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The Real Reason Old Guys Come to Thailand


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Define old, before making sweeping assumptions, gross generalizations and inaccurate assertions of opinion stated as fact.

Over 46!

Defined by the bible, a man's live three score year and ten (=70)

Divide into 3 so 0-23 = young, 23-46 = middle age,46+ = old.

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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

Good to know but sadly you are in the minority.

Or part of the silent majority that do not post on TV?

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Who the hell are you trying to kid?

Yep, I agree, 99% of foreign men are in Thailand for the cheap sex.

It ain't that great a place to be otherwise.

Without the availability of the cheap women, I'd be in Spain/France/Portugal/Florida, all much nicer and safer places to live. Better food, and maybe even cheaper living.

And why pick on old guys?

Young guys are here for the cheap women too!

your a classy guy. Why dont you try to get into a normal relationship and therefore not have to pay

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Who the hell are you trying to kid?

Yep, I agree, 99% of foreign men are in Thailand for the cheap sex.

It ain't that great a place to be otherwise.

Without the availability of the cheap women, I'd be in Spain/France/Portugal/Florida, all much nicer and safer places to live. Better food, and maybe even cheaper living.

And why pick on old guys?

Young guys are here for the cheap women too!

your a classy guy. Why dont you try to get into a normal relationship and therefore not have to pay

I think the point is that many guys are here because they don't want a normal relationship!

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your a classy guy. Why dont you try to get into a normal relationship and therefore not have to pay

I don't think normal relationships for 60yo guys include sex.

I may be wrong!

You think sex stops at 59?

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Who the hell are you trying to kid?

Yep, I agree, 99% of foreign men are in Thailand for the cheap sex.

It ain't that great a place to be otherwise.

Without the availability of the cheap women, I'd be in Spain/France/Portugal/Florida, all much nicer and safer places to live. Better food, and maybe even cheaper living.

And why pick on old guys?

Young guys are here for the cheap women too!

your a classy guy. Why dont you try to get into a normal relationship and therefore not have to pay

Do you think you don't pay in a "normal" relationship? If not in money, you'll pay in some other way. Loss of freedom, doing things that you'd rather not do, getting nagged etc.

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Are you speaking as a person with many years of loser experience?
Your grammar speaks volumes of your educational prowess and really makes your point valid.
Truly an expert.

Edited by seedy
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your a classy guy. Why dont you try to get into a normal relationship and therefore not have to pay

I don't think normal relationships for 60yo guys include sex.

I may be wrong!

What rock have you been hiding under? Not only an I way over 60, but I'm hunsome and like a sex machine....lol....?. They want me to do porno movies, but I don't like to show-up the young bucks.....?

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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

Good to know but sadly you are in the minority.

No, he isn't in the minority, his wife is Thai.

Never understood guys who marry a Thai then claim they aren't sexpats.

It's the same game, just a longer contract.

The only guys who can legitimately claim not to be sexpats, are those married to a woman born in their own country.

Speak for yourself and don't generalise. Your knowledge of expats can probably be safely written on the back of a postage stamp.

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Now I’m going to let you all in on a secret. The real reason us old dudes choose to live in the land of smiles has nothing to do with sex. It’s all about respect and longevity.

How can you speak in name of all the "old dudes" here in Thailand??

Do you know every single "old dude" in Thailand to make that claim?

So you are saying no old men come for the sex scene some cities in Thailand offer?

I live in Pattaya and i can assure you there are plenty of old perverts around here.

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What about the FOOOOOOD. I just love it. Always have and the fashions and well I have to say the women are fabulous. But as people, not just sex objects although, although I have an eye for all that and its a living feast here.

One of the few places where you "never" have to worry too much about getting chucked out as they're lining up waiting to take care of you.

The people of Thailand are amazing.

Its an amazing place. The history, their artistic abilities, the tasteful tv advertising and the women on tv again heheh Oh this is heaven. Bro

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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

Good to know but sadly you are in the minority.

No, he isn't in the minority, his wife is Thai.

Never understood guys who marry a Thai then claim they aren't sexpats.

It's the same game, just a longer contract.

The only guys who can legitimately claim not to be sexpats, are those married to a woman born in their own country.

I first left my birth country when I was an infant and lived in Thailand with my family and although later in life I lived back in Australia the women there terrified me tbh. Back then, some decades ago being Asian in Australia you were automatically branded Chinese or Japanese, although I never could understand why, I just figured Aussies were a bit dopey. These days the bloody Thais everywhere in Australia and nothing odd about it at all. When my mother was in Australia, she knew no other Thais whatsoever and that was because there were none or very few around. I've been out with a few Aussie ladies but I struck little common ground with them. My first wife was European and she didn't click with the Aussie way either.

