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Radovan Karadzic guilty of genocide for his involvement at Srebrenica


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Radovan Karadzic guilty of genocide for his involvement at Srebrenica


THE HAGUE: -- Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic has been found guilty of 10 of 11 charges by UN judges at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in the Hague.

The 70-year-old was found guilty of genocide for his involvement in the 1995 massacre in Srebrenica in which 8,000 Muslim men and boys were murdered in the space of a few days.

He was acquitted by the tribunal of a count of genocide in connection with the Bosnian municipalities.

UN judges also said that the former Bosnian Serb leader was criminally responsible for the siege of Sarajevo and crimes against humanity in other towns and villages during the Bosnian war of the 1990s.

The judges sentenced him to 40 years in prison but the length will be reduced as he has been in custody since 2008.

Karadzic, who is the most senior political figure to be convicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia is to appeal the decision by the judges.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-25
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Radovan Karadzic “The Butcher of Bosnia”


THE HAGUE: -- Radovan Karadzic is a published poet, a graduate of medicine, psychologist and a man who gained the nickname, “The Butcher of Bosnia”.

He will go down in history for his crimes during fighting in the Bosnian war of the 90s.

In 1990 he helped found the Serb Democratic Party aimed at unifying Serbs into a common state and he became its president.

“Don’t think you won’t take Bosnia to hell and Muslim people perhaps to extinction. Because Muslims can’t defend themselves if there is a war here. How will you prevent everyone killing each other.”

Those words he spoke in a debate in the Bosnian Parliament in 1992 on a proposed independence referendum had an ironic resonance as the Balkans began to tear themselves apart in conflict.

In 1992 Bosnian Serb forces under the command of Ratko Mladic who answered to Karadzic targeted civilian areas of Sarajevo during a three-year conflict.

A force of 13,000 encircled Sarejevo and it became the longest siege of a capital city in modern warfare. Five thousand four hundred and thirty four civilians were killed.

In July 1995 an estimated 8,000 Bosnian Muslim male prisoners in Srebrenica, a UN safe area were slaughtered by troops in what is considered the worst war crime since World War Two.

The UN judges said Karadzic had intended to eliminate Muslim males in the town.

He has said that any atrocities were the actions of rogue individuals, not the forces under his command.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-25

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Victims say 40-year sentence is too lenient while many Serbs continue to support man who oversaw 1995 massacre at Srebrenica


A 40 year sentence means that he is likely to die in prison.

The only harsher sentence would have been the death penalty and that would have been too quick an ending for this piece of scum.

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From what many posters post on Thaivisa:

8,000 Muslim men and boys were murdered in the space of a few days.

They'd support such actions.


The Sebrenica massacre is as a lie as Saddams weapons of mass destruction. When will you wake up and get the message?

The discussion on what happened at Sebrenica mostly revolve around semantics, genocide, ethnic cleansing (as a prelude to genocide), or just mass murder. Also some discussion on scale, 2,000 or 8,000. Never heard complete denial of any killing as you seem to profess. Would wonder what your opinion is on the holocaust?


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A sentence passed by infidels against an infidel who was guilty of killing muslims, and highly commendable too. Yet when the muslims self proclaim that they are hell bent on wiping out the infidels, no one seems to give a rats a**e sad.png

So the continuing war against ISIS in Syria isn't happening?

The arrest and conviction of those plotting terrorist attacks in Europe (example) isn't happening?

The terrible events in Brussels this week, those in Paris last year and far to many others do show that the terrorists, whatever their motivations, can and do achieve their murderous aims sometimes; but they are also prevented from doing so on many occasions as well. Though for obvious reasons the security forces don't tell us of every failed plot they have stopped.

But whatever the security forces do, sometimes the terrorists get through.

As the Provisional IRA said after it failed to kill Thatcher in the Brighton bombing "Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once. You will have to be lucky always."

I wish I could say that I am shocked that some members of this forum have used the conviction of a mass murderer to attempt to justify their own hate of innocent Muslims; but sadly I cannot.

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And people think ISIS is bad . These Serbs were worse ... and in europe's backyard under the ignoring eyes of UN troops.

You should try to read up on some unbiased history.Many of the Bosnian muslims where fanatical and radical pieces of scum.

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And people think ISIS is bad . These Serbs were worse ... and in europe's backyard under the ignoring eyes of UN troops.

You should try to read up on some unbiased history.Many of the Bosnian muslims where fanatical and radical pieces of scum.

To attempt to justify genocide is the lowest of the low. The Serbs started the Bosnian War & committed the vast majority of the war crimes, including ethnic cleansing / mass murder of unarmed civilians (genocide) during the Bosnian war, including systematic rape as a tool of war.


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And people think ISIS is bad . These Serbs were worse ... and in europe's backyard under the ignoring eyes of UN troops.

You should try to read up on some unbiased history.Many of the Bosnian muslims where fanatical and radical pieces of scum.

I lived in Bosnia and moved there after having lived in the Middle East. I lived in Sarajevo and had numerous Muslims on my staff. I also had offices in Tusla and Croatia. After living in the Middle East, I was amazed at how little the Muslims knew about Islam. Most of them drank and partied a lot. They did not know much about their own religion and they were far from fanatical.

The Conflict did attract a lot of the radicals from the Middle East and there were efforts to radicalize the population, but there was little interest on the locals toward radical beliefs. They were hoping for a peaceful existence.

Under Tito and the communist regime, religion was discouraged. Many of the people had intermarried with other groups and religions so it was quite a mismatch.

Some people, because of their Islamic (Turkish) names were driven in the direction of Islam, although a few had never practiced the faith at all.

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