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US ambassador visits Khon Kaen observing drought conditions


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US ambassador visits Khon Kaen observing drought conditions

KHON KAEN, 20 April 2016 (NNT) – The United States Ambassador to Thailand has visited Khon Kaen Province to observe the drought situation, expressing the US' interests and concerns regarding the province.

Khon Kaen Governor Kamthorn Thavornsathit today welcomed the United States Ambassador to Thailand Glyn T. Davies for his visit to the province to enhance the friendship between the US and Khon Kaen Province.

On this occasion, the US Ambassador has said Khon Kaen is a pleasant province which can be considered as the capital of the Northeastern region which has seen continuous growth. He added that the United States is concerned over the drought situation and water availability at Ubol Ratana Dam.

According to the governor of Khon Kaen, remaining water reserves at Ubol Ratana Dam are low, but water at the bottom of the dam can be utilized for public consumption until the rainy reason, which is expected to arrive by late July.

-- NNT 2016-04-20 footer_n.gif

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How nice of the patronising US Ambassador to find the time to "observe the drought situation' and to point out that KK is considered the capital of the north east, something that everyone else has known for donkey's years.

I'm sure Khon Kaen residents will be eternally grateful.

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How nice of the patronising US Ambassador to find the time to "observe the drought situation' and to point out that KK is considered the capital of the north east, something that everyone else has known for donkey's years.

I'm sure Khon Kaen residents will be eternally grateful.

Knowing this was going to turn into a USA-bashing thread, I was a bit taken aback to see it in only the second post. Predictible, cynical TV posters.

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I suspect the message he did not give voice to but which is more important, is that the USA is watching and taking an interest. Of sorts.

H could have learned more about the drought by watching the news and reading the papers,

All in all, I think this ambassador is something of a disappointment. I honestly never imagined I would one day be looking back wistfully to the time of Kristie Kenney. Mind you, his boss is a shining light to the useless everywhere. Last year. he was ranked as the 2nd worst POTUS ever, He was even lower in the USA people's esteem than George W Bush if you can imagine that. Personally, I think I'd kill myself if it was me.

And then he goes and says that Khon Kaen is a 'pleasant province'. Condemned by faint praise. If I lived in KK I think I would be screaming in pain.

The USA should instead be using its influence to kick out the Royal Thai Armed Forces and the Royal Thai Police, or stop all trade with Thailand until the Thai people do.

Edited by Winniedapu
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How nice of the patronising US Ambassador to find the time to "observe the drought situation' and to point out that KK is considered the capital of the north east, something that everyone else has known for donkey's years.

I'm sure Khon Kaen residents will be eternally grateful.

If you can't post something intelligent, then please don't. The US ambassador, like other countries ambassadors, deserve more respect than that.

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The USA should instead be using its influence to kick out the Royal Thai armed forces and the Royal Thai Police, or stop all trade with Thailand until those things happen.

The U.S. is waiting for some other country to step up to the plate for that task. Any takers?

Edited by Pib
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How nice of the patronising US Ambassador to find the time to "observe the drought situation' and to point out that KK is considered the capital of the north east, something that everyone else has known for donkey's years.

I'm sure Khon Kaen residents will be eternally grateful.

If you can't post something intelligent, then please don't. The US ambassador, like other countries ambassadors, deserve more respect than that.

Really? Why? The USA has done sod all to help Thailand...

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If he was interested in droughts he should have visited California.

I think most people are happy to bash any politician, not just US. Why are Americans so protective of theirs? I bash mine whenever one takes a brief moment to lift their snout out of the trough.

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I suspect the message he did not give voice to but which is more important, is that the USA is watching and taking an interest. Of sorts.

H could have learned more about the drought by watching the news and reading the papers,

All in all, I think this ambassador is something of a disappointment. I honestly never imagined I would one day be looking back wistfully to the time of Kristie Kenney. Mind you, his boss is a shining light to the useless everywhere. Last year. he was ranked as the 2nd worst POTUS ever, He was even lower in the USA people's esteem than George W Bush if you can imagine that. Personally, I think I'd kill myself if it was me.

