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Trump proposes funding wall by cutting off remittances


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Calling Trump or Cruz 'Hitler' or 'Mussolini' is a juvenile response by people who have been gone from the U.S. so long that they have no idea what is going on there. Or it is a some confused Euro Expat who has no idea what the American electoral system is about. Flailing around flinging Hitler and Mussolini labels at someone you do not agree with is a reflection of the poster's limited imagination and lack of education on the issues at hand.. .

Exactly... childish and juvenile...limited imagination and lack of education. In short, stupid. Obama on the other hand, now there you have your Hitler and your Mussolini. Just look at the Jack Boots in the health care system. And forcing everyone to smoke dope and have abortions and love Islam whilst also stopping everyone from eating pork ribs. Anyway, the sterling idea of identifying a national/racial group and stopping them from sending their money overseas -well that's not been done before. Oh wait, it was in 1936.

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Trump clearly doesn't know anything about illegal Mexican Immigration. Does he know that even the illegal Mexicans are paying tax?

I had first hand experience in California, hiring Mexicans.

Most were legal and a few illegals showed up in the busy season. Worked out great!

Ronald Reagan was sympathetic to our poor neighbors to the South and offered an Amnesty Program to the illegal Mexicans workers that had become good members of the US community. These were Mexican families that had been there for years performing needed services. They were loved by the neighbors and very well behaved, often serving up some awesome cuisine at the local county fair or neighborhood fundraisers. Lovely people and its great Ronald Reagan gave them a break.

Now what Ronald Reagan did next was brilliant.

He realized you are not going to stop hungry people offering valuable services to thankful Americans.

Reagan put the pressure on the employers. Instantly, every employer in town was being forced to get proper ID from every Mexican staff. A $9,000 fine was the penalty for failure! I can assure you we all got IDs from these seasonal workers. Employers withheld Social Security and Federal Taxes from these people.

The illegals that offered us fake IDs left all that money in the US Treasury.

Win Win plan from Ronald Reagan.

The poor get jobs that Americans just refuse to do & the US Citizens benefit from cheaper produce, products and services...and the illegal Mexicans leave $billions behind in taxes.

The Mexican immigration into the USA is going the other way now.

More are leaving than are arriving. Trump can forget about that stupid wall. It will just keep them in now!

Pretty soon, the US will realize they have a symbiotic relationship that is a win win for the US citizens...but it will be too late if they throw them out.

Edited by CousinEddie
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Trump clearly doesn't know anything about illegal Mexican Immigration. Does he know that even the illegal Mexicans are paying tax?

I had first hand experience in California, hiring Mexicans.

Most were legal and a few illegals showed up in the busy season. Worked out great!

Ronald Reagan was sympathetic to our poor neighbors to the South and offered an Amnesty Program to the illegal Mexicans workers that had become good members of the US community. These were Mexican families that had been there for years performing needed services. They were loved by the neighbors and very well behaved, often serving up some awesome cuisine at the local county fair or neighborhood fundraisers. Lovely people and its great Ronald Reagan gave them a break.

Now what Ronald Reagan did next was brilliant.

He realized you are not going to stop hungry people offering valuable services to thankful Americans.

Reagan put the pressure on the employers. Instantly, every employer in town was being forced to get proper ID from every Mexican staff. A $9,000 fine was the penalty for failure! I can assure you we all got IDs from these seasonal workers. Employers withheld Social Security and Federal Taxes from these people.

The illegals that offered us fake IDs left all that money in the US Treasury.

Win Win plan from Ronald Reagan.

The poor get jobs that Americans just refuse to do & the US Citizens benefit from cheaper produce, products and services...and the illegal Mexicans leave $billions behind in taxes.

The Mexican immigration into the USA is going the other way now.

More are leaving than are arriving. Trump can forget about that stupid wall. It will just keep them in now!

Pretty soon, the US will realize they have a symbiotic relationship that is a win win for the US citizens...but it will be too late if they throw them out.


Unfortunatly the trumpeters will just tell you they are here to steal the american money, jobs...while praising the ones who put their money offshore and do not pay tax.

The thing they forget is tax evasion cost FAR MORE than illegal immigration and that if this tax evasion was solved, it would probably end in lower taxes because of the money coming back to US treasury....fun, right?

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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I fear the madness is getting worse. With sadness it seems that the duck's days are numbered. If there was ever an illustration of the ramblings of an idiot then surely this is it.

