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NDM launches campaign to reject Thai charter at crowded book fair


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Students - people who still think they know everything. It is often a shock when they actually get a job, even in their chosen field, to find how little they know.

Students used to appear at our plant during uni holidays (commonly called xmas beetles). Their arrogance rarely lasted long. One attached a note to a 200 litre drum with the formula for drum surface area to calculate the contents with dipstick, to which someone added 'Or tap on the side.'

Trust you to have a condescending, snide opinion. Just like the Thai elite you so desperately wish you were part of.

your class hatred remarks about the Thai elite show the sort of low life you come from. Singapore has an elite government and it is very good. Likewise an elite government in Thailand would be far better than the PTP


Yes I am proudly working class and loving pointing out the hypocrisy of the sneering, hypocritical and murdering elite (which try as you may, you will NEVER be a part of).

The corruption is just as bad if not worse now under your oh so heavenly traditional elite. One day they will be brought down. Not just here in Thailand but the world over.

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you don't have democracy without the proper structures in place to support it, Thai governments have in the past had many opportunities to improve things but have failed over and over because greed and self interest rules in Thailand

The USA had several bloody civil wars until a group of smart folks sat down with good intent and the Constitution was born, it set structures in place that allowed America to develop to what it is today

Thailand needs a group of smart folks with good intention to do the same and put an end to the constant power abuse and thieving by creating a structure (constitution) that makes it very difficult to do, stiff laws and penalties along with agencies that are given the clout to deal with it and finally a court system to convict and lock them up, is the current government capable of delivering that - well yes they are.................but is that their intention ? - remains to be seen

Umm it pretty clearly isn't there intent. The microphone and park scandals, army generals with stupidly high wealth not being investigated, the police not being reformed, army and police complicit in human trafficking, huge scams in places like Phuket going on.

Hell, you are one of the most vocal critics of the Koh Tao case. If you really did your research you'd know how far the mafia on that island's tentacles reach. That case is a microcosm of how NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

Wake up.

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Your inherent ignorance and snobbery surface again. My previous occupation, for which I have formal education qualifications in electrical engineering, was 10 years in chemical plant and 20 in state-owned coal-fired power stations, cut short by a disabling medical condition. My current casual occupation is taxi driver. Not only did I know the students, supervising and working closely with them for 6-8 weeks, I was one once. Of course, I was referring to engineering students, who have little time for volunteer work or political activism, they are too busy with the demands of a real education funded by employer who expects some return.

You can shove what you earn in your own posterior while you try to understand that sometimes the level of accuracy provided by a formula is simply not required, as in this case where a low level triggered a re-order. Calibration of dosing pumps is not done by dipping a drum - much more accurate supply side measuring cylinders are used. You could also realise that the professional albeit non-formally qualified people you work with may be just as, if not more, intelligent than yourself, but without the opportunity or motivation for a formal education. Has that ever occurred to you?

You attack the THAI students and I ask if you know anything about them, and you go off on a tangent about students you allegedly supervised. I note that you were not training them.

Electrical engineering as in someone who has a B. Eng. and is or was a member of a professional order? And you ended up driving a taxi? Ok. Apparently, unable to undertake engineering work, but capable of sitting for long periods in an automobile. Interesting disability. Oh wait, you don't mean a real engineer do you? It's like HVAC technicians who rebrand themselves as environmental condition engineers, or cleaners who are termed sanitation engineers. All are important as we can't live without waste disposal or the people who shovelled the coal etc.

The fact of the matter is that you rip into some decent young adults, people who care about their country, and you know nothing about them or their motivation. Here's a reality check for you: Know your place. Yes, that's right. Welcome to Thailand, and you are at the bottom of the hierarchy. Know why? Family, Education, Wealth and Social Position. If you want to attack people for not being good little Thai robots, then you should know your place and it is below these noble young lions who rank on the social hierarchy. As per you and your comrade in arms Smedly's views, your are instructed to be silent as you have no status from which to speak. Only those of us who occupy higher social status shall comment. That's your logic at work, so please follow it.

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Your inherent ignorance and snobbery surface again. My previous occupation, for which I have formal education qualifications in electrical engineering, was 10 years in chemical plant and 20 in state-owned coal-fired power stations, cut short by a disabling medical condition. My current casual occupation is taxi driver. Not only did I know the students, supervising and working closely with them for 6-8 weeks, I was one once. Of course, I was referring to engineering students, who have little time for volunteer work or political activism, they are too busy with the demands of a real education funded by employer who expects some return.

