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Is It Ever Acceptable For A Thai Girl To Cheat?


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Simply consider her a plaything, and get on with your life. See her on occasion, and have fun with her. But, if she cannot be honest with you, what do you guys really have? She sounds like lover material, not GF material. At least on the face of it.

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Simply consider her a plaything, and get on with your life. See her on occasion, and have fun with her. But, if she cannot be honest with you, what do you guys really have? She sounds like lover material, not GF material. At least on the face of it.

it surprises me how some guys get possessive of girls they are banging in thailand. what is the point of that? bang them, when you are bored move on. if you are getting it for free, enjoy it while it lasts, be prepared if a girl has been giving it to you for free she may require some severance pay.

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They love their work?

Dude, next time you go to pattaya, look around, look at what 95% of the guys look like.

It's strange but true, most of the hookers in Thailand enjoy being hookers.

33% like the party atmosphere, drugs and booze (they're basically drunks).

33% like sex with multiple partners (most women don't appear to actually care what's attached to the end of the penis they're using)

33% are lazy, and in it for the easy money (and probably don't like sex all that much with men)

You can play with the percentages, but I've covered most of the girls.

Most of the girls who you've gazed at through the pieces of your shattered prism.

Edited by Enoon
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Being poor has nothing to do with it IMO. there are plenty of poor people who don't f... for cash.

You're wrong, most in Thailand would, if offered the right amount of money, presented in the right way.

most in thailand would, ahahahaahhaah.. Another burnt farang ! As the latter, being poor has nothing to do with it, otherwise all would be doing it... Only burnt farangs think its normal. Well its a choice, she can make easy money laying on her back, then working in a 7/11.. dont ever give excuses to a bar girl saying its ok, her choice........

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She's a hooker, she's with a customer.

That isn't cheating, that's working.

She's with you because you "hansum man", she loves you, you're the boyfriend.

You can only go with another girl, if the girl pays you for sex.

Then you would be working, which would be OK.

Thanks a lot for your insight, I appreciate it

Correct, she is a hooker, but if she doesn't take money she has Aids. Sorry mate, your world is about to change.

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Being poor has nothing to do with it IMO. there are plenty of poor people who don't f... for cash.

You're wrong, most in Thailand would, if offered the right amount of money, presented in the right way.

Bullshit. This is one of the common myths propagated about sex work. If "poverty" explained why women do sex work, the vast majority of women in any poor country in the world would be sex workers. But they aren't. Not by a long shot.

It's a job choice. One of many options available to women (and men). Not everyone chooses that particular option. Some would never choose it, no matter what their financial straits. Simple as that.

Don't worry for him all Thai women are hookers, just read his posts. Never has he once said anything positive about a Thai woman. He's a troll just don't comment on his posts as this is feeding his warped view of Thai women.

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You seem to have a pragmatic approach to the whole thing. I don't think you are wrong telling her to want an open relationship considering both of your situations.

She knows the score, so as long as you don't get into shouting matches and through her profession (whether dancer or floor girl) in her face, she will likely go along with it. There may come a time in the future when you can both offer each other more, but that time is definitely not now.

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Being poor has nothing to do with it IMO. there are plenty of poor people who don't f... for cash.

You're wrong, most in Thailand would, if offered the right amount of money, presented in the right way.

Ok then, how much do you want?

I agree with "a lot would", I am not sure about "most" though.

There is a cute cop girl I know in my soi, married to another cop. How much do you reckon I should offer her? Maybe you could ask her for me. I am a bit shy.

The cute cop girl could offer me as little as 2000 baht and I would consider dinner with her

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Simply consider her a plaything, and get on with your life. See her on occasion, and have fun with her. But, if she cannot be honest with you, what do you guys really have? She sounds like lover material, not GF material. At least on the face of it.

it surprises me how some guys get possessive of girls they are banging in thailand. what is the point of that? bang them, when you are bored move on. if you are getting it for free, enjoy it while it lasts, be prepared if a girl has been giving it to you for free she may require some severance pay.

I have often heard it said "with most women, you are either paying on the front end, or the back end". I would say that relates to both pros, and most civilians. So, pay up front, and know exactly what you are dealing with, or pay on the back end, somehow, somewhere, in some form, or at some point. The guys on this forum who brag about getting it for free can be amusing at times. We all pay for it on some level. Very little punani in this world is free. Of course there are exceptions, for the Brad Pitt types, the young, and really handsome or well built guys, etc.

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One thing not to be overlooked is the rampant drug use among the working ladies. Ya bah, cocaine you name it it's available. if she acts drunk after a couple of very weak ladies drinks she may be on to something. A couple of users I know buy themselves a beer or two to start the afternoon. Remember "there is no such thing as a free ride."

