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France: Le Pen fined 30,000 euros for latest 'gas chamber' remark


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France: Le Pen fined 30,000 euros for latest 'gas chamber' remark


NICE: -- The former leader of France’s far-right Front National, Jean Marie Le-Pen, was fined 30,000 euros on Wednesday for repeating his claim that the Nazi gas chambers in the Second World War were ‘a detail of history’.

His conviction in Paris for contesting crimes against humanity in April 2015 came on the same day that the 87-year-old was fined 5,000 euros by a court in Nice for comments he made about Roma people in 2013.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-07

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Quite a mild remark, when compared to the vile nonsense that had been spray painted on the walls around Mr Le Pen's Hossegor residence last time I passed. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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Le Pen is basically a Nazi, and he should have his freedom of speech taken away.

The man incites racial hatred with a whole load of his comments.

My word, it didn't take long before one of the forum reactionaries came along invoking Godwin's law. Le Pen, for good reason, is a patriot and attempts to defend the traditional French way of life. By that I am referring to jovial portly men with unkempt facial hair wearing breton shirts while riding a bicycle carrying a string of garlic around his neck and smoking gitanes. This is his ideal rather than the intolerant niqab wearing haters that try to change France to a sharia hellhole. Le Pen recognizes that his ancestors and forefathers incredible bravery repeatedly fighting off and beating the invading muslims, and the superiority of the Christian based culture Le Pen cares about French people, and his daughter is the countries most popular politician.

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Le Pen was actually convicted for contesting crimes against humanity. France has strict laws against Holocaust denial.


Just as a reminder Jean Marie Le-Pen has a long history of anti Anti-semitism, his own daughter has rejected his attempts to minimise the holocaust.

The guy is admired by neo-Nazi, white supremacist groups and of course some members of this forum.

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Le Pen is basically a Nazi, and he should have his freedom of speech taken away.

The man incites racial hatred with a whole load of his comments.

My word, it didn't take long before one of the forum reactionaries came along invoking Godwin's law. Le Pen, for good reason, is a patriot and attempts to defend the traditional French way of life. By that I am referring to jovial portly men with unkempt facial hair wearing breton shirts while riding a bicycle carrying a string of garlic around his neck and smoking gitanes. This is his ideal rather than the intolerant niqab wearing haters that try to change France to a sharia hellhole. Le Pen recognizes that his ancestors and forefathers incredible bravery repeatedly fighting off and beating the invading muslims, and the superiority of the Christian based culture Le Pen cares about French people, and his daughter is the countries most popular politician.

Then how will he feel about the 1500 Euro fine for banging a hooker then.

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I disagree with the man's views on the Holocaust being "a detail" of history, but I disagree more with the law which prevents him from expressing his view.

There is far too much political correctness in the world. It is used not to defend the weak and vulnerable - as its proponents would have us believe - but to stifle legitimate concern, criticism and dissent.

Living in Thailand under the current regime, it is all to easy to see where this kind of thinking can lead. . .

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Le Pen is basically a Nazi, and he should have his freedom of speech taken away.

The man incites racial hatred with a whole load of his comments.

My word, it didn't take long before one of the forum reactionaries came along invoking Godwin's law. Le Pen, for good reason, is a patriot and attempts to defend the traditional French way of life. By that I am referring to jovial portly men with unkempt facial hair wearing breton shirts while riding a bicycle carrying a string of garlic around his neck and smoking gitanes. This is his ideal rather than the intolerant niqab wearing haters that try to change France to a sharia hellhole. Le Pen recognizes that his ancestors and forefathers incredible bravery repeatedly fighting off and beating the invading muslims, and the superiority of the Christian based culture Le Pen cares about French people, and his daughter is the countries most popular politician.

Then how will he feel about the 1500 Euro fine for banging a hooker then.

French laws are becoming more surreal every day.

Then when you think they have reached the bottom of stupidity, their politicians manage to scrape of one more layer in their pit...

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Le Pen was actually convicted for contesting crimes against humanity. France has strict laws against Holocaust denial.


Just as a reminder Jean Marie Le-Pen has a long history of anti Anti-semitism, his own daughter has rejected his attempts to minimise the holocaust.

The guy is admired by neo-Nazi, white supremacist groups and of course some members of this forum.

yeah. but that doesn't make the Laws right.

if I remember well, some years ago someone was sentenced for trying to discuss the actual number of holocaust victims. There is no freedom of speech in this matter.

