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PM Prayut invites US investors to Thailand


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American Chamber of Commerce doesn't mention anything of the event and you have to look in the calendar of US-ASEAN to find anything mentioned.

Apparently no one else but the dear leader thought this was an important event. According to The Diplomat the hour-long speech was even delivered in Thai.

If the President of the USA goes to, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Angola, Vietnam, Cuba, Thailand etc, does he make a speech in the local language or does he deliver it in American English and the translators deliver it in the local language? Or in the language of the country he is visiting?

Can YOU speak 2 or 3 languages fluently enough to deliver a 1 hour speech in your second language? I certainly can't and I doubt if more that 4 or 5% of posters on the forum are that fluent.

For a full hour speech in heavy business language: yes - and I am not a native speaker. I also speak German as well as several Scandinavian languages.

But back to topic:

As he has been leading the Grande Armee of Thailand for quite a while, I am sure he has been exposed to the international stage before he went civilian and got a new job. I am certain it was events where English was the common and used language for presentations, orders etc. English is as well a standard language in foreign diplomacy and as a side-note his wife teaches English.

The Americans are used to hearing a lot of different pronunciations of English so they would understand even broken English, and I maintain if you want to inspire confidence and attract foreign investors at a presentation abroad you should provide the presentation in English.

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Why anyone, especially anyone from the U.S., would want to invest here under the current circumstances would be a considerable mystery...

But it's equally amazing to hear how what's said abroad to foreign audiences conflicts so dramatically with the reality on the ground here in LOS.

If anyone's believing it, they DESERVE to invest here.

The Thais owning 51% of practically everything is always a fair assessment giving you peace of mind. You'll know your money is in safe hands - Theirs !!!!!!!!

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Yep, I can see American investor beating a path to Thailand's doorstep, NOT! Most "American" companies are no longer "American". They are multi-national, don't pay diddle squat in taxes, hide their money offshore and offshore the industry. They are bad people running them but not all that stupid, they won't invest in Thailand, a military ........... . TPP will make it 3 times as bad, cost American 1,000's of jobs, close the internet and at the same time will punish the people in developing countries that don't pay the prices, especially in medicine. Their prices will be the same as the American's that are riped off. TPP benefits nobody but the rich, CEO's and multi-national corporations. It also is not in effect yet and there is a good possibility it never will be passed by Congress. Not one single candidate for president supports it, although Hillary has lied about her position and will if she becomes president. The Thai people certainly will never benefit, nor will any of the countries people involved. TPP is rule by corporation, pure and simple and has nothing to do with trade. Nope not even Thailand could join. Good luck selling that bridge to Thailand.

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Unlike what appears to be the majority of the posters here, I do not think the PM is referring to investing in beer bars, dive shops, tour companies, English classes, etc. Companies like Chevron, Starbucks, MacDonalds, Ford, etc have invested in Thailand with a business plan to make a profit.

Meanwhile Toyota and others are looking towards Cambodia and Viet Nam.

Edited by oldsailor35
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I wonder if he travels with Thai food or eats the local cuisine.

And i wonder what they all eat during an official dinner like that in the USA. Pizza or Macmeals? I have never seen an american cook in a cookingshow (i've seen all of them) showing american recipes'. I did see when Gordon Ramsey was there to do "attitude adjustment" to some restaurantowners which was hilarious.

I guess they served mr Prayuth some shakes with added protein and pills to be healthy. I always hear americans speaking about that. Even Thai who live there eat them.

Another "expert" on America. Since you've "seen all of them", saw a show with Gordon Ramsey and heard a couple of Americans, you obviously know what you are talking about.

PS - Google Emeril Lagasse and Julia Child. You might want to take a look at how many food shows there are in the US. Everyone knows that Americans are the fatest people on Earth.

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Unlike what appears to be the majority of the posters here, I do not think the PM is referring to investing in beer bars, dive shops, tour companies, English classes, etc. Companies like Chevron, Starbucks, MacDonalds, Ford, etc have invested in Thailand with a business plan to make a profit.

Meanwhile Toyota and others are looking towards Cambodia and Viet Nam.

I am not convinced Toyota is a US company

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I often wonder if our leader has a Thai Visa account,and reads everyday what people say and think about him and his government.If he has,he must be very embarrassed when he reads about situations that would be easily solved with a little foresight.

he must,by now have an insight to what the Ferang opinion is of him.

I'm wondering what his user name would be?


Thaiboss 1





The list could be endless.

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