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Help - I'm in Singapore without a visa

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Sunnyjim, what makes you think they won't just detain (arrest) me throw me in a holding cell (jail)?

Also, they've been closed for the weekend. Do you know if they have a phone number? Maybe I'll call them.

They NEVER answer the phone so don't bother…also, if they're going to slam you in jail they will do it anyway….you get a lot of suspicion deflected away from you if you approach them first and do it early…and the cctv cameras will bear out your story.

I hope to god you're not muzzlim as that might complicate matters…they are paranoid about security as you can imagine.

They open at 8am…I'd get there at 7.30 as people start queuing up as early as 6 sometimes.

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Ok. So I went to the consulate again this morning, and had a meeting with the Nick and Dill. They saw the same thing I did in terms of being unable to contact Singaporean officials. We called Immigration, got an automated message saying that they were too busy and then got cut off. Although, we did finally get through to ICA at Tuas Checkpoint. But the person answering the call refused to provide any useful information or escalate to his supervisor.

Nick and Dill were very keen to help and support in any way officially possible. They supported my position of raising this case with the Australian embassy, just in case something should go wrong. However, they didn't have any additional resources besides what I had access to from what I understand. But it did make me feel better to have them call into officials on my behalf.

I the nwent down to Lavender immigration, and mentioned my problem to the reception on the 4th floor, and was given a queue number. After waiting an hour, I was greeted by a lady at counter 48 I think it was, who then referred me to her colleague Kanaan. He was very friendly. But, I was forced to get fingerprinted as if I was a criminal. That really angers me that they treat me like that before they have even heard my story. Still no clue if they're going to charge me with anything.

I had to fill out an application form for a visa and white card. Meanwhile I explained my story. I had to then write it down on a piece of paper as to what happened. Then I had to go to the interview room to explain the story again. I was referred to exit via the Tuas checkpoint and speak to a man named Ivan, but I wasn't given any supporting documentation. No stamp, no white card, just a post it note.

So I get to the checkpoint and the guy asks me for my white card. So now I need to explain my story all over again. This guy doesn't know the man named Ivan either. I get taken inside the ICA building at the checkpoint where Ivan is called in. Now for the millionth time I explain my story again. Now Ivan is a cool guy, really friendly just like all the other immigration officials. Smiling, listening, and understanding. I then take Ivan through what happened at the checkpoint for me to end up with no visa in Singapore. I have to fill out yet another white card application and I have to wait while they pull up the CCTV footage, which was amazing how quickly they found me just giving the approximate time. They then process me through their computers, stamp my passport in and out again, then finally after all that I'm free to go.

Can't wait to get out into the free world and not be an illegal alien anymore! And I'm outta there.

I didn't have to pay a SGD$4,000 fine, or serve 6 months in prison. But it did cost me my holiday in Singapore, alot of stress, and worried family members.

Singapore authorities are in my experience all very friendly people. As for the Singaporean bureaucracy, I think alot of improvement is needed in ICA and LTA. Namely, guiding visitors through the checkpoint procedure and how to do a U-Turn to Singapore. The LTA also needs to make it clear how to obtain the IU hire 24 hours a day at the checkpoint as mentioned in the brochure.

Thanks for your support guys. I hope this helps anyone in this situation in the future.

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