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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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No fan of Hillary , but certainly there must be better ways to come out against her than trying to name call...

What's with the comments and nick names about her "thighs or legs or ankles"?

That's just ridiculous kindergarten names calling stuff ...

Hope that is not the tone or mode to try and win during the general election...

As that just hurts Trump...

Voters don't care about Hillary's ankles... They care about issues and if they can trust the candidate

Hope Trump realizes that the better way, if he wants any chance to win... Is to focus on issue and trust... Not ankles

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The EU just proclaimed that every invader a country refuses will result in a charge of $280k to that country!!! The nerve! What ever happened to national borders.? EU: EUROPEANS MUST PAY $280K FOR EACH MUSLIM MIGRANT THEY REFUSE . Damn!!! European countries have lost their sovereignty

The EU is proposing admitting Turkey. IF THEY DO, THE UK'S BORDER WILL RUN ALL THE WAY TO IRAQ AND SYRIA!!! Americans are appalled and DON'T want that happening to them. It ain't gonna, either. Trump.

Incorrect, it is a proposal for EU countries which refuse their allocated quota. Even if the proposal was enacted I very much doubt the fine can actually be enforced on non compliant countries.

BTW just to clarify some of your nonsense, UK is not a party to the EU quotas for asylum seekers, nor a signatory to the Schengen agreement.

EDIT: In addition your Frontpage link articulates a fundamental lie, Merkel did not invite all Muslims.

I would not put to much faith in what he posts.

From his own admission he has only been once to Europe about 20 years ago on a tour. He did not like Paris as he could not find any food he liked.......

God knows why he posts so much about Europe when he has absolutely zero knowledge of it, other than selectively picking and posting news articles which he accepts as truth.

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God knows why he posts so much about Europe when he has absolutely zero knowledge of it, other than selectively picking and posting news articles which he accepts as truth.

Comparing his posts with a number of members who have never been to the USA - AT ALL - and know nothing about it, yet post obsessively, he is fountain of knowlege on Europe. Even some of the the mods "like" his posts.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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God knows why he posts so much about Europe when he has absolutely zero knowledge of it, other than selectively picking and posting news articles which he accepts as truth.

Comparing his posts with a number of members who have never been to the USA - AT ALL - and know nothing about it, yet post obsessively, he is fountain of knowlege on Europe. Even some of the the mods "like" his posts.

because he went once and knows nothing, that makes him a fountain of knowledge because others didnt visit and know nothin? lol

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JT and Chicog - i am pleased to confirm that Hillary has finally vacated the toilet after a straight twelve hour stint. Personally, I think she should have stayed where she was.

The Donald is gonna murder HRC live on TV. I'm kind of feeling sorry for her already but looking forward to the spectacle.


She has taken her demo"crap". Time to wipe and go home.

How pathetic are these comments? This is where the Republican criticism of HRC will be going on TV in the months to come.

She currently holds a commanding lead and Trump has alienated everyone like no other candidate in history and the paranoid hillbillys are down to this level of bathroom nonsense.

Hey at least try and say something intelligent. Surprise us for a change.

I guess I can stop saying Go Trump now. My dream Republican candidate has reached the top of bullshit mountain. Now we can get down to the butt kicking. Democrats will take the senate with Trump as the candidate.

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God knows why he posts so much about Europe when he has absolutely zero knowledge of it, other than selectively picking and posting news articles which he accepts as truth.

Comparing his posts with a number of members who have never been to the USA - AT ALL - and know nothing about it, yet post obsessively, he is fountain of knowlege on Europe. Even some of the the mods "like" his posts.

Well given that the mods must have higher mental capacity than us non mods that makes all the difference.......oh wait....

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So it's Trump vs. Clinton.

Kind of an anti-climax, don't you think!?!

Is Trump gonna get BORING now to put on his "presidential" act?

We all know it's a big con job ACT from him.

Some of his bluster is probably an "act" but he believes what he's saying. I believe he entered the race to stop unvetted migrants from entering the country. Can no one else see what is happening in Europe? Obama is putting on a push to hurry up and let a bunch of them in. Hillary is no different.

