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Please help with advice on where to relocate for a few months. My overly-long explanation ahead...


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I need some help with my decision-making.

A few months ago I had a sort of vision; I would be living in
comfortable but rustic accommodation somewhere in SE Asia for several
months. Possibly rural but with nearby access to civilization. the
vision involved taking some serious time away from my life in the States
to study certain books, develop my meditation practice, work on ideas
and write.

Most importantly,I want to reconnect with aspects of myself that I feel
like I may have lost touch with through time and getting older. I want
to strengthen my sense of purpose in this life and open to new
possibilities, to become more selfless (I'm aware that thus far this
trip sounds narcissistic, but read on! it's not all about spiritual
self-indulgence). I want to return a better person with more purpose.
I also want to hit the reset on personal habits that I feel may be
holding me back. I'm willing to work hard and I want to make sure I'm
helping the community I live in while I can.

I've grown more and more committed to fulfilling this vision as time has
gone by. I'm in a god place to do this financially, and I have no idea
when my next opportunity to do something like this will happen. So in a
few weeks I'll be leaving.

I've been mentally preparing for some time for this journey and the
vision is still mutating, but it never drifts too far from this central
intention of personal transformation and rebuilding.

I've been entertaining a few places.
1. Thailand
2. Indonesia (mainly Bali) for its beauty and tranquility and its people.
3. Vietnam (ruled out at this point though not totally vanquished)
4. India for its spiritual focus: monasteries and ashrams, the vast
countryside, the cheap living, the holiness of the country, and finally
4. Nepal.

I've considered Thailand at the top of the list. It seemed to be the
original place I had in mind. The main reasons (other than having peace
and solitude in a cheap and beautiful place which apply wherever I go):

I'm interested in potentially studying Muay Thai as part of my work. I
had a small amount of experience in Thaiboxing as a teenager and I could
build a foundation of this art in Thailand to continue once I'm back in
the States. It will help discipline my body and mind and make me a
stronger, better human being, and I've wanted to study a practical
martial art for several years so this helps me start on the road of
achieving a personal goal.

Though I gravitate more toward Western and Yogic spiritual disciplines,
I have always had some interest in Buddhism, and have recently become
even more interested after a stint at a Buddhist retreat.
However, I know little of Thai Buddhism.
My interests lie more in the Western lens of Buddhism through folks like
Jack Kornfield and Ruth Denison, with a focus on Metta (compassion and
loving kindness). I have yet to research the general focus of Buddhism
in Thailand so this intention isn't too fleshed out.

I want to do hard work wherever I go. I want to lift bricks and shovel
and work. This is a spiritual practice for me. Hard work helping improve
the situation at a temple, an orphanage, or any place that's creating
good in this world.

My needs are simple enough in that I don't require constant access to
the internet. It might be nice in that depending on my progress, I may
need to use it daily, but as it stands, I'd like a break from using the
internet all the damn time. If anything I can write and correspond with
close friends and take my laptop to a cafe to send and receive and check
up on things as needed.

So, I'm pretty open to suggestions here.

Is Thailand the best choice?

Bali is also a very spiritual place full of wonderful people, and I've
heard that the island (the the exception of Kuta) is full on interesting
people from all over the world. I'm open to developing friendships and
an interesting expat community has its appeal....

I've also thought of including a month in India at one of the Yoga
centers in Rishikesh before venturing into SE Asia.

I'm looking for places, towns, entire regions, anywhere to reasearch and
start narrowing down my best options.

Thank you all in advance. You thoughts and criticisms are all welcome.

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I tried replying 2x and was denied - will keep it brief...

You have many contradictory wants/needs. You seem to want some seclusion yet be near many things... narrow your scope, make a list of your priorities.

Also, you will not be allowed to do manual labor.

ok, hope this goes through

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Your 'dream' or 'vision' is totally without focus

What do you want to achieve? Why do you want to do this, whatever it is? What are your priorities for success? How would you estimate your success or failure? How are you going to live? With whom.? What skills do you have that you can deploy? Seems like you are adrift in the world. Neither Thailand nor Bali is going to solve that problem.I guess you are not poor. I would say that, as a start, think about finding somewhere where you can learn from people for whom materialism is not the be all and end all of life and to whose lives you could contribute also. Good luck

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ok, that worked -

If your main priority is Buddhism, you might want to locate anywhere near an English speaking monk who is into teaching. That may not be near a muay Thai gym or expat center... I think you have too many requirements. It sort of reminds me of people who are looking for a secluded beach but want a lot of great restaurants.

The first thought that came to mind in reading your post was a forest temple. But that will not jive with many of your other wants. I think you need to get a little more realistic...

ok - good luck.

