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Being A Katoey Is A Mental Disorder

sriracha john

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Sting01, thanks for your apology. Languages are funny things, with false cognates. You asked what kind of men I like, or if I like katoey. I like real men who look and behave as borderline androgynous, a mixture of traditionally female and male traits. But I'm not at all attracted to crossdressers, or to anybody who looks like a woman.

Yeah, I'm a gay breeder. :o I've been there, done that, and bought a t-shirt in Pattaya that I gave to my Asian boyfriend: "I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is."

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"...and the knowledge that more of your children see things our way than you do."

Is that what you're teaching? That being gay is a good thing? Well, you can call me and idiot, old fashioned, retard, whatever you want to, but if one would teach my kid that being gay is a normal (let alone good) thing, despite the fact that I am very peaceful and friendly guy, you can't imagine through what that person would have to go through, both physically and mentally...

And what's that "WE" thing? Are you some kind of organisation or something?

Don't worry Alex... the whole western world is teaching that being gay is OK ... Turn on the television! The days of bigotry and abuse are changing and changing VERY rapidly! However I do feel a great deal of pityfor bigots, the absolute knowledge that the world that confronts them looks at them as backwards!

but i do wish that you would stop trying to convince the world that gay sex between men is a normal state of affairs and that fiddling around in each others rectums is no different from having a cup of tea or a cigarette after a hard days work , when 90% of that world do think of it as on or over the edge.

90% wow! there's a statistic pulled out of someone's ___ :o Not even 90% of MEN think that .... far from it! I mean get real!

All that being said ...... this thread is not about being gay .... it is about the Thai military's treatment of transexuals :D

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Sting01, thanks for your apology. Languages are funny things, with false cognates. You asked what kind of men I like, or if I like katoey. I like real men who look and behave as borderline androgynous, a mixture of traditionally female and male traits. But I'm not at all attracted to crossdressers, or to anybody who looks like a woman.

Yeah, I'm a gay breeder. :o I've been there, done that, and bought a t-shirt in Pattaya that I gave to my Asian boyfriend: "I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is."

My ex gf have the same, it was making sense as she was a ladyboy (RIP recently).

Anyway what I dislike is people who define themself (and define others) on things that are biased , such as the sexual preference. I will not care if a guy is str8 or gay, as long as he will not bother me with his supposed exploit in the bed room ... mostly there is nothing in those people (hollow people?) but just bragging on how big their genitals are.

I do know here in thailand a bunch of ladyboys who arenot sex workers, hi so by their birth, and/or by the social position they have. Well educated (professors in Chula or Tamassat), CEO or member of the board of directors, senior producer in Media of Media, Senior Software engineer for Sun ... all are with good brains, without mental disease, mostly earn 10 or 15 times what I earn. So they are out of the definitions given here. I do repeat I am honored to know Khun Samart, I do believe she can be as those I cited.

Wellrather than define a person because the way the person look, you should simply define a person on how this person behave. And how can I be hurt if the fact to wear some clothes make another one happy? how can I be hurt because some middle aged californian man decided to have some surgery to make him look younger and get the wife he deserve? So how can I be hurt if someone decide to have an operation (SRS) and get the life partner she deserve?

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"...and the knowledge that more of your children see things our way than you do."

Is that what you're teaching? That being gay is a good thing? Well, you can call me and idiot, old fashioned, retard, whatever you want to, but if one would teach my kid that being gay is a normal (let alone good) thing, despite the fact that I am very peaceful and friendly guy, you can't imagine through what that person would have to go through, both physically and mentally...

And what's that "WE" thing? Are you some kind of organisation or something?

Don't worry Alex... the whole western world is teaching that being gay is OK ... Turn on the television! The days of bigotry and abuse are changing and changing VERY rapidly! However I do feel a great deal of pityfor bigots, the absolute knowledge that the world that confronts them looks at them as backwards!

Last time I believed everything that was on Tv I was 6 years old and strongly hoping to become the next Batman. I don't know how old you are, but if you believe that the humanity will turn being gay, well...let's just say you need help.

Edited by alexth
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Alex ... not turning gay .... learning tolerance:)

There is less room for bigots every day! The world is getting better and better!

