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Lone woman faces down neo-Nazis in Sweden


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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.

But what? ... the enemy of my enemy is my friend? ... you really going to go down that road? bed fellows soon become comrades in arms...

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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.

Care to provide some links to those "atrocities all over Sweden" you mention?

Same kind of headlines on the BBC website. If you don't like the idea of your country being populated by a majority of Muslims in a generation or two then you're a Neo Nazi. Muslims cause big problems wherever they are, whether in their own countries or in Europe.

Sweden - as many other European countries- will not be overrun by a majority of Muslims any time soon.

Sweden has a Muslim population of somewhere around 4%!

Read up, before you post islamophobic BS!

Phobia : irrational fear or dislike of something. There's nothing irrational about my dislike, it is the most evil thing that mankind has come up with up to now.

When I grew up in Leicester UK a long time ago you never saw a foreigner, let alone an Asian or whatever. Leicester now comprises 45% British. Two generations before the UK British are in the minority.

This woman would be raped and beaten in 'certain other countries' if she tried this.

Come on, you're not trying hard enough, you still have the words bigot, racist and fascist to get through.


and many other sources.

Oooooh, those were the good ol' days, huh!

When all the brown people and the Japs and all them gay folk wasn't been in good ol' Leicester!

When a a good upright English woman only had to "fear" the firm hand of her good ol' English husband, if she did use the Lords name in vain or didn't have supper ready, when he came home!

"This woman would be raped and beaten in 'certain other countries' if she tried this."

I read this many times. In this case, or when "leftists" use their right to free speech and protest somewhere...let's say...FOR the INTEGRATION of Muslims!

Are you saying, this is a good thing?

Or are you saying she should be thankful, that she (theoreticaly) has the right to protest...but she should now shut up and not use it?

What are you saying?

If she "tried this"?

What did she try?

Protest against a bunch of hatefilled bigots?

Islam is the biggest evil mankind came up with...ever?!

Okay: you are a bigot, a rascist and a fascist!

At least you are extremely ...let's say shallow, because I like my posting rights!

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Same kind of headlines on the BBC website. If you don't like the idea of your country being populated by a majority of Muslims in a generation or two then you're a Neo Nazi. Muslims cause big problems wherever they are, whether in their own countries or in Europe.

Of course. That's always been the trick of the liberal PC minded people. They want to dictate how everyone behaves, thinks and are quite prepared to distort reality to suit their "vision" of world utopia,

So denounce any who dare challenge what they say as Nazi Fascist right wing extremists, and try to use that slur and legal process to silence them.

They have told you that welcoming Muslim refugees, being totally tolerant of how they behave, their religion, their desire for their Sharia Law to be imposed on you, and their attempt to impose their culture, is your duty and will lead to a multi-cultural utopia. How dare anyone deny them or challenge what they have told? This is the left liberal PC politicians that are in control of the EU and how they expect to govern without any challenge or change through elections.

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Who is the lady? Can be anybody. Could be Eritrean.

Swedes are very nationalistic and don't deserve to be infiltrated from all kinds of not wanted folks.

Only recently the PC folks have come out the closet.

Mostly all Europeans agree to the helping of people from Syria who got bombed out of their houses and left to die.

Europe can't and simply won't house all the poor in the world. Mostly all agree.

Swedes are hardly nationalistic. In fact nationalism and patriotism is viewed as something quite primitive there.

And I fail to see how the lady was brave. Huge police presence and its not like they would beat her badly or something. Its not the streets of Berlin in the 30's.

And lastly the people demonstrating are in fact neo nazis. They perceive jews to be a bigger threat than muslims, on a greater scale.

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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.

Care to provide some links to those "atrocities all over Sweden" you mention?

Phobia : irrational fear or dislike of something. There's nothing irrational about my dislike, it is the most evil thing that mankind has come up with up to now.

When I grew up in Leicester UK a long time ago you never saw a foreigner, let alone an Asian or whatever. Leicester now comprises 45% British. Two generations before the UK British are in the minority.

This woman would be raped and beaten in 'certain other countries' if she tried this.

