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Fascination with ladyboys amongst Thai Visa Forum members?


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But G'up, it doesn't say anything about Pattaya though, does it?

Can't you see Thailand and TVF is a melting pot of cultures? There's people from all over the world here and with them they bring their respective opinions on the subject, so by that alone, it makes the world opinion very relevant with 'fascination of ladyboys amongst TVF members".

I know you're struggling friend, but p,ease, try to keep up.


I'll leave you to discuss the subject with the "deviates", probably more on your wavelength, birds of a feather etc.

Oh dear ...

I had to read that last line several times just to make sure you really did say what you said.

[This is the point at which you follow up with a response along the lines of, "well, comprehension clearly isn't your strong point".].

Stick to finger painting, I believe you're good at that.

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But G'up, it doesn't say anything about Pattaya though, does it?

Can't you see Thailand and TVF is a melting pot of cultures? There's people from all over the world here and with them they bring their respective opinions on the subject, so by that alone, it makes the world opinion very relevant with 'fascination of ladyboys amongst TVF members".

I know you're struggling friend, but p,ease, try to keep up.


I'll leave you to discuss the subject with the "deviates", probably more on your wavelength, birds of a feather etc.

Oh dear ...

I had to read that last line several times just to make sure you really did say what you said.

[This is the point at which you follow up with a response along the lines of, "well, comprehension clearly isn't your strong point".].

Stick to finger painting, I believe you're good at that.

Yes, I'm very good at painting my fingers, thanks.

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G'up,have you thought about seeking 'professional help' ?

Maybe you could contact Doctor WILL and discuss some of your issues through with him, alternatively, create a new thread and see if others here can help you work through this chaotic life of yours?

dont be embarrassed, admitting the problem to yourself is half the process apparently, only those that admitt their problem an start the process for being healed. Be strong and remember, we are all here to help you.


I will if you come out of the closet and admit to being a pillow biter. Well, you really don't have to admit to it, one only has to read between the lines. laugh.png

Mate, if I were gay is proudly announce it and wouldn't give a damn about narrow minded biggots who wanted to make a song and dance about it but unfortunately for your 'theory' I'm heterosexual happily married to my wife for most likely years that exceed your life on this planet.

Rest assured G'up, if I were gay, I wouldn't be attracted to you as I'd go fording with class, style and intelligence and clearly you lack any of these traits.

Have a nice evening G'up ;)

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In all honesty, you think being Trans or Gay is easy? Something you just fall into?

My partner was beaten within a inch of her life most weeks by her father to 'drive' the boy back into her. Then when he dies, even now, 17 years later, she misses him?

And yes dtrans needs a apology. For those that are not in the know, 'finger painting' is derogatory in its meaning...

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I am not fascinated by ladyboys, I only know one friend who likes them , horses for courses I say,whatever floats your boat, my boat is floated by women who do not have dicks,you see I already have one.

I have often thought that the ladyboy experience was simply a bisexual free pass, without the burden of a fully gay experience. I have friends who occasionally indulge and they consider it sort of normal. They would never consider doing it with a guy. But with a ladyboy having another dick in the room seems ok. Fascinating indeed. We could debate this for hours on end.

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Attractive ladyboys are rarely found in the west. Just another fascinating aspect of life here.

As far as the UK goes, this is probably because homosexuality wasn't decriminalised until 1967, so gays and transgender had to stay in the closet or risk arrest (Search for the story of Alan Turing).

Leaving transition until later in life was the problem in the west, although this is less of a problem now, so you may have encountered a young transwoman without realising it. In South East Asia transwomen find it easier to be accepted, mostly by women, although I understand that in mainly rural areas it isn't easy for them, which probably explains why many choose to move to the more cosmopolitan Bangkok.

The guy cracks the Germans Enigma code and possibly shortens the war by 2 years and saves about 12 million lives and the poor fellow ends up commiting suicide because of those stupid drugs the courts made him take.

What a shame.

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Sigh. If only all the keyboard warriors could stop strutting around with their little e-Penises out and face facts, this is all very simple.

Thai Visa members--like most men who identify as heterosexual--are fascinated with lady boys because they want to have sex with them; they want to try having sex with a man in a "safe" way (read: in secret, with someone who for the most part looks like a woman, so they can deny to themselves what they're really doing, and so others won't find out).

