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I jusy followed a thread in Phuket Gazette clasifieds and found this horror story:

April 2, 2004

Two days ago a Thai woman called me that there was a serious problem with a dog. I was not far from the area she called from and immediately went to see what was going on. I met 2 Thai women and a Thai man who explained to me that they were very worried about this black doggy who was apparently being sexually abused by a Western man living in the house next to the restaurant where we met.

What a horrible discovery! Evidently, if this man comes home at night, drunk and without a woman he picked up in some bar, he takes his sexual drives out on this dog. Neighbors have heard the dog scream and these women have seen him in the act from the opposite side of the street, through glass doors without curtains and lights on. They had already informed the police but they didn't want to do anything without some sort of proof. What to do -- nobody was home and no sign of the dog -- wait for proof or rescue the dog. I left with the promise that I would get the dog medical help and try to find it a home and would wait for their call.

Yesterday evening, the same woman phoned me with the message that the man had gotten home with a couple of women, which meant that he was busy and the dog was safe and happened to be outside. Her vulva did not look good. She managed to get the dog into her car and to her house -- that was a very brave act, indeed. I met her there and wonderful black Anwaan, as I have called her, meaning sweet in manner, because that is what she is, despite what she has been through. Her vulva is torn at least 5 cm. I estimate her age to be 1 - 1 1/2 years, very playful, pitch black with little white toes and a little white chest and a bit of white around her mouth. She's a medium-sized doggy of about 13 kg. and is fully grown. I think she is already spayed but will get the vet's opinion on that, too.

I took her home with me for the night. She was laying very quietly but shaking like a reed, next to me in the car. At home of course lots of commotion with the other dogs but things quieted down quickly. Anwaan had a good sniff around and then I put her in a large kennel with food and water. Before I went to bed, I closed all my dogs into the house and let Anwaan have an opportunity to relief herself before the night. She had not touched her food, perhaps took a few sips of water. She didn't make any attempt to make a pee or a poeh. She was playful and very affectionate and running around. After a long while, I decided to pick her up, but that proved to be difficult. She became very nervous and yelpy and wanting to bite. Obviously her bottom is sore and she was afraid, too. Her biting was only in gesture -- she never hurt me, even though she had plenty of opportunity -- she held my hand in her mouth, that was it. I put her back in the kennel with food and water for the night. I felt so sad and had a big lump in my throat. I would love to have held her safely during the night but didn't think that was the right thing to do for her.

She stayed very quiet during the night and ate all her food and drank quiet a bit of water; she also stayed dry, which surprised me. I took her into the garden after all the other dogs were inside eating breakfast with the doors closed. She was so happy but again did not relief herself. I decided to just let her be in the garden with the other dogs and that is going very well. We'll go to the clinic soon.

April 5, 2004

I took Anwaan to Dr. Suchon -- she was very nervous. Dr. Suchon was shocked and is convinced that the man has penetrated her many times over -- he had not seen anything like this before! I already noticed that her urine comes out much higher than it must be -- she is really messed up in there. She berried her head in my arm while she was being examined, trembling all over. He decided to let the wound heal by itself and to proceed with sterilization. When I picked her up that evening, the surgery had proven to be unnecessary -- no uterus or ovaries to be found! Very sad indeed! She is staying with me now until we find her the loving and safe home she deserves. She is building confidence and has started to eat well.

April 9, 2004

Very happy to tell that Anwaan is doing great. She is a very sweet dog, and is really settling down with the other dogs around. She plays a lot with Meis.

It would be so wonderful if this wonderful gal could find a safe home!!!

I am still in shock at reading this, freaked me right out!

Anyway you can check out ways to help out this woman on

Soi Dog Foundation

Freaky freaky stuff.

Bash :o


Go back a couple of years and you will find the Phuket Gazette was quoting a British story - but the other way round (dog rapes drunken man). And a very few months ago they had a very similar story to the one you are quoting here.

Do you think that there's a doggie-lover there, as against all the pussy-lovers on this site? :o


Before we go condemning him out of hand, realise these things are not so common, there is a law in Saudi Arabia that states:

"It is a mortal sin to eat the flesh of a lamb that you have had sex with".

And there was divorce case in Liverpool in which the patitioner sited "his wife inviting the dog to join them in their love making" as grounds for divorce.

Mind, given the average scouser bloke you can hardly blame her...

Before we go condemning him out of hand

Surely this would have been the "acceptable" alternative to humping a pooch....



Thank you for what you did helping this dog.

Keeping our dignity as humans means standing up to protect others, humans or animals.

People who think animals don't deserve respect or protection lack humanity and deserve to be put to shame.

You are maybe a little man, but you sure have a great heart.


Thank you for what you did helping this dog.

Keeping our dignity as humans means standing up to protect others, humans or animals.

People who think animals don't deserve respect or protection lack humanity and deserve to be put to shame.

You are maybe a little man, but you sure have a great heart.

yes pat youself on the back stumpy :o


Thank you for what you did helping this dog.

Keeping our dignity as humans means standing up to protect others, humans or animals.

People who think animals don't deserve respect or protection lack humanity and deserve to be put to shame.

You are maybe a little man, but you sure have a great heart.

yes pat youself on the back stumpy :o

Stumpy?? :D



Amazing Thailand...farang having sex with dog or I think bitch...

Now that the poor dog have been rescued...the next amazing thing this amazing farang going to do is to look for a cow at the nearby padi-field if he can't find the dog....disgusting... :o:D:D

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