Trump is pissed that we make such bad deals with other countries and the list is long. He's a dealer - a negotiator at the highest level and things will change.

Everyone wants jobs and prosperity. The Dems have shipped them away while allowing illegals to come in and compete with lower and sometimes illegal wages. Even blacks and union workers and millennials can see that. Bernie is opposed to exporting jobs and that's a big part of his following, especially with minorities. Trump will attract some of Bernie's followers for that reason. They all know Hillary is an open borders globalist.

Americans are also watching Europe and it's a disaster. The EU just proclaimed that every invader a country refuses will result in a charge of $280k to that country!!! The nerve! What ever happened to national borders.? EU: EUROPEANS MUST PAY $280K FOR EACH MUSLIM MIGRANT THEY REFUSE . Damn!!! European countries have lost their sovereignty

The EU is proposing admitting Turkey. IF THEY DO, THE UK'S BORDER WILL RUN ALL THE WAY TO IRAQ AND SYRIA!!! Americans are appalled and DON'T want that happening to them. It ain't gonna, either. Trump.

The world is a mess and the only candidate anywhere in the world who calls it a disaster and promises to stop it in America is Trump. End of.


I guess you're talking about NAFTA. It's true Bill Clinton negotiated the deal. But the Democratic senators voted against it 28 to 27. Republican senators voted in favor of it 34-10. In other words, if the majority of Republican senators had voted against Nafta. or even split evenly, it would have died. So how about sharing some of the credit with the Republicans? Remember, Google is your friend.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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JT and Chicog - i am pleased to confirm that Hillary has finally vacated the toilet after a straight twelve hour stint. Personally, I think she should have stayed where she was.

The Donald is gonna murder HRC live on TV. I'm kind of feeling sorry for her already but looking forward to the spectacle.

You mean like the House Benghazi committee murdered her during their hearing? They didn't even lay a glove on her.

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So it's Trump vs. Clinton.

Kind of an anti-climax, don't you think!?!

Is Trump gonna get BORING now to put on his "presidential" act?

We all know it's a big con job ACT from him.

Some of his bluster is probably an "act" but he believes what he's saying. I believe he entered the race to stop unvetted migrants from entering the country. Can no one else see what is happening in Europe? Obama is putting on a push to hurry up and let a bunch of them in. Hillary is no different.

Trump is pissed that we make such bad deals with other countries and the list is long. He's a dealer - a negotiator at the highest level and things will change.

Everyone wants jobs and prosperity. The Dems have shipped them away while allowing illegals to come in and compete with lower and sometimes illegal wages. Even blacks and union workers and millennials can see that. Bernie is opposed to exporting jobs and that's a big part of his following, especially with minorities. Trump will attract some of Bernie's followers for that reason. They all know Hillary is an open borders globalist.

Americans are also watching Europe and it's a disaster. The EU just proclaimed that every invader a country refuses will result in a charge of $280k to that country!!! The nerve! What ever happened to national borders.? EU: EUROPEANS MUST PAY $280K FOR EACH MUSLIM MIGRANT THEY REFUSE . Damn!!! European countries have lost their sovereignty

The EU is proposing admitting Turkey. IF THEY DO, THE UK'S BORDER WILL RUN ALL THE WAY TO IRAQ AND SYRIA!!! Americans are appalled and DON'T want that happening to them. It ain't gonna, either. Trump.

The world is a mess and the only candidate anywhere in the world who calls it a disaster and promises to stop it in America is Trump. End of.


I guess you're talking about NAFTA. It's true Bill Clinton negotiated the deal. But the Democratic senators voted against it 28 to 27. Republican senators voted in favor of it 34-10. In other words, if the majority of Republican senators had voted against Nafta. or even split evenly, it would have died. So how about sharing some of the credit with the Republicans? Remember, Google is your friend.

c'mon guys!! Bush Sr negotiated NAFTA. and initialed he draft in 1992!!

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God knows why he posts so much about Europe when he has absolutely zero knowledge of it, other than selectively picking and posting news articles which he accepts as truth.


Can you find any post among my 3,000 odd where i have posted a news article?

