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SEZs starting to see the light of solar energy

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Despite a precipitous drop in the start-up costs of solar energy, Cambodia’s biggest industrial parks are sticking to high-cost grid and fuel-generated electricity, claiming that when it comes to attracting foreign manufacturers, a stable power supply trumps a cheaper electricity bill.

However, a few special economic zones (SEZs) are optimistic about the future of solar and biomass energy in industrial settings, and are cautiously testing the waters with limited rollouts of “green” power-generating technologies.

One of these projects, announced earlier this month, is a $12.5 million deal inked between 7NG development group and solar-power supplier Kamworks to develop an 8-megawatt (MW) solar facility for 7NG’s Vihear Sour SEZ in Kandal province. The project aims to provide lower-cost electricity for factory workers living in the industrial park.

read more http://www.phnompenhpost.com/business/sezs-starting-see-light-solar-energy

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