Yes, I mean you. And if you're the homophobic type who uses terms like "pillow biter" and "faggot," and goes out of their way to state to others how "straight" you are, well then I REALLY mean you. Research has proven that the men most vocal against homosexuality are the same men most likely to want to try sex with men. (think: the end of the movie American Beauty)

It's a pity that men have to be so much in denial of this reality that very few of us are completely "straight" or completely "gay". It's a spectrum, and many of us fall much closer to the middle than either extreme. Women, by and large, don't have the same stigma of "appearing gay," and are much more likely to, say, kiss their female friends in public when drunk, or try sex with another woman in a threesome, etc...you know, the whole "experimentation in college" thing.

Well, guess what: straight men do just as much (if not more) experimentation as straight women do. I'd estimate that as high as 30-40% of heterosexual men have messed around with other guys, often in their teens (or even pre-teens), but very often in their 20s as well. If we talk about the really vocal, homophobic, muscled "he-men"--think athletes and otherwise huge, imposing guys: football players, rugby players, US Marines, boxers, gang members (the same guys who, in a group, would likely do violence to obviously gay men)--I'd say that percentage jumps to as high as 60%. Yeah, the tougher and more homophobic the guy, the more likely he is to secretly have sex with men.

BTW, if you doubt that last point I made, consider the contexts in which men are crowded together with little territory and lots of rules imposed on them, where they result to almost animalistic behavior to prove their dominance: prison, the military. Who are the guys forcing sex on other guys? Is it the effeminate, gentle, slight of build men, the ones who might traditionally be labeled as "gay"? Of course not: it's all the big, built, tough guys, who almost immediately start having sex with other men, and in many case, forcing those other men to have sex.

Anyway, straight men, who have fantasized about trying out sex with another male, are everywhere...of course, many will never act on it...but once you're in Thailand, and given the opportunity to 1) try sex with a man and not be found out back home, and 2) try sex with a man who looks very much like a woman...well, that 40%, or even higher, just can't resist. Hence the "fascination" the OP asks about.

Edited by Saastrajaa
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djayz bored now.

Me thinks the the OP likes ladyboys, but still lives in the closet...

Despite your obvious trolling attemp, I will just point out you may have missed the post by Saastrajaa above you, have a read, if you're able to concentrate for longer than 15 seconds.

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Sigh. If only all the keyboard warriors could stop strutting around with their little e-Penises out and face facts, this is all very simple.

Thai Visa members--like most men who identify as heterosexual--are fascinated with lady boys because they want to have sex with them; they want to try having sex with a man in a "safe" way (read: in secret, with someone who for the most part looks like a woman, so they can deny to themselves what they're really doing, and so others won't find out).

Yes, I mean you. And if you're the homophobic type who uses terms like "pillow biter" and "faggot," and goes out of their way to state to others how "straight" you are, well then I REALLY mean you. Research has proven that the men most vocal against homosexuality are the same men most likely to want to try sex with men. (think: the end of the movie American Beauty)

It's a pity that men have to be so much in denial of this reality that very few of us are completely "straight" or completely "gay". It's a spectrum, and many of us fall much closer to the middle than either extreme. Women, by and large, don't have the same stigma of "appearing gay," and are much more likely to, say, kiss their female friends in public when drunk, or try sex with another woman in a threesome, etc...you know, the whole "experimentation in college" thing.

Well, guess what: straight men do just as much (if not more) experimentation as straight women do. I'd estimate that as high as 30-40% of heterosexual men have messed around with other guys, often in their teens (or even pre-teens), but very often in their 20s as well. If we talk about the really vocal, homophobic, muscled "he-men"--think athletes and otherwise huge, imposing guys: football players, rugby players, US Marines, boxers, gang members (the same guys who, in a group, would likely do violence to obviously gay men)--I'd say that percentage jumps to as high as 60%. Yeah, the tougher and more homophobic the guy, the more likely he is to secretly have sex with men.

BTW, if you doubt that last point I made, consider the contexts in which men are crowded together with little territory and lots of rules imposed on them, where they result to almost animalistic behavior to prove their dominance: prison, the military. Who are the guys forcing sex on other guys? Is it the effeminate, gentle, slight of build men, the ones who might traditionally be labeled as "gay"? Of course not: it's all the big, built, tough guys, who almost immediately start having sex with other men, and in many case, forcing those other men to have sex.

Anyway, straight men, who have fantasized about trying out sex with another male, are everywhere...of course, many will never act on it...but once you're in Thailand, and given the opportunity to 1) try sex with a man and not be found out back home, and 2) try sex with a man who looks very much like a woman...well, that 40%, or even higher, just can't resist. Hence the "fascination" the OP asks about.

Look, thanks for taking the time to post in this thread, thought provoking indeed.

