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Are Thai stray dogs the happiest in the world?

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I am not the angry one posting personal attacks, just pointing out the truth that soi dogs are a menace that need to be eliminated, and the sooner the better

It's only YOUR truth bearing no relevance to the real world. I'm not attacking you personally, I'm disagreeing with your very nasty attitude towards dogs who mostly would have been born into their situation. Luckily for them there are some of us who do what we can to help

You help the dog. What about helping the humans who have to put up with all the noise, mess, poop, accidents, etc etc that these dogs make. Feeding the soi dogs means there will be more of them. Nobody with a care for the human race would want that.

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If they are wearing a collar, they are not strays.

Lost of stray dogs in Thailand are quite thin.

Correct. Collared dogs on public streets are owned pets on the loose. The owners don't really care for the dog most of the time and almost certainly won't take any responsibility if the dog causes any injury to people or damage to property. They also don't clean up the poop and piss made by the dog. These irresponsible owners are far worse than any dog in my opinion and should be put down while the dog should be taken into care.

myself i never venture out of our mooban,but i see a few that are left to fend for their selves.the same owners have had 4 dogs in the past and all have died as they are left to run free on a busy road.there are 2now locked out to run or chase anything they can,the security feeds them,but nobody will de-louse them so its only a matter of time before these 2 go the same way as the others.ARE THEY HAPPY not one bit the tears are streaming down their faces.

so there is no difference between a dog on the street and a kid,both have no one to love them.

oh and my boy he is very very HAPPY. and ME tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

"never venture out of our mooban" and you have the temerity to post about Stray/Soi dogs in Thailand?

NB note to self - must not be contentious or antagonistic, so, yes of course there are many, many, many, bad owners ( bad owners = temporary, a little bit, put a collar on types who don't do much for the dog except let it "guard" their property) in Thailand, but there are many more, often very poor people who do their best to feed and look after stray dogs.

Often the old ladies waiting to put food in the monks bowl's in the morning also feed dogs (and cats) Our neighbour in Pattaya sometimes has 30 cats, which can be a damn nuisance, but we look after kittens (and help to pay for neutering them) and stop idiots from shooting them - I just spray them with a hose to keep them away from my fish and stop them beating up our lapdogs - damn tough some of those cats).

Frequently the worst dogs in a Soi are big dogs owned by farang's who don't know how (or more often don't care) to control them. A hosepipe can work wonders with this type of dog too.

The very worst type being damn yappy poodles, the owners just don't care if they yap all day. Now poodles really are great dogs, but they need training not to yap. (I can never understand how the Thai's can ignore the noise).

Many, people here also pay to have stray dogs injected and taken to the vet when sick, but cannot take them home as they live in condo's or similar. So yes, although there are far too many sick and unloved dogs in Thailand, I think the people here give them a better deal than in most other Asian countries.

And yes, dogs really can laugh and smile and are extraordinarily clever. You want to see happy dogs in Thailand I will send you a video of my 10 dogs in Buri Ram. Better yet I will send you a vid of them ganging up and killing a cobra. Real teamwork.

A few weeks ago my sister-in-law wanted to go into her ground floor house and the dogs all bunched-up and physically prevented her going in the (always open) door. Then they went in and out came a big fat 4' cobra who stayed for lunch. Clever, brave, happy dogs.

I have seen this before when walking (stupidly) without a torch at night the dogs have walked under my legs and pulled my shorts to slow me down and keep me from walking near a snake.

BE KIND TO DOGS - and cats; and chickens and etc.

The people who contribute to the well being of stray dogs by feeding them, getting them medical attention etc but never housing them are also contributing to the many attacks by these dogs on humans, the many road accidents caused by these dogs, the many illnesses and sickness from the dog poop and piss left on public land. BE KIND TO HUMANS first and foremost.

What absolute nonsense. To say that you are clueless is being generous.

The clueless people are those that do everything in their power to keep these nuisance dogs on the streets and have no regard for all the damage they cause.

Yeh you're right...real vandals. Like I said....clueless. If you don't like dogs you're never gonna get it

I like dogs and have owned at least one for the past 30 years here. What I don't like are the irresponsible people who feed and maintain dogs loose on the public street. Those clueless people do nothing when a dog causes an accident or injures somebody.

Humans cause far more accidents than dogs. We should stop feeding them too

But a human often takes responsibility for their action or if not are mostly caught and punished. The owners of these so called stray dogs take no responsibility at all.

And it is not really the dog that causes the accident it is the dogs owner by letting the dog onto the street in the first place. Please note that by owner I mean the person(s) who feed and maintain it.

