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Man who cut off dog paws charged by Thai police


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If he was so worried he was commiting commiting a sin he should have taken the dog to a temple and dumped it there. Clearly the laws for keeping your pets under control are non existent and something should be done to take care of this as well as enforcing these animal cruelty laws. But, it seems that dog owners are hard to find and ownership is rarely found when the dog attacks someone or destroy someone else's property. Accountability is almost always non existent. In this dogs case, the man was lucky the owner came forward to give him money yet, failed to restrain the dog as promised. The sad thing is that this man will probably receive a harsher sentence than someone who kills another by driving dangerously and irresponsibly.er will have

" he should have taken the dog to a temple and dumped it there ... "

What a nice guy you are .

The real bad animals these days have 2 legs and 2 arms .

A dog reacts to the treatment it gets . If it is treated in a good well , it will be thankful . People won't .

Dogs do not destroy the planet by irresponsably producing dangerous chemicals , toxic waste , pollution , they do not make war , they belong to this planet .

People really seem to not belong here , judged by the way they treat this fantastic ecosystem that is our only planet .

Money is the only thing people believe in , and it destroys everything if not used in the right way .

But not a lot understand this , destruction goes on until the End .

Good post. I am constantly amazed at the hubris that is mankind in their believing they are the only specious worthy of care on this, our shared planet. Then I watch monumental natural disasters and think, 'you're not so powerful after all, are you'.

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Foolish man, he should have just left poison out and done the job properly

Your Sick

That's a personal attack which is not meant to be allowed here. I have not eaten meat or fish since 1972 and am totally against animal cruelty, but not the destruction of pests. The owner was obviously not telling the truth when saying the animal was chained up and the guy had every right to protect his property from this pest.

You are also quite insane, aren't you. (That wasn't a question, BTW)

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Foolish man, he should have just left poison out and done the job properly

Your Sick

That's a personal attack which is not meant to be allowed here. I have not eaten meat or fish since 1972 and am totally against animal cruelty, but not the destruction of pests. The owner was obviously not telling the truth when saying the animal was chained up and the guy had every right to protect his property from this pest.

You are also quite insane, aren't you. (That wasn't a question, BTW)

why do you say that, are you claiming it's insane not to eat meat and fish?

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Foolish man, he should have just left poison out and done the job properly

Your Sick

That's a personal attack which is not meant to be allowed here. I have not eaten meat or fish since 1972 and am totally against animal cruelty, but not the destruction of pests. The owner was obviously not telling the truth when saying the animal was chained up and the guy had every right to protect his property from this pest.

The tone of your comment suggests very strongly that your assertion you are "totally" against animal cruelty is not true. Are you the one that thinks we shouldn't kill animals for food? You do not condemn that man for being cruel to the dog for cutting off his paws in an act of barbarism; instead, the impression you give is one that the dog got what it deserved. if the Owner was lying why punish the dog?

Maybe you are not "sick" but your attitude towards animals (dogs in particular, I suspect) is twisted and leaves little room for anyone to respect you for it!

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That's a personal attack which is not meant to be allowed here. I have not eaten meat or fish since 1972 and am totally against animal cruelty, but not the destruction of pests. The owner was obviously not telling the truth when saying the animal was chained up and the guy had every right to protect his property from this pest.

You are also quite insane, aren't you. (That wasn't a question, BTW)

why do you say that, are you claiming it's insane not to eat meat and fish?

No. I am vegetarian 30 plus years. It was your intimation that hacking off a dog's paws for chewing your fcking boots which was/is insane. Along with many of your other posts. What was your last nik, 'thai3' ..

Edited by dageurreotype
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Foolish man, he should have just left poison out and done the job properly

Your Sick

That's a personal attack which is not meant to be allowed here. I have not eaten meat or fish since 1972 and am totally against animal cruelty, but not the destruction of pests. The owner was obviously not telling the truth when saying the animal was chained up and the guy had every right to protect his property from this pest.

The tone of your comment suggests very strongly that your assertion you are "totally" against animal cruelty is not true. Are you the one that thinks we shouldn't kill animals for food? You do not condemn that man for being cruel to the dog for cutting off his paws in an act of barbarism; instead, the impression you give is one that the dog got what it deserved. if the Owner was lying why punish the dog?

Maybe you are not "sick" but your attitude towards animals (dogs in particular, I suspect) is twisted and leaves little room for anyone to respect you for it!

Says a bloke who almost certainly is responsible for the deaths of cows, pigs, sheep and fish. Nobody who eats animals has the right to moan about animal cruelty, it's one of the great hypocrisies of our time, and NO that's not 'different'. If dogs are a pest they need to be put down like a rat or a cockroach.