I have three ladyboys in my life ATM, 2 of them are closely related and a 3rd has become like an extra family member through close friendship with one of the others.

Non of these individuals will ever Rob or beat anyone and the eldest of the 3 I'm extremely proud of and she is currently doing really well in University and will succeed in life, I am sure, the other two are much younger but I'm sure they'll be fine as well.

If I were younger again and single and I just happened to meet a young lady and fell in love with her & later found out she was transgendered TBH, I'm not sure how I would react to it, as sex with men doesn't interest me, I would however much rather be with a decent loving person more than someone just because she was born with a vagina. So I guess if someone wth gender dysphoria rolled up then I'd keep an open mind. (If I were living as with my understanding in 2016). If it were 1940 again and with my thought process back then, I am sure I would have run away.

I'm also obviously somewhat more advanced in my thinking on some of these issues than some of the rock apes that have tried to make derogatory comments about me being in the closet, afterall I spent my early years growing up amoungst children who were transgenendred. I will admit as a child and a young man I did my fair share of laughing and I was completely niave as to what was going on (as was most of society) BUT AT LEAST I now acknowledge that I was wrong about the subject and now realise how stupid my thoughts and beliefs were. There are PRESENTLY men on this forum, in their, 30's,40's,50's,60's and beyond that still haven't been able to digest and understand this situation and probably never will and checking my clock I see we are almost half way through 2016.

I'm guessing if BRAVE PEOPLE in society hadn't stood up for negro people in the past, most of these guys would still be keeping themselves a 'Black person'' as a slave in the basement and wouldn't see anything wrong with that. Really, it's a sad situation, not sad for the blacks, the transgendered, the gay people, the (enter whatever minority group you like), but rather just sad for these individuals that think and act the way they do.

As for some of the ideas you mention in your post, I can't see how they might relate to a man in a relationship with a post operative transgendered (m to f) female. If a man is with a person, who presents fully as a woman, has breasts, has a vagina and all the other bling, how that guy could be assumed to have gay tendencies is beyond me. There are transgendered Individuals in the community that pass by most without being recognised,, they are as women as any other woman I know, I am sure certain men here have admired these individuals without even realising. (I don't see it as a gay or man sex thing either)

Anyway, despite the obvious trolls that want to accuse me of being in the closet, I'm happy where I stand on the issue, but I do struggle with the way in which many here on TVF (& other places I'm sure) constantly make references to LB in situations where it makes no sense whatsoever. The forum is littered with examples of this. OBVIOUSLY, your analysis Saastrajaa is spot on.


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The disconcerting think about going with a ladyboy is that the boobs you're fondling look like a woman's boobs, the bum you're groping looks like a woman's bum, but the d**k you're stroking is not your own d**k coffee1.gif

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Sigh. If only all the keyboard warriors could stop strutting around with their little e-Penises out and face facts, this is all very simple.

Thai Visa members--like most men who identify as heterosexual--are fascinated with lady boys because they want to have sex with them; they want to try having sex with a man in a "safe" way (read: in secret, with someone who for the most part looks like a woman, so they can deny to themselves what they're really doing, and so others won't find out).

Yes, I mean you. And if you're the homophobic type who uses terms like "pillow biter" and "faggot," and goes out of their way to state to others how "straight" you are, well then I REALLY mean you. Research has proven that the men most vocal against homosexuality are the same men most likely to want to try sex with men. (think: the end of the movie American Beauty)

It's a pity that men have to be so much in denial of this reality that very few of us are completely "straight" or completely "gay". It's a spectrum, and many of us fall much closer to the middle than either extreme. Women, by and large, don't have the same stigma of "appearing gay," and are much more likely to, say, kiss their female friends in public when drunk, or try sex with another woman in a threesome, etc...you know, the whole "experimentation in college" thing.

Well, guess what: straight men do just as much (if not more) experimentation as straight women do. I'd estimate that as high as 30-40% of heterosexual men have messed around with other guys, often in their teens (or even pre-teens), but very often in their 20s as well. If we talk about the really vocal, homophobic, muscled "he-men"--think athletes and otherwise huge, imposing guys: football players, rugby players, US Marines, boxers, gang members (the same guys who, in a group, would likely do violence to obviously gay men)--I'd say that percentage jumps to as high as 60%. Yeah, the tougher and more homophobic the guy, the more likely he is to secretly have sex with men.