When a dog on the loose starts to pay taxes and cleans up its poop into a plastic bag and places it in a bin then I shall start to think maybe it has some rights. Not until then.

Stray dogs have no owners. Difficult concept for you to understand perhaps. When you can talk some sense it might be worth continuing a dialogue with you

A stray dog's owner is the person who puts a collar on it and/or feeds it. If the dogs were not fed they would not exist. Perhaps you should do some deep thinking about yourself before making comments about others.

You're a lost cause not worthy of any more interaction

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my feeling on this is when i said i do not venture outside of our mooban its because the last 21months have been nothing but worry.

yes our boy got infected by parasites,we got a good idea where it came from,so my boy stays by my side and away as far as possible from any stray or soi dogs so not to pick up strangers.

if anybody thinks it will change here in los ,[land of stray's] they had better think again.i have not seen anything in over 33yrs.that makes me think otherwise.

i have said it many times its hard to keep your mouth shut when you see the abuse of thai's so called pets,interfere at your own risk.

so once again are soi dogs happy? i dont know and i dont want to.

i only love me and love my dog.if you dont believe me ask the wife.its our 25th.wedding aniversary.she knows.

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If they are wearing a collar, they are not strays.

Lost of stray dogs in Thailand are quite thin.

Correct. Collared dogs on public streets are owned pets on the loose. The owners don't really care for the dog most of the time and almost certainly won't take any responsibility if the dog causes any injury to people or damage to property. They also don't clean up the poop and piss made by the dog. These irresponsible owners are far worse than any dog in my opinion and should be put down while the dog should be taken into care.

myself i never venture out of our mooban,but i see a few that are left to fend for their selves.the same owners have had 4 dogs in the past and all have died as they are left to run free on a busy road.there are 2now locked out to run or chase anything they can,the security feeds them,but nobody will de-louse them so its only a matter of time before these 2 go the same way as the others.ARE THEY HAPPY not one bit the tears are streaming down their faces.

so there is no difference between a dog on the street and a kid,both have no one to love them.

oh and my boy he is very very HAPPY. and ME tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

"never venture out of our mooban" and you have the temerity to post about Stray/Soi dogs in Thailand?

NB note to self - must not be contentious or antagonistic, so, yes of course there are many, many, many, bad owners ( bad owners = temporary, a little bit, put a collar on types who don't do much for the dog except let it "guard" their property) in Thailand, but there are many more, often very poor people who do their best to feed and look after stray dogs.

Often the old ladies waiting to put food in the monks bowl's in the morning also feed dogs (and cats) Our neighbour in Pattaya sometimes has 30 cats, which can be a damn nuisance, but we look after kittens (and help to pay for neutering them) and stop idiots from shooting them - I just spray them with a hose to keep them away from my fish and stop them beating up our lapdogs - damn tough some of those cats).

Frequently the worst dogs in a Soi are big dogs owned by farang's who don't know how (or more often don't care) to control them. A hosepipe can work wonders with this type of dog too.

The very worst type being damn yappy poodles, the owners just don't care if they yap all day. Now poodles really are great dogs, but they need training not to yap. (I can never understand how the Thai's can ignore the noise).

Many, people here also pay to have stray dogs injected and taken to the vet when sick, but cannot take them home as they live in condo's or similar. So yes, although there are far too many sick and unloved dogs in Thailand, I think the people here give them a better deal than in most other Asian countries.

And yes, dogs really can laugh and smile and are extraordinarily clever. You want to see happy dogs in Thailand I will send you a video of my 10 dogs in Buri Ram. Better yet I will send you a vid of them ganging up and killing a cobra. Real teamwork.

A few weeks ago my sister-in-law wanted to go into her ground floor house and the dogs all bunched-up and physically prevented her going in the (always open) door. Then they went in and out came a big fat 4' cobra who stayed for lunch. Clever, brave, happy dogs.

I have seen this before when walking (stupidly) without a torch at night the dogs have walked under my legs and pulled my shorts to slow me down and keep me from walking near a snake.

BE KIND TO DOGS - and cats; and chickens and etc.

The people who contribute to the well being of stray dogs by feeding them, getting them medical attention etc but never housing them are also contributing to the many attacks by these dogs on humans, the many road accidents caused by these dogs, the many illnesses and sickness from the dog poop and piss left on public land. BE KIND TO HUMANS first and foremost.

What absolute nonsense. To say that you are clueless is being generous.

The clueless people are those that do everything in their power to keep these nuisance dogs on the streets and have no regard for all the damage they cause.

