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Pai police arrest three French women found in possession of heroin

Jonathan Fairfield

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Even 40 years ago the slogan of the French hippies and backpackers on the Asian road was "for me, no problem." While nearly everyone else was doing hash and weed, they were doing morphine and heroin.

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Enjoy the rest of your lives in a Thai prison ladies.

While the bill tribes continue to sell drugs to tourists every day.

Drive to the waterfall on a bike and notice how many locals try to sell you drugs along the way. Been that way for years.

Edited by dcnx
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Enjoy the rest of your lives in a Thai prison ladies.

While the bill tribes continue to sell drugs to tourists every day.

Drive to the waterfall on a bike and notice how many locals try to sell you drugs along the way. Been that way for years.

They do that in Pai?

Do those heroin growers also get busted sometimes or are they allowed to grow it?

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Enjoy the rest of your lives in a Thai prison ladies.

While the bill tribes continue to sell drugs to tourists every day.

Drive to the waterfall on a bike and notice how many locals try to sell you drugs along the way. Been that way for years.

They do that in Pai?

Do those heroin growers also get busted sometimes or are they allowed to grow it?

Pai is drug central for anything they can make or grow in Thailand or Myanmar.

The locals are VERY bold if you drive your scooter around outside the town and on the back roads, with the biggest concentration of them being on the way to the waterfall. It's a gauntlet of drug dealers, mostly female. They try to get your attention as you drive by.

Drugs are everywhere in Thailand. EVERYWHERE! You can get weed, opium, hash, yaabaa, and sometimes herion with very little effort.

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Enjoy the rest of your lives in a Thai prison ladies.

While the bill tribes continue to sell drugs to tourists every day.

Drive to the waterfall on a bike and notice how many locals try to sell you drugs along the way. Been that way for years.

They do that in Pai?

Do those heroin growers also get busted sometimes or are they allowed to grow it?

Pai is drug central for anything they can make or grow in Thailand or Myanmar.

The locals are VERY bold if you drive your scooter around outside the town and on the back roads, with the biggest concentration of them being on the way to the waterfall. It's a gauntlet of drug dealers, mostly female. They try to get your attention as you drive by.

Drugs are everywhere in Thailand. EVERYWHERE! You can get weed, opium, hash, yaabaa, and sometimes herion with very little effort.

Now i understand why my european neece went to Pai and rent a motobike there without license.

I thought all them backpackers go to Pai because it's in the lonely planet and a nice place in the mountains. Never heard of it being a drughole.

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Enjoy the rest of your lives in a Thai prison ladies.
While the bill tribes continue to sell drugs to tourists every day.

Drive to the waterfall on a bike and notice how many locals try to sell you drugs along the way. Been that way for years.

They do that in Pai?

Do those heroin growers also get busted sometimes or are they allowed to grow it?

Pai is drug central for anything they can make or grow in Thailand or Myanmar.

The locals are VERY bold if you drive your scooter around outside the town and on the back roads, with the biggest concentration of them being on the way to the waterfall. It's a gauntlet of drug dealers, mostly female. They try to get your attention as you drive by.

Drugs are everywhere in Thailand. EVERYWHERE! You can get weed, opium, hash, yaabaa, and sometimes herion with very little effort.

Now i understand why my european neece went to Pai and rent a motobike there without license.

I thought all them backpackers go to Pai because it's in the lonely planet and a nice place in the mountains. Never heard of it being a drughole.

Pai is (was) stunning, but the village has grown into a town with lights & all and, yes, you have the scum pushers up the hill. Why Prayut is not sorting this out I do not know.
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They are looking a bit rough now so imagen what they will look like after a 10 stretch.if you are a farang and buy drugs in Thailand the dealer will make his bit then bung you into the laws hand for a few baht more.a vast amount of Thai hate farang and what we stand for.i don't even talk to Thais,even the missus just gets abuse from me 24hrs a day.i call Thailand 'yellow Africa' and I don't know what the <deleted> he'll I'm doing in such a place.

Cheap beer and ThB 1000 shags?