Just watch his erstwhile supporters here on this this very forum start dropping off like badly leprous noses - talk about losing face. Sheesh.

Edited by Neurath
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So Mexico sez 'NO', why???

In my opinion, the drug trade.

Nobody is talking about how much that is.

My guess is it equals or exceeds the trade imbalance...

58+ billion.

So what is coming up from Mexico..

- heroin ( mex brown)

- brickweed (mexico/columbian/panama)

- cocaine (thru panama/columbia)

- methamphetines (and precursors)

But please face it,

the USA does need that wall,

and it is not just for the illegals.

The USA does NOT need this wall. Money poorly spent.

All those drugs you are talking about will just then come via tunnels. Already now, a lot of drugs come via submersibles, people tow the unmanned sub behind their boats if there is trouble they can cut the cord come back via GPS.

It's clear that the 10-12 billion should be spent on education. As we are seeing with these people who are supporting Trump, education in the U.S. needs serious help.

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Today learned an interesting fact. Apparently according to Republican Convention rules, if a candidate does not have the number of delegates to win outright on the first ballot (when delegates are legally obligated to vote for the guy that controls them)...then on the second ballot delegates can vote for anyone. If Cruz and Trump are the likely only 2 choices....and Cruz can win show some poise and maturity til then....Trump will not make it. Contingent of course on Trump not collecting enough delegates to win on first ballot before then. It will be interesting to watch for sure.

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I think it's a wonderful idea. Typically, well thought out and practical.

Go Trump. clap2.gifgigglem.gif

All the Republicans are against any Syrian refugees entering the US because, you know, they're Muslims and they'll kill Americans. They determined what the chances are of being murdered by Syrian refugee is .000000028%. That's in the billion to one category. The chances of being murdered by a terrorist since 9/11 (Remember the Bush/Cheney Republican administration?) in the US is estimated at 20 million to 1.

Fear is all the Republicans really have. Below are 20 synonyms for the word "Unwarranted."

. Posts by Pinot

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// quote I assume you are a Trump supporter!
How unpleasant. I suggest you try and get up and about a bit more //quote

Why attempt to bait me?

I clearly stated

1 - "the wall" predates Trump.

2 - pay for it outright (8 billion) or hit bank remittance transfers...

3 - the real problem is "drug trafficing", which is why Mexico (Gov) is against it.

Seems you are a...
- trump hater
- republican hater
- USA hater

You are not an American, hence you've no dog in this fight.

I do like Trump, so what.

It's not the dog in the fight, it's the fight in the dog.

You go bitch to whomever about what is wrong with your country.

At least make an attempt to fix that.

BTW, I (and my labador)

certainly enjoy hunting grouse/pheasant/quail/duck.


Of course you can't do that.

BTW, I enjoy fishing in real freshwater lakes/rivers/streams.

I tie my own fishing flies.

Of course you can't do that.

BTW, I enjoy reloading my own ammo.
Of course you can't do that.

BTW, I enjoy my fishing/sking boat

Of course you can't do that.

I enjoy going to Aspen CO for snow sking for a week.

Of course you can't do that.

I enjoy hiking/backpacking the Appalachian trail.

(the blue ridge mountians part)

Of course you can't do that.

I enjoy taking my family in my huge Winnibago RV,

to a pristine camp ground,

provided by the USA National Park Services.

About a dozen other families will join us.

A great weekend.

Of course you can't do that.

I enjoy living in a clean enviroment.

Of course you can't do that,

as you live in Thailand.

So grouse, what's your story,

what has your life been,

wife take it all,

why are you retired in Thailand,

why do you start drinking at noon,

why do you go to the pub and bend an elbow,

why do you go watch the "titty-shake" and take a ho,

cause you a 'hansom man'

To be clear

@grouse, I reject your reality and will use my own.

BTW, I am up at 4 am every morning without an alarm clock.

Wow, it's 5 pm, gotta go eat,


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He says many of the things I wish to hear. Sadly, he does not have a chance. Arriving too late, the America Can Rise Again Ship left the docks earlier this century. Remittances are not a right, a nation has a duty to protect its economy. Target remittances. On its face its a prima fasciae example of exploiting Americans.

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This thread has quickly turned into another libral left wing circle jerk.

It must be so frustrating to see your corrupt Mussolini wannabe constantly mocked.

Recommendation to all low-information Trump supporters: Turn on the spell checker option in their browsers. Helps with credibility.