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You have many different ideas and I don't think Thailand fits the needs for all of them. I would have to agree with another poster about Cambodia or maybe even Vietnam. Not sure why you ruled out Vietnam so would be interested to hear. Cambodia is way less developed and they would be happy to have you volunteer. I don't really see that being the same in thailand.

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There are some lovely little villages along the Mekong between Nong Khai and Bueng Kan. It can be quite pleasant overlooking the water to the Laos mountains. You will find some decent temples.

Wait until it cools down.

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There are lots of Buddhist retreats at scenic areas and temples which offer weekly or daily participation in work, meditation, etc. in California and throughout the USA. Check out the Lien Hoa Temple in Garden Grove, CA. It has its own website and you can telephone the abbot who will be happy to talk to you and recommend what he thinks is appropriate. But really, you don't need to go any place because the cause of suffering is within you, not without you. You don't need all of the external purposes and justifications that you mentioned. You could also check out eckharttollenow on the Web for a very clear and easy to follow explanation of spiritualism drawing on the teachings of Buddha and other spiritual masters. You seem to be confusing accomplishments with spirituality. They don't bring you inner peace.

On the other hand, if you're just looking for a reason to justify an interesting sojourn in some scenic and exotic Asian country, have at it.

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Your 'dream' or 'vision' is totally without focus

What do you want to achieve? Why do you want to do this, whatever it is? What are your priorities for success? How would you estimate your success or failure? How are you going to live? With whom.? What skills do you have that you can deploy? Seems like you are adrift in the world. Neither Thailand nor Bali is going to solve that problem.I guess you are not poor. I would say that, as a start, think about finding somewhere where you can learn from people for whom materialism is not the be all and end all of life and to whose lives you could contribute also. Good luck

He hasnt found himself yet, he doesnt yet know, everything is just an illusion.

Still trying to get in touch with his inner self, jeez, is this a wind up or what, are there really people like this still walking the earth?

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Your 'dream' or 'vision' is totally without focus

What do you want to achieve? Why do you want to do this, whatever it is? What are your priorities for success? How would you estimate your success or failure? How are you going to live? With whom.? What skills do you have that you can deploy? Seems like you are adrift in the world. Neither Thailand nor Bali is going to solve that problem.I guess you are not poor. I would say that, as a start, think about finding somewhere where you can learn from people for whom materialism is not the be all and end all of life and to whose lives you could contribute also. Good luck

He hasnt found himself yet, he doesnt yet know, everything is just an illusion.

Still trying to get in touch with his inner self, jeez, is this a wind up or what, are there really people like this still walking the earth?

Australia still attracts tourists looking for themselves. Normally someone finds their skeleton years later. The desert isn't the right place to find enlightenment.
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Well, this has been interesting.

I want to thank the members that gave a few suggestions out. I will do my due diligence on the places you mention.

I had to bite my tongue on other replies.

Perhaps some folks on here have more time on their hands than they need. I don't really relate to the urge to offer unhelpful commentary/insults on a post requesting advice.

I will say that it's a challenge trying to encompass a realistic picture of one's self in a single forum post. On my end, I should have introduced myself and started slower on the forum. I can also see that there are really bored and unloved s/expat retirees trolling these boards.

rgs2001uk: I took a moment to read through your other posts. You spend your time on here disparaging and judging and insulting people. You are sad and angry and I'm sorry for your pain. I suspect you don't have that much time left on this earth, which makes it all the more important for you to start practicing forgiveness now. That's all I can offer you.

My vision is not focused. It's true. I'm too open to different possible lifestyles while I'm over there. My original intent was to hide out somewhere beautiful and cheap to read, meditate, start writing, and get some clarity. Perhaps I should stick with the plan. I was told by a l close friend to seek physical work, and I came to agree with him. I was told I needed to seek a teacher, as doing this inner work requires guidance and advice, and I came to agree with her. Maybe they offered bad advice?

I'm probably going to have to take the plunge without having everything crystallized, and make changes as I speak to more people. Funny, I had an idea that I could try reaching out on this forum, as everywhere I read online pointed out that it's such a helpful community (not many people can offer much advice on the subject stateside, as most have never been).

Now I feel the need to defend myself:

I've lived a pretty rich life thus far. Not necessarily in terms of money (though I have paid off my debts and saved up a decent sum in the last 6 years), but in life experience and great people I've come to know. I've moved around a good deal, and everywhere I go I meet people that love and appreciate my presence. I don't think that anyone that knows me in life would say I'm lost.

Sometimes it can feel like I am, but I suspect that's healthy if anything. I have no existential fear that I will die lonely and unfulfilled. I have an awesome family and close friends.