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That's a personal attack which is not meant to be allowed here. I have not eaten meat or fish since 1972 and am totally against animal cruelty, but not the destruction of pests. The owner was obviously not telling the truth when saying the animal was chained up and the guy had every right to protect his property from this pest.

The tone of your comment suggests very strongly that your assertion you are "totally" against animal cruelty is not true. Are you the one that thinks we shouldn't kill animals for food? You do not condemn that man for being cruel to the dog for cutting off his paws in an act of barbarism; instead, the impression you give is one that the dog got what it deserved. if the Owner was lying why punish the dog?

Maybe you are not "sick" but your attitude towards animals (dogs in particular, I suspect) is twisted and leaves little room for anyone to respect you for it!

Says a bloke who almost certainly is responsible for the deaths of cows, pigs, sheep and fish. Nobody who eats animals has the right to moan about animal cruelty, it's one of the great hypocrisies of our time, and NO that's not 'different'. If dogs are a pest they need to be put down like a rat or a cockroach.

I rest my case blink.png

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That's a personal attack which is not meant to be allowed here. I have not eaten meat or fish since 1972 and am totally against animal cruelty, but not the destruction of pests. The owner was obviously not telling the truth when saying the animal was chained up and the guy had every right to protect his property from this pest.

You are also quite insane, aren't you. (That wasn't a question, BTW)

why do you say that, are you claiming it's insane not to eat meat and fish?

No. I am vegetarian 30 plus years. It was your intimation that hacking off a dog's paws for chewing your fcking boots which was/is insane. Along with many of your other posts. What was your last nik, 'thai3' ..

I'm sure we all believe you, the outrage from the meat eating majority is as usual ridiculous, i do not condone hacking paws off but the guy had a right to do something decisive to the pest. This has been my nic since 2004 if you must know.

Edited by thai3
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That's a personal attack which is not meant to be allowed here. I have not eaten meat or fish since 1972 and am totally against animal cruelty, but not the destruction of pests. The owner was obviously not telling the truth when saying the animal was chained up and the guy had every right to protect his property from this pest.

The tone of your comment suggests very strongly that your assertion you are "totally" against animal cruelty is not true. Are you the one that thinks we shouldn't kill animals for food? You do not condemn that man for being cruel to the dog for cutting off his paws in an act of barbarism; instead, the impression you give is one that the dog got what it deserved. if the Owner was lying why punish the dog?

Maybe you are not "sick" but your attitude towards animals (dogs in particular, I suspect) is twisted and leaves little room for anyone to respect you for it!

Says a bloke who almost certainly is responsible for the deaths of cows, pigs, sheep and fish. Nobody who eats animals has the right to moan about animal cruelty, it's one of the great hypocrisies of our time, and NO that's not 'different'. If dogs are a pest they need to be put down like a rat or a cockroach.

I rest my case blink.png

Good, bye then

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Ok, so the guy who cut off the dog;'s paws should go to jail. I agree.But here is the problem. First of all, it wasn't the dog's fault for running around freely. It was the owner's fault so the facts are that if the owner who apparently had been asked and warned on numerous occasions not to let the dog run free had done her job the dog would be fine today. So who is "really" at fault here? The owner.

A few years ago some farong guy used to walk his dog thru a neighborhood and it got attacked by a cop's dog and badly injured. I recall the guy taking a knife with him and the next time the cop's dog attacked his dog the guy killed it. Curious what the outcome was.

Now, I take issue with people saying having all these dogs is a cultural thing. Pure BS. You won't see any dogs running around the Convention Center in Chiang Mai. Why not if they are so revered? I guess the elites don't want their women and kids chased and jumped on. Or maybe they don't want their fancy cars pissed and sheeet on.

I have been to Prachuap Khirikhan lately and just got back from Krabi. Guess what? Hardly any dogs. They don't want the damn pests bothering the tourists I guess.

I have personally moved from three different expensive apartment complexes because of dogs, the last one a lady had 20 dogs living across the street from the complex. I put up with it for three years even called the cops who actually did come out but did nothing. They told me everyone complains but they can nothing. There ya go folks. Thais do illegal and stupid things because there is no accountability or law to prevent it I guess. Or maybe just not enforced like so many other things like burning etc.

I moved out and scoped out a new rejuvenated condo building about a dozen times before I moved in. I made a comprehensive list of all the issues that needed resolving before I agreed to move in. One of them was the fact that four dogs live on the complex. In fact, every single time I would meet with the owner or a rep we got chased for two blocks. I said I won't move in unless you get rid of them. Not only did she agree, I put it in my contract. They agreed to get rid of them and signed off on my lease agreement.

Now, seven months later the flucking dogs sit on the steps outside my door and howl and bark all night long, continue to chase anyone and everyone who comes to the complex and bark all night long. The owner has done nothing.