Come on, you're not trying hard enough, you still have the words bigot, racist and fascist to get through.


and many other sources.

Oooooh, those were the good ol' days, huh!

When all the brown people and the Japs and all them gay folk wasn't been in good ol' Leicester!

When a a good upright English woman only had to "fear" the firm hand of her good ol' English husband, if she did use the Lords name in vain or didn't have supper ready, when he came home!

"This woman would be raped and beaten in 'certain other countries' if she tried this."

I read this many times. In this case, or when "leftists" use their right to free speech and protest somewhere...let's say...FOR the INTEGRATION of Muslims!

Are you saying, this is a good thing?

Or are you saying she should be thankful, that she (theoreticaly) has the right to protest...but she should now shut up and not use it?

What are you saying?

If she "tried this"?

What did she try?

Protest against a bunch of hatefilled bigots?

Islam is the biggest evil mankind came up with...ever?!

Okay: you are a bigot, a rascist and a fascist!

At least you are extremely ...let's say shallow, because I like my posting rights!

I think you could find calling another poster a "bigot, racist and fascist" may well impinge on the posting rights that you like!

I grew up in Leicester too. I remember the first Indian pupil, a Sikh boy, coming to our junior school. He became very popular, great friends and was a maths genius. His dad had been in the Tokyo Olympics and took a couple of us with him to see the Indian hockey team play locally. Leicester received immigrants from many countries in the Indian sub-continent, and considerably from East African when Asians were no longer welcomed. The majority by far, were Hindu, followed by Sikhs and then Muslim. Leicester was a rich city, based on a diverse industry of engineering (a wide spectrum), shoes and shoe machinery, textiles and had many export orientated companies. The city suffered in the 70's and 80's as traditional manufacturing collapsed. The immigrants played a significant part in rebuilding the city's economy through innovation and enterprise and, IMHO, is one of the most successfully cosmopolitan cities in Europe.

The Hindus, Sikhs, like Jewish and Irish immigrants before, integrated fully, interacted fully and actively became involved in things. The Muslim community also helped re-vitalize and decriminalize the area they chose to live in. Building a nice large Mosque and protesting at the red light area that bordered it. However, they have never quite integrated like the others and there has been some occasions of conflict although small.

Compare that to other UK cities which have high predominantly Muslim communities based on immigrants and their successive generations and I don't think you will see that scenario.

Before you start with a tirade of bigot, fascist racist comments, the usual retort of the PC who have no argument, I have an Asian wife, lived in India for 2 years, lived in 3 Muslim countries and visited more, lived in several EU countries and have many friends of many nationalities, religious beliefs, and sexual orientations.

Well done to this lady for standing up to extremists. Just as I did many many years ago when National Front thugs were intimidating people outside my local polling station and found out I don't do intimidation. But equally I, and maybe she, don't simply accept all the PC BS either.

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In Australia we have a Federal law that Oz law is to be obeyed regardless of religious belief, yet we now break that law to appease them. Eg: To buy drugs from a pharmacy that can be used as a base for much worse drugs you have to identify yourself including showing your face. Unless you happen to be wearing a burkha.

Most pharmacies in Oz no longer supply the likes of pseudoephedrine or at least only via prescription and would need to present ID. Personally I have never seen someone wearing a burka in Oz though I guess so in a few city suburbs. A number of States have now passed legislation that upon lawful request a person must show their face to match against photo ID.

Exactly what enacted legislation is it permitted for Muslims to break in Oz?

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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.

There may be a "problem" but you don't solve it with another problem!

Just one question.

What does any doctor normally do with a cancer?

The muslim thing is a cancer and these people are trying to reclaim the health of their country.

Docs treat cancer with radiation= toxic levels. Are you suggesting a nuclear solution?

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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.

Care to provide some links to those "atrocities all over Sweden" you mention?

Same kind of headlines on the BBC website. If you don't like the idea of your country being populated by a majority of Muslims in a generation or two then you're a Neo Nazi. Muslims cause big problems wherever they are, whether in their own countries or in Europe.

Sweden - as many other European countries- will not be overrun by a majority of Muslims any time soon.

Sweden has a Muslim population of somewhere around 4%!

