injected and taken to the vet when sick, but cannot take them home as they live in condo's or similar. So yes, although there are far too many sick and unloved dogs in Thailand, I think the people here give them a better deal than in most other Asian countries.

And yes, dogs really can laugh and smile and are extraordinarily clever. You want to see happy dogs in Thailand I will send you a video of my 10 dogs in Buri Ram. Better yet I will send you a vid of them ganging up and killing a cobra. Real teamwork.

A few weeks ago my sister-in-law wanted to go into her ground floor house and the dogs all bunched-up and physically prevented her going in the (always open) door. Then they went in and out came a big fat 4' cobra who stayed for lunch. Clever, brave, happy dogs.

I have seen this before when walking (stupidly) without a torch at night the dogs have walked under my legs and pulled my shorts to slow me down and keep me from walking near a snake.

BE KIND TO DOGS - and cats; and chickens and etc.

The people who contribute to the well being of stray dogs by feeding them, getting them medical attention etc but never housing them are also contributing to the many attacks by these dogs on humans, the many road accidents caused by these dogs, the many illnesses and sickness from the dog poop and piss left on public land. BE KIND TO HUMANS first and foremost.

What absolute nonsense. To say that you are clueless is being generous.

The clueless people are those that do everything in their power to keep these nuisance dogs on the streets and have no regard for all the damage they cause.

Yeh you're right...real vandals. Like I said....clueless. If you don't like dogs you're never gonna get it

I like dogs and have owned at least one for the past 30 years here. What I don't like are the irresponsible people who feed and maintain dogs loose on the public street. Those clueless people do nothing when a dog causes an accident or injures somebody.

Humans cause far more accidents than dogs. We should stop feeding them too

But a human often takes responsibility for their action or if not are mostly caught and punished. The owners of these so called stray dogs take no responsibility at all.

And it is not really the dog that causes the accident it is the dogs owner by letting the dog onto the street in the first place. Please note that by owner I mean the person(s) who feed and maintain it.

When a dog on the loose starts to pay taxes and cleans up its poop into a plastic bag and places it in a bin then I shall start to think maybe it has some rights. Not until then.

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If they are wearing a collar, they are not strays.

Lost of stray dogs in Thailand are quite thin.

Correct. Collared dogs on public streets are owned pets on the loose. The owners don't really care for the dog most of the time and almost certainly won't take any responsibility if the dog causes any injury to people or damage to property. They also don't clean up the poop and piss made by the dog. These irresponsible owners are far worse than any dog in my opinion and should be put down while the dog should be taken into care.

myself i never venture out of our mooban,but i see a few that are left to fend for their selves.the same owners have had 4 dogs in the past and all have died as they are left to run free on a busy road.there are 2now locked out to run or chase anything they can,the security feeds them,but nobody will de-louse them so its only a matter of time before these 2 go the same way as the others.ARE THEY HAPPY not one bit the tears are streaming down their faces.

so there is no difference between a dog on the street and a kid,both have no one to love them.

oh and my boy he is very very HAPPY. and ME tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

"never venture out of our mooban" and you have the temerity to post about Stray/Soi dogs in Thailand?

NB note to self - must not be contentious or antagonistic, so, yes of course there are many, many, many, bad owners ( bad owners = temporary, a little bit, put a collar on types who don't do much for the dog except let it "guard" their property) in Thailand, but there are many more, often very poor people who do their best to feed and look after stray dogs.

Often the old ladies waiting to put food in the monks bowl's in the morning also feed dogs (and cats) Our neighbour in Pattaya sometimes has 30 cats, which can be a damn nuisance, but we look after kittens (and help to pay for neutering them) and stop idiots from shooting them - I just spray them with a hose to keep them away from my fish and stop them beating up our lapdogs - damn tough some of those cats).

Frequently the worst dogs in a Soi are big dogs owned by farang's who don't know how (or more often don't care) to control them. A hosepipe can work wonders with this type of dog too.

The very worst type being damn yappy poodles, the owners just don't care if they yap all day. Now poodles really are great dogs, but they need training not to yap. (I can never understand how the Thai's can ignore the noise).

Many, people here also pay to have stray dogs injected and taken to the vet when sick, but cannot take them home as they live in condo's or similar. So yes, although there are far too many sick and unloved dogs in Thailand, I think the people here give them a better deal than in most other Asian countries.

And yes, dogs really can laugh and smile and are extraordinarily clever. You want to see happy dogs in Thailand I will send you a video of my 10 dogs in Buri Ram. Better yet I will send you a vid of them ganging up and killing a cobra. Real teamwork.

A few weeks ago my sister-in-law wanted to go into her ground floor house and the dogs all bunched-up and physically prevented her going in the (always open) door. Then they went in and out came a big fat 4' cobra who stayed for lunch. Clever, brave, happy dogs.

I have seen this before when walking (stupidly) without a torch at night the dogs have walked under my legs and pulled my shorts to slow me down and keep me from walking near a snake.

BE KIND TO DOGS - and cats; and chickens and etc.