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LOVE IT - LOVE IT - LOVE IT biggrin.pngclap2.gif

The world is turning RIGHT - and the USA will lead the way thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

EU is a dead man walking - UK about to leave - Greece will be expelled - Germany will be 'downgraded' - the whole social state experiment will fall apart. Remind you of anything guys? Try the United Soviet Socialist Republic !!! As the Great Lady said - socialism always eventually runs out of other people's money.

China is finally getting its wake up call - Japan is slowly waking back up. Japan took its medicine - time for China to take some too.

TRUMP will put USA back where they should have been - he will make it GREAT again !!! Others will feel some pain - but that is the price that must be paid.

Greece has problems and needs money or it will lose their 'house'. What do you and I do in same situation? We sell the car or bike or whatever and we get another job !! Greece needs to either sell an island or two, or they should have their house taken away from them. End of story. Only a screwed up world would allow Greece to get away with what it has been doing for 15 years now.

TRUMP will stop that by leading the way: If it is good and fair for us to trade/deal/agree then lets do it - BUT if it advantages you, but disadvantages me, then screw you!!.

USA does not NEED the rest of the World - the rest needs USA, and under TRUMP it will be on their terms.

And being a god-fearing democratic law-abiding nation, then the terms will be fair and reasonable (usually).

Either way - TRUMP's motto will be 'take it or leave it - up to you' wai.gif




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52 years ago this advertisement was aired on televisions across America, and it's surprising how much of it holds true about Trump and his supporters.

One of the campaigns (Secretary Clinton's or the likely 3rd party candidate's) should create and air an ad just like this one updated for 2016.

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52 years ago this advertisement was aired on televisions across America, and it's surprising how much of it holds true about Trump and his supporters.

One of the campaigns (Secretary Clinton's or the likely 3rd party candidate's) should create and air an ad just like this one updated for 2016.

Thanks for finding that. He's right that uniting behind a candidate you don't believe in is a lie, and something like that just might lead to quite a few defections from the GOP for this election. And, that actor represent quite well the "thinking man's" Republican.

I suppose a new Ad would omit the guy lighting up a ciggie. giggle.gif

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LOVE IT - LOVE IT - LOVE IT biggrin.pngclap2.gif

The world is turning RIGHT - and the USA will lead the way thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

EU is a dead man walking - UK about to leave - Greece will be expelled - Germany will be 'downgraded' - the whole social state experiment will fall apart. Remind you of anything guys? Try the United Soviet Socialist Republic !!! As the Great Lady said - socialism always eventually runs out of other people's money.

China is finally getting its wake up call - Japan is slowly waking back up. Japan took its medicine - time for China to take some too.

TRUMP will put USA back where they should have been - he will make it GREAT again !!! Others will feel some pain - but that is the price that must be paid.

Greece has problems and needs money or it will lose their 'house'. What do you and I do in same situation? We sell the car or bike or whatever and we get another job !! Greece needs to either sell an island or two, or they should have their house taken away from them. End of story. Only a screwed up world would allow Greece to get away with what it has been doing for 15 years now.

TRUMP will stop that by leading the way: If it is good and fair for us to trade/deal/agree then lets do it - BUT if it advantages you, but disadvantages me, then screw you!!.

USA does not NEED the rest of the World - the rest needs USA, and under TRUMP it will be on their terms.

And being a god-fearing democratic law-abiding nation, then the terms will be fair and reasonable (usually).

Either way - TRUMP's motto will be 'take it or leave it - up to you' wai.gif




Did you forget to take your medication today?

You realy don't have a clue how the world works, do you?

Just keep dreaming, because with Trump as potus, it will be the USA that willstand alone.

Keep believing that the USA don't need the rest of the world. People like you that have a verry small vision of life and the world are the people that vote for Trump.

I'm not a Clinton fan, but absolutely can not stand Trump.

And please, if your wish comes thrue and Trump becomes potus, than please don't start whining later about all the prommisses he made during his campain and didn't follow up on them, or that you have to pay a lot more money for everything you buy.

But than you are a Trump fan and will find a reason to blame Obama or the Clintons for his mistakes anyway.


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God knows why he posts so much about Europe when he has absolutely zero knowledge of it, other than selectively picking and posting news articles which he accepts as truth.


