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The Real Reason Old Guys Come to Thailand


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Who the hell are you trying to kid?

Yep, I agree, 99% of foreign men are in Thailand for the cheap sex.

It ain't that great a place to be otherwise.

Without the availability of the cheap women, I'd be in Spain/France/Portugal/Florida, all much nicer and safer places to live. Better food, and maybe even cheaper living.

And why pick on old guys?

Young guys are here for the cheap women too!

I am from Florida, so I didn't come here for the warm weather or good food and I would not go anywhere for the temples, synagogues, mosques, meeting halls or churches.

I come here for the abundance of crime, scams, corruption, immigration hassles, tales of woe, CIA bar chat, expensive alcohol, available delicacies; and for the considerable lack of security, safe driving, legal recognition, common sense, senior services, and farang women.

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I came for economic reasons and the weather.

I am an economic refugee, i am unashamedly lazy. I didn't want to work. Living in the rat race is crazy IMO. Work sucks, and is such a waste of time/life. I like spending time doing what I want to do.

In Oz there is an expectation you have a work ethic, I love winding up (especially older) people there when they ask me "What do you do in Thailand.?" I answer "Nothin, I don't like work" and they are sort of offended. But it is the truth.

I don't like doing housework but I like a clean house. I don't like cooking and doing dishes, I can afford to eat out every meal here, but have cooked four times in 7 years, because l sometimes crave Kim chi spaghetti, and no one makes it.

I like having a clean car, but don't like washing cars.

I HATE cold weather, and wearing long pants, socks and jumpers. I like having a pool I can use all year round.

The girls are definitely hot here, but for me, just a (big) bonus.

I have a girlfriend here, but always had girlfriends in Australia also. Aussie girls are pretty easy, usually big drinkers who f... the first night you meet them. I actually think it is harder to get into a Thai girls pants ( unless they are hookers) and more groundwork is necessary GENERALLY speaking.

I came here to retire before 40, if it was cold, expensive and I had to work, I definately would not have come.

If it were for sex, I would go to a Muslim country where I could have four wives.

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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

Good to know but sadly you are in the minority.

No, he isn't in the minority, his wife is Thai.

Never understood guys who marry a Thai then claim they aren't sexpats.

It's the same game, just a longer contract.

The only guys who can legitimately claim not to be sexpats, are those married to a woman born in their own country.


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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

Good to know but sadly you are in the minority.

No, he isn't in the minority, his wife is Thai.

Never understood guys who marry a Thai then claim they aren't sexpats.

It's the same game, just a longer contract.

The only guys who can legitimately claim not to be sexpats, are those married to a woman born in their own country.

So, by your definition, if I, an Australian, were to marry someone born in NZ, England, US or anywhere other than Australia, I am a sexpat!

That's some crazy, F..... up thinking!

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Part of the charm of Thailand is that older people aren't shunned or thrown in the dustbin. Back in Australia an old pensioner like me can't expect much respect or deference because Australia belongs to the young. Here in Thailand, particularly living away for a tourist area, older people are treated with respect and you are made to feel special (as an older farang). The bureaucracy can be challenging, but it's the same in Australia. Everything else in Thailand, the cheaper cost of living, the women etc., is a bonus

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Agree with almost all......I once heard a man my own age saying that if he was at home now he would be sitting by the fire waiting to die.....instead he is having the 'Life of Riley" living here in Thailand.

The article referred to people (old) as been spoken of as coming to Thailand for the "cheap thrills". I have news for people who think that.....I met and married a Thai lady and she's anything but cheap (she's costing me a fortune) 55555

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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

Good to know but sadly you are in the minority.

I don't think he is in the minority. I came here back in 1983. My wife is Thai as are my daughters. I have traveled the world and I consider Thailand to be the best overall. No, I dont go to bars or nightclubs, never have. It is easy to put everyone in to one box but I suspect that is just a reflection of the writers character

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Who the hell are you trying to kid?

Yep, I agree, 99% of foreign men are in Thailand for the cheap sex.

It ain't that great a place to be otherwise.

Without the availability of the cheap women, I'd be in Spain/France/Portugal/Florida, all much nicer and safer places to live. Better food, and maybe even cheaper living.

