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Clean Water Delivered to Drought-Stricken Provinces

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Khmer Times/Mom Kunthear

The Kampot provincial authority started distributing clean water yesterday to drought-stricken villagers in several districts who do not have enough water for drinking and their basic daily needs such as cooking. Kampot provincial police chief Mao Chanmathurith said the operation was a collaborative effort between the governor, military police and officials, and in total they delivered clean water to more than 500 families in Kampot town’s Andoung Khmer commune and a number of other districts.

“This morning we distributed clean water to more than 500 families in the Andoung Khmer commune that did not have clean water to use for a few days. Today we helped them get water to use for drinking and cooking food,” he said. “The provincial governor, Chan Chesda, ordered our working group to deliver the clean water to the villagers in eight districts and towns. We will help to provide water until they tell us they have enough water to use and if they still need more water, we will help them.”

Mr. Chanmathurith said that nearly 50,000 liters of clean water was delivered to the villagers, with residents keeping them in large bottles. “The larger the bottles they have, the more water they can take,” he said.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/24033/clean-water-delivered-to-drought-stricken-provinces/

Water shortage fears grow amid record heat wave

The provincial capital of Banteay Meanchey, Sisophon, could be dry within 10 days, leaving tens of thousands of residents without clean water, according to the province’s governor, who has called on the private and NGOs to help.

Governor Suon Bavor yesterday said the prolonged dry spell that started last year – which has been exacerbated by a record heat wave around the country – was already causing water shortages in Svay Chek, Thma Puok and O’Chrou districts, and irrigation systems throughout the province were running dry, he said.

“Last night [Wednesday], it rained heavily, but after the rain, the lakes and rivers remained empty,” he said. “At the moment, we are facing water shortages because the water in the Serei Sophorn [sisophon] and Mongkol Borei rivers is evaporating and some parts are empty.”


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