Yeh you're right...real vandals. Like I said....clueless. If you don't like dogs you're never gonna get it

I like dogs and have owned at least one for the past 30 years here. What I don't like are the irresponsible people who feed and maintain dogs loose on the public street. Those clueless people do nothing when a dog causes an accident or injures somebody.

Humans cause far more accidents than dogs. We should stop feeding them too

But a human often takes responsibility for their action or if not are mostly caught and punished. The owners of these so called stray dogs take no responsibility at all.

And it is not really the dog that causes the accident it is the dogs owner by letting the dog onto the street in the first place. Please note that by owner I mean the person(s) who feed and maintain it.

When a dog on the loose starts to pay taxes and cleans up its poop into a plastic bag and places it in a bin then I shall start to think maybe it has some rights. Not until then.

Stray dogs have no owners. Difficult concept for you to understand perhaps. When you can talk some sense it might be worth continuing a dialogue with you

A stray dog's owner is the person who puts a collar on it and/or feeds it. If the dogs were not fed they would not exist. Perhaps you should do some deep thinking about yourself before making comments about others.

You're a lost cause not worthy of any more interaction

Been thinking the same about you with you being able to offer no sane reason why stray dogs should be allowed on public street.

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my feeling on this is when i said i do not venture outside of our mooban its because the last 21months have been nothing but worry.

yes our boy got infected by parasites,we got a good idea where it came from,so my boy stays by my side and away as far as possible from any stray or soi dogs so not to pick up strangers.

if anybody thinks it will change here in los ,[land of stray's] they had better think again.i have not seen anything in over 33yrs.that makes me think otherwise.

i have said it many times its hard to keep your mouth shut when you see the abuse of thai's so called pets,interfere at your own risk.

so once again are soi dogs happy? i dont know and i dont want to.

i only love me and love my dog.if you dont believe me ask the wife.its our 25th.wedding aniversary.she knows.

It is sad that your dog is not allowed anywhere further than the confines of your moobaan due to the risk of infection from strays. I fully understand your reason with my dog still trying to get over mange probably picked up on one of our daily walks.

Just add the risk of infection to the list of reasons why all stray dogs should be removed from the streets.

And as for change, it has, well for me at least in Pattaya. When first moving into my house 30 years ago nearly everybody in the moobann who had a dog let it out to self exercise and do its business. There is now a local law that forbids that and for the most part is adhered to by all except the most obnoxious and irresponsible of dog owners. As for the strays the city will remove them if you report to them. There would of course be less strays if idiots stopped feeding them and instead desexed them.

Desexing a male dog costs only 350 baht; a female dog only 500 baht at the city vet. And they often have special days when it is free.

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my feeling on this is when i said i do not venture outside of our mooban its because the last 21months have been nothing but worry.

yes our boy got infected by parasites,we got a good idea where it came from,so my boy stays by my side and away as far as possible from any stray or soi dogs so not to pick up strangers.

if anybody thinks it will change here in los ,[land of stray's] they had better think again.i have not seen anything in over 33yrs.that makes me think otherwise.

i have said it many times its hard to keep your mouth shut when you see the abuse of thai's so called pets,interfere at your own risk.

so once again are soi dogs happy? i dont know and i dont want to.

i only love me and love my dog.if you dont believe me ask the wife.its our 25th.wedding aniversary.she knows.

It is sad that your dog is not allowed anywhere further than the confines of your moobaan due to the risk of infection from strays. I fully understand your reason with my dog still trying to get over mange probably picked up on one of our daily walks.

Just add the risk of infection to the list of reasons why all stray dogs should be removed from the streets.

And as for change, it has, well for me at least in Pattaya. When first moving into my house 30 years ago nearly everybody in the moobann who had a dog let it out to self exercise and do its business. There is now a local law that forbids that and for the most part is adhered to by all except the most obnoxious and irresponsible of dog owners. As for the strays the city will remove them if you report to them. There would of course be less strays if idiots stopped feeding them and instead desexed them.

Desexing a male dog costs only 350 baht; a female dog only 500 baht at the city vet. And they often have special days when it is free.

he does like his trips in the car,pet hospital 40mins,immigration 40mins,makro,its a shame he has no where to exercise but 30mins.walk morning and night with no outside interferiance,he loves being groomed and pampered by 2loverly ladies at the pet hospital so i dont think he can be any happier living with us.

after spending 2weeks on the run with a pack of soi dogs which nearly killed him,when living with previous owner.we look on him as a gift from heaven.

i am more than happy to give my life for him.

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