Can you find any post among my 3,000 odd where i have posted a news article?

Apologies, a poorly edited post that wasn't meant to be aimed at you.

Should have had that coffee first.


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52 years ago this advertisement was aired on televisions across America, and it's surprising how much of it holds true about Trump and his supporters.

One of the campaigns (Secretary Clinton's or the likely 3rd party candidate's) should create and air an ad just like this one updated for 2016.

Thanks for finding that. He's right that uniting behind a candidate you don't believe in is a lie, and something like that just might lead to quite a few defections from the GOP for this election. And, that actor represent quite well the "thinking man's" Republican.

I suppose a new Ad would omit the guy lighting up a ciggie. giggle.gif

A relative sent me a link yesterday, and I thought I'd share it here. It really is remarkable how similar today's Trump situation is, and how he also needs to be stopped.

I found it particularly interesting how the KKK supported Goldwater in '64 and they're supporting Trump in '16.

How do you stop the Trump "machine"? Expose him as the policy lightweight he is and every time he launches a school yard taunt against you, you need to hit back just a little bit harder.

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LOVE IT - LOVE IT - LOVE IT biggrin.pngclap2.gif

The world is turning RIGHT - and the USA will lead the way thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

EU is a dead man walking - UK about to leave - Greece will be expelled - Germany will be 'downgraded' - the whole social state experiment will fall apart. Remind you of anything guys? Try the United Soviet Socialist Republic !!! As the Great Lady said - socialism always eventually runs out of other people's money.

China is finally getting its wake up call - Japan is slowly waking back up. Japan took its medicine - time for China to take some too.

TRUMP will put USA back where they should have been - he will make it GREAT again !!! Others will feel some pain - but that is the price that must be paid.

Greece has problems and needs money or it will lose their 'house'. What do you and I do in same situation? We sell the car or bike or whatever and we get another job !! Greece needs to either sell an island or two, or they should have their house taken away from them. End of story. Only a screwed up world would allow Greece to get away with what it has been doing for 15 years now.

TRUMP will stop that by leading the way: If it is good and fair for us to trade/deal/agree then lets do it - BUT if it advantages you, but disadvantages me, then screw you!!.

USA does not NEED the rest of the World - the rest needs USA, and under TRUMP it will be on their terms.

And being a god-fearing democratic law-abiding nation, then the terms will be fair and reasonable (usually).

Either way - TRUMP's motto will be 'take it or leave it - up to you' wai.gif




Did you forget to take your medication today?

You realy don't have a clue how the world works, do you?

Just keep dreaming, because with Trump as potus, it will be the USA that willstand alone.

Keep believing that the USA don't need the rest of the world. People like you that have a verry small vision of life and the world are the people that vote for Trump.

I'm not a Clinton fan, but absolutely can not stand Trump.

And please, if your wish comes thrue and Trump becomes potus, than please don't start whining later about all the prommisses he made during his campain and didn't follow up on them, or that you have to pay a lot more money for everything you buy.

But than you are a Trump fan and will find a reason to blame Obama or the Clintons for his mistakes anyway.


Insult ignored - people in glass houses :)

I obviously have a much better view of how it REALLY works than you do my friend. You believe it to be how you want it to be - but it aint mate. I predicted Trump would win a long time ago because I knew (and still know) what most people really want now - they want all the left-wing bulldust politically-correct khrapp removed from affecting their lives negatively, while minorities and the 'oppressed' are getting more and more. They are awakening - they now realise that 'utopian' personal and political views have completely stuffed things up. What minorities and oppressed really need is fair and equal opportunities and rights - they do not need handouts and handups at everyone else's expense (but they sure will take it if offered).

USA can stand alone and can succeed - it is not a problem for them - it is the rest who lose if it does under TRUMP - who will clearly define under what circumstances USA will stay involved.

Mistakes TRUMP makes will be his own mistakes. And he would make them as POTUS - heaps of them - BECAUSE he would actually do things. He is not a Politician who plays the 'safe game' and tries not to upset anyone - he is not the Diplomat who speaks articulate lies to your face while stabbing you in the back while running his hidden agenda. TRUMP is a businessman who only has one agenda - make USA great (rich) again. What you see is what you get - nothing less nothing more. The rest of the world can come along for the ride or not - up to them.