And then he goes and says that Khon Kaen is a 'pleasant province'. Condemned by faint praise. If I lived in KK I think I would be screaming in pain.

The USA should instead be using its influence to kick out the Royal Thai Armed Forces and the Royal Thai Police, or stop all trade with Thailand until the Thai people do.

He's got a very impressive background, just like Kristie did. No matter that, the trolls here love to bash. Gets old.

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The USA should instead be using its influence to kick out the Royal Thai armed forces and the Royal Thai Police, or stop all trade with Thailand until those things happen.

The U.S. is waiting for some other country to step up to the plate for that task. Any takers?

Probably not, Perhaps the rest of the world is waiting for the self-styled 'leader of the free world' to do something useful instead of creating wars all over the place. And losing most of them.

I'd be very happy if *someone* would step up... but I won't be holding my breath. Thailand just isn't very important.

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I suspect the message he did not give voice to but which is more important, is that the USA is watching and taking an interest. Of sorts.

H could have learned more about the drought by watching the news and reading the papers,

All in all, I think this ambassador is something of a disappointment. I honestly never imagined I would one day be looking back wistfully to the time of Kristie Kenney. Mind you, his boss is a shining light to the useless everywhere. Last year. he was ranked as the 2nd worst POTUS ever, He was even lower in the USA people's esteem than George W Bush if you can imagine that. Personally, I think I'd kill myself if it was me.

And then he goes and says that Khon Kaen is a 'pleasant province'. Condemned by faint praise. If I lived in KK I think I would be screaming in pain.

The USA should instead be using its influence to kick out the Royal Thai Armed Forces and the Royal Thai Police, or stop all trade with Thailand until the Thai people do.

He's got a very impressive background, just like Kristie did. No matter that, the trolls here love to bash. Gets old.

Well, backgrounds are usually an enhanced description of what someone did, not what they achieved, Sort of like 'how they whiled away their time when they should have been making a contribution" if you like.

Personally, I prefer a direct approach to a fawning approach. A shovel is a shovel, not a long-handled device for moving earth or for leaning on if you work for the government. Therefore it is better to say that "Kenney was useless but the new guy makes her look like an over-achiever", than to say that "their backgrounds are impressive".

Personally, I think that putting these people in as ambassadors to a country is a pretty mean-spirited way of sticking up 2 fingers to that country...

Edited by Winniedapu
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How nice of the patronising US Ambassador to find the time to "observe the drought situation' and to point out that KK is considered the capital of the north east, something that everyone else has known for donkey's years.

I'm sure Khon Kaen residents will be eternally grateful.

If you can't post something intelligent, then please don't. The US ambassador, like other countries ambassadors, deserve more respect than that.

Really? Why? The USA has done sod all to help Thailand...

A USA Nuclear powered ship was at hand to supply power when BKK was sinking.

LOS refused the help...............

Thank God for that, they'd have probably bumped into something. Like Syria, or Grenada.

However, it's useful to note that The USA assessment of Thailand was that the useful Thais would all fit on one ship. Even if that ship was quite big.

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Do we have an idiot on board..........?

So why would LOS reject help a few yards off shore to save lives....?

Do we have an idiot on board..........?

Probably. And probably not just one.

So why would LOS reject help a few yards off shore to save lives....?

To save face, Someone hasn't been paying attention to Thainess.

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I suspect the message he did not give voice to but which is more important, is that the USA is watching and taking an interest. Of sorts.

H could have learned more about the drought by watching the news and reading the papers,

All in all, I think this ambassador is something of a disappointment. I honestly never imagined I would one day be looking back wistfully to the time of Kristie Kenney. Mind you, his boss is a shining light to the useless everywhere. Last year. he was ranked as the 2nd worst POTUS ever, He was even lower in the USA people's esteem than George W Bush if you can imagine that. Personally, I think I'd kill myself if it was me.

And then he goes and says that Khon Kaen is a 'pleasant province'. Condemned by faint praise. If I lived in KK I think I would be screaming in pain.