Purpose is a funny thing. How many people do you meet that actually have it? Unless by purpose you mean reproduce, make money, buy stuff, sit in obscurity on some pretty island until you're dead, drink your nights away until your dead....

So thanks, but no thanks folks. I get it now: you need advice on obtaining visas or, retiring on the cheap, sightseeing or street food, this is the forum.

Not a place for spiritual seekers.

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There are lots of Buddhist retreats at scenic areas and temples which offer weekly or daily participation in work, meditation, etc. in California and throughout the USA. Check out the Lien Hoa Temple in Garden Grove, CA. It has its own website and you can telephone the abbot who will be happy to talk to you and recommend what he thinks is appropriate. But really, you don't need to go any place because the cause of suffering is within you, not without you. You don't need all of the external purposes and justifications that you mentioned. You could also check out eckharttollenow on the Web for a very clear and easy to follow explanation of spiritualism drawing on the teachings of Buddha and other spiritual masters. You seem to be confusing accomplishments with spirituality. They don't bring you inner peace.

On the other hand, if you're just looking for a reason to justify an interesting sojourn in some scenic and exotic Asian country, have at it.

Eckhart Tolle is a great source of wisdom. Thanks for the mention of the temple in Garden Grove.

I live in the Southern California desert, and up in Joshua Tree we have Dhamma Dena, Ruth Denison's old compound. She died last year, but it's a beautiful space and they can use all the help they can get these days. Everyone I met out there was awesome.

I hear what you're saying, and I'll consider your advice. That being said, inner peace is often-times....over-rated. It will come and then go, and this is a rather bumpy ride, brother. Don't hold on too tight to platitudes, Don't let the "suffering is within you" thing stop you from going after it. Restlessness is natural. Sometimes it should be ignored and will pass. Other times you should follow the yearning. Curiosity and seeking are not ignoble traits.

Edited by wkistler
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Hey man for what it's worth I think what people might mean is that Buddhism is practiced with superficiality and contradiction in Thailand...most pretty much are attempting to pay their way into a better life next incarnation by making merit...its a trip when you realize most follow buddhism in Thailand much as Christians in The states...rife with contridictions...

It feels like all image lacking in substance...though you might want to start by knocking out a 10 day Vippasana silent retreat and network from there...they have a center in khon kaen...


Thailand is kind of joke...but for a new guy like you...sure..prepare to be bedazzled and sparkled for a year or two...wandering around jungles and rice paddies and villages and communities... you could find a ton of live work labor temple setups....

There is also a group of foreigners that have a retreat in chiang rai that might be a good spot for you...

Its like a yoga...work the land build some buildings grow organic kind of place...

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Well, this has been interesting.

I want to thank the members that gave a few suggestions out. I will do my due diligence on the places you mention.

I had to bite my tongue on other replies.

Perhaps some folks on here have more time on their hands than they need. I don't really relate to the urge to offer unhelpful commentary/insults on a post requesting advice.

I will say that it's a challenge trying to encompass a realistic picture of one's self in a single forum post. On my end, I should have introduced myself and started slower on the forum. I can also see that there are really bored and unloved s/expat retirees trolling these boards.

rgs2001uk: I took a moment to read through your other posts. You spend your time on here disparaging and judging and insulting people. You are sad and angry and I'm sorry for your pain. I suspect you don't have that much time left on this earth, which makes it all the more important for you to start practicing forgiveness now. That's all I can offer you.

My vision is not focused. It's true. I'm too open to different possible lifestyles while I'm over there. My original intent was to hide out somewhere beautiful and cheap to read, meditate, start writing, and get some clarity. Perhaps I should stick with the plan. I was told by a l close friend to seek physical work, and I came to agree with him. I was told I needed to seek a teacher, as doing this inner work requires guidance and advice, and I came to agree with her. Maybe they offered bad advice?

I'm probably going to have to take the plunge without having everything crystallized, and make changes as I speak to more people. Funny, I had an idea that I could try reaching out on this forum, as everywhere I read online pointed out that it's such a helpful community (not many people can offer much advice on the subject stateside, as most have never been).

Now I feel the need to defend myself:

I've lived a pretty rich life thus far. Not necessarily in terms of money (though I have paid off my debts and saved up a decent sum in the last 6 years), but in life experience and great people I've come to know. I've moved around a good deal, and everywhere I go I meet people that love and appreciate my presence. I don't think that anyone that knows me in life would say I'm lost.

Sometimes it can feel like I am, but I suspect that's healthy if anything. I have no existential fear that I will die lonely and unfulfilled. I have an awesome family and close friends.

Purpose is a funny thing. How many people do you meet that actually have it? Unless by purpose you mean reproduce, make money, buy stuff, sit in obscurity on some pretty island until you're dead, drink your nights away until your dead....