Quite funny how many of these Trump supporters have disappeared out of these threads...........hi chuckd (!), still on the "open mouth insert foot" train are you?

What a fiasco this whole wall thing is, and as I have posted before I've been to the Rio Grande, I wonder how many of these wall supporters have been there? No wall happening there folks, stupidest idea ever.

From the youtube Trump heckler video, Trump droning on "it's going to be a big wall, going waaaayyyyy up there", no the only thing that's way up there is Trump's head in his a*$

I'm surprised you didn't play spelling police as well. I did make a misteak spelling "liberal" which Pinot so kindly pointed out. The real surprise I got was that Pinot actually knew how to spell the word to begin with but that's another topic.

Just for the record, I am not necessarily a Trump supporter and never have been. I am an "anybody but another left wing progressive liberal Democrat" person, which also includes Independents from Vermont. The US can't survive another one.

I have defended Trump in many instances and will continue to do so as long as he is in the race, as I will any Republican candidate.

I am impressed that you claim to have been to the Rio Grande. Did you cross over at Ciudad Acuna or visit the river in the Big Bend?

I was born in the Texas Panhandle and raised in West Texas only a couple of hundred miles from the river. Many of us went to Del Rio and crossed the river to visit the bordellos there. I only went to study the Catholic Church architecture.

A wall or fence would not be required in much of the Big Bend. Any illegals trying to cross in some areas are likely to die anyway so the US should simply let Darwin's law handle the illegal immigrant question in that part of the world.

Other than that, I suggest the US get busy building the 700 mile fence/wall that was approved by Congress in 2006.

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// quote I assume you are a Trump supporter!

How unpleasant. I suggest you try and get up and about a bit more //quote

Why attempt to bait me?

I clearly stated

1 - "the wall" predates Trump.

2 - pay for it outright (8 billion) or hit bank remittance transfers...

3 - the real problem is "drug trafficing", which is why Mexico (Gov) is against it.

Seems you are a...

- trump hater

- republican hater

- USA hater

You are not an American, hence you've no dog in this fight.

I do like Trump, so what.

It's not the dog in the fight, it's the fight in the dog.

You go bitch to whomever about what is wrong with your country.

At least make an attempt to fix that.

BTW, I (and my labador)

certainly enjoy hunting grouse/pheasant/quail/duck.


Of course you can't do that.

BTW, I enjoy fishing in real freshwater lakes/rivers/streams.

I tie my own fishing flies.

Of course you can't do that.

BTW, I enjoy reloading my own ammo.

Of course you can't do that.

BTW, I enjoy my fishing/sking boat

Of course you can't do that.

I enjoy going to Aspen CO for snow sking for a week.

Of course you can't do that.

I enjoy hiking/backpacking the Appalachian trail.

(the blue ridge mountians part)

Of course you can't do that.

I enjoy taking my family in my huge Winnibago RV,

to a pristine camp ground,

provided by the USA National Park Services.

About a dozen other families will join us.

A great weekend.

Of course you can't do that.

I enjoy living in a clean enviroment.

Of course you can't do that,

as you live in Thailand.

So grouse, what's your story,

what has your life been,

wife take it all,

why are you retired in Thailand,

why do you start drinking at noon,

why do you go to the pub and bend an elbow,

why do you go watch the "titty-shake" and take a ho,

cause you a 'hansom man'

To be clear

@grouse, I reject your reality and will use my own.

BTW, I am up at 4 am every morning without an alarm clock.

Wow, it's 5 pm, gotta go eat,

leave it to the morons to reply.

No desire to bait you

I'm just shocked that there are people with such appalling views on here

No sane person could support a buffoon like trump

BTW, I'm not an American. But I have lived there on three separate occasions. Good times but no place to bring up kids!

I'm not retired, I run 6 electrical engineering concerns

The Famous Grouse is a favorite scotch whisky!

So calm down and understand that many people are frankly aghast at your views ?

Finally, early waking is a common sign of clinical depression. Prozac is good. Or The Famous Grouse!

Oh, just got back from downhill skiing in Tyrol (That's in Austria)

No interest in fishing or caravaning though ?

Edited by Grouse
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The Mexicans are going to pay for the wall?

The only Mexicans that are going to be paying for that wall are Mexicans that are in the USA, purchasing a Ford Truck, because every truck coming across the border will cost $9,000 more in Trumps half baked tax idea.