And why pick on old guys?

Young guys are here for the cheap women too!

Depends who you mixed with and where you go. Over the past more than 40 years, I met many, many different age guys from many different countries who are not the 99%. They may go to the bars and to some shows but they certainly are not here for the cheap sex.

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Depends who you mixed with and where you go. Over the past more than 40 years, I met many, many different age guys from many different countries who are not the 99%. They may go to the bars and to some shows but they certainly are not here for the cheap sex.

You've never had sex with a Thai citizen then?

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Well i came for the sex and cheap living.

Cheap living great, sex well now i only dream about it, cos my body dont work anymore.

Yes my body is getting close to that point as well oh well it was fun while it lasted. Its amazing how the ladies here can morph over time from a truly loving sexy wife g/f into a loving caregiver. Yes there is money involved nothing in life is free. Its just that here things are more out in the open not like in the West where the last words you hear are "Don't talk to me talk to my lawyer"

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So, by your definition, if I, an Australian, were to marry someone born in NZ, England, US or anywhere other than Australia, I am a sexpat!

That's some crazy, F..... up thinking!

Let's face it, the western guys taking Thai women back home are usually too old, too ugly, too poor, or too socially inept to bag a western woman. And so 'sexpats'.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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I think older people come to Thailand to live and enjoy life. In many countries old people are just waiting to die and sit around watching TV, eat, take their meds, and sleep. Not much of a life really. Florida has many retirement villages but there everyone is old and not too much real excitement unless you think bingo is where it's at. Thailand is a difficult place to be lonely as there are many outside activities and social events where you can meet all types of people.

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I first came 50 years ago just looking for a nice vacation. I knew nothing about Thailand at that time. I was 20 years old and looking for adventure. I spent $1000 in 2 weeks and never bought a souvenir- only booze and broads. I loved the place- Thailand to me is what freedom is all about. I swore I would work hard and eventually retire here. After 3 Thai wives- I learned there was a lot about Thailand I never knew about and sometimes wished I never found out about. You learn to speak some Thai and all the masks come off Thais in general and family members and you see it for what it really is- there is the good, the bad and the ugly. I still say the pluses outweigh the bad and I wouldn't change a thing. I am grateful to have lived and worked in many countries around the World. I do not miss the US. the way it is now, in the least. Thai people have always been gracious to me and I to them. I try not to denigrate anyone's country - we all have a certain nostalgia for the place we were born. I sense the World is on the verge of a revolution in that the cost of living has gone up everywhere and incomes have not. I still enjoy a night out and every now and then -go to Cowboy or Pattaya and normally the next day think how much of it that I really don't miss or care to partake in. That's probably age, wisdom and a fixed pension making those decisions.

To those younger and enjoying Thailand- I say more power to you. I pass the baton to you in the hope you don't make the same mistakes that I and others have made figuring out the real Thailand. If I see you and you ask me- I would probably tell you but I doubt you would believe me. One begins to understand Thailand by trial and error.

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So, by your definition, if I, an Australian, were to marry someone born in NZ, England, US or anywhere other than Australia, I am a sexpat!

That's some crazy, F..... up thinking!

Let's face it, the western guys taking Thai women back home are usually too old, too ugly, too poor, or too socially inept to bag a western woman. And so 'sexpats'.

You are absolutely right. When I see an 80+ year old man walking around with a 25 year old Thai lady trying to tell me/us that he is here for the weather or something, what a bunch of crap. It is because he couldn't get lucky in his own country and her he fells like a stud.

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Agree with almost all......I once heard a man my own age saying that if he was at home now he would be sitting by the fire waiting to die.....instead he is having the 'Life of Riley" living here in Thailand.

The article referred to people (old) as been spoken of as coming to Thailand for the "cheap thrills". I have news for people who think that.....I met and married a Thai lady and she's anything but cheap (she's costing me a fortune) 55555

I agree about costing a fortune, I am in the same boat. Welcome abord.

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Who the hell are you trying to kid?

Yep, I agree, 99% of foreign men are in Thailand for the cheap sex.

It ain't that great a place to be otherwise.

Without the availability of the cheap women, I'd be in Spain/France/Portugal/Florida, all much nicer and safer places to live. Better food, and maybe even cheaper living.