Edited by akentryan
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"My mate here tells me she's a working girl- talks good English, has a tattoo, posts slutty pictures on social media, went home with me on the first night, shows cleavage, wears a lot of makeup at work and has working friends."

You ask if it is okay for her to cheat?

The answer is that you should ask her to buy you a buffalo to replace the one that died.

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Simply consider her a plaything, and get on with your life. See her on occasion, and have fun with her. But, if she cannot be honest with you, what do you guys really have? She sounds like lover material, not GF material. At least on the face of it.

Yeah you're right, without trust, there is no foundation for a relationship. That's the main reason I'm keeping our relationship open for now

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Most independent women cheat worldwide as the better deal trend is in high gear with a retreating world economy and men shying away from wanting the responsibility of a child. The Internet accelerates this trend. Separations and divorces are at an all time high. Love in most cases is no longer the priority, but cash security is for the children and family responsibilities. In most cases love is an illusion. Want is remarkable is many men never seem to understand that until the stack is gone.

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You seem to have a pragmatic approach to the whole thing. I don't think you are wrong telling her to want an open relationship considering both of your situations.

She knows the score, so as long as you don't get into shouting matches and through her profession (whether dancer or floor girl) in her face, she will likely go along with it. There may come a time in the future when you can both offer each other more, but that time is definitely not now.

Thanks for your response. Yeah she has gone along with our relationship being open, I think she might also realise it's unrealistic for us to be exclusive. Yeah I plan to stay with her and see where the future takes us.

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She's a hooker, she's with a customer.

That isn't cheating, that's working.

She's with you because you "hansum man", she loves you, you're the boyfriend.

You can only go with another girl, if the girl pays you for sex.

Then you would be working, which would be OK.

haha totally classic :-)
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Tattoos, works in a place where sex is sold, slutty pictures,shows cleavage. Listen to your mate, he is right IMO. Sounds like a working girl who quite likes you. She is giving you freebies. As long as you can also play up, then why not?

I bet this will have a bad ending though. She will probably get jealous when you get another girl, go crazy and then tell you it is different because she likes you but the other blokes she f...s are only customers.

Being poor has nothing to do with it IMO. there are plenty of poor people who don't f... for cash. It is her morals. Nobody in Thailand has to do it despite what they tell you. If that were the case, how do fat or ugly girls survive. Or poor men? Hookers do it for the same reasons the do in richer countries, they want to be rich, are too lazy to work a normal job or because they are drug addicts.

Now she isn't asking for cash, and buying shots (also not a sign of a good girl) etc because she has some cash. As soon as she has a problem and is broke she will ask you. Just a matter of time.

Of course I could be completely wrong. Everyone is different.

Wear a condom.

I fell for the poor isaan, not have choice bullshit before. It is a matter of morals. Most like sex, at least at first...like what they perceive as glamour and have probably been sexual active since before they were teens. Met a girl once who told me she was involved with her father before she was 12....and she was up for it apparently. Said she didn't know any better and it was a release. For every girl who goes and works in Pattaya there are another thousand working honestly on farms, factories, restaurants etc. They all have the same spin about bailing dad out of his gambling debts or mortgaged farms. Now I'm not judging here. If I was a beautiful girl with a high earning capacity and chance of an easy lifestyle would I be sweating it out on a farm for $12 a day? But a girl this damaged or effected by her upbringing is not marriage or even serious gf material. And once she equates $ = love = sex = easy come easy go shes ruined for life. A fun no strings mate yes. Don't fall in love with "the girls on the avenue". I can never understand why most of these girls who must have an earning potential of at least 50k baht a month never have a pot to pss in?

Like the man said. Wear a condom. Doctor in the small village we lived in told us he had 12 cases of HIV just in that small town...and they were only the ones who bothered to get tested or found out because they were pregnant. Probably 3 times more than that realistically. Said it's doesn't come so much from the farangs but the straight Thai guys who think nothing of screwing another bloke if the opportunity presents.

Edited by Kenny202
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Thanks a lot for all your responses.

If anyone is interested in an update... I really took on board villagefarrangs' advice. She's most likely a hooker, but I can't provide for her so I'm not going to get in the way of her making her money.

Our relationship is going well as an open relationship

It seems she wants the comfort of a normal relationship while she keeps doing whatever it is she does at night and that's fine with me. I want a normal relationship on the side while I can still enjoy Bangkok and everything it has to offer

I'm being promiscuous but in a way that doesn't rub it in her face or make her lose face.