Read up, before you post islamophobic BS!

As far as I'm aware, figures relating to Sweden's Muslim minority revolved around 5% even back in 2010. These figures are estimates, and goes down to who's counted as a Muslim (country of birth, name, registered....many options). In terms of overall immigration - about 14% of the Swedish population were not Swedish born (again, circa 2010), and of these about two-thirds originated from outside the EU. With the current migrant crisis, figures would be higher.

I don't know that Sweden got a specific problem with Islam or Muslims. Generally speaking, that's a whole lot of minorities coming over a rather short period of time, many from countries and cultures differing from their host country. Integration is hard to achieve even with better starting conditions.

Given the nature of European democracies, significant minority groups may achieve quite a bit, even without being an electoral majority.

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Same kind of headlines on the BBC website. If you don't like the idea of your country being populated by a majority of Muslims in a generation or two then you're a Neo Nazi. Muslims cause big problems wherever they are, whether in their own countries or in Europe.

Export all (neo)nazi's to Syria.... maybe they can be useful in fighting IS tongue.png

What Neonazis are you talking about? Anyway the Muslims intheir own countries are doing a pretty good job of killing each other / not accepting refugees themselves (Gulf States. Ask THEM why they don't want these illiterate, ignorant, aggressive and arrogant bunch in their countries).



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No wonder this is iconic in 2016, it appears to exist in a total vacuum. Why are they marching? Are they more popular for any reason? Where are they marching? Why do Nazis always wear immaculately laundered shirts?

Yes the content is as appealing and standalone as a picture on Facebook of a kitten playing with a bog roll.

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Export all (neo)nazi's to Syria.... maybe they can be useful in fighting IS tongue.png

What Neonazis are you talking about? Anyway the Muslims intheir own countries are doing a pretty good job of killing each other / not accepting refugees themselves (Gulf States. Ask THEM why they don't want these illiterate, ignorant, aggressive and arrogant bunch in their countries).



12/4/15 AT 11:13 AM
​Many more Syrians are living in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States than at the beginning of the Syrian civil war in 2011.
The World Bank reports that 1,000,000 Syrians resided in Saudi Arabia in 2013, a whopping 795 percent increase over 2010. There were 1,375,064 Syrian migrants living in the Gulf States in 2013, a 470 percent increase over 2010.
Excluding Oman, the 2013 Syrian population in every Gulf State has increased dramatically since right before the beginning of the Syrian civil war.
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The one thing that got me in this is the way they simply ignored her. Imagine a person dressed as a Nazi, giving the Nazi salute and marching in front at a lefty anti Fascist rally. They would at the least have the crap beaten out of them and would be lucky to escape with their lives but aren't the Fascists supposed to be the nasty ones ? blink.png

From what I see happen is the Right arrange to protest as is their legal right to do so but the Left always turns up and kicks off because they think that they are the only ones allowed to have an opinion

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Saudi Arabia didn't take refugees. They only looked for cheap work slaves which only entered the country by a work visa.

Experts have concluded that Saudi Arabia has taken in a large number of Syrians, though it has not been transparent in how it went about this and it has not given them the rights that refugee status would confer. Instead, most seem to come into the country on visas for foreign workers.

Washington Post.

Syrian migrants in these states often trade their rights to secure work as low-paid labourers and can be deported with little notice, the New York Times reported.


This week, the Kuwaiti commentator Fahad Alshelaimi said in a TV interview that his country was too expensive for refugees, but appropriate for laborers.

“You can’t welcome people from another environment and another place who have psychological or nervous system problems or trauma and enter them into societies,” he said.

Same argumentation as Saudi Arabia.

Apart from that, the most "refugees" want go to Europe instead of remain in near east , because they expect more support (money) from western countries.

and so on.........

Edited by alocacoc
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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.

Care to provide some links to those "atrocities all over Sweden" you mention?

Same kind of headlines on the BBC website. If you don't like the idea of your country being populated by a majority of Muslims in a generation or two then you're a Neo Nazi. Muslims cause big problems wherever they are, whether in their own countries or in Europe.

