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Hi all.

This year i have decided to take a 2 and half rai piece out of rice production.

Does anyone know what varieties perform alright in thailand

Do they grow all year round.

How many seeds per rai on what spacings and rough cost of seeds.(can you buy in bulk)

There's a few archived topics on this but closed to respond.


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2 verities that are grown round here and I have heard the names for some time now .

จินฅาลา ,บังเบิด or Jin-dar-lar, Bpng-bert ,

Seeds can be brought from your local market in tin cans

Round here they are grown most of the year , I think they is one or two main growers ,they rent the land ,one block has been rented twice now ,the land is very sandy ,known as Din- Kee-Pet , which water melons seem to like , I would suspect watermelons do not like to be sat in water ,how they would do on a rice paddy I would not know .

But this type of light land likes a lot of water ,watering is done by drip irrigation , with the irrigation system ,grass weeds seem to be a problem .

Row spacing are like for pumpkins, almost 2 meters ,have seen a small tractor ,going between the rows weeding with a small cultivator , before the crop gets going

As for cost of seed and seed rate ,you will have to ask around .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Timely topic.

We have 15 rai of cassava to harvest soon and when the rains get consistent (if ever) we will plant one crop of watermelon. After that we'll be going to


The seed company Utley linked to in post #2 has a lot of good info on growing and varieties but no prices and you have to order by phone. Seems unusual.

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