And why pick on old guys?

Young guys are here for the cheap women too!

I am from Florida, so I didn't come here for the warm weather or good food and I would not go anywhere for the temples, synagogues, mosques, meeting halls or churches.

I come here for the abundance of crime, scams, corruption, immigration hassles, tales of woe, CIA bar chat, expensive alcohol, available delicacies; and for the considerable lack of security, safe driving, legal recognition, common sense, senior services, and farang women.

Excellent. I feel the same way.

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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

Good to know but sadly you are in the minority.

And you have done a poll on that or just spouting rubbish? I came here to run a successful business renting out eight houses, which I could not have funded in the UK. I just happen to have met, fallen in love with and married a fantastic Thai Lady. She is nearly 30 years my junior, and has a degree from Thailand and Australia, so not quite your average bar girl, some of whom I know from playing pool and find amusing. No doubt there will be the nudge, nudge, wink, wink brigade, but think what you like. I am very jealous of my excellent state of health which includes not having HIV or any of the other frightening STDs. I also have many friends who are also in business and have also married polite, conservative, educated Thai Ladies. Sure not all the marriages work out, but that is not something peculiar to Thailand. Men from Mars and all that, then throw in the very different cultures and yes each has to work at making the partnership work. Me? Happy as a pig in............ and would prefer to stay here until I turn up my toes.wai.gif

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In actual fact I didn't come to Thailand for sex, far from it. I'm more 'turned on' by a good science book, work outs and so on. In my own country I had been through two divorces, children grown up and gone their own way, I was living on my own. Don't misunderstand me, I don't mind being on my own, but there I was working all hours (even got called back from holiday (locally) on occasions) and seem to be going nowhere. I was 50 years old then. I had never been to Thailand and though I had been to China and a couple of other Asian places I din't think of Thailand. I received a letter from a friend who had married a Thai and he invited me over for a couple of weeks and like China I would be to far for the company to consider asking to cut it short. I didn't like BKK, still don't, and I was pleased I was going to the provinces. My friend's wife had a sister, Nurse in the gov hospital, 15 years younger than me. We met, got on well and after some more to Thailand visits I decided to take early retirement, get married to the Thai lady and that's it. For me, sex was not an issue nor a beach person and prefer inland sites, hills etc. At 16 years of marriage my wife and I had plans for her future retirement but a single member of her family had other ideas and after 18 years we divorced (no third party involved). If that person hadn't interfered we would still be together but there you go, that's life. I'm still here and unless things turn really nasty (don't want to mention off topics) and I can satisfy immigration I am planning another marriage and intend to stay.

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There are so many of us old farts with different reasons. I was married for 45 yrs when my wife died in New Zealand. My best friend lost his wife one week before. They both died from Cancer. We were very sad and depressed so I said one day, let's go for a Holliday, where he asked, I said Thailand as I had passed through here many times on my business trips to India and China.

We went to Krabi, did not like it then came to Pattaya and had a great time meeting many other guys. Oh, I never went with a lady, sorry.

Went back home and decided to go back. This time we did meet a lady each, I meet mine in a hospital. We got on great I took her out to eat few times and that was that, we were together for 2 yrs then got married, she is 46 and we are very happy together.

Have decided to open a bar in southern Spain early next year, have really had enough of Thailand now with the heat, road carnage, crime and police/imergration problems.

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Who the hell are you trying to kid?

Yep, I agree, 99% of foreign men are in Thailand for the cheap sex.

It ain't that great a place to be otherwise.

Without the availability of the cheap women, I'd be in Spain/France/Portugal/Florida, all much nicer and safer places to live. Better food, and maybe even cheaper living.

And why pick on old guys?

Young guys are here for the cheap women too!

If it is so nice in Spain/France/Portugal and Florida, may I suggest you go there. I am sure that you'll find there as many "cheap" women as in Thailand, particularly now with all the refugees in Europe. Reading some of your comments about Thailand, I really have to wonder why you are still here!

