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Why Europe has a bigger terror problem than the U.S.


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This is just a continuation of the late dark to early middle ages, when the saracens tried to push up through Europe.

All this crapola about the USA being the problem is just ignorance. Look at the big picture....(which does not include the relatively new arrival of the USA on the global map).

The time has come when an old religion...which has stayed "relatively dormant" for centuries, has decided that they must act on their faith and principles...(right or wrong to us)....rather than have their masses of followers be lost to the ways of the "Sinful" West. Their leadership has chosen these times to act...or witness the deterioration of their culture. They need to dominate, or be assimilated. There is no other options. Fail to act now, as far as their "zealots" are concerned....will forever close their options (to force Sharia Law in all parts of the World).

It is pretty much do or die..for them. There is no plan to become "assimilated"... the plan is to spread throughout the globe and exert dominance.

No ...all muslims are not bad....but they the good ones have much to fear...from the bad ones. There is only one action bestowed to an apostate....

First of all, the Saracens were already in Europe. The Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and a few other choice spots. You forgot to mention that at that time, the Saracens came from a civilization that was far more tolerant and advanced than what was to be found in the rest of Europe.

And how does this work exactly? "An old religion has decided..." There is no pope in Islam. Where or when was this "decision" made? Who made it? Some secret council somewhere?

Ah, yes, the enlightened Umayyads in Spain, with all their wisdom and tolerance. And what happened to the Umayyads? They were overthrown and massacred by the Abbasids who charged them with immorality and being unfaithful to true Islam. Sound familiar?

Yes, the Ummayads lasted a mere 350 years. And the Abbasids were also, for most of their reign, rulers of great tolerance. They established Baghdad, one of the 2 great centers of world civilization. To give you some idea of how tolerant they were, you could look up the great Arab poet Al Ma'arri, who was an atheist and not shy about it. He devoted a lot of his work to denouncing religions, including Islam. The evil Abbasids forced him to die of old age, in his bed, a free man, honored and respected, just as he had been for his entire life. I'm guessing that this doesn't sound familiar to you.

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OP appears to be a somewhat blinkered view of terrorism..

Even if you only consider the events since 9/11 the US has a much bigger problem.

Considering that in Europe we have a much more diverse population, yet until the last year or so little terrorism.

Clearly the so called War-on-Terror which in reality amounts to the US & Europe blowing the fuckery out of Iraq for no real reason, and trying to "democratise" the feudal tribes of the Middle East, has only left a massive vacuum - a vacuum that is now filled by the Daesh\AlQ\"moderate rebels"\other nutjobs. Maybe it time to learn to stop around with other countries and look after our own. I'm sure some one or other is making shed loads of money out of all of this!

That reason has been 100% debunked by recent history.

First, 9/11 happened before the invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan.

Regime change policy in Iraq and Afghanistan did not result in waves of refugee and the rise of new, powerful terror organization.

Refusing to get involved in Syria DID result in waves of refugee and the rise of new, powerful terror organization.

Sunshine, Your blovation does nothing to debunk my assertions.

Please feel free to debunk "the USA has much bigger terrorism problem than Europe" Look at the statistics for domestic terrorism in the US and then come back and tell me it ain't happening.

The war on terror has failed.. feel free to debunk that too. I'll not hold my breath as clearly we can all see terrorism is still happening, Bush's half baked idea of bombing the fick out the ME has failed, and cost billions! Its a fail of epic proportions! If the war on terror was any sort of success why is the ME in a much bigger mess than when it started?

Even the despicable war criminal Tony Blair admits the war in Iraq is a prime factor in the creation of the Deash, you wont admit because you feel you need to push an agenda..

Saying something is "debunked" means nothing with out some evidence to support that - your little blowhard post, even with emboldened text is worthless.

There isn't terrorism in the USA, only "workplace violence". Ask the current admin if you don't believe me. Maybe you just have a different definition of "domestic terrorism"?

The War on Terror is failing. Daesh/ISIS wasn't significant until after Obama orchestrated a pull-out of US troops from Iraq so he could claim to have fulfilled his campaign promise.

btw -Daesh/ISIS originated in Jordan in 1999. (made it bold for you so you wouldn't miss it)


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OP appears to be a somewhat blinkered view of terrorism..

Even if you only consider the events since 9/11 the US has a much bigger problem.

Considering that in Europe we have a much more diverse population, yet until the last year or so little terrorism.

Clearly the so called War-on-Terror which in reality amounts to the US & Europe blowing the fuckery out of Iraq for no real reason, and trying to "democratise" the feudal tribes of the Middle East, has only left a massive vacuum - a vacuum that is now filled by the Daesh\AlQ\"moderate rebels"\other nutjobs. Maybe it time to learn to stop around with other countries and look after our own. I'm sure some one or other is making shed loads of money out of all of this!

That reason has been 100% debunked by recent history.

First, 9/11 happened before the invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan.

Regime change policy in Iraq and Afghanistan did not result in waves of refugee and the rise of new, powerful terror organization.

Refusing to get involved in Syria DID result in waves of refugee and the rise of new, powerful terror organization.

Sunshine, Your blovation does nothing to debunk my assertions.

Please feel free to debunk "the USA has much bigger terrorism problem than Europe" Look at the statistics for domestic terrorism in the US and then come back and tell me it ain't happening.

The war on terror has failed.. feel free to debunk that too. I'll not hold my breath as clearly we can all see terrorism is still happening, Bush's half baked idea of bombing the fick out the ME has failed, and cost billions! Its a fail of epic proportions! If the war on terror was any sort of success why is the ME in a much bigger mess than when it started?

Even the despicable war criminal Tony Blair admits the war in Iraq is a prime factor in the creation of the Deash, you wont admit because you feel you need to push an agenda..

Saying something is "debunked" means nothing with out some evidence to support that - your little blowhard post, even with emboldened text is worthless.

There isn't terrorism in the USA, only "workplace violence". Ask the current admin if you don't believe me. Maybe you just have a different definition of "domestic terrorism"?

The War on Terror is failing. Daesh/ISIS wasn't significant until after Obama orchestrated a pull-out of US troops from Iraq so he could claim to have fulfilled his campaign promise.

btw -Daesh/ISIS originated in Jordan in 1999. (made it bold for you so you wouldn't miss it)


One of the biggest lies of the Iraq War amnesiacs is that Obama could have kept troops in Iraq if he had wanted to. The fact is that Bush/Cheney tried with all their might to have Iraq agree to a longer stay than one terminating in 2011. But Al Maliki, our hand picked PM absolutely refused. And the reasons he refused are many. A desire to persecute Sunnis unimpeded was one. Also, Iran didn't want us there and Al Maliki was a firm ally of Iran. What leverage would Obama have had to make Maliki change his mind? Or are you so benighted as to think that we should have stayed in Iraq against the government's will? Would your plan have been to shock and awe them into acquiescence? I believe that had been tried already.

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