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'Too busy': Hit-and-text teen driver accused of breaching community service order


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Utter scum, there is just simply no way to describe how scummy this individual is and the fact she obviously feels no remorse or has learnt anything from taking the lives of nine people. Jesus christ.....how do Thais let stuff like this happen?

It's called feudalism, known as sakdina in Thailand.

The lives of the nine mean nothing they are dirt under the feet of the elite.

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Wouldn't be surprised if she was shareing a bed with the HiSo - Red Bull - kid "Police Killer" laughing their <deleted> heads off!

Speaking of heads off, seems it is about time for the guillotine to come back into fashion. A horrible disgrace what these so-called "hi-sos" have done to the country and its people.

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IMHO, how far would people go to save their children from jail? I most would certainly go all legal means possible to minimize the length. Re this case it seems a total disrespect and disregard and a massively lax sentencing.

I guess this comment will be scorned upon..

They already saved her from jail but, now that she's been caught out failing to complete her community service, they are complaining that the probation officers are "threatening" her.

I don't have the words to express how sick this is.

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Utter scum, there is just simply no way to describe how scummy this individual is and the fact she obviously feels no remorse or has learnt anything from taking the lives of nine people. Jesus christ.....how do Thais let stuff like this happen?

It does seem as though the majority of Thais are happy enough with the status quo.....

Don't agree. IMHO there are:

- The Thais who have now realized what's been happening and they are starting to speak up, and especially through social media.

- The Thais who still feel lost and confused, don't even understand the concept of laws, and still locked into the thinking pushed on them as kids and through gov't. education 'know your place and be quiet!'. Unfortunately for this group, IMHO, it's going to be a while before they understand and then start to speak up.

I have both groups in my extended Thai family. For the second group it grieves me that they don't have the education to understand.

Edited by scorecard
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The parents are promoting this travesty by accusing the probation officer of threatening her when the were doing their jobs!

Also who registered the Honda using plates of a Toyota pickup in what surely was a tax dodge!

Great group of entitled role models!

No wonder this kid turned out a mirror image!

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No, surprise, after all she appealed the community service sentence as being far to harsh

and unfair. Personally I am very surprised there has not been some street justice. coffee1.gif

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No licence killed 9 people but too busy for community service - hope the hiso lady gets her car squished with her inside.

Anyone know where she lives ? Lets form a Forum vigilante Party .

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Utter scum, there is just simply no way to describe how scummy this individual is and the fact she obviously feels no remorse or has learnt anything from taking the lives of nine people. Jesus christ.....how do Thais let stuff like this happen?

It does seem as though the majority of Thais are happy enough with the status quo.....

Don't agree. IMHO there are:

- The Thais who have now realized what's been happening and they are starting to speak up, and especially through social media.

- The Thais who still feel lost and confused, don't even understand the concept of laws, and still locked into the thinking pushed on them as kids and through gov't. education 'know your place and be quiet!'. Unfortunately for this group, IMHO, it's going to be a while before they understand and then start to speak up.

I have both groups in my extended Thai family. For the second group it grieves me that they don't have the education to understand.

I don't think any Thai is newly disgusted at this. There is no sudden or recent realization on behalf of the locals here.

It's common knowledge, has been for decades and everyone is disgusted with it.

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It is difficult for people from developed countries to understand that in Thailand, killing people with an automobile does not carry prison time.

The Benz maniac that just killed two innocent people will receive a similar punishment.

In the meantime, the Thai police don't know what o do with this girl. They are gobsmacked.

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It is difficult for people from developed countries to understand that in Thailand, killing people with an automobile does not carry prison time.

The Benz maniac that just killed two innocent people will receive a similar punishment.

In the meantime, the Thai police don't know what o do with this girl. They are gobsmacked.

Of course one shouldnt mention a certain US senator , a bridge and a river, remind me again how time he spent behind bars ?