Sweden - as many other European countries- will not be overrun by a majority of Muslims any time soon.

Sweden has a Muslim population of somewhere around 4%!

Read up, before you post islamophobic BS!

Phobia : irrational fear or dislike of something. There's nothing irrational about my dislike, it is the most evil thing that mankind has come up with up to now.

The radical Islamists would have to ratchet up their killing immensely to get into even the same order of magnitude of genocides to match the evil done by Christian missionaries (Edit: or Nazis, or Stalin, or Mao, BTW) , the governments that sponsored them, and the armies of minions they sent along to secure them while they looted everything they could carry away. That's Radical Islamists, not all Muslims. Include all Muslims, and they'll never get there. There's just too many reasonable ones.

Funny how the rich can always find a way to demonize the people standing between them and what they covet. They did it with gold and silver. They did it with spices. They did it with tea. They did it with opium. Now, they're doing it with oil.

They coveted, the governments they control sent armies to grab what they wanted, and the people were convinced by propaganda that it was a good thing- a matter of defending their cherished way of life. And in the past few decades, soldiers of the former commonwealth (faithfully following the orders of their leaders) have killed 100x as many of them in their home countries as our folks they killed in our home countries.

Yet Muslims are the most evil thing that mankind has ever come up with?

Sent from the bowels of deep, south, Muslim dominated Thailand, where I'll soon be enjoying the weekly Friday night family street festival...

Edited by impulse
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The one thing that got me in this is the way they simply ignored her. Imagine a person dressed as a Nazi, giving the Nazi salute and marching in front at a lefty anti Fascist rally. They would at the least have the crap beaten out of them and would be lucky to escape with their lives but aren't the Fascists supposed to be the nasty ones ? blink.png

From what I see happen is the Right arrange to protest as is their legal right to do so but the Left always turns up and kicks off because they think that they are the only ones allowed to have an opinion

There's some truth in what you say. Wingnuts typically confuse freedom of speech with some insisted-upon right to be heard. The latter does not exist, simply because there's nothing "free" about forcing people to listen to you. Freedom of speech is a right (albeit certainly not one recognized by Muslims): whether or not anybody wants to listen is their choice!

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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.

There may be a "problem" but you don't solve it with another problem!

Just one question.

What does any doctor normally do with a cancer?

The muslim thing is a cancer and these people are trying to reclaim the health of their country.

I really learn something new every day - the people (Muslim Arabs) who gave us our number system are a "cancer!" The same people who preserved the ancient Greek and Roman texts so that we European Christians who were in the dark ages could read them after the arrival of the renaissance. The same people who gave us our earliest form of scientific medicine. Hmmmm.

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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.

There may be a "problem" but you don't solve it with another problem!

Just one question.

What does any doctor normally do with a cancer?

The muslim thing is a cancer and these people are trying to reclaim the health of their country.

I really learn something new every day - the people (Muslim Arabs) who gave us our number system are a "cancer!" The same people who preserved the ancient Greek and Roman texts so that we European Christians who were in the dark ages could read them after the arrival of the renaissance. The same people who gave us our earliest form of scientific medicine. Hmmmm.

And Hitler gave the Germans their beloved Autobahn. Omg

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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.

There may be a "problem" but you don't solve it with another problem!

Just one question.

What does any doctor normally do with a cancer?

The muslim thing is a cancer and these people are trying to reclaim the health of their country.

..... said the Nazi

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Another news article focusing on oddball dressed-up neo-Nazis whilst failing to mention the numerous sex attacks perpetrated by gangs of Muslim refugees. What happened to the women who stood up to them?

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Saudi Arabia didn't take refugees. They only looked for cheap work slaves which only entered the country by a work visa.

Experts have concluded that Saudi Arabia has taken in a large number of Syrians, though it has not been transparent in how it went about this and it has not given them the rights that refugee status would confer. Instead, most seem to come into the country on visas for foreign workers.

Washington Post.

Syrian migrants in these states often trade their rights to secure work as low-paid labourers and can be deported with little notice, the New York Times reported.


This week, the Kuwaiti commentator Fahad Alshelaimi said in a TV interview that his country was too expensive for refugees, but appropriate for laborers.

