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Donald Trump now says abortion laws should not be changed


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Trump made a mistake which shows he isn't a politician. He answered a hypothetical question and you NEVER do that. The correct answer would have been "but that's not the case now, is it."

However, some of us don't want a politician.

The question was something like "IF abortion was illegal, should a woman be punished for having an abortion?" Trump's reaction was that anyone breaking the law should be punished - again a rookie mistake. He should have said "but it isn't illegal".

He'll learn.

What you say makes sense.

However, Trump's ego is huge and he's been shooting from the hip so often on the issues. How can you not be ready, especially after all of this time, with good responses to various aspects of the abortion issue in a presidential campaign? Not just a rookie mistake, but that's very careless! By the way he responded to Cooper's questions, he was obviously talking from the top of his head (obviously a great pun somewhere with that). I sense that he thinks he's smarter on the issues than he really is and that he'll solve any problem merely because he's Trump. That's not the beginning of wisdom.

But, that's who he is: a very big ego with a know-it-all mentality. He'll only change to the extent that the pain to his ego of not doing so becomes too much to bear. And, he does seem to bear a lot.

He may get better at this and decide to spend more time actually understanding what he's talking about, but I am not so sure how much and how quickly.

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Trump made a mistake which shows he isn't a politician. He answered a hypothetical question and you NEVER do that. The correct answer would have been "but that's not the case now, is it."

However, some of us don't want a politician.

The question was something like "IF abortion was illegal, should a woman be punished for having an abortion?" Trump's reaction was that anyone breaking the law should be punished - again a rookie mistake. He should have said "but it isn't illegal".

He'll learn.

What you say makes sense.

However, Trump's ego is huge and he's been shooting from the hip so often on the issues. How can you not be ready, especially after all of this time, with good responses to various aspects of the abortion issue in a presidential campaign? Not just a rookie mistake, but that's very careless! By the way he responded to Cooper's questions, he was obviously talking from the top of his head (obviously a great pun somewhere with that). I sense that he thinks he's smarter on the issues than he really is and that he'll solve any problem merely because he's Trump. That's not the beginning of wisdom.

But, that's who he is: a very big ego with a know-it-all mentality. He'll only change to the extent that the pain to his ego of not doing so becomes too much to bear. And, he does seem to bear a lot.

He may get better at this and decide to spend more time actually understanding what he's talking about, but I am not so sure how much and how quickly.

Trump is careless, unprepared, and intellectually highly unqualified for this task.

He think he can just bluff, bluster and fake his way to the oval office.


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Trump would not be the first person to touch a third rail because he/she did not tread carefully on such topics as abortion. These topics are just pregnant with unseen problems; better to avoid them are steer a steady course. A wise man would have chosen to steer clear rather then look at the primary numbers, and choose to quickly race to the right... ah, back to center, I mean... left. If Trump is so wise (as I hope he is) why on earth would he allow those around him to suggest this would have been a good thing, or not to have advised him specifically on this topic? If they did, and he is so wise, why did he not listen. An 18 y/o could have predicted abortion traps in the working.

Yes, the trap was he actually voiced the Republican position on abortion.

Women will always get abortions. That's a fact. The Republicans want women using butchers, the tried and true old method.

This isn't just Trump's abortion plan, all these idiots, the entire Republican party want women seeing butchers for their healthcare.

Absolutely pathetic. Are you Pro-choice or Forced birth? That's the question to be asked in November.

This issue alone will win the election for Democrats.

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