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Well,i could be described as an older guy.But in all honesty i have never had a young girl.I always went for the older type lady.I found them more fun and willing to please.My age group for the ladies was always 40+.I have a daughter of 30 and i suppose that,mentally,that had something to do with it.I have found some beautiful ladies of the older age that have kept their looks and their size 10 figures.I have since then settled down with a lady(whom i have since married and been with for 5 years.She is in her high forties and i still think she can knock the socks off any 25 year old.And yes! she is Isaan,she can be fiery and temperamental at times,but i wouldn't swap her for the world.

It brings to mind,a mate of mine that said.

When i die i want my Thai girlfriend to be so upset,that she has to drop out of school for the day,to attend my funeral.

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When I see young Thai women with older men- I could care less. That is their business and their life. I also see young Western men with older Thai women- the men just haven't figured out how old the women really are-it's the nature of the business.

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I had a good reason to come to Thailand

My first wife left me

My second wife left me

My third wife doesn't love me

A friend of mine was telling me about his wonderful life in Thailand

More than 10 years with a very nice Thai lady

So I copied him

I am very happy for more than 3 years, 6 months and x days

I did not come for sex or "cheap women"

I was too old for this (unfortunately)

My thai lady really loves me

I didn't even know what love could mean

I only hope to die before her

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I first arrived here in 2000 I was working in Taiwan going back and forth from UK, EVA air came via Bangkok so having heard so much about Thailand I decided to have a long weekend here. I did not come here for sex I came here for adventure, if sex became part of that adventure then so be it. (I must say in response to a previous poster who suggests that anybody who comes to Thailand and has sex here is a sex pat, what a load of rubbish. The person who posts statements like this is either a great wind up merchant or not the sharpest knife in the drawer.)

I liked the country, the atmosphere, the people, the food, the cost of living, the cost of manufacturing so much that I set up a fully producing manufacturing branch of our company here. We opened our factory here in 2001 and it has been a huge success. We never have a problem getting quality staff (at all levels), the QC and QA departments are second to none. We never have a problem with discipline or bad attitude because we don't tolerate it, we have a quality work force and we do not have to worry about political correctness or an over intrusion of government and do gooders sticking their noses in. No worries about frivolous law suits when someone slips on the floor or cuts his little finger. (Please bear in mind we also have a fully working facility in the UK so it is easy to compare the working attitudes, the quality, the production etc.)

Along the way I met a great lady from Bangkok, who is 9 years younger than me, she is now my wife and I have become fully integrated into her family, which I find delightful. We often do things as a family, yet we also have as much privacy as we want. We never have a problem, if we need help the family gather around and take care of us.

Since 2000 life here has become easier and easier for us foreigners, I can actually buy a better selection of European, American, Austrailian and Kiwi foods here than I can back in England. The standards of restaurants is great (like anywhere there are good and bad, but I find overall I can get great food from virtually any nationality).

Travelling around Thailand for little breaks is absolutely fabulous, you can drive anywhere and if you don't want to drive you can generally get close to your destination by plane. There is accomodation to suit every budget and if you want to really treat yourself 5 star service here is (in my opinion) better and cheaper than anywhere in Western Europe or USA.

I have made many good friends here, I must admit I have a low tolerance for negative people and bull shitters, so when I find them I just move on, however, I do the same anywhere in the world. I find that it is best to go slowly when meeting a new person here, I have come accross a few con men.

In summary, I came here when I was 44, I will be 60 this year, so I have gone from middle age to elderly here. The red light life style has never been part of my life and never will be. I do spend between 3 to 5 months a year back in the UK because of business, which means that I am in a great position to compare the lifestyles in both countries. The long and the short of it, when I retire Thailand will be my home because it is a great place to live.

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I chose Thailand to live in many years ago. My wake up call was after spending 4 years in the military, 20 hours after exiting Vietnam in 1969; landing in a military base to be greeted in the terminal by demonstrators spitting on me in front of my parents. Why would a government allow demonstrators through the military main secure gate, on a Federal air base? Lack of respect, and honor ate at me for years and I moved when I could afford it. Great weather, prices, beautiful women, great transportation and a country that protects it's Soveignity.

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i came here for the girls and for the girls and of course the girls

i moved here from florida, girls were costng me 60K a year there

my yearly expenses including girls here is under 60K but i do go back to florida once a year for a Nova Scotia lobster, a real prime steak and a good vodka martini, and of course a brazillian or two

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