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should have his freedom of speech taken away.There are people whose family's suffered greatly during the Holocaust.There are people whose family's died in gas chambers and in concentration camp's.Not all Jew's either.There are people who feel that it should never be forgotten.And there are the people who feel that maybe he should have his METHOD of speech taken away.

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Le Pen is basically a Nazi, and he should have his freedom of speech taken away.

The man incites racial hatred with a whole load of his comments.

My word, it didn't take long before one of the forum reactionaries came along invoking Godwin's law. Le Pen, for good reason, is a patriot and attempts to defend the traditional French way of life. By that I am referring to jovial portly men with unkempt facial hair wearing breton shirts while riding a bicycle carrying a string of garlic around his neck and smoking gitanes. This is his ideal rather than the intolerant niqab wearing haters that try to change France to a sharia hellhole. Le Pen recognizes that his ancestors and forefathers incredible bravery repeatedly fighting off and beating the invading muslims, and the superiority of the Christian based culture Le Pen cares about French people, and his daughter is the countries most popular politician.

Godwin's law is not actually a law. It is a rhetorical device that is often used by the pseudo-intellectual to shut down dissent or the voices of those who would not be expected to rise to the standards of Professor Godwin. It could be argued that raising the issue of Nazism is apropos of a discussion on holocaust denial.

Modern French culture, which is inclusive of Muslims and other nationalities needs no defence, particularly from a stereotype that excludes most of the French population. You believe Le Pen's ancestors are those Franks who stopped the Muslim army at the Battle of Tours in the 8th Century? I can't think of any other reference that fits since mid Century France has been dealing with the consequences of its imperial opportunism in muslim countries in North Africa. The Franks were Christian, I will grant you that, but they weren't French. France would not exist for some time. I also do not believe that victory in one battle can be seen as demonstrating the 'superiority' of any one faith over another.

The time is nearly passed for old reactionaries. The new generation has better ideas about how to respect diversity and reject the traditional oppression of the formerly dominant white, male culture. Most people only speak about such things on forums like this because they know that these reactionary views are incendiary and rightly becoming unacceptable in proper society. it is only the thick-neck, low brow oafs like Le Pen who utter these things in public.

If his daughter was the most popular politician in France, then she would be President. She isn't. She is relegated to the margins which is still too high a profile for most people. As the old reactionaries die out, her support will dwindle until she is cast into the dust bin of history beside her father where they both belong.

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Le Pen is basically a Nazi, and he should have his freedom of speech taken away.

The man incites racial hatred with a whole load of his comments.

My word, it didn't take long before one of the forum reactionaries came along invoking Godwin's law. Le Pen, for good reason, is a patriot and attempts to defend the traditional French way of life. By that I am referring to jovial portly men with unkempt facial hair wearing breton shirts while riding a bicycle carrying a string of garlic around his neck and smoking gitanes. This is his ideal rather than the intolerant niqab wearing haters that try to change France to a sharia hellhole. Le Pen recognizes that his ancestors and forefathers incredible bravery repeatedly fighting off and beating the invading muslims, and the superiority of the Christian based culture Le Pen cares about French people, and his daughter is the countries most popular politician.

Godwin's law is not actually a law. It is a rhetorical device that is often used by the pseudo-intellectual to shut down dissent or the voices of those who would not be expected to rise to the standards of Professor Godwin. It could be argued that raising the issue of Nazism is apropos of a discussion on holocaust denial.

Modern French culture, which is inclusive of Muslims and other nationalities needs no defence, particularly from a stereotype that excludes most of the French population. You believe Le Pen's ancestors are those Franks who stopped the Muslim army at the Battle of Tours in the 8th Century? I can't think of any other reference that fits since mid Century France has been dealing with the consequences of its imperial opportunism in muslim countries in North Africa. The Franks were Christian, I will grant you that, but they weren't French. France would not exist for some time. I also do not believe that victory in one battle can be seen as demonstrating the 'superiority' of any one faith over another.

The time is nearly passed for old reactionaries. The new generation has better ideas about how to respect diversity and reject the traditional oppression of the formerly dominant white, male culture. Most people only speak about such things on forums like this because they know that these reactionary views are incendiary and rightly becoming unacceptable in proper society. it is only the thick-neck, low brow oafs like Le Pen who utter these things in public.

If his daughter was the most popular politician in France, then she would be President. She isn't. She is relegated to the margins which is still too high a profile for most people. As the old reactionaries die out, her support will dwindle until she is cast into the dust bin of history beside her father where they both belong.

A good post, but regarding your last paragraph. I think a storm is coming and the 'old' reactionaries have been replaced with a brand new generation and Le Pen's support is now far from dwindling.