The people who contribute to the well being of stray dogs by feeding them, getting them medical attention etc but never housing them are also contributing to the many attacks by these dogs on humans, the many road accidents caused by these dogs, the many illnesses and sickness from the dog poop and piss left on public land. BE KIND TO HUMANS first and foremost.

What absolute nonsense. To say that you are clueless is being generous.

The clueless people are those that do everything in their power to keep these nuisance dogs on the streets and have no regard for all the damage they cause.

Yeh you're right...real vandals. Like I said....clueless. If you don't like dogs you're never gonna get it

I like dogs and have owned at least one for the past 30 years here. What I don't like are the irresponsible people who feed and maintain dogs loose on the public street. Those clueless people do nothing when a dog causes an accident or injures somebody.

Humans cause far more accidents than dogs. We should stop feeding them too

But a human often takes responsibility for their action or if not are mostly caught and punished. The owners of these so called stray dogs take no responsibility at all.

And it is not really the dog that causes the accident it is the dogs owner by letting the dog onto the street in the first place. Please note that by owner I mean the person(s) who feed and maintain it.

When a dog on the loose starts to pay taxes and cleans up its poop into a plastic bag and places it in a bin then I shall start to think maybe it has some rights. Not until then.

Stray dogs have no owners. Difficult concept for you to understand perhaps. When you can talk some sense it might be worth continuing a dialogue with you

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more personal attacks, can lead to suspension but that's up to you.

The facts are that soi dogs are a health danger, piss and shit everywhere and can spread rabies as recently in Korat. They are certainly a traffic hazzard and are an unsightly, noisy pest wherever they are. Some people keep rats as pests, they are still vermin and that's what soi dogs are vermin that need to be eradicated. Of course the soppy animal eating dog lovers will never agree, there's no help for them, they are brainwashed. Being inoculated for rabies is a waste of time, you still have to have medical treatment if bitten and makes people feel safe. No soi dogs are inoculated of course. Mass culling is the only answer and the sooner the better. Thailand will always be an undeveloped country with hundreds of thousands of stray dogs roaming about.

Seems as though you like Thailand as much as you like dogs. By the tone of your posts I can't help wondering if you've already been bitten by something rabid. I'm sorry to be the one to terrify you more but not only dogs carry rabies.

What a surprise another snide remark. Actually I do like dogs, but not the hundreds of thousands of soi dogs that need eliminating. I like dogs, but not the ones that shit outside my house, bark all night, ones that are a constant road hazzard, the ones I have to step over just to get into 7/11 the thousands of diseased wretches at every wat I have ever been to and the ones who bite kids. Mrs was savaged last year by one, she was it's fourth victim in 2 weeks before people finally got the message and stoved it's head in. There is nothing nice or good about soi dogs, they need to die.

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more personal attacks, can lead to suspension but that's up to you.

The facts are that soi dogs are a health danger, piss and shit everywhere and can spread rabies as recently in Korat. They are certainly a traffic hazzard and are an unsightly, noisy pest wherever they are. Some people keep rats as pests, they are still vermin and that's what soi dogs are vermin that need to be eradicated. Of course the soppy animal eating dog lovers will never agree, there's no help for them, they are brainwashed. Being inoculated for rabies is a waste of time, you still have to have medical treatment if bitten and makes people feel safe. No soi dogs are inoculated of course. Mass culling is the only answer and the sooner the better. Thailand will always be an undeveloped country with hundreds of thousands of stray dogs roaming about.

Seems as though you like Thailand as much as you like dogs. By the tone of your posts I can't help wondering if you've already been bitten by something rabid. I'm sorry to be the one to terrify you more but not only dogs carry rabies.

What a surprise another snide remark. Actually I do like dogs, but not the hundreds of thousands of soi dogs that need eliminating. I like dogs, but not the ones that shit outside my house, bark all night, ones that are a constant road hazzard, the ones I have to step over just to get into 7/11 the thousands of diseased wretches at every wat I have ever been to and the ones who bite kids. Mrs was savaged last year by one, she was it's fourth victim in 2 weeks before people finally got the message and stoved it's head in. There is nothing nice or good about soi dogs, they need to die.

Ever considered anger management?

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I am not the angry one posting personal attacks, just pointing out the truth that soi dogs are a menace that need to be eliminated, and the sooner the better

It's only YOUR truth bearing no relevance to the real world. I'm not attacking you personally, I'm disagreeing with your very nasty attitude towards dogs who mostly would have been born into their situation. Luckily for them there are some of us who do what we can to help

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I am not the angry one posting personal attacks, just pointing out the truth that soi dogs are a menace that need to be eliminated, and the sooner the better

It's only YOUR truth bearing no relevance to the real world. I'm not attacking you personally, I'm disagreeing with your very nasty attitude towards dogs who mostly would have been born into their situation. Luckily for them there are some of us who do what we can to help

I think we need to stop responding to people who can't acknowledge how offensive, lacking in humanity and jai dam they appear to be, not to mention demonstrating their abject ignorance of the real situation.

