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Skype video dropout


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Hi all. I have started having to use skype video for interviews and such, and I have encountered a problem. Though my upload and download figures are fine for skype video calling (even skype tells me so) I keep experiencing dropout. I am not 100% up on ping and packets and was wondering if this could be the problem.

I am also a True customer, and I believe this may be a problem as my internet seems erratic at times anyway. I understand that 3BB have slower internet speeds but have fewer drop out problems. Does anybody know if this is correct? In general I am happy with my internet. I can download torrents and stream videos (though not brilliantly), but I am sure that the internet is worse in the evening. Last night I had absolutely no internet though I was connected to the server. I did a speed test this morning to a Tokyo server, and have attached it here. Not sure how to get it to show on the actual message. The speeds are

1. Ping 324 ms

2 Download 43.23 Mb/s

3. Upload 3.14 Mb/s

As said, I believe things get worse in the evening, and I will do a comparison tonight

Cheers for any help


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Are you connected by wifi ?

If so an Ethernet connection often helps if you can use one.

I've found much of my issues is with the wifi connection being disrupted.

I have tried the cable but, funnily enough, it was more of a problem. perhaps that is just timing. If I use the call only feature, I never have much of a problem just some underwater language now and again

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A cable connection is best. Also, how do you know the problem is on your end. It could be on the other

I thought a cable connection would improve matters, and one guy who I was Skyping (is that a word yet?) was patient enough to let me experiment. It was actually better withoiut the cable. As I say i don't kinow if that was luck. The guys I am video calling all conduct interviews for their companies and don't have any problems. The one guy actually told me to swap to 3BB as it has less drop out and is more specialized than True. He also mentioned something about sharing bandwidth, but I didn't get that as the vid was breaking up.

Byu the way the video is very jerky when it is working, and I called my mother in the UK yesterday and the conmversation was like it was underwater (staccato like bubbles popoing)

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Oh I see from your profile your in Roi Et.

Can't imagine that's prime Internet country to be fair,I maybe wrong.

Obviously need to update the profile, but I am in Uttaradit. Probably not the best either though

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