I'm sure with his big brain he considered the ensuing trade war that will cost US exporters jobs.....ooops

This guy is a rich kid buffoon but a segment of the US loves him.

Literacy rate among US adults is around 60%. A coincidence?

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Oh, good Lord. We've got another one that joined today.

Ill informed Chuckd. How are you?

Do you and and your buddy Trump know why Ford is building a plant in Mexico?

Answer. The auto workers union / UAW voted to send the jobs south.

Ford Co was in union negotiations, and the auto workers approved sending the next auto plant to Mexico to cover their pay raise.

Trump and Chuckd probably don't realize that Ford has invested over $10 billion and hired 25,000 workers in the USA since the 2008 recession!

Ford Co is investing a relatively paltry $1billion + and hiring around 2,500 people in Mexico and Trump is threatening to tear up the NAFTA agreement and start a trade war.. Good lord.

Oh, and that NAFTA agreement our lousy trade reps signed only created 20 million export jobs in the USA and exports are at an all time high.

Are you getting it Chuckd?

Edited by CousinEddie
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This thread has quickly turned into another libral left wing circle jerk.

Are you familiar with circle jerks? I'm not. But I did hear of a game called 'cream the cracker.' A group of guys jerk around a cracker. Last one left who didn't come, has to eat it.

The wall has nothing to do with Syrian's

The wall has nothing to do with bad guys on airplanes.

I do agree there should be a southern wall to Mexico, and a very good one.

Better than the Israli wall


This wall concept is not new, been floating around for years.

It is time to do it.

I do agree that Mexico should pay for it.

The numbers as to cost is ok @ 8~10 billion.

Trump sez to Mexico,

pay for it outright (8 billion) or...

we hit bank remittance transfers...

Yeah, you bet that got their attention.

Even got the attention of that worthless Obama.

So Mexico sez 'NO', why???

In my opinion, the drug trade.

Nobody is talking about how much that is.

My guess is it equals or exceeds the trade imbalance...

58+ billion.

So what is coming up from Mexico..

- heroin ( mex brown)

- brickweed (mexico/columbian/panama)

- cocaine (thru panama/columbia)

- methamphetines (and precursors)

Mexico is far and away more corrupt than Thailand.

Those cartels pay gov officals boatloads of cash.

Those whom don't play, are killed, including family.

Look, I know a lot (most) of you are...

- trump haters, - republican haters, - USA haters

But please face it, the USA does need that wall, and it is not just for the illegals.

There are baddies in Mexico, there are baddies in US cities. If Trump was smart, he would be advocating legalization of all drugs. The #1 spokesman for Conservatives and Republicans during the 70's and 80's (William Buckley) advocated the same. Here's what legalization of recreational drugs would do:

>>> render drug cartels useless

>>> better quality/cleaner drugs

>>> clean needles / less HIV

>>> lower prices (maybe)

>>> tax revenues

>>> abusers can be treated in clinics rather than criminalized and forced underground.

Fact; the most harmful drug in the US and worldwide is: alcoholic drinks

Fact: Pharma drugs kill more people than all illegal drugs combined.

Not sure which is more harmful: pharma drugs or alcohol, but both individually are waaaaaay more harmful than all illegal recreational drugs combined.

Legalizing pot would create many more jobs than Trump could create in his wildest wet dream. Already in the 4 or 5 states where it's legal, good paying ($150/day) new jobs are abundant, so much so that thousands of foreigners are coming to those states to reap the benefits. In the first year it became legal, taxes on pot garnered over $20 million for Colorado alone.

Even lame-brain Trump is aware that pot has been proven to be beneficial for medical conditions. Millions of Americans swear it can put cancer in remission. Drug companies don't want people to know that, because Big Pharma can't control the pot trade. Alcohol dealers obviously don't want pot to become accessible because they want to continue to be the only legal recreational drug. Trump sells wine and vodka. He doesn't like competition.

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This , yet another, hair-brained scheme by the Republican Party's shining talent, it's leading image-maker, it's most likely candidate for the general election is doing more damage to the Grand Old conservative party in America than can be imagined, and it doesn't stop there. The New York Post, 13th oldest Newspaper in the US, heavy conservative bias, Murdoch-owned, says the following today:

So what would that [acceptance that Trump will be the nominee] mean for the Republican Party? The word “disaster” somehow feels too subtle. In the long term, a Trump nominee marries the party and the conservative movement to a man who cares little for either, and whose rhetoric and policy “ideas” make Republicans look like a collective “Encino Man,” a frozen Neanderthal unearthed, thawed and dropped into a century in which it is unfit to survive.