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I feel for the poor child To think the courts would want her to put in 4 hours a month doing community service. How can she fit that in with parties and facebook,not to mention clubbing and drinking. She is very busy.Gee she only killed 9 innocent people. Why do they treat her so bad.
I bet she hasn't missed a wink of sleep since she killed them either.
These "people" are brought up to believe they are far superior to the great unwashed.
A bit like a lot of farangs living in Thailand you mean ?

This woman is quite rightfully being bashed.

Just because you or others think this is socially acceptable; doesn't mean others can't be angry with it.

"This women"....."These people"....see the difference ?....one version is acceptable, the other, a sweeping generalisation isnt,even if he puts it in inverted commas....

Can't see why you're getting pear-shaped about his comment. Explain.
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Absolutely disgusting

She is old enough for prison now, a far more fitting punishment anyway ....

And she'll have plenty of time to reflect on her attitude and study ...

Who is her probation officer for <deleted> sake ... He should be moved to an inactive role or better still fired...


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Slag. I think about the middle aged couple jailed for 15 years for picking a few mushroom for dinner. They actually got banged up for 17 months and this slag gets a bit of community service for topping 9 people and then complains about it? So much for the fearless leader crushing corruption

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It is difficult for people from developed countries to understand that in Thailand, killing people with an automobile does not carry prison time.

The Benz maniac that just killed two innocent people will receive a similar punishment.

In the meantime, the Thai police don't know what o do with this girl. They are gobsmacked.

Of course one shouldnt mention a certain US senator , a bridge and a river, remind me again how time he spent behind bars ?

Sure, he should be mentioned and sure the Mary Joe Kapesnik (spelling?) incident should be mentioned.

Bottom line: In all these cases the law should applied fairly and equally, regardless of whatever background.

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It is difficult for people from developed countries to understand that in Thailand, killing people with an automobile does not carry prison time.

The Benz maniac that just killed two innocent people will receive a similar punishment.

In the meantime, the Thai police don't know what o do with this girl. They are gobsmacked.

Of course one shouldnt mention a certain US senator , a bridge and a river, remind me again how time he spent behind bars ?

Quite a good case (from all those years ago) to use as a comparison, in view of the fact that Thai 'justice' is generally decades behind that of the developed world.

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It is difficult for people from developed countries to understand that in Thailand, killing people with an automobile does not carry prison time.

The Benz maniac that just killed two innocent people will receive a similar punishment.

In the meantime, the Thai police don't know what o do with this girl. They are gobsmacked.

Of course one shouldnt mention a certain US senator , a bridge and a river, remind me again how time he spent behind bars ?

Quite a good case (from all those years ago) to use as a comparison, in view of the fact that Thai 'justice' is generally decades behind that of the developed world.

I repeat: "Sure, he should be mentioned and sure the Mary Joe Kapesnik (spelling?) incident should be mentioned.

Bottom line: In all these cases the law should applied fairly and equally, regardless of whatever background."

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It is difficult for people from developed countries to understand that in Thailand, killing people with an automobile does not carry prison time.

The Benz maniac that just killed two innocent people will receive a similar punishment.

In the meantime, the Thai police don't know what o do with this girl. They are gobsmacked.

Of course one shouldnt mention a certain US senator , a bridge and a river, remind me again how time he spent behind bars ?

Of course lets go thru every nations downfalls for the last 50 yrs before we get to Thailands on THAI forum about a current event in Thailand.rolleyes.gif

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It is difficult for people from developed countries to understand that in Thailand, killing people with an automobile does not carry prison time.

The Benz maniac that just killed two innocent people will receive a similar punishment.

In the meantime, the Thai police don't know what o do with this girl. They are gobsmacked.

Of course one shouldnt mention a certain US senator , a bridge and a river, remind me again how time he spent behind bars ?
Quite a good case (from all those years ago) to use as a comparison, in view of the fact that Thai 'justice' is generally decades behind that of the developed world.

But what it does illustate is that "power", influence and money and its impact on a judical system is not just a Thai thing

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The girl didn't mean do kill 9 people.

Is there anyone on this forum that can honestly say they have never used a phone while driving? I am guilty.