However - as I have said before, TRUMP becomming POTUS is problematic. The reason is that whenever a woman is first offerred as a candidate Leader in a democracy, a huge majority of women often vote for her just because she is a woman. Hopefully, TRUMP will convice enough American women that she is not the right woman for the job (and wait for the next one). That is also the real world my friend - not how it should be - but how it actually is.

Cheers too.

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God knows why he posts so much about Europe when he has absolutely zero knowledge of it, other than selectively picking and posting news articles which he accepts as truth.


Can you find any post among my 3,000 odd where i have posted a news article?

Apologies, a poorly edited post that wasn't meant to be aimed at you.

Should have had that coffee first.


Never apologize (it shows weakness) and then write, you were misquoted/misinterpreted. Be like Trump.

Regarding Trumps comments of a few weeks ago that women who have abortions should be punished, he came out today and said it was only an “an unbelievable academic answer.”


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JT and Chicog - i am pleased to confirm that Hillary has finally vacated the toilet after a straight twelve hour stint. Personally, I think she should have stayed where she was.

The Donald is gonna murder HRC live on TV. I'm kind of feeling sorry for her already but looking forward to the spectacle.


She has taken her demo"crap". Time to wipe and go home.

How pathetic are these comments? This is where the Republican criticism of HRC will be going on TV in the months to come.

She currently holds a commanding lead and Trump has alienated everyone like no other candidate in history and the paranoid hillbillys are down to this level of bathroom nonsense.

Hey at least try and say something intelligent. Surprise us for a change.

I guess I can stop saying Go Trump now. My dream Republican candidate has reached the top of bullshit mountain. Now we can get down to the butt kicking. Democrats will take the senate with Trump as the candidate.

This is your version of something intelligent above bathroom level?

"I guess I can stop saying Go Trump now. My dream Republican candidate has reached the top of bullshit mountain. Now we can get down to the butt kicking."


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JT and Chicog - i am pleased to confirm that Hillary has finally vacated the toilet after a straight twelve hour stint. Personally, I think she should have stayed where she was.

The Donald is gonna murder HRC live on TV. I'm kind of feeling sorry for her already but looking forward to the spectacle.


She has taken her demo"crap". Time to wipe and go home.

How pathetic are these comments? This is where the Republican criticism of HRC will be going on TV in the months to come.

She currently holds a commanding lead and Trump has alienated everyone like no other candidate in history and the paranoid hillbillys are down to this level of bathroom nonsense.

Hey at least try and say something intelligent. Surprise us for a change.

I guess I can stop saying Go Trump now. My dream Republican candidate has reached the top of bullshit mountain. Now we can get down to the butt kicking. Democrats will take the senate with Trump as the candidate.

This is your version of something intelligent above bathroom level?

"I guess I can stop saying Go Trump now. My dream Republican candidate has reached the top of bullshit mountain. Now we can get down to the butt kicking."


rocket scientists.these lads. sooooooo clever ! facepalm.gif

Spending millions of dollars to come up with kiddie rhymes like.."dump trump"


and then not appreciating our bathroom politics. lol

Edited by slipperylobster
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Never apologize (it shows weakness) and then write, you were misquoted/misinterpreted. Be like Trump.

Regarding Trumps comments of a few weeks ago that women who have abortions should be punished, he came out today and said it was only an “an unbelievable academic answer.”


It is ignorant (non-apologetic) people like yourself that force people like myself to feel the need to defend Trump. But what is truly gratifying is to see so many people actualy seeing the truth and making their own decisions and they are usually supporting Trump (or at least nuetral towards him and waiting to make their own decision).

But to make sure I fulfill my need - here is the truth. Trump was being 'grilled' by a very skilled and experienced interviewer. Trump is not an experienced smooth articulate politician, and he was caught out (tricked). The interviewer was honing in on women's issues to try and get a 'news bite' - surely you have seen them do this before? Trump should have called time and stopped - but he tried to take the interviewer on - and failed (businessman ego). Watch the video of the interview - not the sound bite - the whole interview. Trump was grilled and asked (forgive memory lapse if not exact words): "but if it was made illegal - if abortion was made illegal - then surely a woman should be punished?" TRUMP said he guessed so, and said yes there should be some form of punishment if it was illegal. Trump never said he thinks women who have an abortion should be punished for having an abortion. BUT that is exactly what biased media services (and incompetents) and ignorant people like yourself have stated - without checking the facts - because anything negative about Trump must be true (according to you and some others).

