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Fascination with ladyboys amongst Thai Visa Forum members?


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For some time now I have noticed when reading member comments on this board there seems to be a rather large fascination with ladyboys amongst Thai Visa Forum members.

Barely a thread goes by without someone making some reference to ladyboys, whether it be a thread about 'safety on public transport' or 'baby on board' thread and this list goes on. Sometimes it's even hard to work out how the various members draw a link between the topic being discussed and the mention of ladyboys.

So what is it about Gender Dysphoria that TVF members find so fascinating?

Is it the case that people here don't recognise that there is significant evidence that suggests that Gender Dysphoria is actually a medical condition, one in which various experts in the field believe the condition is hard wired into the individual prior to birth and in fact a condition that it's suffers have no control over?

Or is it just a case that some people find it funny, that some that presents as female might in fact actually have a penis? Is it the case that many claimed 'heterosexual men' that make these comments actually have secret desires to have an encounter with a transgendered person? Huh, huh? :P

Why do we seldomly see comments about 'men with vaginas' , in the case of women that are transitioning to men, but nearly always see the common comments about, 'chicks with dicks' or 'men in dresses'?

Is it the case that most people that make these comments on the forum simply make them to be funny or is their a hidden discriminative agenda?

I can imagine how comments in this forum might be received if flippant remarks were made about homosexuals, people with missing limbs, birth defects, people of certain races, or various other 'minority' groups within society. For example, can you imagine the outcry if somebody said something that mocked a retarded person in a thread about someone that was injured I an accident and received brain damage?

I checked my watch just now and It is in fact 2016 and there's significant amounts of research that's been conducted into the gender related issues and I wonder when people here will start to recognise that this isn't an issue that should constantly be laughed and joked about. I shudder at the thought of decent hard working transgendered members of the community reading some of the narrow minded rubbish that presents on this forum at times.

Of course, there will be those on the forum that only recognise the small proportion of transgendered individuals that present along the various seedy strips of Thailand and somehow think that all transgendered people come from this type background. For those people, there probably little help as there are literally millions of Transgendered people scattered around the globe and they conduct business in virtually very walk of life and if this hasn't been realised by now, it probably never will be.

So, back to,the original question. So why do you think there is such a constant fascination with 'Gender Dysphoria' amongst TVF members?

Nb: I am not attacking anyone in particular in this thread, as there is literally thousands of examples of what I describe on this forum and yes I will stand-by to receive all sorts of nasty comments about my gender :D

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I don't know if I'd call it a "fascination" more like an abhorrence of all the violence ladyboys have inflicted on tourists, especially in Pattaya. Ladyboys constantly feature in news items because of these attacks.

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I don't know if I'd call it a "fascination" more like an abhorrence of all the violence ladyboys have inflicted on tourists, especially in Pattaya. Ladyboys constantly feature in news items because of these attacks.

You raise a good point.

So let me get this right, there's a situation where A small percentage of transgendered people commit crimes, so they all get tarred with the same brush? Doesn't seem right, does it?

I would dare to say that there's a significant amount of crimes committed by men and /or women, especially in places like Pattaya.

I would also hedge a bet that there's more dodgy women in Pattaya than there are dodgy ladyboys but perhaps their crimes don't sell as many papers?

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Ive done a couple statistical analysis of crimes in Pattaya. The overwhelming majority involved in incident oder is men, women, gangs, and then last ladyboys. But to answer you original question....its the fear of the unknown.

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I don't know if I'd call it a "fascination" more like an abhorrence of all the violence ladyboys have inflicted on tourists, especially in Pattaya. Ladyboys constantly feature in news items because of these attacks.

You raise a good point.

So let me get this right, there's a situation where A small percentage of transgendered people commit crimes, so they all get tarred with the same brush? Doesn't seem right, does it?

I would dare to say that there's a significant amount of crimes committed by men and /or women, especially in places like Pattaya.

I would also hedge a bet that there's more dodgy women in Pattaya than there are dodgy ladyboys but perhaps their crimes don't sell as many papers?

Who says they all get tarred with the same brush? Criticism mainly is levelled against the ones who attack tourists and the police who fail to do anything about it.

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I don't know if I'd call it a "fascination" more like an abhorrence of all the violence ladyboys have inflicted on tourists, especially in Pattaya. Ladyboys constantly feature in news items because of these attacks.

You raise a good point.

So let me get this right, there's a situation where A small percentage of transgendered people commit crimes, so they all get tarred with the same brush? Doesn't seem right, does it?

I would dare to say that there's a significant amount of crimes committed by men and /or women, especially in places like Pattaya.

I would also hedge a bet that there's more dodgy women in Pattaya than there are dodgy ladyboys but perhaps their crimes don't sell as many papers?

Who says they all get tarred with the same brush? Criticism mainly is levelled against the ones who attack tourists and the police who fail to do anything about it.

