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I hate Thai dogs...and some of their owners

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Walking around the neighborhoods near my apartment has been part of my exercise program for years. Over that time, I have had several encounters with some of the local dogs but today's was the worst by far.

I was walking along a street and noticed out of the corner of my eye a Thai man and woman on a side street petting two dogs in the street. I just kept walking on but right after I passed them, the dogs came running across the street towards me gnarling and barking. I kept walking and only turned around when I could hear that they were very close. I turned around and they just kept coming until they were only a few feet from me. At that point I yelled at them and threw my arms up. They backed off some but then came again...and I reacted again. The Thai guy (who clearly was the owner of one or both of the dogs) just stood there watching with his hands on his hips and a big smirk on his face. He said a few things directwd at the dogs but made no attempt to actually control the dogs. I carry a small bag with water and I pulled it off my shoulder and swung it at the dogs when they lunged at me the 2nd time. Still the guy did nothing except point at the dogs and then at me. I started yelling at him and he just kept that stupid smirk on his face. The dogs lunged at me a 3rd time and at that point I ran at them swinging my bag and they backed off. I was incensed, not just at the dogs but actually more at the guy for doing nothing and also appearing to enjoy the whole affair. I gave him the finger and started to walk away still looking over my shoulder to see if the dogs were still coming at me...but they didn't.

That street is part of my regular walking route and I hope I don't see any of them again. But if I do and a similar incident occurs, I may totally lose my cool.

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"But if I do and a similar incident occurs, I may totally lose my cool. "

And what that might be? 2 fingers?

Seriously, if this is an issue, maybe change your walking exercise to Nordic walking to have some 'sticks' at hand if the need arise.

It would be a shame to spend on a new bag too if the dogs come out winning, as probably they would judging from your post...

A better 'weapon' should raise your chances considerable.

As for the owner; most Thai dogs don't have owners, especially if something happen. That said, even if there is, remember it usually is the "this is Thailand" shrug, and maybe a laughter on your troubles.

Even if something real serious would happen to you, the 200-500thb fine that administered for offenses wont change your situation much, nor would break the "owner".

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