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Why it's not easy being a Thai police officer


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"We are constantly reminded of bribe-taking by police, but its worth remembering that for the average cop this amounts to small sums from motorists in lieu of a traffic ticket. And often it is the motorists who are most eager to make a cash deal on the spot to avoid the inconvenience of having their driving license confiscated and going to the police station to pay a fine."

Oh, well that's ok then. It's only a small bribe to avoid paying the proper price for illegal driving behaviour.

It's only breaking the law.

It only leads to extortion for non existent offences.

It's only a symptom of a corrupt, inept, gangster police force, a sign that corruption pervades all the way to the grass roots off the organisation.

Utterly appealing article. The writer should be gaoled.

Or at least "fined".

I was thinking the same thing. What a admission! Once you start regardless of how small you are on your way! Add this small thing for everyone on the force one can see why the driving is the way it is here. That is the bigger picture!

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It's a job you buy and is run like Amway in terms of moving illicit funds to superiors. I old love to know what substance the author consumed prior to writing this article. The police are the central problem with diminishing tourists like me with a Thai wife from returning to live or visit. Corrupt and useless all while avoiding any police work. Yes they do ticket for helmets and minor traffic violations only because they have a financial incentive.

Edited by Praematura
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To all you who came up with the same old shit about me being a pimp and if it was my daughter yada yada yada,stop acting like a load of tarts and get real.What was the reasons you sad lot came over here for in the first place.All you sanctimonious, holier than thou,Hippocrates.yeah! i did it and i made a bundle of money out of it,some of it probably yours.Prostitution is a way of life here 'cos poor uneducated girls have got f##k all else,their government gives them sod all.I never made one girl do anything she didn't want to,and most of them ended up with probably more money than you sorry lot. So, all you fine fellows who go off for your sneaky little massages once a week,telling the little woman you'r just nipping down to soi Bukhaouw market on a Sunday,i'm on to you.Ive known people like you all my life.This is Thailand my anal friends,live with it.At least i had the balls to get up off my arse and make some money in this country.

Me thinks you all doth protest too much.

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To all you who came up with the same old shit about me being a pimp and if it was my daughter yada yada yada,stop acting like a load of tarts and get real.What was the reasons you sad lot came over here for in the first place.All you sanctimonious, holier than thou,Hippocrates.yeah! i did it and i made a bundle of money out of it,some of it probably yours.Prostitution is a way of life here 'cos poor uneducated girls have got f##k all else,their government gives them sod all.I never made one girl do anything she didn't want to,and most of them ended up with probably more money than you sorry lot. So, all you fine fellows who go off for your sneaky little massages once a week,telling the little woman you'r just nipping down to soi Bukhaouw market on a Sunday,i'm on to you.Ive known people like you all my life.This is Thailand my anal friends,live with it.At least i had the balls to get up off my arse and make some money in this country.

Me thinks you all doth protest too much.

Im not from Greece and I am not the father of modern medical practices thank you very much.

I didn't come here for prostitution or to take advantage of people with less money either...

Scumbag... Why don't you get a proper job instead of using people for your own ends

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To all you who came up with the same old shit about me being a pimp and if it was my daughter yada yada yada,stop acting like a load of tarts and get real.What was the reasons you sad lot came over here for in the first place.All you sanctimonious, holier than thou,Hippocrates.yeah! i did it and i made a bundle of money out of it,some of it probably yours.Prostitution is a way of life here 'cos poor uneducated girls have got f##k all else,their government gives them sod all.I never made one girl do anything she didn't want to,and most of them ended up with probably more money than you sorry lot. So, all you fine fellows who go off for your sneaky little massages once a week,telling the little woman you'r just nipping down to soi Bukhaouw market on a Sunday,i'm on to you.Ive known people like you all my life.This is Thailand my anal friends,live with it.At least i had the balls to get up off my arse and make some money in this country.

Me thinks you all doth protest too much.

Im not from Greece and I am not the father of modern medical practices thank you very much.

I didn't come here for prostitution or to take advantage of people with less money either...

Scumbag... Why don't you get a proper job instead of using people for your own ends

I'm not here for sex and I don't drink. I think Dave forgets women come to Thailand too. I do love the real Thai massages however, so when I sneak off it's called keeping the economy thriving not wrecking some innocent young girl's life.

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