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Le Pen is basically a Nazi, and he should have his freedom of speech taken away.

The man incites racial hatred with a whole load of his comments.

So in your book freedom of speech is only a right for those who say what you want to hear?

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Le Pen is basically a Nazi, and he should have his freedom of speech taken away.

The man incites racial hatred with a whole load of his comments.

My word, it didn't take long before one of the forum reactionaries came along invoking Godwin's law. Le Pen, for good reason, is a patriot and attempts to defend the traditional French way of life. By that I am referring to jovial portly men with unkempt facial hair wearing breton shirts while riding a bicycle carrying a string of garlic around his neck and smoking gitanes. This is his ideal rather than the intolerant niqab wearing haters that try to change France to a sharia hellhole. Le Pen recognizes that his ancestors and forefathers incredible bravery repeatedly fighting off and beating the invading muslims, and the superiority of the Christian based culture Le Pen cares about French people, and his daughter is the countries most popular politician.

What a joke!

A true patriot who don not want to pay taxes in France?

A true patriot who participated in Torture during the Algerian occupation?

Le Pen do not care about french people, he just has hate.

He hates muslims, jews, black and just play with ignorance to have supporters...apparently you re one of them! If Le pen was prime minister of Thailand you would have been kicked out as a foreigner who steal the Thai work.

Do not forget : you re the "bougnoule" here

The inviding muslim? He was a fierce defensor of the French colonies,...

There is more humanity in a dog eye when he swings his tail than in Le Pen Tail when he swing his eye

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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Le Pen is basically a Nazi, and he should have his freedom of speech taken away.

The man incites racial hatred with a whole load of his comments.

My word, it didn't take long before one of the forum reactionaries came along invoking Godwin's law. Le Pen, for good reason, is a patriot and attempts to defend the traditional French way of life. By that I am referring to jovial portly men with unkempt facial hair wearing breton shirts while riding a bicycle carrying a string of garlic around his neck and smoking gitanes. This is his ideal rather than the intolerant niqab wearing haters that try to change France to a sharia hellhole. Le Pen recognizes that his ancestors and forefathers incredible bravery repeatedly fighting off and beating the invading muslims, and the superiority of the Christian based culture Le Pen cares about French people, and his daughter is the countries most popular politician.

What a joke!

A true patriot who don not want to pay taxes in France?

A true patriot who participated in Torture during the Algerian occupation?

Le Pen do not care about french people, he just has hate.

He hates muslims, jews, black and just play with ignorance to have supporters...apparently you re one of them! If Le pen was prime minister of Thailand you would have been kicked out as a foreigner who steal the Thai work.

Do not forget : you re the "bougnoule" here

The inviding muslim? He was a fierce defensor of the French colonies,...

There is more humanity in a dog eye when he swings his tail than in Le Pen Tail when he swing his eye

It's known that Le Pen made some disturbing and controversial quotes with emotional nostalgia towards France during the German nazi occupation under Vichy regime.

Makes it more stupid and historically not correct to suppose that Le Pen is profilating as a true patriot and opposing any imaginary Muslim occupation in France.

To know that the defamation claim from OP originates from several French Jewish associations. A well known struggle between extreme right political party versus a 1% hard core minority of the 6% Jewish minority living in France.

The verdicts' effect will be twofold : one will claim justice has been done, wile unfortunately the rise of anti semitism from what some posters imagine are true patriots...

Edited by Thorgal
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I believe in free speech, even if it is offensive. The only exception should be for clear cut incitement to hatred, not just because someone's feelings are hurt.

As it is Mr Le Pen is a sad old relic, but the true antisemitism nowadays comes from the Islamic far right and European far left. The right wing bogeyman is a ghost of yesteryear.

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Le Pen was actually convicted for contesting crimes against humanity. France has strict laws against Holocaust denial.


Just as a reminder Jean Marie Le-Pen has a long history of anti Anti-semitism, his own daughter has rejected his attempts to minimise the holocaust.

The guy is admired by neo-Nazi, white supremacist groups and of course some members of this forum.

yeah. but that doesn't make the Laws right.

if I remember well, some years ago someone was sentenced for trying to discuss the actual number of holocaust victims. There is no freedom of speech in this matter.

Taking into account all of the victims of persecution, the Nazis systematically killed an estimated six million Jews and an additional 11 million people during the war. Donald Niewyk suggests that the broadest definition, including Soviet civilian deaths, would produce a death toll of 17 million.[19]


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Le Pen was actually convicted for contesting crimes against humanity. France has strict laws against Holocaust denial.