BTW, if you doubt that last point I made, consider the contexts in which men are crowded together with little territory and lots of rules imposed on them, where they result to almost animalistic behavior to prove their dominance: prison, the military. Who are the guys forcing sex on other guys? Is it the effeminate, gentle, slight of build men, the ones who might traditionally be labeled as "gay"? Of course not: it's all the big, built, tough guys, who almost immediately start having sex with other men, and in many case, forcing those other men to have sex.

Anyway, straight men, who have fantasized about trying out sex with another male, are everywhere...of course, many will never act on it...but once you're in Thailand, and given the opportunity to 1) try sex with a man and not be found out back home, and 2) try sex with a man who looks very much like a woman...well, that 40%, or even higher, just can't resist. Hence the "fascination" the OP asks about.

Look, thanks for taking the time to post in this thread, thought provoking indeed.

I have three ladyboys in my life ATM, 2 of them are closely related and a 3rd has become like an extra family member through close friendship with one of the others.

Non of these individuals will ever Rob or beat anyone and the eldest of the 3 I'm extremely proud of and she is currently doing really well in University and will succeed in life, I am sure, the other two are much younger but I'm sure they'll be fine as well.

If I were younger again and single and I just happened to meet a young lady and fell in love with her & later found out she was transgendered TBH, I'm not sure how I would react to it, as sex with men doesn't interest me, I would however much rather be with a decent loving person more than someone just because she was born with a vagina. So I guess if someone wth gender dysphoria rolled up then I'd keep an open mind. (If I were living as with my understanding in 2016). If it were 1940 again and with my thought process back then, I am sure I would have run away.

I'm also obviously somewhat more advanced in my thinking on some of these issues than some of the rock apes that have tried to make derogatory comments about me being in the closet, afterall I spent my early years growing up amoungst children who were transgenendred. I will admit as a child and a young man I did my fair share of laughing and I was completely niave as to what was going on (as was most of society) BUT AT LEAST I now acknowledge that I was wrong about the subject and now realise how stupid my thoughts and beliefs were. There are PRESENTLY men on this forum, in their, 30's,40's,50's,60's and beyond that still haven't been able to digest and understand this situation and probably never will and checking my clock I see we are almost half way through 2016.

I'm guessing if BRAVE PEOPLE in society hadn't stood up for negro people in the past, most of these guys would still be keeping themselves a 'Black person'' as a slave in the basement and wouldn't see anything wrong with that. Really, it's a sad situation, not sad for the blacks, the transgendered, the gay people, the (enter whatever minority group you like), but rather just sad for these individuals that think and act the way they do.

As for some of the ideas you mention in your post, I can't see how they might relate to a man in a relationship with a post operative transgendered (m to f) female. If a man is with a person, who presents fully as a woman, has breasts, has a vagina and all the other bling, how that guy could be assumed to have gay tendencies is beyond me. There are transgendered Individuals in the community that pass by most without being recognised,, they are as women as any other woman I know, I am sure certain men here have admired these individuals without even realising. (I don't see it as a gay or man sex thing either)

Anyway, despite the obvious trolls that want to accuse me of being in the closet, I'm happy where I stand on the issue, but I do struggle with the way in which many here on TVF (& other places I'm sure) constantly make references to LB in situations where it makes no sense whatsoever. The forum is littered with examples of this. OBVIOUSLY, your analysis Saastrajaa is spot on.


Gents, the two of you have just created some of the most sensible posts I have ever seen in this forum. This sets the bar high for subsequent posters! TVF at its best.


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Took me three hours to read it.

yeah, I know....and with Konini's contributions in other threads yesterday (bless her!) on top of this, it's been a real test of the attention span for me.... But well worth it. clap2.gif

Edited by Rob8891
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The disconcerting think about going with a ladyboy is that the boobs you're fondling look like a woman's boobs, the bum you're groping looks like a woman's bum, but the d**k you're stroking is not your own d**k coffee1.gif

A classic quote from a classic member !

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Gents, the two of you have just created some of the most sensible posts I have ever seen in this forum. This sets the bar high for subsequent posters! TVF at its best.


im not sure I completely agree with you but appreciate your kind words nevertheless.

And it sure beats those photographs you were sending to me of sipi in drag :P

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Sigh. If only all the keyboard warriors could stop strutting around with their little e-Penises out and face facts, this is all very simple.

Thai Visa members--like most men who identify as heterosexual--are fascinated with lady boys because they want to have sex with them; they want to try having sex with a man in a "safe" way (read: in secret, with someone who for the most part looks like a woman, so they can deny to themselves what they're really doing, and so others won't find out).