So, I once again took a Thai person's word (stupid I know) that they would get rid of the dogs.

So I ask all the dog lovers out there what to do and please don't say move. should I move? I'm the one paying 15K a month for rent not the f...... dogs.

Would I cut off their paws? NO. Would I poison them? Does anyone know where to buy poison that works? Rat poison doesn't work.

And I assume poisoning the owners would be a bit more of the problem. What I have learned is that talking to the owners does NOTHING. They smile and promise a laugh at you and do nothing.

So, I am open for options on what to do. But time is running out. Maybe someone knows of a service that could pick them up. No one claims to own them so no one should get upset when they disappear.

Again, to all the dog lovers what is your solution to the problem other than move and bitch and moan about what the guy did?

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There are two sides to this story. Very, very few pet owners here are willing to engage in disciplining their dogs. So most just do as they please. Bark all night, chew up peoples possessions, roam the streets, chase bicyclists, chase motorcyclists, bite people at random, etc. They do as they want, as they are never shown any limit to their behavior. So, the owner of the pet has to take some responsibility.

Granted, no cruelty of this manner is justified over a pair of ratty boots, and what was probably a 200 baht helmet. But, he cannot be blamed entirely.

Yes, "he" the so called "human" can be blamed entirely.

No, the dog cannot be blamed ... he's a dog ... woof woof. Dogs do that, and you don't cut off their paws when they do. In a civilised society you train them, or you leave them alone and accept their behaviour, or you call a professional qualified dog pound.

and we all know how civilised Thailand is, the owner is partly to blame the dog is completely innocent........professional dog pound? In Thailand, is there one?

Both the owner and the dog are the blame. There was NOTHING innocent about that dog. He was a destructive beast, who was completely untrained. When it comes to a dog, innocence comes with training. Same with kids. What happens when a kid receives no training? He becomes a Dark Tao serial killer, or the Red Bull cop killer, or a guy who beats up 65 year old women in Hua Hin. Or the PM. LOL.

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Why is it that everyone seems to have a sword. The attack on the crippled man, now the dog gets chopped. Are we living in feudal times ?

My guess is poor translation. Probably more a machete. Seems that there's one in almost every Thai home.

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Cruelty is our species darkest attribute. What we do to animals is only a glimmer of what we do to each other.

Future generations will look back on our treatment of animals especially in industrial farming with absolute horror and consider us uncivilised savages.

( and yeah i do eat meat )

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Cruelty is our species darkest attribute. What we do to animals is only a glimmer of what we do to each other.

You're kidding right ?

What we do to animals is FAR WORSE of what we do to each other.

Now that animals are much less involved in industrial and transport processes), it is much less likely that they are going to be maltreated. Animals are not sent to concentration camps. They are not amenable to being tortured for information. They are not starved to death in large numbers and do not have barrel bombs dropped on them.

Yes, animals are subjected to experimentation but under what are now very strict rules. Cruelty to animals of the sort perpetrated on the dog in this case attracts penalties

Even if you do not agree with the claim, I think that you will agree with the proposition that humans, as a species, are far more aggressive and cruel towards their own species than any other species on the planet - humans seem to have no aggression inhibiting instincts (such as the wolf baring its throat while lying on its back denotes submission and the dominant wolf will cease fighting).

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Ok, so the guy who cut off the dog;'s paws should go to jail. I agree.But here is the problem. First of all, it wasn't the dog's fault for running around freely. It was the owner's fault so the facts are that if the owner who apparently had been asked and warned on numerous occasions not to let the dog run free had done her job the dog would be fine today. So who is "really" at fault here? The owner.

A few years ago some farong guy used to walk his dog thru a neighborhood and it got attacked by a cop's dog and badly injured. I recall the guy taking a knife with him and the next time the cop's dog attacked his dog the guy killed it. Curious what the outcome was.

Now, I take issue with people saying having all these dogs is a cultural thing. Pure BS. You won't see any dogs running around the Convention Center in Chiang Mai. Why not if they are so revered? I guess the elites don't want their women and kids chased and jumped on. Or maybe they don't want their fancy cars pissed and sheeet on.

I have been to Prachuap Khirikhan lately and just got back from Krabi. Guess what? Hardly any dogs. They don't want the damn pests bothering the tourists I guess.

I have personally moved from three different expensive apartment complexes because of dogs, the last one a lady had 20 dogs living across the street from the complex. I put up with it for three years even called the cops who actually did come out but did nothing. They told me everyone complains but they can nothing. There ya go folks. Thais do illegal and stupid things because there is no accountability or law to prevent it I guess. Or maybe just not enforced like so many other things like burning etc.

