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Are this year's crop of potential Thai army recruits cuter than ever?


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Appropriate that this story centre in Korat, where at the city centre is a statue of Suranaree, the legendary woman who outsmarted the Burmese army, many years ago by, with a bunch of other fems, wasting them with sex and grog when they got to town.

During the night following this the Burmese were in no shape to defend themselves and were slayed while they slumbered by those galant women and their menfolk.

There are other statues of the bunch on the warparth in the vicinity also. Worth seeing if you haven't already. Maybe this means that the local chapter of the armed forces should in fact recruit these people just in case the situation arises again . . . gotta cover all bases, right?

If you do go to have a look, be forearmed with the knowledge that the statues of the bunch of women are in an area north of Suranaree now called Suan Rak, meaning love park, which is the local pickup area for prostitutes. You may well be propositioned!

It's a statue. Thais instinctively fall to their knees, light incense sticks, pray, take selfies. coffee1.gif

The Suranaree tale is an amusing, cynical parallel to modern day Pattaya. Thai ladies lure in farang. Get them drunk and sexed up. Gang in waiting rushes in, kills farang and steals their stuff.



Edited by 55Jay
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Considering I haven't seen a post by the mods about having deleted a comment and can't spot a single transphobic comment so far...maybe you are the issue jumping to conclusions and stuff....? But since you are one of that sort, let me write it up front....yes there will be some that will be transphobic and not everybody is accepting of it, yw.

They are only cute until they bend over to pick up their LV handbags from the floor. giggle.gif


They look like orificer material.


Which one is the rear admiral? That is the question.


I'm not going to even bother going over the page, sleepy-smiley.gif

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I'm not going to even bother going over the page, sleepy-smiley.gif

You seem to misunderstand poking fun for hate, SJW much?

IF that's all it is then OK. Everybody is open to fun being poked at them.

But it isn't always that way - there are plenty of instances of real venom and nastiness, maybe not here this time but you have seen it just as I have.

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Ladyboy gangs can be a serious danger in Pattaya, Why not make a special unit?

The trouble with having an open mind about ladyboys, is that certain people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it - their dicks

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