You can shove what you earn in your own posterior while you try to understand that sometimes the level of accuracy provided by a formula is simply not required, as in this case where a low level triggered a re-order. Calibration of dosing pumps is not done by dipping a drum - much more accurate supply side measuring cylinders are used. You could also realise that the professional albeit non-formally qualified people you work with may be just as, if not more, intelligent than yourself, but without the opportunity or motivation for a formal education. Has that ever occurred to you?

You attack the THAI students and I ask if you know anything about them, and you go off on a tangent about students you allegedly supervised. I note that you were not training them.

Electrical engineering as in someone who has a B. Eng. and is or was a member of a professional order? And you ended up driving a taxi? Ok. Apparently, unable to undertake engineering work, but capable of sitting for long periods in an automobile. Interesting disability. Oh wait, you don't mean a real engineer do you? It's like HVAC technicians who rebrand themselves as environmental condition engineers, or cleaners who are termed sanitation engineers. All are important as we can't live without waste disposal or the people who shovelled the coal etc.

The fact of the matter is that you rip into some decent young adults, people who care about their country, and you know nothing about them or their motivation. Here's a reality check for you: Know your place. Yes, that's right. Welcome to Thailand, and you are at the bottom of the hierarchy. Know why? Family, Education, Wealth and Social Position. If you want to attack people for not being good little Thai robots, then you should know your place and it is below these noble young lions who rank on the social hierarchy. As per you and your comrade in arms Smedly's views, your are instructed to be silent as you have no status from which to speak. Only those of us who occupy higher social status shall comment. That's your logic at work, so please follow it.

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you don't have democracy without the proper structures in place to support it, Thai governments have in the past had many opportunities to improve things but have failed over and over because greed and self interest rules in Thailand

The USA had several bloody civil wars until a group of smart folks sat down with good intent and the Constitution was born, it set structures in place that allowed America to develop to what it is today

Thailand needs a group of smart folks with good intention to do the same and put an end to the constant power abuse and thieving by creating a structure (constitution) that makes it very difficult to do, stiff laws and penalties along with agencies that are given the clout to deal with it and finally a court system to convict and lock them up, is the current government capable of delivering that - well yes they are.................but is that their intention ? - remains to be seen

"The USA had several bloody civil wars until a group of smart folks sat down with good intent and the Constitution was born..."

If you are going to draw historical analogies, make some effort to get your facts right.

The British Colonies that later became the first 13 states in the United States participated in what we call the French and Indian Wars on the British side. These colonies also had ongoing skirmishes with the native Americans, whose land they were stealing. As was common at the time, there were also occasional raids by pirates and bandits, but nothing that could be described as a civil war.

The United States dates its beginning with ratification of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The new country attempted to govern itself with the Articles of Confederation, which were formally ratified in 1781. After the conclusion of the Revolutionary War the Articles of Confederation were found to be lacking as a system of government and were replaced by the Continental Congress with US constitution in 1789. It was changed with ten amendments, now known as the Bill of Rights, in 1791, and has been amended 17 times since then.

The US has had one civil war, which lasted from 1861 to 1865. There were no civil wars before the US Constitution in the short history of the US from the Declaration of Independence until the adoption of the US Constitution, and nothing resembling a civil war involving the original 13 colonies unless you count the Revolutionary War.

As to your claim that the junta leaders have the ability to right a functional democratic constitution and may have the intent to do so--Thailand's history, with coups, military governments and constitutions written under military rule, shows the opposite.

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Your inherent ignorance and snobbery surface again. My previous occupation, for which I have formal education qualifications in electrical engineering, was 10 years in chemical plant and 20 in state-owned coal-fired power stations, cut short by a disabling medical condition. My current casual occupation is taxi driver. Not only did I know the students, supervising and working closely with them for 6-8 weeks, I was one once. Of course, I was referring to engineering students, who have little time for volunteer work or political activism, they are too busy with the demands of a real education funded by employer who expects some return.

You can shove what you earn in your own posterior while you try to understand that sometimes the level of accuracy provided by a formula is simply not required, as in this case where a low level triggered a re-order. Calibration of dosing pumps is not done by dipping a drum - much more accurate supply side measuring cylinders are used. You could also realise that the professional albeit non-formally qualified people you work with may be just as, if not more, intelligent than yourself, but without the opportunity or motivation for a formal education. Has that ever occurred to you?

You attack the THAI students and I ask if you know anything about them, and you go off on a tangent about students you allegedly supervised. I note that you were not training them.