Anyhow, I'm an Aussie but it's interesting to know that according to your idea I'm a sexpat just because my misses was born in another country. Interestingly when in Thailand my wife is often spoken to as a non Thai because they think she's a jap, which is interesting to watch when she responds in fluent Thai.

I guess I'm just trying to say to you, they're pretty rigid rules you live by when assuming stuff about other folks.

At this later stage in life and at this point in time whilst presently living in Oz, I wonder if I'm still a sexpat in your eyes or has that changed because I'm here and not there? What about the fact that my wife supports me financially at this point, does that change the rules or has in fact she become the sexpat in reverse?

Some clarity needed, if you wouldn't mind.......signed confused neverdie. :P

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your a classy guy. Why dont you try to get into a normal relationship and therefore not have to pay

I don't think normal relationships for 60yo guys include sex.

I may be wrong!

What rock have you been hiding under? Not only an I way over 60, but I'm hunsome and like a sex machine....lol....?. They want me to do porno movies, but I don't like to show-up the young bucks.....?

for me it's a case of, 'What I use to like to do all night long now takes me all night long to do' !


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When I see young Thai women with older men- I could care less. That is their business and their life. I also see young Western men with older Thai women- the men just haven't figured out how old the women really are-it's the nature of the business.

Not necessarily. The widow and former trophy bride of a wealthy Filipino-Chinese man took a liking to me when I was in my late twenties. She was a healthy fifty year old and needed reassurance of her sexuality--a common trait among the older male farangs who seek the company of younger Asian women.

Many mature women prefer the company of younger men. I just saw a middle-aged German woman I met nearly ten years ago. She spends several months a year in Southeast Asia and brags that she too is a sexpat--she likes young Asian men. I also know a couple of other older European women who like younger Asian men and I know several Western women married to Asian men. People attract other people, if you open your bigoted eyes to see.

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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

Good to know but sadly you are in the minority.

No, he isn't in the minority, his wife is Thai.

Never understood guys who marry a Thai then claim they aren't sexpats.

It's the same game, just a longer contract.

The only guys who can legitimately claim not to be sexpats, are those married to a woman born in their own country.

MaeJoeMTB said, "The only guys who can legitimately claim not to be sexpats, are those married to a woman born in their own country."

Wow, that is simply mind-boggling--how could you possibly reach that misinformed conclusion?

Marriage and being a sexpat have nothing to do with each other--and that is just for starters.

Some sexpats are married and some are not. Some married sexpats are married to women from their own countries and some are not.

I have been married three times--the first was born in the US. So, by your logic, the fact that my other two wives were born outside the US, I am a sexpat?

How utterly ignorant and lacking any logic or fact.

Now, if you would have said I am a sexpat because I like to play with the ladies of negotiable virtue, I might cop to that.

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your a classy guy. Why dont you try to get into a normal relationship and therefore not have to pay

I don't think normal relationships for 60yo guys include sex.

I may be wrong!

So, based on your many comments about being here; you're saying you're not normal?

Congrats my friend, I too am not normal and would not want to be. Anybody can be normal; that's why they call it "normal."

It takes a certain joie de vivre to abandon what is expected of you and be comfortable with it. So many others have to conform to what is socially, culturally, and politically acceptable.

What a waste of your life trying to imitate what others expect you to be and do.

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I find only rather dull people tend to go to great pains to express how different, individual or crazy they are.

More interesting people tend to be smart enough to realise that we're all individuals with our own idiosyncrasies, and that there's no such thing as a 'normal' person.

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I find only rather dull people tend to go to great pains to express how different, individual or crazy they are.

More interesting people tend to be smart enough to realise that we're all individuals with our own idiosyncrasies, and that there's no such thing as a 'normal' person.

I find people rather dull, especially the ones who think they are interesting.

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For the freedom, get away from "the free country" that'isnt free, aka nannystate how to live your life, i feel more free here then any other country, exept vietnam and cambodia.

Western countries is good for middleeastern, free money and naive goverment.

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I came to Thailand because i had had enough of working...and wouldn't have been able to afford a good lifestyle in my home country without working. Plus, had a few years here pulling much more beautiful young ladies than i could have got at home, and i don't mean pulling bargirls. Now I have a beautiful wife, who takes care of me, and actually loves doing so, and we have a good standard of living, without having to work my balls off...bargain.

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