“You can’t welcome people from another environment and another place who have psychological or nervous system problems or trauma and enter them into societies,” he said.

Same argumentation as Saudi Arabia.

Apart from that, the most "refugees" want go to Europe instead of remain in near east , because they expect more support (money) from western countries.

and so on.........

So permitting refugee resettlement from a war zone, giving them jobs, providing free housing, medical, schooling for their children is, somehow, bad?


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Another news article focusing on oddball dressed-up neo-Nazis whilst failing to mention the numerous sex attacks perpetrated by gangs of Muslim refugees. What happened to the women who stood up to them?

It was very well covered when it happened. Why would they cover it again today?

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Another news article focusing on oddball dressed-up neo-Nazis whilst failing to mention the numerous sex attacks perpetrated by gangs of Muslim refugees. What happened to the women who stood up to them?

It was very well covered when it happened. Why would they cover it again today?

Bygones? All good now?

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Saudi Arabia didn't take refugees. They only looked for cheap work slaves which only entered the country by a work visa.

Experts have concluded that Saudi Arabia has taken in a large number of Syrians, though it has not been transparent in how it went about this and it has not given them the rights that refugee status would confer. Instead, most seem to come into the country on visas for foreign workers.

Washington Post.

Syrian migrants in these states often trade their rights to secure work as low-paid labourers and can be deported with little notice, the New York Times reported.


This week, the Kuwaiti commentator Fahad Alshelaimi said in a TV interview that his country was too expensive for refugees, but appropriate for laborers.

“You can’t welcome people from another environment and another place who have psychological or nervous system problems or trauma and enter them into societies,” he said.

Same argumentation as Saudi Arabia.

Apart from that, the most "refugees" want go to Europe instead of remain in near east , because they expect more support (money) from western countries.

and so on.........

So permitting refugee resettlement from a war zone, giving them jobs, providing free housing, medical, schooling for their children is, somehow, bad?


As long the host country is able to distinguish between economy- and war refugees, register every immigrant properly, keep the safety for the refugees and the locals upright and send back economy refugees and wrongdoers/criminals, there is nothing bad. Not at all. But unfortunately, the western states has completely failed in every of the named topics.

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Saudi Arabia didn't take refugees. They only looked for cheap work slaves which only entered the country by a work visa.

Experts have concluded that Saudi Arabia has taken in a large number of Syrians, though it has not been transparent in how it went about this and it has not given them the rights that refugee status would confer. Instead, most seem to come into the country on visas for foreign workers.

Washington Post.

Syrian migrants in these states often trade their rights to secure work as low-paid labourers and can be deported with little notice, the New York Times reported.


This week, the Kuwaiti commentator Fahad Alshelaimi said in a TV interview that his country was too expensive for refugees, but appropriate for laborers.

“You can’t welcome people from another environment and another place who have psychological or nervous system problems or trauma and enter them into societies,” he said.

Same argumentation as Saudi Arabia.

Apart from that, the most "refugees" want go to Europe instead of remain in near east , because they expect more support (money) from western countries.

and so on.........

So permitting refugee resettlement from a war zone, giving them jobs, providing free housing, medical, schooling for their children is, somehow, bad?


Which Arab Muslim country offers the things you mentioned?
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I have no time for neo nazis, though I disagree with you about the Muslims.

Muslim people are a different and far more severe problem than the others you mentioned. This is due to the Islam "religion" actually having been designed as a way to invade other countries. The part that is different is the Islam "law" built into the "religion" which they are taught surpasses any law of any country they happen to be in.

In Australia we have a Federal law that Oz law is to be obeyed regardless of religious belief, yet we now break that law to appease them. Eg: To buy drugs from a pharmacy that can be used as a base for much worse drugs you have to identify yourself including showing your face. Unless you happen to be wearing a burkha.

Another issue is the early childhood conditioning for violence absent with the others you mentioned. I worked with a woman who had escaped from her marriage with a Muslim (name change, geographical change and still in fear for her life). He had started training the son before the age of two with the whole down with the infidels bit. Yet another "native born" Ozzy who won't think twice about being whatever Muslim extremists want him to be.