Again this isn't a thread about being gay though .... it is about the Thai military's treatment of transexuals :o

<btw .... the quote function DOES work well :D

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Alex ... not turning gay .... learning tolerance:)

There is less room for bigots every day! The world is getting better and better!

Again this isn't a thread about being gay though .... it is about the Thai military's treatment of transexuals :o

<btw .... the quote function DOES work well :D

You certainly are nor in the position to tell me wheather I'm a bigot or not, I could tell the same about you. As for the transexuals in the army...why not? They could distract the enemy...that's a good thing, but just as long as they would fit in...in general, the army guys are pretty much straight and pretty much proud of it, this would generate issues and to be honest with you, people with issues are a risk on a battlefield, it goes the same for almost everything that requires team work, would you, as one in a command position, feel comfy with a soldier that would not cover his mate because he is a transexual? Maybe the above is not that fair, but it's the way it is.

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wow ... so all positions in the military are combat positions now? If I were a commander and found a man unwilling to do his job I'd put him in the stockade! Pretty simple :o I have fired people from organizations I have run for being bigots! I would do the same today if it came up ... fortunately times are changing and being a bigot today is considered boorish :D

Edited by jdinasia
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wow ... so all positions in the military are combat positions now? If I were a commander and found a man unwilling to do his job I'd put him in the stockade! Pretty simple :o I have fired people from organizations I have run for being bigots! I would do the same today if it came up ... fortunately times are changing and being a bigot today is considered boorish :D

Well, you're arguing like a woman, I'll give you that. No matter who the right one is, they still argue. Eventually the smarter one gives up, that's the point when I shut up and leave you at play with your beach boys...Have a nice weekend JD

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alexth, there are over a dozen countries that allow gays in the military, some of them now for decades, and it works well for them. As for transsexuals such as a Thai man dressing as a lady on the field of combat, distracting the enemy.....arai nah :o ? Doesn't Thailand have women in the army, who were born as females and dress as females? Part of this Western military bias against gays or transsexuals in the military relates to myths that are false. Unless, of course, the other myths are true, that macho male military men are all rapists......

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alexth, there are over a dozen countries that allow gays in the military, some of them now for decades, and it works well for them. As for transsexuals such as a Thai man dressing as a lady on the field of combat, distracting the enemy.....arai nah :o ? Doesn't Thailand have women in the army, who were born as females and dress as females? Part of this Western military bias against gays or transsexuals in the military relates to myths that are false. Unless, of course, the other myths are true, that macho male military men are all rapists......

Maybe, is that why you guys are joining the military :D

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alexth, there are over a dozen countries that allow gays in the military, some of them now for decades, and it works well for them. As for transsexuals such as a Thai man dressing as a lady on the field of combat, distracting the enemy.....arai nah :o ? Doesn't Thailand have women in the army, who were born as females and dress as females? Part of this Western military bias against gays or transsexuals in the military relates to myths that are false. Unless, of course, the other myths are true, that macho male military men are all rapists......

Maybe, is that why you guys are joining the military :D

Well, I invite Alexth who seems to be a military buff to contactthe french foreign legion, and ask them is sexuality is a criterion to be accepted there or not (mean does a gay can be a soldier in the french foreign legion?)

I do hope you will admit the French Foreign Legion is an Elit Unit (but the 6th REG, but there it's a punishment unit or so). And I can tell you , as long as you do not rape other soldiers, no one will give a ###### if you love to use a dildo before to sleep, or if your 'gf' is named Charly.

Better (maybe worst) the 2 nd REP, the most prestigious unit of the French Foreign Legion is composed for a quarter (25%) of people claiming to be gay.

Obviously the fact to be gay do not destroy the capacity to serve with honor and quality a country.

And I repeat, shall I be compare to Caesar, Alexander the Great, Constantin the Great, that I would feel honored, even if those men where obviously gay.

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alexth, there are over a dozen countries that allow gays in the military, some of them now for decades, and it works well for them. As for transsexuals such as a Thai man dressing as a lady on the field of combat, distracting the enemy.....arai nah :o ? Doesn't Thailand have women in the army, who were born as females and dress as females? Part of this Western military bias against gays or transsexuals in the military relates to myths that are false. Unless, of course, the other myths are true, that macho male military men are all rapists......