The great thing to see is that nowadays with social media being so ubiquitous (widely available) people are seeing the truth and ignoring what the mainstream establishment media people (with their own agenda) are trying to get them to believe. The left-wing biased mainstream media is failing because their tactics are not working nowadays (except on those who are just ignorant or just biased). I LOVE IT - at last the silent majority are not allowing themselves to be tricked/conned anymore by a media who only cares about ratings - not the truth. Trump is beating them at their own game - he is getting heaps of media coverage (mostly negative, like this issue) and yet he keeps getting his messages across and more and more people support him for it.

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Hope Trump realizes that the better way, if he wants any chance to win... Is to focus on issue and trust... Not ankles

But I think most of us have recognized he is simply incapable of ficus on issue and trust. Going for knocks against, age, or in HRC's case, 'playing the woman card', is how he got to where he is today. But in the general - that will be a far different story.

Just pick any of a dozen areas he is clueless about. Foreign policy for example:

All bumper sticker talk: 'make America #1', on his "plan" to defeat ISIS he would bar all Muslims from entering the US, use increased torture methods, and bomb the sh*t out of them. Just days ago he added he would put boots on the ground to defeat them. Yep, that's his in-depth plan.

Then he would level a 45% import tariff on China (with unintended consequences worldwide), build a wall along the Southern border and cut off money wires by Mexicans to there home country (he doesn't have the power to do it) if Mexixo did not pay for it. If he is unfortunately elected I can't wait to see what that will do to Texas alone. Their export trade with Mexico is their largest. 94.5 BILLION in merchandise in 2015, or 37.6 percent of the state's total merchandise exports. It's always about WHAT he will do but NEVER HOW he will accomplish it.

Hopefully he'll pick Sarah Palin as his running mate, so the pair can really refine their message and leverage the lowest common denominator. He has already nicked most of it.

Perhaps HRC will offer up Elizabeth Warren (if she wants it) as her VP to help placate Bernie supports such as myself. Would love to see a debate between Palin and Warren - I'd get popcorn for that battle of wits and witless.

Edited by lifeincnx
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Republican Senate Committee: Trump Is a 'Misguided Missile'

"Last fall, the executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Ward Baker, wrote a memo later leaked to The Washington Post,

that warned candidates to take lessons from Trump's rise but steer clear of his incendiary stances."

"Houston, we have a problem," Baker wrote. "Donald Trump has said some wacky things about women.

We do not want to re-engage the 'war on women' fight, so isolate Trump on this issue by offering a quick condemnation of it."


It's gonna be great!

All those insulting, mysoginistic, bigoted video clips and Tweets by the ignorant Bloviator are going to be widely exposed. laugh.png

Donald Trump’s Huge Problem With Women

"An old-fashioned sexist boor, Trump tends to divide the world into a simple binary: men are rivals to be bested and women are potential sexual conquests.

When he’s confronted by a strong, assertive woman outside the mating arena, his synapses tend to short-circuit, leading him to odd and often self-destructive behavior."

"Trump’s self-assurance deserts him completely when confronted with a female adversary, be it Rosie O’Donnell, Megyn Kelly, Carly Fiorina or,

most recently,Senator Elizabeth Warren. Which bodes well, of course, for his likely general-election opponent, Hillary Clinton, whose formidable and unflappable character

make her exactly the sort of woman that Trump has the hardest time reacting to."


Hell hath no fury like 70% of American women scorned... thumbsup.gif

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Hope Trump realizes that the better way, if he wants any chance to win... Is to focus on issue and trust... Not ankles

But I think most of us have recognized he is simply incapable of ficus on issue and trust. Going for knocks against, age, or in HRC's case, 'playing the woman card', is how he got to where he is today. But in the general - that will be a far different story.