Trump really is the death spiral agent of the party, unraveling generations of proud Republicans, smearing them with his slime, causing many to support him and make themselves look like idiots, as we've seen on this forum, and making them hang their head in shame.

Edited by keemapoot
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Why not go after all the mexican cartels....freeze and seize their accounts, starting with chapo guzman...the wall can be easily built in 3 years.

3 years? Read on. Just a bit more complicated than calling a contractor to build you a skyscraper.

Around 13 million yards of concrete and 5 billion pounds of rebar is the estimate. In other words, this wall would contain over three times the amount of concrete used to build the Hoover Dam spread out over thousands of miles in remote terrain, deserts and rugged New Mexico mountains without roads.

They of course have to first, engineer, plan and build 2,000 miles of road. They would then have to build at least 3 steel mills along the route with 15,000 employees just to make the rebar.

Such a wall would be greater in volume than all six pyramids of the Giza Necropolis — and it is unlikely that a concrete slab in the town of Dead Dog Valley, Texas would inspire the same timeless sense of wonder...

Oh, and what about the terrain where you can't build a wall, like a floodplain or a river. Ooops. And there is private property too and towns that don't want a giant wall running thru it...and environmental issues. I know he doesn't care about the environment, but the issue will slow him down to a grinding halt in some places that drag thru the courts for years. And there better not be one place anywhere where some clever guy builds a ladder one foot taller that the wall. Then your whole plan is like...screwed.

Edited by CousinEddie
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Trump really is the death spiral agent of the party, unraveling generations of proud Republicans, smearing them with his slime, causing many to support him and make themselves look like idiots, as we've seen on this forum, and making them hang their head in shame.

I know, isn't it great? biggrin.png

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Why not go after all the mexican cartels....freeze and seize their accounts, starting with chapo guzman...the wall can be easily built in 3 years.

See my missive above, about how to destroy the drug cartels the smart way. Legalization puts cartels out of business.

Or we could do it the Republican way, and send F-16s and drones all over Mexico, blasting pueblos to dust. ...followed by boots on the ground. That would work about as well as Bush crushing the Taliban and finding Osama Bin Laden.

In the history of surgery, when a man got a limb amputated, there would be blood spewing all over the place. Sometimes the surgeon would have a red-hot poker to seal shut the arteries - which rarely worked. Many wounded died in hellish pain.

Then one day, a man slipped in right behind the surgeon, and took little pieces of cotton twine and tied shut the arteries. The surgeon turned around with the hot poker, and didn't see blood spurting. From that day, surgery changed for the better.

Republican proposals to problems are like the red-hot poker. Just 3 examples: building the wall, commandeering Mexican workers' wages, and slapping 35 to 45% tariffs on imports.

Democrats make mistakes also, but usually deal with problems in less-bombastic ways. Example: Obama wants to use drones and stealth fighters for precision strikes on ISIS. Cruz and Trump want to carpet bomb whole villages. Cruz even hinted he would nuke them.

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Is there a budget to keep the big beautiful wall maintained and secure?

Lets see. 2,000 miles? You would need a guard post every 1,000' or so. About 10,560 guard posts, each post would need at least 2 on duty with 3 shift a day. About 85,000 full time guards.

A security headquarters every 25 miles, each overseeing 100 guard posts. About 3,000 staff there.

Every 100 miles you need a big government building with 75 people doing paperwork. Thats about 1,500 paper shufflers.

Each state will need a huge main headquarters too.

And a large building in DC with 2,000 staff might be a good estimate.

Maintenance centers every 50 miles sounds about right. Around 40 facilities with lots of trucks and heavy equipment, warehouses etc. Probably 4,000 staff.

A fleet of choppers too so you need 15 airfields, pilots, fuel stations and hangers.

And there better not be one place anywhere where some clever guy builds a ladder one foot taller that the wall. Then your whole plan is like...screwed.

Edited by CousinEddie
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// quote I assume you are a Trump supporter!

How unpleasant. I suggest you try and get up and about a bit more //quote

Why attempt to bait me?

I clearly stated

1 - "the wall" predates Trump.

2 - pay for it outright (8 billion) or hit bank remittance transfers...

