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Brave Chiang Mai public injured as gold robber flees


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Brave Chiang Mai public injured as gold robber flees
Thaivisa Reporters

Image: Thairath

CHIANG MAI:-- Three spirited members of the public who tried to stop a gold shop robbery in downtown Chiang Mai yesterday were stabbed as the thief made his getaway.

The father and son and older lady were treated in hospital but are out of danger.

The hunt is on for the hilltribe thief who dropped a wallet as he fled the scene on an accomplice's motorbike.

The drama happened at the Seua Mankorn gold shop in the busy market area of Wichayanon Road, Chiang Mai on Wednesday afternoon.

Ketsanee Kaewknkham, 28, an employee of the gold shop was serving a male customer about thirty who was handed a 30,000 baht necklace to look at. He put it round his neck but instead of paying ran out of the shop.

Many bystanders were looking on as the salesgirl shouted after the thief. Two spirited market traders nearby Paijit Khamyat, 64, and his son Jakkrit Khamyat, 24, tried to intervene by jumping in the way of the fleeing robber. Both suffered stab wounds for their trouble as did an unnamed 70 year old woman also caught up in the melee.

The robber dashed down Soi San Jao and jumped on an accomplice's already revving motorcycle and took off in the direction of Ta Pae. The thief dropped a wallet that had a medical card indicating his name as Lu Saokham, 39, a hilltribe man with no Thai ID number living in the Wiang Haeng area of Chiang Mai.

Police also retrieved what they believe to be a 2 inch picture of the man that fell from the wallet. CCTV in the area was studied to see which way they went. Roadblocks were set up to stop the men but they managed to get away. However the discovery of the wallet means police are close on their tail.

-- 2016-04-07

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there is brave and there is stupid. Let me be uncharacteristically diplomatic, and say that risking your life for a tiny portion of an unrelated, wealthy (probably insured) merchants gold, is not brave...

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Pathetic brainless and dangerous,needs to be behind bars.thais don't make good thieves,there's just lots of them.

Yo, rug muncher, lets presume he's not smart enough to drop a false ID, given that, he is not Thai, he is 'hill tribe' and BTW your 'nickname' means 'lesbian', not that I have a problem with lesbians, just jokey blokes who think they are one.

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