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Thailand attack: British family 'vow never to return' after savage street attack


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Thailand attack: British family 'vow never to return' after savage street attack that them all knocked out

Image: Youtube

Lewis Owen, his mother Rosemary, 65, and 68-year-old father, also called Lewis, were out celebrating when they were set upon by at least six people

LONDON: -- The son of a British family brutally beaten while on holiday in Thailand has vowed never to return to the country after their horrifying ordeal.

Lewis Owen, his mother Rosemary, 65, and 68-year-old father, also called Lewis, were out celebrating Lewis senior’s birthday when they were set upon by at least six people.

Police refused to show the family the CCTV footage of the shocking attack, which happened as the family made their way home after visiting a bar in the beach resort of Hua Hin, because it was 'too violent'.

The video was later posted online by officers in a bid to trace the suspects - and Thai police say they have arrested six people.

Full story: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/thailand-attack-british-family-vow-7856070

-- MIRROR 2016-04-29

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The police refused to show them the CCTV footage. Good thing there is a site called You Tube they can access from any smart phone.


What a great opportunity for Myanmar or Vietnam to offer this family a week paid holiday after this ordeal. Boost their numbers and get new British tourists.

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It is a shame that it took so long for this to be on Thai mainstream TV like it was today. it certainly shows that the media is a powerful tool. it is sad that this wasn't shown earlier. This has obviously tarnished Thailand reputation as the land off smiles and although there are many wonderful people here, there certainly is a mob mentality, that I would like to see eradicated.

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Thank goodness the British media and others have well publicized this tragic and brutal attack.

Yes. Let this be a warning to tourists not to push, slap and punch Thai guys because they can be brutal when provoked.

Yep providing they outnumber you and are battling old pensioners. Brave heroes aren't they just.

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an utterly disgraceful attack on elderly tourists by angry young Thais who lose some 'face' I can understand some anger and abuse but to carry on the cowardly attack after the couple were on the floor was beyond any explanation or apology and any Thais try and help?

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"If found guilty, the perpetrators of this incident will face full justice under Thai law...'The men say they are sorry and that they wouldn’t have done this if they weren’t drunk.' "

Well, they apologized. All is forgiven. That IS full justice under Thai law...Even if the victims weren't farang.

What? You were expecting someone to take responsibility and be accountable for their actions? TIT....The land of "It wasn't me".

Edited by jaltsc
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If found guilty, the perpetrators of this incident will face full justice under Thai law.

Yup, they will be transferred to inactive positions so hard they won't know what hit 'em.

This lot of 4 did not look to 'active' prior to this incident.

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One thing that is typical and not surprising is how people nearby were watching arms folded. I seen it before in Thailand. When someone is in distress and attacked its a case of "nothing to do with me"

And thats true of women and children attacked. Says something about the place!

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EGO on both sides

should have just walked away


"According to the account, "gangs of Thai youths were priming themselves to start punching Westerners" in the area before the attack."

This wasn't a "walk away" situation. The Thais wanted blood and they got it.

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As the Prime Minister gives great importance to Thailands image it will be interesting to seevthe outcome of this. He needs to oversee this.

The TAT posing with a bunch of flowers in a photograph is really not enough.

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EGO on both sides

should have just walked away

w-t-f are talking about

the old people were walking down a street enjoying the festivities minding their own business and were set upon by these cowardly scumbags who were obviously looking for easy prey to vent their farang hatred anger

Pity Thailand didn't have corporal punnishment, a good few lashes of the birch might see these scum regret their stupidity

Unfortunately they will get fined 500 baht and given a talking too

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Lewis said he was not sure why they were attacked.

“I didn’t know them, it was just random,” he said.

It wasn't 'random', they were beaten up because the mother slapped one Thai man in the face and the father punched another one while the son held him from behind. The clip being shown in the UK edits out all this, but it can be seen clearly in the full clip that the Brits throw the first punches.

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One thing that is typical and not surprising is how people nearby were watching arms folded. I seen it before in Thailand. When someone is in distress and attacked its a case of "nothing to do with me"

And thats true of women and children attacked. Says something about the place!

Numerous bystanders assisted the victims as soon as safe to do so. It was a kind effort to help them and call for help.

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Songkran, friends, is a free ticket for a small percentage of xenophobic hateful thugs to attack foreigners at will to let out all their pent up hostilities.

Because of small aggressions I experienced some 20 years ago, I learned to not go out during this "holiday".

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the gang was overheard saying they were there to attack farangs.

I wonder if they said it in Thai or English?

they said it in Thai.

there is much more to this story than you know.

i live in Hua Hin and have talked to the farang man who tried to stop it.

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What some drunken cowardly Thai men can do to a 65 year old woman.

Get well soon ma'am.

photo caption:

"Here are some flowers. Ka. Do you still have double vision? You are so lucky, we have a discount on brain surgery at Bangkok Hospital this week. 30% off. Ka. And next time, use your right arm more to block a kick to the head. Ka."

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