Good example is there was a thread about a typical drive by robbery posted 14 hrs or so ago. It has maybe 8 or so responses. Look at the back to back ladyboy incident reports (actually only one incident but nobody wants to combine them into one thread) both of these threads combined have in upwards of 20 pages of BS posted. And in this incident its sketchy as its being reported that the victim stiffed the LB for services rendered.

So to your point there is a sick infatuation and double standard in regards to these threads. Post after post is filled with vile and disrespectful language directed towards all LB not just the criminals.

All from a bunch of keyboard warriors....

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I made the "chicks with dicks" post, along side the "wealthy farang" post, and the "earth leakage circuit breaker" post.

None of them particularly interest me but suited the thread at the time.

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I made the "chicks with dicks" post, along side the "wealthy farang" post, and the "earth leakage circuit breaker" post.

None of them particularly interest me but suited the thread at the time.

I wasn't picking on you dad, promise. 5555555

I remember the summer of 1953 when you and I had a stint in Bangkok after having spent 6 weeks together floating in a dingy, at sea. Anyway should I tell the forum about your walk on the wildlife that summer or should we just leave it to their imagination?

I understand your fascination brother so I wasn't referring to you in the OP, promise. ;)

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I am not fascinated by ladyboys, I only know one friend who likes them , horses for courses I say,whatever floats your boat, my boat is floated by women who do not have dicks,you see I already have one.

You watch the forum, someone will be talking about an issue and suddenly out of the blue up will pop out a ladyboy comment, out of know where .

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I am not fascinated by ladyboys, I only know one friend who likes them , horses for courses I say,whatever floats your boat, my boat is floated by women who do not have dicks,you see I already have one.

You watch the forum, someone will be talking about an issue and suddenly out of the blue up will pop out a ladyboy comment, out of know where .

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Always surprises me when shopping and there's the not pretty enough to be a ladyboy but is something in between working as a cashier....

Actually see more references to it here than I see walking around....Don't know why....

Flogging a dead horse - kinda....

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I am not fascinated by ladyboys, I only know one friend who likes them , horses for courses I say,whatever floats your boat, my boat is floated by women who do not have dicks,you see I already have one.

You watch the forum, someone will be talking about an issue and suddenly out of the blue up will pop out a ladyboy comment, out of know where .

Yeah, we're all obsessed. Not.

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I am not fascinated by ladyboys, I only know one friend who likes them , horses for courses I say,whatever floats your boat, my boat is floated by women who do not have dicks,you see I already have one.

But at our advanced age, our boat doesn't float all that well.

Ladyboys solve that age related problem as they are the ones with the boats ...... and their boat usually floats high in the water.

(so a friend tells me)

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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I made the "chicks with dicks" post, along side the "wealthy farang" post, and the "earth leakage circuit breaker" post.

None of them particularly interest me but suited the thread at the time.

I wasn't picking on you dad, promise. 5555555

I remember the summer of 1953 when you and I had a stint in Bangkok after having spent 6 weeks together floating in a dingy, at sea. Anyway should I tell the forum about your walk on the wildlife that summer or should we just leave it to their imagination?

I understand your fascination brother so I wasn't referring to you in the OP, promise. ;)

Was it really 63 years ago? It seems like yesterday.

I am still receiving therapy.

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I made the "chicks with dicks" post, along side the "wealthy farang" post, and the "earth leakage circuit breaker" post.

None of them particularly interest me but suited the thread at the time.

I wasn't picking on you dad, promise. 5555555

I remember the summer of 1953 when you and I had a stint in Bangkok after having spent 6 weeks together floating in a dingy, at sea. Anyway should I tell the forum about your walk on the wildlife that summer or should we just leave it to their imagination?

I understand your fascination brother so I wasn't referring to you in the OP, promise. ;)

Was it really 63 years ago? It seems like yesterday.

I am still receiving therapy.

I still recall vividly the flight to Singapore in the old (but then new) Lockheed prop plane and the countless hours of listening to you and your stories. The boat trip to Bangkok following that was a little hazey.

We were strapping young men :P

You must be one of the oldest 'fascinated' members on the TVF machine. :D

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OP come out of the closet. Your post is a cry for help!

There was always going to be one or two brain surgeons that made this claim.

Your comments are very predictable, sharpen your pencil and have another go.

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They scare me..... Never lived anywhere there has been so many Transgenders .... On the Surface Thailand seems to be accepting of them which is good.....

Surely they can't all be bad.....

It's a bit of an illusion i think, they're not really accepted just tolerated, in the 'official' sense that is.

I go as far as suggesting that there's only a minority of them that are bad, it's just down in the sleazy tourist towns they tend to gather, just like all the scum bag tourists do.

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Guys with hidden gay fantasys trying to kid themselves otherwise.

Are you saying the guys that make these comments on TVF are guys with hidden gay fantasies?


Are you saying a guy who goes out with a Transgendered person is a gay.? Because if it's this option, I wonder how a guy who goes out with a person who looks like a women, acts like a women and has had surgery to change their sexual organs to female ones, is somehow gay? I thought gay guys were attracted to men?

Perhaps you were trying to say something else?

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