Just pick any of a dozen areas he is clueless about. Foreign policy for example:

All bumper sticker talk: 'make America #1', on his "plan" to defeat ISIS he would bar all Muslims from entering the US, use increased torture methods, and bomb the sh*t out of them. Just days ago he added he would put boots on the ground to defeat them. Yep, that's his in-depth plan.

Then he would level a 45% import tariff on China (with unintended consequences worldwide), build a wall along the Southern border and cut off money wires by Mexicans to there home country (he doesn't have the power to do it) if Mexixo did not pay for it. If he is unfortunately elected I can't wait to see what that will do to Texas alone. Their export trade with Mexico is their largest. 94.5 BILLION in merchandise in 2015, or 37.6 percent of the state's total merchandise exports. It's always about WHAT he will do but NEVER HOW he will accomplish it.

Hopefully he'll pick Sarah Palin as his running mate, so the pair can really refine their message and leverage the lowest common denominator. He has already nicked most of it.

Perhaps HRC will offer up Elizabeth Warren (if she wants it) as her VP to help placate Bernie supports such as myself. Would love to see a debate between Palin and Warren - I'd get popcorn for that battle of wits and witless.

Chances that trump picks palin: Zero percent.

Changes that our next presumptive president Hillary Clinton picks Warren: 20 percent.

I like the idea of two woman ticket. Almost all the tickets in U.S. history have been same sex MALE tickets.

We've had man-woman tickets before. Why NOT a same sex woman ticket?

Warren is quite an attractive candidate. She's combative, very intelligent, and tells it like it is (which people seem to want now). Yes, that should satisfy the Bernie factor but there are downsides. There is no swing state play, no ethnic Latino play, some would question the two woman thing, and the thorniest one is truthfully probably most democrats would prefer that Warren was on the TOP of the ticket.

Presidential candidates don't like to be upstaged by their VP.

Another factor is that both trump and Clinton are older.

So the question of ready to be president is going to be on people's minds for the VP.

That would be a factor against the otherwise very attractive Julian Castro ... and indicate a more seasoned person like a GOVERNOR.

Edited by Jingthing
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Hope Trump realizes that the better way, if he wants any chance to win... Is to focus on issue and trust... Not ankles

But I think most of us have recognized he is simply incapable of ficus on issue and trust. Going for knocks against, age, or in HRC's case, 'playing the woman card', is how he got to where he is today. But in the general - that will be a far different story.

Just pick any of a dozen areas he is clueless about. Foreign policy for example:

All bumper sticker talk: 'make America #1', on his "plan" to defeat ISIS he would bar all Muslims from entering the US, use increased torture methods, and bomb the sh*t out of them. Just days ago he added he would put boots on the ground to defeat them. Yep, that's his in-depth plan.

Then he would level a 45% import tariff on China (with unintended consequences worldwide), build a wall along the Southern border and cut off money wires by Mexicans to there home country (he doesn't have the power to do it) if Mexixo did not pay for it. If he is unfortunately elected I can't wait to see what that will do to Texas alone. Their export trade with Mexico is their largest. 94.5 BILLION in merchandise in 2015, or 37.6 percent of the state's total merchandise exports. It's always about WHAT he will do but NEVER HOW he will accomplish it.

Hopefully he'll pick Sarah Palin as his running mate, so the pair can really refine their message and leverage the lowest common denominator. He has already nicked most of it.

Perhaps HRC will offer up Elizabeth Warren (if she wants it) as her VP to help placate Bernie supports such as myself. Would love to see a debate between Palin and Warren - I'd get popcorn for that battle of wits and witless.

Chances that trump picks palin: Zero percent.

Changes that our next presumptive president Hillary Clinton picks Warren: 20 percent.

I like the idea of two woman ticket. Almost all the tickets in U.S. history have been same sex MALE tickets.

We've had man-woman tickets before. Why NOT a same sex woman ticket?

Chances that whoever agrees to be picked as Trump's VP is an opportunist: 100%

Chances that whoever is picked by Trump is an otherwise sidelined career-builder: 100%

Chances that whoever is picked by Trump "will ever work again in this town, D.C." = unknown, but a real threat.

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