3 - the real problem is "drug trafficing", which is why Mexico (Gov) is against it.

Seems you are a...

- trump hater

- republican hater

- USA hater

You are not an American, hence you've no dog in this fight.

I do like Trump, so what.

It's not the dog in the fight, it's the fight in the dog.

You go bitch to whomever about what is wrong with your country.

At least make an attempt to fix that.

BTW, I (and my labador)

certainly enjoy hunting grouse/pheasant/quail/duck.


Of course you can't do that.

BTW, I enjoy fishing in real freshwater lakes/rivers/streams.

I tie my own fishing flies.

Of course you can't do that.

BTW, I enjoy reloading my own ammo.

Of course you can't do that.

BTW, I enjoy my fishing/sking boat

Of course you can't do that.

I enjoy going to Aspen CO for snow sking for a week.

Of course you can't do that.

I enjoy hiking/backpacking the Appalachian trail.

(the blue ridge mountians part)

Of course you can't do that.

I enjoy taking my family in my huge Winnibago RV,

to a pristine camp ground,

provided by the USA National Park Services.

About a dozen other families will join us.

A great weekend.

Of course you can't do that.

I enjoy living in a clean enviroment.

Of course you can't do that,

as you live in Thailand.

So grouse, what's your story,

what has your life been,

wife take it all,

why are you retired in Thailand,

why do you start drinking at noon,

why do you go to the pub and bend an elbow,

why do you go watch the "titty-shake" and take a ho,

cause you a 'hansom man'

To be clear

@grouse, I reject your reality and will use my own.

BTW, I am up at 4 am every morning without an alarm clock.

Wow, it's 5 pm, gotta go eat,

leave it to the morons to reply.

for a moron look in the mirror
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This thread has quickly turned into another libral left wing circle jerk.

Are you familiar with circle jerks? I'm not. But I did hear of a game called 'cream the cracker.' A group of guys jerk around a cracker. Last one left who didn't come, has to eat it.

Cream the cracker game?

You should keep your habits to yourself..

Edited by CousinEddie
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Is there a budget to keep the big beautiful wall maintained and secure?

Lets see. 2,000 miles? You would need a guard post every 1,000' or so. About 10,560 guard posts, each post would need at least 2 on duty with 3 shift a day. About 85,000 full time guards.

A security headquarters every 25 miles, each overseeing 100 guard posts. About 3,000 staff there.

Every 100 miles you need a big government building with 75 people doing paperwork. Thats about 1,500 paper shufflers.

Each state will need a huge main headquarters too.

And a large building in DC with 2,000 staff might be a good estimate.

Maintenance centers every 50 miles sounds about right. Around 40 facilities with lots of trucks and heavy equipment, warehouses etc. Probably 4,000 staff.

A fleet of choppers too so you need 15 airfields, pilots, fuel stations and hangers.

And there better not be one place anywhere where some clever guy builds a ladder one foot taller that the wall. Then your whole plan is like...screwed.

Couldn't we just hire out of work ex East German secret police to handle it for us ?

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Is there a budget to keep the big beautiful wall maintained and secure?

Lets see. 2,000 miles? You would need a guard post every 1,000' or so. About 10,560 guard posts, each post would need at least 2 on duty with 3 shift a day. About 85,000 full time guards.

A security headquarters every 25 miles, each overseeing 100 guard posts. About 3,000 staff there.

Every 100 miles you need a big government building with 75 people doing paperwork. Thats about 1,500 paper shufflers.

Each state will need a huge main headquarters too.

And a large building in DC with 2,000 staff might be a good estimate.

Maintenance centers every 50 miles sounds about right. Around 40 facilities with lots of trucks and heavy equipment, warehouses etc. Probably 4,000 staff.

A fleet of choppers too so you need 15 airfields, pilots, fuel stations and hangers.

And there better not be one place anywhere where some clever guy builds a ladder one foot taller that the wall. Then your whole plan is like...screwed.

A wall/fence is not a singular solution to keep people out of a defined area.

It is one aspect of an integrated system to define and defend a perimeter, and the asset(s) contained therein.

A wall/fence establishes a line of demarcation. It provides a psychological and physical barrier, and diverts people/traffic to a defined, controlled ingress/egress point.

For those who do attempt to breach, it creates delay, which increases their exposure and detection by visual and/or electronic means.

Trump's wild proposal is really just Physical Security 101. A no brainer.

Edited by 55Jay
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