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PM assures there won’t be a “nominee” prime minister after the election


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After seeing the majority turn their back on the last govt through protesting there will be no need for a nominee PM.

When the previous govt promises 8 times to pay the farmers before Suthep was even in the picture one can be assured that that side of the political persuasion have limited support now and into the future.

Mind you if that side offer 90% above market value for rice then Prayut better think again.

How do you bridge the chasm between the number of people who protested in Bangkok in 2013/2014, as compared to the majority of voters in Thailand?

Not even a million people is the population of Thailand don't you know?

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After seeing the majority turn their back on the last govt through protesting there will be no need for a nominee PM.

When the previous govt promises 8 times to pay the farmers before Suthep was even in the picture one can be assured that that side of the political persuasion have limited support now and into the future.

Mind you if that side offer 90% above market value for rice then Prayut better think again.

How do you bridge the chasm between the number of people who protested in Bangkok in 2013/2014, as compared to the majority of voters in Thailand?

Toe-tag Anti-Thaksinistas will always be in favor of the indefensible if it affects Yellows, the elete Ammart, etc. It's in their wannabe elite nature to do so.

They are yet to thank Thaksin. Without him, toe-tag Anti-Thaksinistas would not have a life.

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After seeing the majority turn their back on the last govt through protesting there will be no need for a nominee PM.

When the previous govt promises 8 times to pay the farmers before Suthep was even in the picture one can be assured that that side of the political persuasion have limited support now and into the future.

Mind you if that side offer 90% above market value for rice then Prayut better think again.

If the majority had turned its back on the previous government then why was it that the election was prevented?

If the majority had turned its back then the opposition would have romped to victory.

But that didn't happen did it, instead the election was blocked to create the justification for a coup.

You are trying to rewrite history and as so often, in doing so you are talking out of your fundamental orifice!

Edited by JAG
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After seeing the majority turn their back on the last govt through protesting there will be no need for a nominee PM.

When the previous govt promises 8 times to pay the farmers before Suthep was even in the picture one can be assured that that side of the political persuasion have limited support now and into the future.

Mind you if that side offer 90% above market value for rice then Prayut better think again.

I recently had a discussion about Thai politics with another expat over a beer at lunch. He was a long term resident whom I had just met and he held very strong views in favour of the military/yellow side. The conversation went something like this:

Him - Thaksin is a crook, corrupt to the bone and something had to be done to put an end to his ripping off the country. The military have saved Thailand again.

Me - But he was democratically elected by the people, in fact his party has won every election since 2001 by handy margins. It would seem to me that the Thai people have quite clearly decided who they want running the country. What right has anyone to deny them their sovereignty of their own country?

Him - The Thai people didn't want Thaksin, in fact, after the 2006 coup the military fixed the constitution and held elections again which Thaksin only won by buying the votes of the uneducated northerners. When the Thais realised that Thaksin was still corrupt they chose to elect Abhisit.

Me - I'm not sure it actually went down like that. There was the 2006 coup, the military then rigged the constitution as much as they could to favour them, Thaksin won another election by a handy margin, 2 Prime Ministers were then got rid off by the courts for ridiculous reasons and then the military both strong-armed and bribed MP's into switching their support to Abhisit. So yes, Abhisit did become PM, but you could hardly say it was the peoples choice.

Him - Thais everywhere hated the Red shirts because they blockaded the airport and basically shut down the country.

Me - I think it was the yellows that shut down the airport - the PAD in 2008.

Him - NO! It was the reds. I know because I was stuck there at the time. Militias armed with guns and machettes overran the place. They attacked the airport security guards, manhandled passengers. They didn't care about anything but themselves and getting Thaksin back in government so they could start getting handouts again. Animals all of them.

Me - Pretty sure it was the yellows, let's google and double check just to be sure.

Him - I was there! I know what happened (very worked up and agitated now)

Me - (handing over iPhone wikipedia on screen) See, it was the yellows who closed the airport. The reds took to the streets in 2010 and about 100 of them got shot dead by the military.

Him - (confused after reading wiki) oh??

Conversation drifts for a while on the reasons behind the conflict - he thinks its about stopping corruption (i.e. Thaksin) I believe its about the poor no longer willing to be taken advantage of by the rich, eventually talk turns back to the airport closure of 2008....

Him - It was done peacefully. Nobody got hurt. All the airport workers and passengers welcomed the protestors.

Me - (incredulous) the passengers welcomed the protestors that closed the airport?

Him - Yes, they did. It was so well done. They even put on puppet shows for the kids......

This brief encounter with what I call a "TVF Yellow Junta Lover" shows the absurd lengths they must go to to maintain their position. Misrepresenting historical events, in fact disregarding all evidence that conflicts with their views. Honestly, the amount of times this guy swore on his mothers grave about something only to have it proven completely and irrefutably wrong via google was amazing. What was more amazing was that it just didn't faze him to be so utterly wrong so many times. Just as we were getting up to go our separate ways I asked...

Me - Tell me, what do you think the reason is that you characterised the airport blockade so differently. First, when you thought it was the reds it was all about violence, guns and machetes and secondly when you knew it was the yellows you said it was all so peaceful and happy with puppet shows etc.. Why such stark differences?

Him - ????

Djjamie you too appear to be one of these "TVF Yellow Junta Lovers" who has absolutely no grasp of reason or logic or truth or facts, just hard wired lizard brained bigotry.

How sad for you.

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Smarter Than You - did you catch that guys name? Was it John or Jamie by any chance? laugh.png

The man made a horrible mistake. He should have dismissed Wikipedia as erroneous and stuck to his original version of events. Evidence based reasoning will get you in trouble.

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I don't really see much hope politically for Thailand for decades to come. It's not as if there is Gandhi type character in the wings who will make a big impact. Lack of ethics and greed on most sides? Thus the Thaitanic moves from iceberg to iceberg?

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