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I am sometimes flummoxed by posts on this site. When a crime is reported you often get comments like it is the only country in the world where crime occurs...or like in this instance...where never before was there ever a person in the whole world ever caught in possession of drugs.

What sheltered lives must some people have lived.

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what gets me is the naivety... surely these folks are not new born babes when it comes to worldly experiences and they must or rather should have had some degree of cognisance that foreigners buying from thai/myanmar sources would have placed then directly in the firing line given the fact that it is more than credible that the MHS BIB were tipped off by the sellers in order to give the BIB a nice win and in turn leave their normal business alone..... I can just see the seller ribbing his hands with glee when they rolled up.. ahhhh here are my insurance policies.. Ill give em a great deal and then call it in and in return the normal bulk of my business is left unchallenged. In another world their would be allot of focus on how and from who police got the tip off but alas here this will not happen ..... these ladies allowed themselves to be pawns in the game....

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Three sick middle aged ladies and some in here have already convicted them to life. Has it gone by you that more and more countries now recognizes drug use as a health problem and should be treated as so. We are with 30 or so gram not talking about a major smuggling operation but own use. Take down the dealers, and take them hard, but take a closer look at the photo from the police station and i think you will find that this three women need a hospital bed, not prison for life.

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Enjoy the rest of your lives in a Thai prison ladies.
While the bill tribes continue to sell drugs to tourists every day.

Drive to the waterfall on a bike and notice how many locals try to sell you drugs along the way. Been that way for years.

They do that in Pai?

Do those heroin growers also get busted sometimes or are they allowed to grow it?

Pai is drug central for anything they can make or grow in Thailand or Myanmar.

The locals are VERY bold if you drive your scooter around outside the town and on the back roads, with the biggest concentration of them being on the way to the waterfall. It's a gauntlet of drug dealers, mostly female. They try to get your attention as you drive by.

Drugs are everywhere in Thailand. EVERYWHERE! You can get weed, opium, hash, yaabaa, and sometimes herion with very little effort.

Now i understand why my european neece went to Pai and rent a motobike there without license.

I thought all them backpackers go to Pai because it's in the lonely planet and a nice place in the mountains. Never heard of it being a drughole.

555! Read LonelyPlanet: they write what is:
Drug Island
Drug Street and,.....Drug Village
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Enjoy the rest of your lives in a Thai prison ladies.

While the bill tribes continue to sell drugs to tourists every day.

Drive to the waterfall on a bike and notice how many locals try to sell you drugs along the way. Been that way for years.

They do that in Pai?

Do those heroin growers also get busted sometimes or are they allowed to grow it?

Pai is drug central for anything they can make or grow in Thailand or Myanmar.

The locals are VERY bold if you drive your scooter around outside the town and on the back roads, with the biggest concentration of them being on the way to the waterfall. It's a gauntlet of drug dealers, mostly female. They try to get your attention as you drive by.

Drugs are everywhere in Thailand. EVERYWHERE! You can get weed, opium, hash, yaabaa, and sometimes herion with very little effort.

Now i understand why my european neece went to Pai and rent a motobike there without license.

I thought all them backpackers go to Pai because it's in the lonely planet and a nice place in the mountains. Never heard of it being a drughole.

Pai is very nice without drugs. There are lots of drugs there but many of the people there are having legit holidays. Your neice very well could have had a normal, drug free holiday.

It's not that everyone there is high, it's just that it is so available if you want it. I've been there a few times and have been offered more times than I can count.

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They are looking a bit rough now so imagen what they will look like after a 10 stretch.if you are a farang and buy drugs in Thailand the dealer will make his bit then bung you into the laws hand for a few baht more.a vast amount of Thai hate farang and what we stand for.i don't even talk to Thais,even the missus just gets abuse from me 24hrs a day.i call Thailand 'yellow Africa' and I don't know what the <deleted> he'll I'm doing in such a place.

Perhaps you should reflect upon that final thought and make some life changing decisions.

Thais hate farangs like you. They don't hate the rest of us. I agree with you, however that I also don't know why you are living here

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