I moved out and scoped out a new rejuvenated condo building about a dozen times before I moved in. I made a comprehensive list of all the issues that needed resolving before I agreed to move in. One of them was the fact that four dogs live on the complex. In fact, every single time I would meet with the owner or a rep we got chased for two blocks. I said I won't move in unless you get rid of them. Not only did she agree, I put it in my contract. They agreed to get rid of them and signed off on my lease agreement.

Now, seven months later the flucking dogs sit on the steps outside my door and howl and bark all night long, continue to chase anyone and everyone who comes to the complex and bark all night long. The owner has done nothing.

So, I once again took a Thai person's word (stupid I know) that they would get rid of the dogs.

So I ask all the dog lovers out there what to do and please don't say move. should I move? I'm the one paying 15K a month for rent not the f...... dogs.

Would I cut off their paws? NO. Would I poison them? Does anyone know where to buy poison that works? Rat poison doesn't work.

And I assume poisoning the owners would be a bit more of the problem. What I have learned is that talking to the owners does NOTHING. They smile and promise a laugh at you and do nothing.

So, I am open for options on what to do. But time is running out. Maybe someone knows of a service that could pick them up. No one claims to own them so no one should get upset when they disappear.

Again, to all the dog lovers what is your solution to the problem other than move and bitch and moan about what the guy did?

I have been to Prachuap Khirikhan lately and just got back from Krabi. Guess what? Hardly any dogs. They don't want the damn pests bothering the tourists I guess.

I went to Prachuap Kirikhan too, a couple of months ago. While there my gf and I bought food to have a picnic near the beach. The moment we got out of the car we were mobbed by maybe 30 or 40 macaques that systematically wrenched all the food from us to leave us with nothing within a single minute. It was really scary! Dogs don't do that, so it's not much to do with "bothering" tourists which those monkeys obviously do.

But unlike you, I accept and move on; I don't feel the need to exterminate them.

I do, however, sympathise with your current plight.

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What a dead prick, don't hang up the helmet or put the boots up out of the way , should cut off something that is very dear to him , I hope Cola recovers enough to be able to walk, even if it is with a limp...............................................coffee1.gif .

or keep the dog within your premises?

So, in your opinion, cutting off the dogs paws is OK? My dog regularly chewed things as a puppy, and this dog is still a puppy. At one year old it corresponds to seven years old for a human. Dogs are going to do what dogs do. Yes, the owner should have kept her dog at home. Perhaps, as an alternative to your thinking that cutting off another being's appendages, the offending twit could have gone to his neighbor and complained? But even the thought that this action was an acceptable solution brands you as a disgusting human being. I'm hoping that that was not your intent.

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What a dead prick, don't hang up the helmet or put the boots up out of the way , should cut off something that is very dear to him , I hope Cola recovers enough to be able to walk, even if it is with a limp...............................................coffee1.gif .

The article said the dog snuck into his property. Do you hang all your things out of reach of a dog who could sneak in? Dogs should be controlled and the owner made responsible for it's actions.

I am of course not thinking his approach to stopping it was correct, it was in fact terrible. But if the owner controlled the dog, it would not have happened.

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It is totally wrong what he did. But, I wonder about some things.

I am from Southern California. In some cases, people treat their pets/dogs much better then they treat people.

The pet industry is a multi billion dollar business.

If someone walks past a starving dog vs. a starving person, I bet over 50% give the dog food and make a comment to the person: Get a Fricken Job!

The shelter, food, comfort provided to pets in many cases is greater then the needy humans. Pet shelters are a huge political issue with some facilities having air conditioning in private pens and obviously good food, while homeless humans are starving on the streets. I am not saying it is all wrong, but just saying......

Edited by bkk6060
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No excuses for the insane crane operator but dog owners do have a responsibility to keep their dogs under control and make sure they don`t become a nuisance to other people.

The owner said she would keep her dog chained up in future. If owners do not have proper facilities for their dogs then they shouldn`t have dogs. Dogs should not be allowed to be free roaming and the property secured properly so that they are confirmed in the family home. These ignorant people really sicken me.

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Foolish man, he should have just left poison out and done the job properly

So poisoning a dog is a preferable solution to cutting off its paws. Tell me, what cesspool did you get your values from?

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A hand for a paw and a foot for the other paw. Dogs love chewing boots and shoes and its owner shares some of the blame for this horrible deed. I hope the dog is OK or is put down humanely.

If the tosser knew that it was keen on his shoes & helmet then a couple of wall hooks would have been a simple and tidy solution. A tosser of the unthinking, uncaring and violently vengeful persuasion that has become all too common in this allegedly gentle Buddhist land lately. (Sarcasm intended!!!)

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Cruelty is our species darkest attribute. What we do to animals is only a glimmer of what we do to each other.

You're kidding right ?

What we do to animals is FAR WORSE of what we do to each other.

sift thru "live leak" to see what we do to each other

Seen any ISIS videos lately??

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