So thanks, but no thanks folks. I get it now: you need advice on obtaining visas or, retiring on the cheap, sightseeing or street food, this is the forum.

Not a place for spiritual seekers.

Spiritual seeker should post on this forum ,,, http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/forum/42-buddhism/

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Your 'dream' or 'vision' is totally without focus

What do you want to achieve? Why do you want to do this, whatever it is? What are your priorities for success? How would you estimate your success or failure? How are you going to live? With whom.? What skills do you have that you can deploy? Seems like you are adrift in the world. Neither Thailand nor Bali is going to solve that problem.I guess you are not poor. I would say that, as a start, think about finding somewhere where you can learn from people for whom materialism is not the be all and end all of life and to whose lives you could contribute also. Good luck

I wonder if the OPs focus is just attention getting.

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I was introduced to Tibetan Buddhism in the late 1960's. I was mostly interested in the pramana literature being akin to Philosophy and logic. I had a secular interest and never practiced.

When I first came to Thailand near 30 years ago I watched once as the girls going to work at 6PM at one of the massage parlors lighted incense and did various offerings at the spirit house for their good luck in the coming evening's activities. I there and then decided this is the kind of Buddhism I can take.

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Don't take the "tongue in cheek" posts personally. For some this is our only source of fellowship and we don't take it too seriously.

You will learn that quite often on this forum that the "insults" are not directed at the author, but the subject.

I have my best "arguments" here with my closest friends.

All the best and take care.

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Your 'dream' or 'vision' is totally without focus

What do you want to achieve? Why do you want to do this, whatever it is? What are your priorities for success? How would you estimate your success or failure? How are you going to live? With whom.? What skills do you have that you can deploy? Seems like you are adrift in the world. Neither Thailand nor Bali is going to solve that problem.I guess you are not poor. I would say that, as a start, think about finding somewhere where you can learn from people for whom materialism is not the be all and end all of life and to whose lives you could contribute also. Good luck

I wonder if the OPs focus is just attention getting.

I wonder what your focus is by posting this. Mine is transparent: I posted rambling explanation looking for pointers on places to research.

I ended up casting a huge troll net, apparently.

scorecard: Please return to fapping to ladyboy porn. And don't stress: your SS check will get deposited in a few days and they'll let you back into whatever pedo palace you call your second home.


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"Not a place for spiritual seekers"..

A lot of us have trouble stringing a sentence together.

Don't give up. Among the jokes and gossip you just might find what you are looking for.


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Hey man for what it's worth I think what people might mean is that Buddhism is practiced with superficiality and contradiction in Thailand...most pretty much are attempting to pay their way into a better life next incarnation by making merit...its a trip when you realize most follow buddhism in Thailand much as Christians in The states...rife with contridictions...

It feels like all image lacking in substance...though you might want to start by knocking out a 10 day Vippasana silent retreat and network from there...they have a center in khon kaen...


Thailand is kind of joke...but for a new guy like you...sure..prepare to be bedazzled and sparkled for a year or two...wandering around jungles and rice paddies and villages and communities... you could find a ton of live work labor temple setups....

There is also a group of foreigners that have a retreat in chiang rai that might be a good spot for you...

Its like a yoga...work the land build some buildings grow organic kind of place...

I saw this in action with my Thai gf. Her whole family treated it like you said: as an empty religion.

But there were some very interesting aspects to their Buddhist "faith" also.

thanks for your honesty and your time

If you think Thailand is a joke, where would you post up for a few months, if you were me?

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Welllll...good question...I guess that all depends on what geographical topography you are most keen on....to be honest...If I were you I would probably do the nomadic monk tour...and experience different spots...moving along or posting up as I see fit.

I dig sipi's suggestion about finding a place along the mekong...sounds gorgeous.

I would also consider somewhere in Kanchanaburi...river kwai near burma...in fact I would straight up put burma on the list....

Like I said chiang rai....

Maybe rayong near the cambo border....I'm into borders I think at the moment....

I'VE been living in Chiang mai for the last year....and you can definitely tap into a solid network of like minded travelers who are creating communities up in the doi suthep wilderness....

A place I am eager to explore is down south in Krabi...again google tiger temple caves...

Speaking of caves there are supposed to be some dope monk managed caves in Ubon Ratchathani...waterfalls....private... you might want to explore that province...but in my year there, in the city, I was bored out of my gourd... again we are on different trajectories so seeking out the wilderness monks in isaan might be a great mission....up and down the Mekong....

Sorry I am a bit like you and my response is probably as scattered as your OP...somehow I don't think you mind.... ;)

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