Just as a reminder Jean Marie Le-Pen has a long history of anti Anti-semitism, his own daughter has rejected his attempts to minimise the holocaust.

The guy is admired by neo-Nazi, white supremacist groups and of course some members of this forum.

holocaust denial law is the sorry state of France showing its full hypocrisy. France alwasy acts like a so called protector of human rights and freedom of speech and biggest critic of countries with low records of freedom of speech and human rights.

but in return, they are making historical facts political and accepting laws for for not alowing people to speak their ideas. i am against all kinds of laws preventing freedom of speech.

history is for historians not politicians or law makers. You cannot remake or reclaim history in a parliament or court.

moreover, gas chambers although a very bad stage of ww2 and lots of innocent Jewish people died for nothing in the hands of bloody nasiz still, ww2 is not only consisting of these gas chambers. There were 60 million dead people in ww2 and not only jewish people.

and fascist Le Pen? hope they lock you to a gas chamber for a month so you can understand the innocent jewish people.

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In two French surveys – a 2014 report on tolerance submitted to the French government, and a report by a French think tank – over half of the respondents who supported the National Front espoused anti-Semitism.

Even some French “observant Catholics” have shown anti-Semitic attitudes, according to a 2014 survey by a French think tank FONDAPOL cited in the report. Twenty-two percent of practicing Catholics surveyed said there too many Jews in France, while 16 percent of all those surveyed answered that way.


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Le Pen is basically a Nazi, and he should have his freedom of speech taken away.

The man incites racial hatred with a whole load of his comments.

And you sir are a fascist if that is your view of freedom of speech.

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Freedom of speech doesn't include the freedom of lying to create hate.

(only Trump has this freedom of lying)

And by your logic neither is stupidity, which means your freedom of speech need to be taken away.

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Le Pen is basically a Nazi, and he should have his freedom of speech taken away.

The man incites racial hatred with a whole load of his comments.

And you sir are a fascist if that is your view of freedom of speech.

Oh, I'm a fascist if/because I think it would be a good idea to take away Le Pen's freedom of speech ? :)

Okay, let's just say I admire Joseph Stalin. I don't, but let's say I do. So, I reckon Stalin's ideas were good, and Stalin didn't exactly want to give freedom of speech to everybody. Does that mean that Stalin was a fascist as well ? :)

I'm trying to say, just because I reckon it's a good idea to take away Le Pen's freedom of speech, that doesn't make me a fascist. Now then, if we look on the internet, and see what are the ideas that are generally regarded as being fascist, well, in that case, I say that I certainly don't support those ideas that are generally regarded as fascist.

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Le Pen is basically a Nazi, and he should have his freedom of speech taken away.

The man incites racial hatred with a whole load of his comments.

And you sir are a fascist if that is your view of freedom of speech.

Oh, I'm a fascist if/because I think it would be a good idea to take away Le Pen's freedom of speech ? smile.png

Okay, let's just say I admire Joseph Stalin. I don't, but let's say I do. So, I reckon Stalin's ideas were good, and Stalin didn't exactly want to give freedom of speech to everybody. Does that mean that Stalin was a fascist as well ? smile.png

I'm trying to say, just because I reckon it's a good idea to take away Le Pen's freedom of speech, that doesn't make me a fascist. Now then, if we look on the internet, and see what are the ideas that are generally regarded as being fascist, well, in that case, I say that I certainly don't support those ideas that are generally regarded as fascist.

Your text "I'm trying to say, just because I reckon it's a good idea to take away Le Pen's freedom of speech, that doesn't make me a fascist." clearly shows that you have fascist tendencies. Is "1984" like your favorite instruction manual?

Tell me, where are you from and which party do you vote for?

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In two French surveys – a 2014 report on tolerance submitted to the French government, and a report by a French think tank – over half of the respondents who supported the National Front espoused anti-Semitism.

Even some French “observant Catholics” have shown anti-Semitic attitudes, according to a 2014 survey by a French think tank FONDAPOL cited in the report. Twenty-two percent of practicing Catholics surveyed said there too many Jews in France, while 16 percent of all those surveyed answered that way.


So over half the respondents espoused anti-semitism. Can you hazard a guess that how many Nu Europeans espouse anti-semitism? I'll tell you. All of them 100%. And yet you tirelessly champion their cause. Le Pen antisemite very bad. Muslim colonists antisemite very good. Would you agree there is a problem with this logic?
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