I realise that not all Muslims are extremists and I'm sure many (the majority?) are good well meaning people. But the Islamic "law" part of their religion is still a problem for any country they reside in and the more of them that there are the bigger the problem becomes. And as soon as there is a majority of Muslims in an area, country or the world, the Islamists believe they are obligated to "install" sharia law. They even believe this is about justice and freedom...

They have stated that they intend for the world to be under Sharia "law" and they have shown that they are willing to convert majority areas to "Islamic states" by brutal force. I would rather live near any of the others the neo nazis dislike than be around a lot of these guys.

You are confusing Sharia law with the teachings of the Qua-ran. Islamic teachings leave no doubt that a Muslim should obey the Laws of an adopted country. Most Western laws are quite lax compared to the teachings of Islam. So an Islamic person will probably exceed the expectations of Western law.

Whether a person is a Muslim has absolutely no bearing. If a crime is committed you will be charged with that offence be you black, white, brindle. Christian, Muslim or Calithumpian. You can wear a Batman suit into a pharmacy if you wish, you will not be given restricted drugs of any kind Batman suit or Burka.

It is illegal in Australia to incite violence.Some time ago some very young children (6-8) were photographed at an Islamic protest with what were deemed inappropriate signs given to them by adults. Each child was identified and Department of Community Services tracked down each and every child and their parents were questioned. So no Australia does not accept children being taught violence and if it is found they are they will be removed into protective custody be they Christian. Jewish, or Muslim.

Religious nutters can say whatever they please.

The fastest growing religion in Australia is Hinduism. Are you frightened of them?

Please don't misrepresent Australian society. The claims you have made are blatantly untrue.

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In Australia we have a Federal law that Oz law is to be obeyed regardless of religious belief, yet we now break that law to appease them. Eg: To buy drugs from a pharmacy that can be used as a base for much worse drugs you have to identify yourself including showing your face. Unless you happen to be wearing a burkha.

Most pharmacies in Oz no longer supply the likes of pseudoephedrine or at least only via prescription and would need to present ID. Personally I have never seen someone wearing a burka in Oz though I guess so in a few city suburbs. A number of States have now passed legislation that upon lawful request a person must show their face to match against photo ID.

Exactly what enacted legislation is it permitted for Muslims to break in Oz?

The example given is certainly not the only example of the Australian govt. going PC rather than enforce laws. It's not even a great example, it was merely to emphasise a point.

I've seen burkas used in Sydney recently, not a huge number yet but very obvious on public transport. And it is exactly the ID requirement you mentioned that is being broken in this example.

I heard from a Sydney cop that the burkas were being used to avoid having their face match the ID. If they are asked to show their face in compliance of Oz law they get to use the religious card, gender card AND minority card. They get away with it in the new gutless bleeding heart PC Australia. (ok, not a great sentence but I enjoyed it)

Special govt. funding for muslim only sports teams, islamic schools etc. This is not about integration. At least the govt. finally woke up and says that it intends to stop funding one of the islamic schools (greenacre) after giving them $19m last year and it was not all spent on education as it was supposed to. But why didn't they have to pay it back or have assets seized? ($6-7m on land and millions more on buildings, all illegal usage of govt. funding. And that's just from last year.)

How much is being paid to the many other Islamic schools so that the poor kiddies don't have to risk integrating?

We don't have any neo nazis thankfully, but with more than 50% of Sydney's population not born in the country it is still a mess.

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I do not approve of the Neo Nazis -- but the Muslim problem in Sweden is hardly racism... This article is completely out of context leaving out the atrocities all over Sweden. But of course being Politically Correct for news services is better than being correct.


A new an interesting way of saying 'I'm not racist, but....'

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Same kind of headlines on the BBC website. If you don't like the idea of your country being populated by a majority of Muslims in a generation or two then you're a Neo Nazi. Muslims cause big problems wherever they are, whether in their own countries or in Europe.

I am working in a muslim "big problem" country. We have NO problems working and living together. I find your comments extremely bigoted and naive. Please spread your trolling hatred elsewhere.

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