The USA should instead be using its influence to kick out the Royal Thai Armed Forces and the Royal Thai Police, or stop all trade with Thailand until the Thai people do.

He's got a very impressive background, just like Kristie did. No matter that, the trolls here love to bash. Gets old.

Well, backgrounds are usually an enhanced description of what someone did, not what they achieved, Sort of like 'how they whiled away their time when they should have been making a contribution" if you like.

Personally, I prefer a direct approach to a fawning approach. A shovel is a shovel, not a long-handled device for moving earth or for leaning on if you work for the government. Therefore it is better to say that "Kenney was useless but the new guy makes her look like an over-achiever", than to say that "their backgrounds are impressive".

Personally, I think that putting these people in as ambassadors to a country is a pretty mean-spirited way of sticking up 2 fingers to that country...

I'm on a tablet in Cambodia. Look up this guys record. Impressive. The same with the backgrounds of most ambassadors from Western nations. Politics is a tough game. And most of what goes on isn't reported, for obvious reasons.

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How nice of the patronising US Ambassador to find the time to "observe the drought situation' and to point out that KK is considered the capital of the north east, something that everyone else has known for donkey's years.

I'm sure Khon Kaen residents will be eternally grateful.

If you can't post something intelligent, then please don't. The US ambassador, like other countries ambassadors, deserve more respect than that.

Really? Why? The USA has done sod all to help Thailand...

A USA Nuclear powered ship was at hand to supply power when BKK was sinking.

LOS refused the help...............

Thank God for that, they'd have probably bumped into something. Like Syria, or Grenada.

However, it's useful to note that The USA assessment of Thailand was that the useful Thais would all fit on one ship. Even if that ship was quite big.

It was a ship with the ability to make massive amounts of drinking water. If you were here at that time, you'd understand. Research before you bash.

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I suspect the message he did not give voice to but which is more important, is that the USA is watching and taking an interest. Of sorts.

H could have learned more about the drought by watching the news and reading the papers,

All in all, I think this ambassador is something of a disappointment. I honestly never imagined I would one day be looking back wistfully to the time of Kristie Kenney. Mind you, his boss is a shining light to the useless everywhere. Last year. he was ranked as the 2nd worst POTUS ever, He was even lower in the USA people's esteem than George W Bush if you can imagine that. Personally, I think I'd kill myself if it was me.

And then he goes and says that Khon Kaen is a 'pleasant province'. Condemned by faint praise. If I lived in KK I think I would be screaming in pain.

The USA should instead be using its influence to kick out the Royal Thai Armed Forces and the Royal Thai Police, or stop all trade with Thailand until the Thai people do.

He's got a very impressive background, just like Kristie did. No matter that, the trolls here love to bash. Gets old.

Well, backgrounds are usually an enhanced description of what someone did, not what they achieved, Sort of like 'how they whiled away their time when they should have been making a contribution" if you like.

Personally, I prefer a direct approach to a fawning approach. A shovel is a shovel, not a long-handled device for moving earth or for leaning on if you work for the government. Therefore it is better to say that "Kenney was useless but the new guy makes her look like an over-achiever", than to say that "their backgrounds are impressive".

Personally, I think that putting these people in as ambassadors to a country is a pretty mean-spirited way of sticking up 2 fingers to that country...

I'm on a tablet in Cambodia. Look up this guys record. Impressive. The same with the backgrounds of most ambassadors from Western nations. Politics is a tough game. And most of what goes on isn't reported, for obvious reasons.

Yes I know. "I do lots of really important stuff, I just can't tell you what it is".

It's a secret...

Stiil, I'm glad that Cambodia has tablets. But if you're on one, wouldn't that be a bit uncomfortable?

Might be a really big tablet I suppose...

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A USA Nuclear powered ship was at hand to supply power when BKK was sinking.

LOS refused the help...............

Thank God for that, they'd have probably bumped into something. Like Syria, or Grenada.

However, it's useful to note that The USA assessment of Thailand was that the useful Thais would all fit on one ship. Even if that ship was quite big.

It was a ship with the ability to make massive amounts of drinking water. If you were here at that time, you'd understand. Research before you bash.