If she does ever ask me to help out financially, I will not pay more than 10,000 baht.

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Thanks a lot for all your responses.

If anyone is interested in an update... I really took on board villagefarrangs' advice. She's most likely a hooker, but I can't provide for her so I'm not going to get in the way of her making her money.

Our relationship is going well as an open relationship

It seems she wants the comfort of a normal relationship while she keeps doing whatever it is she does at night and that's fine with me. I want a normal relationship on the side while I can still enjoy Bangkok and everything it has to offer

I'm being promiscuous but in a way that doesn't rub it in her face or make her lose face.

If she does ever ask me to help out financially, I will not pay more than 10,000 baht.

mate all was well with that view until you mentioned 10k baht. Don't even go there! As soon as you said she didn't want money I thought these are the smart girls who always end up costing u the most. They are experts at increasing your 10000 min to 50k in weeks. ....and then ur hopelessly in the hook. A very very well trodden path as most here will tell u
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Thanks a lot for all your responses.

If anyone is interested in an update... I really took on board villagefarrangs' advice. She's most likely a hooker, but I can't provide for her so I'm not going to get in the way of her making her money.

Our relationship is going well as an open relationship

It seems she wants the comfort of a normal relationship while she keeps doing whatever it is she does at night and that's fine with me. I want a normal relationship on the side while I can still enjoy Bangkok and everything it has to offer

I'm being promiscuous but in a way that doesn't rub it in her face or make her lose face.

If she does ever ask me to help out financially, I will not pay more than 10,000 baht.

mate all was well with that view until you mentioned 10k baht. Don't even go there! As soon as you said she didn't want money I thought these are the smart girls who always end up costing u the most. They are experts at increasing your 10000 min to 50k in weeks. ....and then ur hopelessly in the hook. A very very well trodden path as most here will tell u

When I say 10k baht, I don't mean 10k baht a pop. I just mean that I would be willing to help out with "broken air conditioning" or "mother moving back home" for upto 10k before it's over

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Thanks a lot for all your responses.

If anyone is interested in an update... I really took on board villagefarrangs' advice. She's most likely a hooker, but I can't provide for her so I'm not going to get in the way of her making her money.

Our relationship is going well as an open relationship

It seems she wants the comfort of a normal relationship while she keeps doing whatever it is she does at night and that's fine with me. I want a normal relationship on the side while I can still enjoy Bangkok and everything it has to offer

I'm being promiscuous but in a way that doesn't rub it in her face or make her lose face.

If she does ever ask me to help out financially, I will not pay more than 10,000 baht.

mate all was well with that view until you mentioned 10k baht. Don't even go there! As soon as you said she didn't want money I thought these are the smart girls who always end up costing u the most. They are experts at increasing your 10000 min to 50k in weeks. ....and then ur hopelessly in the hook. A very very well trodden path as most here will tell u

When I say 10k baht, I don't mean 10k baht a pop. I just mean that I would be willing to help out with "broken air conditioning" or "mother moving back home" for upto 10k before it's over
Mate ...there will be 200 blokes reading this and laughing. This is exactly how it starts and you're already trying to justify it to yourself. Im guessing shes already asked or hinting. Oh and she wont ask straight out. She'll relay some tale of misforune and ask you what you think she should do? Usually after 2 weeks (if they can wait that long) and first request between 10 & 20k. What they consider a token "teaser" or starter amount. The requests will come more frequently and for ever increasing amounts. You will be telling urself your girls different. I'm sure they have a bar girl school in Pattaya somewhere because their stories, patter and approach are always nearly the same. Dating a girl in your own country the possibility of slinging her some cash wouldn't even enter into your mind or alarm bells would be ringing. Its not Isaan or Thai culture...its bar girl culture. Not belittling you, many of us have been there and also didn't listen. These girls are great fun. Like going out with your best mate and going home with a supermodel. But it's not real. Enjoy it while it lasts but don't take it seriously. She may genuinely like you and all that but she will be grooming you. It's in her nature Edited by Kenny202
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I have a similar problem. There are four ladies on my block who have offered their wares for nothing more than my precious bodily fluids. Now, I find myself getting jealous when I see them with their husbands.

What, oh what, am I to do?

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I'm sure they have a bar girl school in Pattaya somewhere because their stories, patter and approach are always nearly the same.

It's all in this book ........


The very first Thai/English book I purchased, widely available in Pattaya.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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I'm sure they have a bar girl school in Pattaya somewhere because their stories, patter and approach are always nearly the same.

It's all in this book ........


The very first Thai/English book I purchased, widely available in Pattaya.

where the fark did u get that haha :-)
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