Does anyone believe that there is anyone in Thailand with two hands, a car and a phone that has not use them both at the same time.

Everyone does. I see it everyday, even with motorbikes.

I hope if I am ever in an accident and someone unfortunately dies I don't go to prison either.

The girl and her family don't sound like nice people.

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There is little sense of moral justice in Thailand though it is talked about all the time by the Thai government. They just really don't get it. What do you expect of this spoiled little girl if the Thai authorities treat her with such impunity. You end up with Pattaya!

Don't understand your last sentence.

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It is difficult for people from developed countries to understand that in Thailand, killing people with an automobile does not carry prison time.

The Benz maniac that just killed two innocent people will receive a similar punishment.

In the meantime, the Thai police don't know what o do with this girl. They are gobsmacked.

Of course one shouldnt mention a certain US senator , a bridge and a river, remind me again how time he spent behind bars ?

Of course lets go thru every nations downfalls for the last 50 yrs before we get to Thailands on THAI forum about a current event in Thailand.rolleyes.gif

Ok something more recent then..the afluenza case in Texas in 2013 where a 16 year old rich kid killed 4 people why drinking and driving, instead of the 20 years he should have got, he was given 20 months "treatment" by the judge

But of course lets not let this recent case in the US get in the way of your rabid Thai bashing

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IMHO, how far would people go to save their children from jail? I most would certainly go all legal means possible to minimize the length. Re this case it seems a total disrespect and disregard and a massively lax sentencing.

I guess this comment will be scorned upon..

Of course, you seen to want to forget the other side of the story. Are you not rather outraged by her and her families attitudes.

Put it another way, if it was your wife, children, mother... who were killed in similar accident, would you just brush it all aside and comment: "IMHO, how far would people go to save their children from jail? I most would certainly go all legal means possible to minimize the length".

Make it hurt the only way to get this this family's attention : a million baht per hour of community service unfulfilled!

paid to her victims!

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The girl didn't mean do kill 9 people.

Is there anyone on this forum that can honestly say they have never used a phone while driving? I am guilty.

Does anyone believe that there is anyone in Thailand with two hands, a car and a phone that has not use them both at the same time.

Everyone does. I see it everyday, even with motorbikes.

I hope if I am ever in an accident and someone unfortunately dies I don't go to prison either.

The girl and her family don't sound like nice people.

I don't use a phone while driving. Never have. I either pull over and check it or check it when I get to where I'm going. Generally I just keep it turned off. It's not that important. You should ask, "How many people answer their phone just because it rings?" You'd probably find a high correlation between those who answer without thinking and those who feel a need to use a phone and drive. It's a form of reckless driving. She obviously thinks it's all a joke. She should spend some time in prison.

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The girl didn't mean do kill 9 people.

Is there anyone on this forum that can honestly say they have never used a phone while driving? I am guilty.

Does anyone believe that there is anyone in Thailand with two hands, a car and a phone that has not use them both at the same time.

Everyone does. I see it everyday, even with motorbikes.

I hope if I am ever in an accident and someone unfortunately dies I don't go to prison either.

The girl and her family don't sound like nice people.

No, we are certain that she didn't mean to kill anyone. She needs no apologists.

But the facts are :

1. She was 16 years old and was illegally driving her parent's car with their knowledge.

2. She was too young to have a drivers license.

3. She may have been texting at the time of the accident.

4. And most significantly, she appears to show absolutely no remorse whatsoever and exhibits the all too common attitude of "creatures" of her ilk, that she has been inconvenienced by this whole incident, one big misunderstanding, resulting in her having to perform community service (for the deaths of nine innocent people). Being photographed having text next to her car just after she has sent 9 people tumbling to their deaths staggers the imagination.


People of her "class" do not serve, they are served. She is simply a member of the killer club that think they are above the law. One day all this may change, but not in my lifetime. The Thai people have the tools (social media) to instigate change. The sooner they do it the better for everyone.

BTW, if you are the cause of an accident resulting in death (s) due to you breaking the law, I hope you do go to prison.

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