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2 die when van slams into truck on Bhumibol 1 Bridge in Bangkok


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Were there any significant tail lights on the truck ? probably not ..

Was it an unlit, dark area of road? possibly ..

Was the truck moving slowly? probably ..

Was the van driving at high speed? likely

Was the van driver inattentive? definitely ..

Was the van driver drunk ? likely ..

When all of the above factors are combined it's a recipe for disaster often found on Thai roads at night.

Tragic? definitely ..


or in the Thai way "come back and do it again"

Ive never seen so many written off beyond belief vehicles in all my life anywhere else in the world................I havent been to Sudan though

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another 1 of those big trucks that just APPEAR in front of you in the darkness...... i find my headlights pick them out quite easily, even at non sensible speeds. thais seem to have problems seeing things in the dark.

I almost hit a black parked truck, on the highway, in the lane, in a dark spot, in the middle of the night. Wasn't a reflector on the thing. It boggles the mind what goes through the minds of some of them when they leave their vehicles.

Such deaths can be easily prevented.

You need to understand many Thais have absolutely no thoughts between their ears whatsoever...........today had my staff in the car, Id been to look at a new Toyota Revo pick up, I got a brochure and the staff wanted to have a look at it. After he'd looked he started to roll it up and I asked him to leave it flat as rolled up will be a mess for me to unravel later.

The drive home was 6 minutes, in that time I had to tell him another 4 times to stop rolling it up......... attention span of about 15 seconds id say

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Most of these big trucks have very poor rear lighting systems. Some that do, aren't even red. And with no clearance lights at the top of the truck they are very deceptive. On a similar topic, I would estimate about 75 percent of motorbikes have no tail lights and are a real menace on the highway. We drive between Khon Kaen and Nong Rua very frequently and I dread that drive at night. It seems most motorbikers are on some sort of a suicide mission. A lot of them have a basket in front for carrying things and when there is something in the basket, the headlight is blocked out. Duh

And many of those trucks also have way too bright LED's plastered all over the back totally blinding you when you get near them. Far too bright, its either too much or not enough, never any common sense.

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I am no expert, but...HOLY SH1T!

With the damage of that van....how fast was he going, when he hit the truck?

Just assume the truck was going 80 km/h....

50 km/h will do, head on.

...only it says. they slammed into the truck from behind!

Means: they were both going in the same direction...

You haven't been in Thailand long...

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On the big river bridges over the Chao Praya (Rama 9 etc) I've seen it so,so many times when the cars & pick-ups are doing a good speed on the up-ramp, & I make a bet with myself in my head..One of those trucks chugging up the middle lane will pull out without warning into the R/H lane..

Oh yes..EVERY time! Then the whole R/H lane is lit up with brake lights & down to 10kph.

This is yet another instance where the cameras must log this action by the big trucks all day & night, but nothing ever done to curb/stop them.

As for the 'depth perception' part of the driving test...is this so motorists can judge where the truck's rear axle is when it's sporting a 4 metre

overhang due to the tailgate being used as a body-extension..?

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