Yes, I mean you. And if you're the homophobic type who uses terms like "pillow biter" and "faggot," and goes out of their way to state to others how "straight" you are, well then I REALLY mean you. Research has proven that the men most vocal against homosexuality are the same men most likely to want to try sex with men. (think: the end of the movie American Beauty)

It's a pity that men have to be so much in denial of this reality that very few of us are completely "straight" or completely "gay". It's a spectrum, and many of us fall much closer to the middle than either extreme. Women, by and large, don't have the same stigma of "appearing gay," and are much more likely to, say, kiss their female friends in public when drunk, or try sex with another woman in a threesome, etc...you know, the whole "experimentation in college" thing.

Well, guess what: straight men do just as much (if not more) experimentation as straight women do. I'd estimate that as high as 30-40% of heterosexual men have messed around with other guys, often in their teens (or even pre-teens), but very often in their 20s as well. If we talk about the really vocal, homophobic, muscled "he-men"--think athletes and otherwise huge, imposing guys: football players, rugby players, US Marines, boxers, gang members (the same guys who, in a group, would likely do violence to obviously gay men)--I'd say that percentage jumps to as high as 60%. Yeah, the tougher and more homophobic the guy, the more likely he is to secretly have sex with men.

BTW, if you doubt that last point I made, consider the contexts in which men are crowded together with little territory and lots of rules imposed on them, where they result to almost animalistic behavior to prove their dominance: prison, the military. Who are the guys forcing sex on other guys? Is it the effeminate, gentle, slight of build men, the ones who might traditionally be labeled as "gay"? Of course not: it's all the big, built, tough guys, who almost immediately start having sex with other men, and in many case, forcing those other men to have sex.

Anyway, straight men, who have fantasized about trying out sex with another male, are everywhere...of course, many will never act on it...but once you're in Thailand, and given the opportunity to 1) try sex with a man and not be found out back home, and 2) try sex with a man who looks very much like a woman...well, that 40%, or even higher, just can't resist. Hence the "fascination" the OP asks about.

Look, thanks for taking the time to post in this thread, thought provoking indeed.

I have three ladyboys in my life ATM, 2 of them are closely related and a 3rd has become like an extra family member through close friendship with one of the others.

Non of these individuals will ever Rob or beat anyone and the eldest of the 3 I'm extremely proud of and she is currently doing really well in University and will succeed in life, I am sure, the other two are much younger but I'm sure they'll be fine as well.

If I were younger again and single and I just happened to meet a young lady and fell in love with her & later found out she was transgendered TBH, I'm not sure how I would react to it, as sex with men doesn't interest me, I would however much rather be with a decent loving person more than someone just because she was born with a vagina. So I guess if someone wth gender dysphoria rolled up then I'd keep an open mind. (If I were living as with my understanding in 2016). If it were 1940 again and with my thought process back then, I am sure I would have run away.

I'm also obviously somewhat more advanced in my thinking on some of these issues than some of the rock apes that have tried to make derogatory comments about me being in the closet, afterall I spent my early years growing up amoungst children who were transgenendred. I will admit as a child and a young man I did my fair share of laughing and I was completely niave as to what was going on (as was most of society) BUT AT LEAST I now acknowledge that I was wrong about the subject and now realise how stupid my thoughts and beliefs were. There are PRESENTLY men on this forum, in their, 30's,40's,50's,60's and beyond that still haven't been able to digest and understand this situation and probably never will and checking my clock I see we are almost half way through 2016.

I'm guessing if BRAVE PEOPLE in society hadn't stood up for negro people in the past, most of these guys would still be keeping themselves a 'Black person'' as a slave in the basement and wouldn't see anything wrong with that. Really, it's a sad situation, not sad for the blacks, the transgendered, the gay people, the (enter whatever minority group you like), but rather just sad for these individuals that think and act the way they do.

As for some of the ideas you mention in your post, I can't see how they might relate to a man in a relationship with a post operative transgendered (m to f) female. If a man is with a person, who presents fully as a woman, has breasts, has a vagina and all the other bling, how that guy could be assumed to have gay tendencies is beyond me. There are transgendered Individuals in the community that pass by most without being recognised,, they are as women as any other woman I know, I am sure certain men here have admired these individuals without even realising. (I don't see it as a gay or man sex thing either)

Anyway, despite the obvious trolls that want to accuse me of being in the closet, I'm happy where I stand on the issue, but I do struggle with the way in which many here on TVF (& other places I'm sure) constantly make references to LB in situations where it makes no sense whatsoever. The forum is littered with examples of this. OBVIOUSLY, your analysis Saastrajaa is spot on.


An excellent post. Honest, well-written and compassionate.

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