Electrical engineering as in someone who has a B. Eng. and is or was a member of a professional order? And you ended up driving a taxi? Ok. Apparently, unable to undertake engineering work, but capable of sitting for long periods in an automobile. Interesting disability. Oh wait, you don't mean a real engineer do you? It's like HVAC technicians who rebrand themselves as environmental condition engineers, or cleaners who are termed sanitation engineers. All are important as we can't live without waste disposal or the people who shovelled the coal etc.

The fact of the matter is that you rip into some decent young adults, people who care about their country, and you know nothing about them or their motivation. Here's a reality check for you: Know your place. Yes, that's right. Welcome to Thailand, and you are at the bottom of the hierarchy. Know why? Family, Education, Wealth and Social Position. If you want to attack people for not being good little Thai robots, then you should know your place and it is below these noble young lions who rank on the social hierarchy. As per you and your comrade in arms Smedly's views, your are instructed to be silent as you have no status from which to speak. Only those of us who occupy higher social status shall comment. That's your logic at work, so please follow it.

Oh wait , yes I do mean a real engineer, suffering from spinal osteoarthritis which makes it painful to stand and/or walk for more than a few minutes. And despite 30 years experience, there is little demand for crippled engineers who haven't worked in their field for over 10 years, who needs to maintain Oz residence, but wants to spend as much time as possible in Thailand with their family. But I do know that VARs are not something you stick flowers in.

I am quite happy being a social pariah in Thailand, its an oz thing, we have little time for those who put on airs and think they are better than others. And I am quite happy to "rip into" students whose knowledge consists of what they have read in books. Funny that the attitude you ascribe to me seems to fit you better, I am certainly NOT one of 'us who occupy higher social status'. Are you?

Edited by halloween
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Your inherent ignorance and snobbery surface again. My previous occupation, for which I have formal education qualifications in electrical engineering, was 10 years in chemical plant and 20 in state-owned coal-fired power stations, cut short by a disabling medical condition. My current casual occupation is taxi driver. Not only did I know the students, supervising and working closely with them for 6-8 weeks, I was one once. Of course, I was referring to engineering students, who have little time for volunteer work or political activism, they are too busy with the demands of a real education funded by employer who expects some return.

You can shove what you earn in your own posterior while you try to understand that sometimes the level of accuracy provided by a formula is simply not required, as in this case where a low level triggered a re-order. Calibration of dosing pumps is not done by dipping a drum - much more accurate supply side measuring cylinders are used. You could also realise that the professional albeit non-formally qualified people you work with may be just as, if not more, intelligent than yourself, but without the opportunity or motivation for a formal education. Has that ever occurred to you?

You attack the THAI students and I ask if you know anything about them, and you go off on a tangent about students you allegedly supervised. I note that you were not training them.

Electrical engineering as in someone who has a B. Eng. and is or was a member of a professional order? And you ended up driving a taxi? Ok. Apparently, unable to undertake engineering work, but capable of sitting for long periods in an automobile. Interesting disability. Oh wait, you don't mean a real engineer do you? It's like HVAC technicians who rebrand themselves as environmental condition engineers, or cleaners who are termed sanitation engineers. All are important as we can't live without waste disposal or the people who shovelled the coal etc.

The fact of the matter is that you rip into some decent young adults, people who care about their country, and you know nothing about them or their motivation. Here's a reality check for you: Know your place. Yes, that's right. Welcome to Thailand, and you are at the bottom of the hierarchy. Know why? Family, Education, Wealth and Social Position. If you want to attack people for not being good little Thai robots, then you should know your place and it is below these noble young lions who rank on the social hierarchy. As per you and your comrade in arms Smedly's views, your are instructed to be silent as you have no status from which to speak. Only those of us who occupy higher social status shall comment. That's your logic at work, so please follow it.

Oh wait , yes I do mean a real engineer, suffering from spinal osteoarthritis which makes it painful to stand and/or walk for more than a few minutes. And despite 30 years experience, there is little demand for crippled engineers who haven't worked in their field for over 10 years, who needs to maintain Oz residence, but wants to spend as much time as possible in Thailand with their family. But I do know that VARs are not something you stick flowers in.

I am quite happy being a social pariah in Thailand, its an oz thing, we have little time for those who put on airs and think they are better than others. And I am quite happy to "rip into" students whose knowledge consists of what they have read in books. Funny that the attitude you ascribe to me seems to fit you better, I am certainly NOT one of 'us who occupy higher social status'. Are you?

You know the bold bit makes you a massive hypocrite right?

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