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New Beach Rd. Scam


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I agree, it's an open forum, with all spelling levels posting, it's the ideas that are important not the medium.

It's like listening to someone with an accent, you don't try to correct them but try to interpet.

Frankly I feel the spelling correctors should be banned by the moderators as it's downright bad form and interrupts the theme.

Edited by Douggie Style
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I agree, it's an open forum, with all spelling levels posting, it's the ideas that are important not the medium.

It's like listening to someone with an accent, you don't try to correct them but try to interpet.

Frankly I feel the spelling correctors should be banned by the moderators as it's downright bad form and interrupts the theme.

Agreed, give the boring backstuds a short holiday and let,s keep content a priority.

So many posts are of a mentality to score points and be sarcastic rather than contributing to the relevant debates.

The one liners seem to be the worst offenders in my humble opinion.

X amount of one line meaningless comments = mega promotion

It really equates to a load of bollows in my humble opinion and = cannot think of anything else to contribute soooooooo

If you have nothing constructive or a personal opinion + or - to add to the debate don,t bother is my 3 penneth.

marshbags :o:D:D

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Not to mention its bad manners pointing out ones spelling mistakes. I dont see it saying anywhere on the forum rules that you must know how to spell. It must be nice to be so perfect those people who can spell, no need to pull others who cant down.

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Now back to the topic the rest of you!

Sorry to stay :D summerT but I don't see many people correcting spelling mistakes, apart from the obvious on this thread who fell into your trap :D

The people who did, generally set themselves up for a fall and everybody was looking to trip them up with a broadside for every minor mistake.

I saw one guy on this forum get picked up for numerous hits in one post after attacking one small mistake.

Forget about pronounciation, spelling and grammar, the site is full of Aussies, guys from the North of England and even some from the U.S, Crikey's Mate. my old Cobber, we would be here all day correcting misteak's. :o

Good Luck


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well, i must say that an apoligy is in order, having started this thread, i had no idea how miserable i would make our fellow spell checkers, after all we all know that the content and the idea's behind the thread really are not that important, what the forum is really about is how well you can spell.

there have been times when i want to ask a question on this site but i hesitate because you have this small group of individuals who have no imput into a thread other than to look for i's which aren't dotted or t's which aren't crossed, this group, in a hundred years, will never understand that, as someone have already said, is not a spelling bee contest.

this is about asking and getting information, about contacting people who can assist you and assisting others, but for some reason you believe this is an opportunity to show your excellence in spelling, well, i have a suggestion for you, why not start a thread for spelling bee's, you can get on this site and tell each other how smart you are, and here's something that can help you and me, next time you see a thread that i started, please don't open it, your advise is not wanted, you either have an answer to my question or you don't, it is my hope that you get a real life and maybe you can enjoy a website like this one


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I don't have time to read all of this thread.

Can somebody tell me what the scam is on Beach Road? Is some Thai trying to sell an outdated Thesaurus at an exorbitant price to an unsuspecting Farang?

Could this thread have drifted a bit off line, perchance? :o

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I can't imagine anyone posting first hand experience on this thread about being scammed, especially if they were drugged, robbed, or worse - wouldn't the humiliation/embarrasement prevent them from doing so? :D

Never has such a thing happened to me :o nothing worse than the Rolex for 500 THB in Patong a couple of years ago - It died on the flight back home :D

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I can't imagine anyone posting first hand experience on this thread about being scammed, especially if they were drugged, robbed, or worse - wouldn't the humiliation/embarrassment prevent them from doing so? :D

Never has such a thing happened to me :o nothing worse than the Rolex for 500 THB in Patong a couple of years ago - It died on the flight back home :real angry:

APOLOGIES for going off topic

For my part in going off topic i apologise.

I had started to ignore the no brainers who nit pick spelling ect. but in this case got a bit worked up.

I wanted to defend it while encouraging new posters that it really is content that matters and so long as we can get the jest of a post, that,s all that counts.

Please do not get disheartened and discouraged to post and take an active part in observation and debate, " new members "

I,m sure naka wasn,t being serious ( his smiley ) but it sure developed into an off topic situation.

We have a facility Bedlam for anyone who wants a bit of fun in case anyone doesn,t know this. :D

Feel free to partake in this forum where fellow members will give you a run for your money if you feel the need to disrupt the other posters.

The only qualification is to have 500 posts in the bank.