Maybe, is that why you guys are joining the military :D

Well, I invite Alexth who seems to be a military buff to contactthe french foreign legion, and ask them is sexuality is a criterion to be accepted there or not (mean does a gay can be a soldier in the french foreign legion?)

I do hope you will admit the French Foreign Legion is an Elit Unit (but the 6th REG, but there it's a punishment unit or so). And I can tell you , as long as you do not rape other soldiers, no one will give a ###### if you love to use a dildo before to sleep, or if your 'gf' is named Charly.

Better (maybe worst) the 2 nd REP, the most prestigious unit of the French Foreign Legion is composed for a quarter (25%) of people claiming to be gay.

Obviously the fact to be gay do not destroy the capacity to serve with honor and quality a country.

And I repeat, shall I be compare to Caesar, Alexander the Great, Constantin the Great, that I would feel honored, even if those men where obviously gay.

Have fun in the army then :D

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We're getting too insulting here. Jokes about 'joining the army so that we'll be raped' are as funny as jokes about the army raping YOUR MOTHER. Shall we stop?

Good idea PB !

It's quite irritating that some people do not respect gay, katoey or lesbian.

This week I saw a serious documentary about a New Zealand Lady/man/both -born as a hermaphrodite- and it was quite shocking but honest.

The enormous difficulties these people suffer in their lifes are beyond any imagination of the so called 'normal' born amongst us.

Let's respect one another and stop flaming.


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I respect every decent human being, no matter of their sex habit, race, religion or nationality. What I don't stand is people that are trying to make me believe that I should think as they do. I have a gay friend back in Romania, pretty cool guy, 2 katoeys in LOS, great people, but they've never tried to convince me that I should also be gay or that they deserve more understanding because they're gay, thinking about it, we've never had any discussion on why they're gay and why I'm straight.

JD, you bring here some examples of gay people among history, what if I'd bring examples of greater people that were straight? There are for more of them, would that make it better? [personal comments removed by IJWT]

"Being A Katoey Is A Mental Disorder"...NO. Out of the ordinary, yes.

It's just like with racism, at first, most of the white guys were racist, now, more and more of the coloured people are becoming racist. Same goes for you, starting to make a bloody scandal out of everything that your mood can't tolerate.

I am trully sorry for the bad jokes, I am not like that, but you, my friend, asked for it

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I'd like to add that I believe a post of mine has been misinterpreted (deliberately, or maybe as a Freudian slip?) to mean that there are going to be more gay young people.

I believe that there will be more OUT gay young people, as society adjusts. But as JD mentioned above, what I meant is that there will be fewer young BIGOTS. And thank god for that.


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game4shame, your post was deleted probably because it quoted another post that was deleted.

phew :o cheers PB :D , thought I’D said something wrong. :D

I was incensed by some of the insults directed at jdinasia, especially the ‘arguing like a woman’. I felt I had to point out ‘arguing like a woman’ is not like jd at all.

he is actually renowned by many for discussing topics in a civilised, diplomatic and indeed masculine manner and is always happy to accept when he’s wrong. :D

certainly one of my favourite posters.

chok dee krup jdinasia.


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:o You are well and truly returned Game ....

Alex ... I never once said that you should think ANY given way .... just glad that the days of bigots are diminishing! No one cares what I think .. and certainly not what a bigot says. It is nice however that everyone has a voice until they start being abusive/violent.

You don't have to think any given way about Transgendered people or about Gay people. You also will not be able to support an argument about history :D We know very little about the practices of most people <by name> in the past. We do have info on some leaders of their times and that is nice! Some history that was re-written or written by the clueless of socially/politically correct of their day is now being corrected to reflect the truth from accurate sources :D I will grant you that there have been more famous heterosexual men than homosexual men ... probably by a factor of about 9:1 :D

I do remember a certain politician in Lousiana in the late 50's saying some of his close friends were black ... while he upheld segregation! I also remember a recent President of the US breaking from the church of his youth over their history of mistreating blacks that continues to this current day! Actions are important! I'll stick with standing up for people's rights wherever I can because of this! That includes saying that in the enstance of this thread .... It is a great thing that the Kathoey in question is standing up for human rights!

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