Not bashing friend, just observing. Life is a great teacher.

It is however true that I covet their spurs, all-of-a-jungle-and-a-jangle. And their six-guns. And the ability to make very loud and very dopey noises which they call 'whooping'. And demonstrating why the maker of prozac did so very well, And how to over-react to the slightest thing and get all hysterical, especially when they've bought something new at an Apple store. I really wish I could do that.

Can't deny it.

Edited by Winniedapu
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A USA Nuclear powered ship was at hand to supply power when BKK was sinking.

LOS refused the help...............

Thank God for that, they'd have probably bumped into something. Like Syria, or Grenada.

However, it's useful to note that The USA assessment of Thailand was that the useful Thais would all fit on one ship. Even if that ship was quite big.

It was a ship with the ability to make massive amounts of drinking water. If you were here at that time, you'd understand. Research before you bash.

Not bashing friend, just observing. Life is a great teacher.

It is however true that I covet their spurs, all-of-a-jungle-and-a-jangle. And their six-guns. And the ability to make very loud and very dopey noises which they call 'whooping'. And demonstrating why the maker of prozac did so very well, And how to over-react to the slightest thing and get all hysterical, especially when they've bought something new at an Apple store. I really wish I could do that.

Can't deny it.

Abide by forum rules. There is a link at the top.

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Not bashing friend, just observing. Life is a great teacher.

It is however true that I covet their spurs, all-of-a-jungle-and-a-jangle. And their six-guns. And the ability to make very loud and very dopey noises which they call 'whooping'. And demonstrating why the maker of prozac did so very well, And how to over-react to the slightest thing and get all hysterical, especially when they've bought something new at an Apple store. I really wish I could do that.

Can't deny it.

Abide by forum rules. There is a link at the top.

Wasn't aware I was breaking any rules. ooer, sorry. Just joshing around, is that verboten?

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How nice of the patronising US Ambassador to find the time to "observe the drought situation' and to point out that KK is considered the capital of the north east, something that everyone else has known for donkey's years.

I'm sure Khon Kaen residents will be eternally grateful.

Yeah but I'll bet you 7 1/2 Baht the UK Ambassador just read this story and face palmed himself.

"Upstaged again by those bloody Yanks! Dam_nit!"

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How nice of the patronising US Ambassador to find the time to "observe the drought situation' and to point out that KK is considered the capital of the north east, something that everyone else has known for donkey's years.

I'm sure Khon Kaen residents will be eternally grateful.

Yeah but I'll bet you 7 1/2 Baht the UK Ambassador just read this story and face palmed himself.

"Upstaged again by those bloody Yanks! Dam_nit!"

I can just see that happening too... or at least the thought crossing a mind if not the actual facepalm. Many a true word spoken in jest.

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How nice of the patronising US Ambassador to find the time to "observe the drought situation' and to point out that KK is considered the capital of the north east, something that everyone else has known for donkey's years.

I'm sure Khon Kaen residents will be eternally grateful.

I wonder how the USA would respond to the Ambassador for Argentina making local visits inside the USA to check the situation with law enforcement in regard to young black men?

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How nice of the patronising US Ambassador to find the time to "observe the drought situation' and to point out that KK is considered the capital of the north east, something that everyone else has known for donkey's years.

I'm sure Khon Kaen residents will be eternally grateful.

How is the US Ambassador making a courtesy visit and expressing concern over a serious drought situation considered "patronizing"?

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If he was interested in droughts he should have visited California.

I think most people are happy to bash any politician, not just US. Why are Americans so protective of theirs? I bash mine whenever one takes a brief moment to lift their snout out of the trough.

I suppose if he was the ambassador to California, he would have visited a dry reservoir in California, but he is the ambassador to Thailand, hence the local visit. Also, the ambassador is not a politician, he is a diplomat.

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I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that a simple visit to a drought stricken area of Thailand and words of concern by the US ambassador would bring out the America bashing by bitter pensioner trolls from one or two former colonial powers. God only knows what they would have said if he had visited and orphanage with donations for the children.

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