Those who continue to post remarks that are offensive to others but cover them up by "generalising" and then pouting like spoiled brats and dribbling in their gruel when taken to task are not worth wasting time on.

I can only presume they are mentally impaired in some way that prevents them reading and inwardly digesting the words that others post and responding in any way except to reiterate their "kill, kill, kill mantra like a deranged ISIS supporter.

Just like the idiot an a similar concurrent post boasting how he rode his motorcycle into (and hit with a lump of concrete) a dog that scared him, but was actually nowhere near him, it it is pretty clear that these people are NASTY.

Probably the only words they know by heart are "Bar Humbug".

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If they are wearing a collar, they are not strays.

Lost of stray dogs in Thailand are quite thin.

Correct. Collared dogs on public streets are owned pets on the loose. The owners don't really care for the dog most of the time and almost certainly won't take any responsibility if the dog causes any injury to people or damage to property. They also don't clean up the poop and piss made by the dog. These irresponsible owners are far worse than any dog in my opinion and should be put down while the dog should be taken into care.

myself i never venture out of our mooban,but i see a few that are left to fend for their selves.the same owners have had 4 dogs in the past and all have died as they are left to run free on a busy road.there are 2now locked out to run or chase anything they can,the security feeds them,but nobody will de-louse them so its only a matter of time before these 2 go the same way as the others.ARE THEY HAPPY not one bit the tears are streaming down their faces.

so there is no difference between a dog on the street and a kid,both have no one to love them.

oh and my boy he is very very HAPPY. and ME tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

"never venture out of our mooban" and you have the temerity to post about Stray/Soi dogs in Thailand?

NB note to self - must not be contentious or antagonistic, so, yes of course there are many, many, many, bad owners ( bad owners = temporary, a little bit, put a collar on types who don't do much for the dog except let it "guard" their property) in Thailand, but there are many more, often very poor people who do their best to feed and look after stray dogs.

Often the old ladies waiting to put food in the monks bowl's in the morning also feed dogs (and cats) Our neighbour in Pattaya sometimes has 30 cats, which can be a damn nuisance, but we look after kittens (and help to pay for neutering them) and stop idiots from shooting them - I just spray them with a hose to keep them away from my fish and stop them beating up our lapdogs - damn tough some of those cats).

Frequently the worst dogs in a Soi are big dogs owned by farang's who don't know how (or more often don't care) to control them. A hosepipe can work wonders with this type of dog too.

The very worst type being damn yappy poodles, the owners just don't care if they yap all day. Now poodles really are great dogs, but they need training not to yap. (I can never understand how the Thai's can ignore the noise).

Many, people here also pay to have stray dogs injected and taken to the vet when sick, but cannot take them home as they live in condo's or similar. So yes, although there are far too many sick and unloved dogs in Thailand, I think the people here give them a better deal than in most other Asian countries.

And yes, dogs really can laugh and smile and are extraordinarily clever. You want to see happy dogs in Thailand I will send you a video of my 10 dogs in Buri Ram. Better yet I will send you a vid of them ganging up and killing a cobra. Real teamwork.

A few weeks ago my sister-in-law wanted to go into her ground floor house and the dogs all bunched-up and physically prevented her going in the (always open) door. Then they went in and out came a big fat 4' cobra who stayed for lunch. Clever, brave, happy dogs.

I have seen this before when walking (stupidly) without a torch at night the dogs have walked under my legs and pulled my shorts to slow me down and keep me from walking near a snake.

BE KIND TO DOGS - and cats; and chickens and etc.

The people who contribute to the well being of stray dogs by feeding them, getting them medical attention etc but never housing them are also contributing to the many attacks by these dogs on humans, the many road accidents caused by these dogs, the many illnesses and sickness from the dog poop and piss left on public land. BE KIND TO HUMANS first and foremost.

What absolute nonsense. To say that you are clueless is being generous.

The clueless people are those that do everything in their power to keep these nuisance dogs on the streets and have no regard for all the damage they cause.

Yeh you're right...real vandals. Like I said....clueless. If you don't like dogs you're never gonna get it

I like dogs and have owned at least one for the past 30 years here. What I don't like are the irresponsible people who feed and maintain dogs loose on the public street. Those clueless people do nothing when a dog causes an accident or injures somebody.

Humans cause far more accidents than dogs. We should stop feeding them too

But a human often takes responsibility for their action or if not are mostly caught and punished. The owners of these so called stray dogs take no responsibility at all.

And it is not really the dog that causes the accident it is the dogs owner by letting the dog onto the street in the first place. Please note that by owner I mean the person(s) who feed and maintain it.

When a dog on the loose starts to pay taxes and cleans up its poop into a plastic bag and places it in a bin then I shall start to think maybe it has some rights. Not until then.

Stray dogs have no owners. Difficult concept for you to understand perhaps. When you can talk some sense it might be worth continuing a dialogue with you

A stray dog's owner is the person who puts a collar on it and/or feeds it. If the dogs were not fed they would not exist. Perhaps you should do some deep thinking about yourself before making comments about others.

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