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Father arrested for alleged rape of daughter, 9

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A father of three from Russey Keo was arrested by Phnom Penh Police on Friday after his wife alleged the 34-year-old repeatedly raped their 9-year-old daughter, according to deputy chief of Phnom Penh criminal police Nuon Sanith. The victim had first spoken of the abuse the previous day with her grandmother, who then went to the police station, Sanith said.

“[The victim] did not remember how many times. What she could remember was March 4 and March 13, which was the last time it happened. He raped her when her mother was not at home,” said Sanith, adding the suspect threatened to kill the victim and her mother if she ever spoke out. The victim was taken to Phnom Penh Referral Hospital for testing, where the doctor said she required additional treatment.

read more http://www.phnompenhpost.com/national/father-arrested-alleged-rape-daughter-9


I am pretty liberal and generally against the death penalty, but there are some exceptions in my philosophy.

Bill, a human being does NOT rape his own progeny. Therefore, this is not a human and we would merely be putting down a sick animal.


The ultimate abuse of trust.... Going medieval on him, would see his nuts cut off with a rusty knife

What does confuse and worry me though, is the comments in the post.

Alledgedly The victim first talked about it to her grandmother, who went to the police, yet it Also says that the mother alleged that the beast had been repeatedly raping the poor child

So... Did the mother already know about it, doing nothing, until the grandmother blew the whistle?

And yes, I did note that the rape was done when the mother was absent.... But mothers know when something is wrong.

Giving her the benifits of doubt, perhaps the signs were there, but she didn't connect the dots until hindsight kicked in.

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