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Swiss man dead as family outing ends in pick-up tragedy in Udon Thani


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Another needless waste of life. These vehicles are the scariest weapons on the road and why it is legal to carry passengers in the back of the truck is beyond me.

do you want to know the "scariest" vehicles on the road? it is the drunk human being! the idiot driver who does not know how to drive! NOT the truck, CAR or MOTORCYCLE! sounds like you are the type who blames guns, knives, for killing people. news flash! people kill people!

So if you have an accident and you are driving a "Camry" or any vehicle that has passenger protection, seat belts, crumple zones, air bags etc and you are hit by a drunk driver! your chances of walking away are far higher than if you were riding in the back of a pick-up - I would say! Accidents will always happen! it's up to yourself to be best prepared to handle it in the best way you see feasible.

PS. Humans are not vehicles thumbsup.gif

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RIP Mario Paravicini and condolences to families and friends of the deceased and injured.

Culture is very hard to change. And with Governments (now and before) lacking in providing decent education for Thai people (could be a number of reasons for that!) plus a failure to adequately punish those guilty of causing so much road trauma, will there be any change in the near future? I doubt it! sad.pngcoffee1.gif

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And Ditnon Sae-Ngow

Well your Thai (I assume that's what it is) impresses me no end!!

I not only don't know what language it is (but I know that transfering Thai phonetics into Roman letters that sound the same is not easy) but I sure don't know what it means!!

This is an ENGLISH language forum, I can put up with the bad grammar, spelling etc., and it not being a native tongue but if I want to talk Thai I will go out side...thanks

Many different meanings, none of I can think of as amusing.

Immediate thoughts

sae ..... line ... pour on .... Banyan tree ... witch

ngow ..... shadow ..... cold .... lonely .... easy

Sae does not mean Banyan Tree or witch or pour on.

Ngow does not mean easy or cold.

get a new dictionary mate.

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Swiss / Italian , Mario, as an expat

you would assume he had some common sense,

would have know the dangers, been aware of

limits in driving skills of thai drivers,

and yet chose to risk his life,

Stupid, is just not harsh enough word,

sad , dumb, and more waste ,yet again


To be fair, he may have been under the influence as well.

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Refusing to get into the truck with the wife's family would have been

In his place I would have got into the truck too, praying to god we made it,

As one day I will die, I just don't know the where when or how,


"a massive loss of face for her,"

That would be the last thing what comes in my mind, blink.png

I usually drive always myself in cars and on motor bikers,

I do nearly never drink alcohol myself and would never drive with a driver who did drink.

If there is no other solution, I would stay behind and/or pay some guest rooms for a night in a resort. whistling.gif

I wnt go outside either..... the sky might fall !!

Maybe, you misunderstood what I meant, or -

You really prefer to drive with a drunk driver, who possibly does not let you drive with his car,

even if you sober? bah.gif

If the Swiss would have had more foresight, he would not get in or onto that car

and would still live!

After a good night sleep in a inexpensive resort, if no other solution seemed reasonable.


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