Enjoy at your pleasure. :D

marshbags :D:D:D


Regading all the scams that happen you only need to keep your brain in gear and be alert just as you would back home.

We all get tempted without thinking some times, possibly when a bit intoxicated, especially when we first arrive. :D

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:there have been times when i want to ask a question on this site but i hesitate because you have this small group of individuals who have no imput into a thread other than to look for i's which aren't dotted or t's which aren't crossed,

this is about asking and getting information, about contacting people who can assist you and assisting others, jasperblubber

This problem has been brought up before.

My only suggestion is to ask the question and to the pedants out there who have nothing better to say,'Print and be damned', ignore it and wait for the helpful guys to come in with the constructive comments.

But then I have said that before, it doesn't stop the 'the English Language Brigade', jumping in and still getting their self eloquent style in a twist.

Good Luck Pedants, in the hope you will find something better to do in the near future.


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This is off topic, but most posters don't bother to nit pick about minor spelling mistakes.

They normally only bring these kind of mistakes up when someone insinuates that they are much more intelligent than everyone else, but gives away their lack of education by butchering the English language. :o

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To steer the post,s back on topic i,d like to repeat the following offering for anyone who is not street wise in Thailand.


Regarding all the scams that happen you only need to keep your brain in gear and be alert just as you would back home.

We all get tempted without thinking some times, possibly when a bit intoxicated, especially when we first arrive.

One adjustment included for the mis typing of the word regaRding :o

Stay coooooooooooooooooooool out there, life is more important.

marshbags :D:D:D

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Similar happened to me, in Rayong I was offerd a lift to my hotel for free by 2 young ladies, got near to my hotel I said thanks they told me to get back on, I was assuming they were going to take me all the way to the front door, But they went past the hotel into a quiet road. Instaincts told me something wasnt right and made them stop. They then tried to get me back on the bike heading of to complete darkness I refused and walked back to my hotel. They then sped off with 2 other bikes carrying guys, goodness knows what could have happened to me had I stayed on.

I remember the same 'Honey trap' being perpetrated on British Squaddies by the 'Friends' of Bernadette Devlin( was that her correct name? ) , some years ago ! :o

Ireland is at peace now but the old 'tricks' are the best !

Hi all , by the way . I`m a newbie but it seems very nice here ! :D

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I was scammed in Barley...

Caught driving without helmet on shortcut back from airport late at night, locked in paddy wagon until paid fine decided by 'how much you pay in Australia...'

off topic and a spelling error will just give myself an upper cut and retire for the night...

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Bernadette Devlin( was that her correct name? )

Hi all , by the way . I`m a newbie but it seems very nice here ! :D

Well, it's Mcalaskey now, a little different in content I might add.

:D to :o swanks.

Good Luck


Well thank you M.

I will try to be good ! :D

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This Topic has brought back my first dodgy experience in LOS.

Some shady looking Thai guy greeted me as i was walking down Phra Athit rd in BKK and asked me where was i from. i told him Manchester in the UK, then he said "Is that close to Amsterdam?" :D

I didn't give him an answer to that and just said "why?"

"My Sister is going to Amsterdam to train as a nurse, are you married?" :D


"You handsome man my Sister like you, come to my house" <deleted>!

I was tempted when i pictured his sister in a nice nurses uniform...

Thats were it ends though because i told him i had to meet my mates and was leaving for upcountry tomorrow.

Oh yeah that same first trip to LOS another Thai guy wanted me to buy his preteen daughter because he couldn't afford to feed her!

Find a happy place find a happy place find a happy place... :o

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Similar happened to me, in Rayong I was offerd a lift to my hotel for free by 2 young ladies, got near to my hotel I said thanks they told me to get back on, I was assuming they were going to take me all the way to the front door, But they went past the hotel into a quiet road. Instaincts told me something wasnt right and made them stop. They then tried to get me back on the bike heading of to complete darkness I refused and walked back to my hotel. They then sped off with 2 other bikes carrying guys, goodness knows what could have happened to me had I stayed on.

I remember the same 'Honey trap' being perpetrated on British Squaddies by the 'Friends' of Bernadette Devlin( was that her correct name? ) , some years ago ! :o

Ireland is at peace now but the old 'tricks' are the best !

Hi all , by the way . I`m a newbie but it seems very nice here ! :D

Europa Hotel Belfast, I wonder how the Thais picked up the scam ?

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